Like my other one-shots these are stand alone (unless said otherwise). They are all AU and just whatever came to mind when I felt like writing. The length of each one will depend on whatever the story is about so no guarantees of long stories here guys.
This one is simple 'All Muggle' universe. The 'game' I kinda just shoved all the RPG's I knew together, so don't take anything literal. I take nothing from those amazing designers! Enjoy!
Game On!
Fleur was keen, prepared and waiting for that one perfect moment. Her patience had grown over the few years and she had become so accurate she rarely ever missed. Just had to wait for that one moment…
"Boom! Gotcha! Take zat you low levelled petite mage! You cannot defeat my magic fireball!" Fleur was so caught up in her game she failed to notice her love giving the eye-roll her way. A few months back Harry had come over to introduce Fleur to a new online game he had just started with the guys needless to say the young woman caught onto it very quickly and soon the group of them, Harry, Ron, Neville, Draco and Fleur were nearly on their laptops gaming 24/7. The gaming partners, minus that of Draco as he didn't have one, left the lot to enjoy their over-enjoyment of destroying each other in a virtual world with magic and monsters.
The game was called 'Magi-Eval' a fantasy based world where you can create your own being however you wish. Harry liked the fast moving quick strike player with a little stealth. Ron always went for the bulky knight type, storming in headfirst. Thankfully they had Neville who was all too happy to become the ranger and Draco was a thief with a little side of mystical prowess. Fleur on the other hand loved to make her gaming characters interesting and oddly mixed. A fast type with a bulky weapon or on other occasions the high defence ranger that used knives more than arrows. This time however she was all magic. Casting attack spells at her enemies while supporting the other boys as they ran into the fray.
The boys had come up with the idea of a party so the group could go on to challenge others in simulated matches when they got bored of the games plot, which happened quickly enough. This became the common use of the group's time as they kept getting challenged by other players and came out on top near every time. This started to make the gamers very, very cocky. Needless to say, their better halves didn't like the outcome of the group turning into bragging maniacs. Hermione threatened her girlfriend of so many years if she didn't 'up her game' (bad choice of words on her part) she would throw the laptop out along with any games she saw in her house. With a few other threats from other girlfriends the group promised to be sensible and compromise their gaming to only on Wednesday night with less noise and over-exaggeration. Everyone was happier for it, mostly.
Fleur was silently celebrating the groups new win against a rather jackass pompass group of knights. She took a short time to replenish her states and items at the nearest store she heard the boys cheering in her ears.
"Well done to us. We destroyed zem easily. Why must we be challenged by such weak opponents?" her headphones went silent as the boys finally went quiet enough for each to speak in turn.
"Exactly what I was saying! We are awesome!" Ron replied with fervour.
"Yeah. I mean we have our strategy down perfectly there is no way anyone can…" Neville's polite voice was interrupted by another.
"Enough with the techs Longbottom. We won! Simple as that! I say another fight" Draco near shouted into his own headset. Fleur grinned
"Anoz'er fight? I'm game. Who shall be ze lucky ones zis time…?" she left the conversation the boys continued to look at the online team list. Most on there were groups they had claimed victory over many times but she was searching for a team with a similar base level as they did. She was about to give up when another team came up on the list. Fleur was intrigued. The info on the group was limited only thing given was their score rating and wins. They were good.
"I zink I 'ave found a team to play. Are we still interested?" there was a buzz in her ear before a reply came.
"I'm up for it, but I can't be on this much longer, reports to write up before work tomorrow" Harry spoke softly at the thought of work and no play.
"Typical Potter. Leaving it all to the last minute" Draco sneered. Fleur just rolled her eyes.
"Before we get into anoz'er fight 'ere, ze team is not online at zis moment so I will sent a challenge and we will fight zem anoz'er day oui?" a couple of murmurs sounded through the chat. "Very well zen. I must be going also. See you all next week"
After signing off from the game, stretched and wanting nothing more than lie down Fleur left the dining table and laptop in search for her love. It was getting late and knowing the other girl she was most likely getting ready for bed before snuggling in to read a good book. Chuckling as her guess was indeed 100% she followed her example and soon lights were off and the two slept cuddled up in blankets.
The work week passed rather quickly for the gang of five epic gamers and soon enough Wednesday night was upon them and with excitement of their challenge being accepted by the opposing team. Fleur set herself down at the table like normal to focus on the game, her mind did wander to where her love could possibly be seeing at it was rather quiet in her end of the house. The bedroom light indicated she was most likely reading away from the noise. Smart move, as usual.
"Alright boys. Let's do zis. I zink we should go for a simple ambush attack, like we did wiz zose newbie's last week. See 'ow zey like it" the match was loading on screen giving the group plenty of time to discuss strategy.
"I wanna bash on through the lot. Catch 'em by surprise!" Ron hollered.
"And let them have the chance to take you out quickly? I'm almost tempted Weasley. Almost" the blonde boy snarked into his headpiece.
