Author's Note:

Hey guys, so as the summary says, this story is going to be a bunch of unrelated one-shots, each inspired by a different song. The extent to which each chapter depends on the song will vary, but quite often, a fair amount of the story and dialogue, will be closely related to the lyrics of the song, so I highly recommend that you listen to the relevant song for each chapter if you're not already familiar with it. I may even occasionally take song requests later down the track, but at the moment I have a whole list of songs that I want to start with. I will also preface each chapter with any background information that I feel is necessary to understand what is going on in the chapter.

Now, I'm no musician (in fact I'm far from one!), but I love listening and singing along to music, and I have always felt that music connects with us on a deep emotional level, while also conveying a story. I have decided to take songs and re-imagine these stories in a Zootopian setting, and then write out these stories for you to enjoy.

One last thing before you jump in. I'm going to say this once, and once only; I do not own the rights to Zootopia, or any of the songs that I use in this story! That said, here goes nothing!

Shut Up and Dance


This story is set almost a year after Nick joined Judy on the force, and they've been partners ever since.

Nick snarled into his glass while he took another swig of beer.

"Why did I agree to come to this stupid thing anyway?" he muttered darkly to himself as he stared off into the sea of mammals in front of him. In fact, he knew exactly why he had agreed to come, and he snarled again when his eyes finally found her again in the crowd. He took another drink from his almost empty glass. It was all her fault.

Nick forced himself to look away from the source of his current frustrations, instead his eyes automatically sought out the other mammals in the crowd that he knew. There was Ben and Francine standing near the door to the kitchen and ambushing all the catering staff every time they passed by with a plate of food. Nathan Delgato and Brian Wolfard were further down along the bar, regaling a lioness and she-wolf with exaggerated tales of their own heroics on the force. The Chief and John Higgins were both up near the stage, speaking to a group of councillors and other politicians. Nick felt a twinge of sympathy for them having to deal withal the officials and bureaucracy.

Nick went to take another drink, and scowled when he realised his glass was empty again. He gestured at the bartender for another. While he waited for his next drink, his eyes began to wander again, and it wasn't long before they settled on a pair of black-tipped, grey ears, swaying back and forth in rhythm with the music floating over the dance floor. He couldn't see anything other than her ears due to the crowd, but he knew instantly they belonged to Judy. He frowned when he saw the other pair of long ears accompanying the first. These ones grey with black stripes.

"Stupid Ball! I shouldn't have agreed to come. I knew it was a bad idea," he grumbled quietly, taking a sip of his new beer. Although the annual City Services Ball was an official event, it wasn't compulsory for officers, or really any of the other city service mammals to attend, but it was generally expected that anyone who wasn't on duty would do their best to attend. Especially if there was a chance that they might be in the running for one of the numerous awards for outstanding service. But when Nick had originally told Judy that he wasn't planning on attending, she had refused to take no for an answer.

"I don't really do formal events Carrots, especially ones that involve dancing!" Nick smirked down at his partner.

"But Nick! It's not just dancing and speeches, there's lots of great food and drink! Everyone goes! And you might even make some new friends in some of the other departments or services! Besides, you're usually the one telling me I need to go out and let my fur loose!"

"I don't know Fluff, it just seems like it'll be some big stuffy event where all the big-wigs can pump up their own tyres and drone on about this new policy, or that innovative project."

"Please Nick, it'll be really dull without you there to keep me company! Please come, even if it's just a favour for me. I promise, if it turns out to be as boring as you think it's gonna be, then we'll sneak out early."

"Fine then," he sighed, "but I warn you, I will cash in that favour someday!"

"Yes!" Judy laughed punching him lightly on the arm, "I'll see you there then!"

"I guess so," Nick smiled softly.

Nick curled his lip back in anger as he though back to their conversation earlier in the week. He'd arrived on time and met up with Judy as they'd agreed, momentarily stunned by the sight of her in her glittering ruby backless dress. Judy had laughed, and after telling him to pick his jaw up off the floor, they'd been able to have a comfortable drink together, chatting pleasantly about nothing important. He'd even been starting to enjoy himself, until that reporter had come over and asked to dance with Judy.

"What was that stupid rabbit's name again? Jack… Stripey-ears? Silly-tail? Silver-tongue?" Nick chuckled sadly to himself, glad that he could at least relieve some of the anger that had been building up over the last hour since that floppy-eared buck had run off with Judy. And of course, with that thought, the bitterness settled back in. He'd come to this silly Ball, just because Judy had asked him to, and just like some dumb, love-struck kit, he'd agreed. He buried his snout in his glass once more.

He was startled out of his black mood, when suddenly a small paw grabbed his arm.

"Oh, thank God I found you Nick!" gasped an all too familiar voice next to him. "Water please!" Judy called to the bartender, settling onto a barstool and turning to face Nick. She wasn't at all prepared for the angry scowl that stared back at her.

"Well, look who's finally decided to return!" Nick sneered at her. "Had plenty of fun with Mr. Stupid-face?" he cringed inwardly at that one. Maybe he'd had one too many beers he realised belatedly.

"Mr. Stupid-face?" Judy asked, tilting her head in the cutest way Nick could imagine. It was infuriating. "Oh, you mean Mr. Savage? Well, 'fun' is not quite the word I'd use for it," she snorted.

"Oh really? Because from-" Judy held up her paw, cutting Nick off mid-rant while she took a deep drink of her water. She felt like she had a good idea where this sudden anger was coming from, and she wanted to head it off before it turned into a real problem.