"I'm happy with Fleur's idea…" Neville the ever peaceful one.
"Me too. We go with an ambush. It's the safest bet. We haven't faced these guys before remember Ron? We can't take the chance. Fleur you want lead?" Harry spoke calmly as the long shot on screen was giving the final countdown.
"Non, you take it 'Arry. I would ra'zer observe zem for a minute. I will 'eal if anyone gets 'it" the game started their group dispersed quickly into formation, taking cover in the landscape simulated a dark forest. Harry's character took point to be first attacked and draw the enemy in. his speed would help him in that fact and with Ron ready to block their retreat the others could pick the group off one by one. It was a smart tactic developed by hours of gaming. Fleur sometimes thought it too easy.
"They're approaching now. Get ready…" Harry near whispered into the audio. Sometimes he took the situation too literal. On screen his avatar assaulted their leader who was lucky to block it but the effect worked and they gave chase right into their little trap. Soon as Ron blocked them off the battle commenced.
"Ha! Try and get past me suckers! My armour has the best defence!" Ron easily blocked an attacked from their ranker's arrow before swiping at them with his giant axe. Harry took the chance to perform a quick strike on their leader again from the side, doing some damage this time round.
"Don't be fooled. Zey aren'y large in size but zey do 'ave wins on zeir board, so be careful. Zey must attack some 'ow" Fleur spoke calculatedly as Draco took a chance to swing down from his hiding place to attack. It wasn't successful so he disappeared again when Neville took a shot. They may not be the best of friends but they were efficient when it came to it. It wasn't until Fleur revealed herself to perform a spell did the team really see what they were up against. Almost instantly all the players took off with impressive speed.
"Woah! What the hell?!" Ron was shocked stiff until he took some impressive damage on his health metre. "Watch out guys!" Harry was the next to get hit. A player easily caught up to him mid dash and struck before he could raise any defence. The damage was low but he had to stop quickly or lose control of his speed.
"These guys are all speed characters! No wonder they don't have any bulk! They don't care for their defence, it's all attacks!" Fleur quickly gave all the boys health and magic shields before any more attacks could come their way. Neville was having a hard time defending himself and moving to another position to attack. He had no close range capabilities and was a sitting duck. Harry seemed to be squaring off with their fastest in a race round the area while Ron was trying to hit a target half his size and thrice as fast. His damage was minimal and he could hold out for a while but stamina was the problem.
The blonde was too concentrated on casting magic to care where Draco was, only his health bar was present on her screen and it was perfectly fine so she didn't worry. Her mana bar was getting low quickly and when she took the chance to charge with a few potions, their leader attacked. Like their fellow members they were small in size, had average weapons, in this case two small swords and hooded in what Fleur believed to be an enchanted cloak. Faceless, nameless it didn't matter to her.
It was a battle and Fleur was determined to win it. After sending a barrage of magic fireballs the blonde discovered that her opponent was a magic user also. Full of surprises this group was.
"Zey use magic! Zey 'ave no class! Zey're all just mixed to not be caught. Bâtards!" the continuous grumbles and yelling through the headset was shared as every member of 'Chosen Ones' were getting beat. They were losing. First Neville fell followed by Draco, how they got to him Fleur didn't know but when Ron fell it just went to chaos. Harry couldn't hold out against the numbers and Fleur didn't have time to refuel her stats to use any more magic. They all went silent as their screens synced 'Challenge Lost'.
"How could this happen? We're…I mean…" Ron sounded heart broken, shattered. Neville didn't sound any better and Draco was shouting after seeming ripping his headset off. Fleur just sighed.
"I guess we underestimated zem. We didn't know zey were Speed players so we didn't prepare" logical took the place of dread in her mind. Only way to survive to the French born.
"We could try again another time. We're not leaving it here. NO way. The 'Chosen Ones' don't give up!" Harry spoke with conviction no doubt really bummed they lost a match much like the rest of them. Next week would be their victory!
Next week was their failure once more. Fleur was ready to pull her hair out at that point after another embarrassing defeat on their part when the supposed 'Double X' group easily saw through their attacks and picked them off once again. It was becoming sickening how easy they did it too. They had to be cheating or something to get the upper hand against her; she was Fleur! One of the best magic users there was. After snapping her laptop closed with force she stormed her way down to the bedroom and into the bathroom to have a hot shower and get rid the smell of defeat. The bemused girlfriend of said loser was sitting upon their shared king bed tying away while biting a pen. Paper at her feet indicating work related.
"Having troubles there babe?" her teasing tone was met with a disgruntled 'humph' and then the sounds of water. Hermione was taken aback a little. Normally Fleur would be happy after her gaming session with the boys but her attitude that night showed otherwise, guess things didn't go so well for them. Putting her things neatly aside for tomorrow she scooted her way off the bed and into the bathroom. After being together for years there really was no closed door policy in their home especially the bathroom unless otherwise told. Leaning against the sink she watched the bodily outline through the curtain.