"Listen Nick, I know you're upset that I just left you standing here by yourself, but believe me, I only went for one dance. But when the first song ended, he insisted on another, then another. I didn't want to be rude to him, so I agreed at first." She took another long drink of water, forestalling any further comments from Nick with a raised paw. "Shut up and listen! He started to get a little too pawsy for me, but he wouldn't let me go! I didn't want to get into a fight, so I just focussed on moving his paws whenever they got to frisky. Eventually I managed to get away by pleading a toilet break. That's when I came back here!" She sat back and drained the last of her water, while Nick stared back at her, trying to process all the new information that Judy had dumped on him.

"So, you mean that you didn't just-"

"Crap! Here he comes!" Judy leaped off the stool in panic. "Quick, come with me!"

"Wait, what?"

"Oh, shut up!" she grabbed his arm and began dragging him into the mass of dancing mammals on the dance floor. "Just dance with me!" Nick turned his head to back to where they'd been moments before and saw a rather angry buck rabbit looking around for the doe that he'd seen there only moments before. The sight brought a smirk to Nick's muzzle.

"Don't you dare look back!" Judy's voice snapped, and he spun his head back to face her. She did not sound like a bunny to argue with at the moment. "Just keep your eyes on me. If you look at him, he might notice us, and I don't want his grabby little paws anywhere near me again tonight!"

"Okay Fluff, don't worry, the Big, Bad Fox is here to protect you!" Nick smirked, trying to regain some of his usual composure. Unfortunately, the alcohol, and his raw emotions were having more of an effect on him than he realised, so when the music changed to a waltz, as they reached the centre of the floor, he didn't even think when he pulled her close and began to lead.

Judy was pleasantly surprised with the skill her partner was showing, even if his breath did smell a little too strongly of beer. She smiled and inched closer.

"I thought you said you didn't do dancing, Slick! You're actually pretty good!"

"I said I didn't do dancing, not that I couldn't dance Carrots," Nick smiled. Despite his best efforts, his sour disposition from just a few minutes ago had already dissipated. "In fact, I used to dance all the time with my Mom when I was younger, it was about the only thing that cheered her up after Dad died."

"Oh, I'm sorry Nick," Judy whispered, seeing the pain in her partner's eyes at the mention of his parents. "I didn't mean to bring up painful memories."

"Don't worry about it, Fluff. Besides, I don't actually mind sharing those memories with you." Judy smiled back up at him.

They danced on in silence, both just enjoying the time together after having spent so much of the night apart. As they danced, Nick's thoughts began to wander back through all that they had been through together since they met a year and half ago, and how he had slowly and surely started to fall for the beautiful bunny now dancing in his arms. There wasn't any particular time when he realised he was in love with her, more of a slowly deepening affection and desire to be around her. It felt like destiny. They were bound to be together. He knew that his earlier reluctance to come tonight had been nothing more than pretence, and that in reality, he would do anything for her. "You're so beautiful!" he admired silently. At least he had meant it to be silent.

Judy's ears shot up.

"Wha – what did you say?" she stammered.

"I, uh, I didn't say anything!" He had definitely had one or two beers too many he decided, panicking a little.

"Yes. Yes, you did! Tell me what you said!"

"Isaidyou'rebeautiful," Nick mumbled into his chest, shoulders and tail sagging with embarrassment.


Nick took a deep breath, and committed himself, "I said: 'You're so beautiful'."

"Really? You really think that Nick?"

"Absolutely Judy! You might just be the prettiest girl here tonight! Why do you think Mr. Stinky back there didn't want to let you go?" This brought a joyful laugh from the rabbit as she remembered that the buck had indeed had a slightly pungent odour about him after they'd been dancing for a while. The music changed and they transitioned seamlessly into a livelier tango.

Nick continued to gaze deeply into his partner's eyes as they danced, not needing to watch where he stepped. "Damn, I love you so much Judy!" he thought silently to himself, this time making sure his mouth didn't move. "Maybe, just maybe there could be a future for us together after all."

They continued to dance together, at times laughing, at other times singing along with the songs. They were helpless victims of the night as the bass drumming through their bodies, and the fading light in the hall awakened something primal in both of them. The songs became more upbeat and their dancing wilder, and their hearts beat faster.

When the current song drew to a close, they fell, laughing, into each other's arms, gasping for breath. They both looked up, finding their muzzles separated by only an inch or two, and froze. Nick stared deeply into Judy's eyes, and suddenly realised that this might be his last chance. It was now or never.

"I love you, Judy." The words were spoken softly and sincerely, yet they had a dramatic effect on the rabbit. Her ears shot straight up, turning a bright shade of pink. Her face split into the widest grin that Nick had ever seen, all her white teeth glinting dully in the low light of the dance floor. But most importantly to Nick, her eyes lit up like a supernova. They glinted and sparkled a brilliant amethyst, and moisture gathered at the corners.

"Well? Don't hold back Judy! I need to know how you feel too. You can't just leave me hang-!" he was cut off by a sudden, almost violent, tackle from his partner as she threw her arms around him and kissed him deeply. When she finally pulled back, Nick was standing there mouth agape and eyes glazed over in shocked silence.

"Just shut up and dance with me," Judy smirked, grabbing his arm and dragging him into another dance.

And dance they did.


I hope you all enjoyed that little taster! I plan to try and pump out quite a few more during my holidays whilst also keeping up with my other story (if you haven't read that yet, I'd love it if you would give it a glance as well!). So bye for now, and I'll write you all soon!