"You want to talk about it?"
"You going to be ok?"
"Non" there was silence between them for a bit. The blonde continued to shower in anger much to the brunette's amusement.
"You going to come out of there soon?"
"Non, leave me alone"
"I can't and I certainly won't. Come on babe. It's not the end of the world…" the shower curtain snapped aside to present a very furious, very wet Fleur glaring harshly with those deep blue eyes.
"We lost alright?! Je ne peux pas le croire! Je déteste ça! Comment pourrions-nous perdre ?!" her shouting echoed off the tiles as she snapped the curtain back across leaving a very stunned, very flattered Hermione to herself. Thank god those few years of French class came in handy then.
"Ok, I will leave you to your brooding and you can join me in the bedroom when you feel up to it. Enjoy your shower…" she took a moment to smirk at the still fuming blonde before returning to her spot on the bed and grabbed her novel. Latest in the vast collection of 'Granger Books'; her side table reading pile, dubbed by many friends and it was going to be one she'd spend a lot of time with if things continued the way they were. Surprise to the brunette the other occupant of the home did stagger out a little while later wrapped up in her silk robe using a towel to dry her golden locks.
"Feel better?" Hermione smiled when she got a mumbled nod of the head. "Come here. It's late and you can worry about your silly little game tomorrow; or not at all. Cheer up Fleur" gently pulling her lover onto the bed, Hermione placed a soft kiss on her brow before holding her tightly round the middle. The blonde finally relaxed into the hug. "We have a weekend of fun to look forward to. The get together with the others…remember?" blue eyes snapped open.
"Yes! Zis will be excellent to talk strategy! We will take down zose pompass petite…" Hermione just lowered her head in defeat and sighed.
Well the weekend was a complete success. If success was using a work free day and a wonderful BBQ lunch with everyone to talk about a game, then all the boys and Fleur were on top of the world. Hermione was beside herself, she couldn't get the idiots to forget about the blasted thing for once and just enjoy the get together with their friends to relax. Hermione wasn't the only one who was annoyed, the very open Ginny Weasley was actually scowling in their direction while she nursed a cool drink, lounging beside her best friend. Luna was also included in their small group but she cared more for enjoying the sun shine than anything else.
"They're still going at it aren't they? This is ridiculous…."
"Leave them be. They'll realise eventually what they're missing. Remember who they have to go home with" Hermione smirked as the other girl sighed.
"It's just a game. You'd think they found out their work was firing them or something…" Ginny did eventually flopped back into her recliner and took a gulp of the homemade lemonade Hermione had 'painstakingly slaved' over.
"Have we ever known our significant others to be anything less than…" Hermione started but never finished.
"Exactly Mione" Ginny replied
"I agree" Luna followed.
"Maybe if we let them…"
"No. They have to get it through their heads it's just a game. Hopefully their continuous losing streak will wake them up to a new light"
"You don't really mean that Ginny. Just look at them. They really are sad over there" a brow was raised in her direction by every other girl of the group. Hermione just sighed. "Forget it. Maybe they'll grow tired of their stupid game…someday"
That someday wasn't going to be today. Eventually the food was cooked and the mass of friends sat down to a proper meal with civil conversation. Any time things lent towards a certain 'topic' the better halves shared hard glares in a silent warning. Fleur was the only one to catch on quickly enough.
A few nights later, in the darkness of the lounge; Fleur was hyped with energy, focused beyond compare and fidgeting unconsciously. A battle plan was set out and despite it not being their designated night for the obsessive game, they were ready. The boys had gone home late afternoon happy from the get-together and even better with their strategized plan ready for action.
Draco had stocked up on a multitude of supplies, Ron had upgraded his armor, ringing in the defence points and Neville got a new close range weapon while Fleur levelled up her magical attack by at least ten levels before they all were ready to take on that group once again.
"You think this will actually work?" Neville's voice came over their coms. Headsets in place it left little else to do but wait in their designated areas; trees, bushes and large rocks being their normal cover.
"It will! We spent the whole day planning this; this back end is known for random treasure drops so they'll have to come this way at least once to finish the level. We jump them with a sudden challenge concept and they'll have to battle as they are. It can't fail" Draco spoke with conviction. Never had the others heard him so excited to play before; guess the endless dying finally got to him.
"Alright, some'zings coming up on my detection spell. Zis 'as to be zem. Ready yourself. We won't lose today" Fleur said with intensity. Hoping each and every male in her group was smart enough to not become over cocky. When the consoles of the arriving group came on screen Fleur groaned to herself. "It's not zem"
"What? But how…?"
"It's another group Ron. We can't expect them to arrive right away when it's an open level dungeon. The message was sent out only an hour ago. If they were here on time they'd be too eager for another fight" Harry spoke over his friend before things got out of hand too quickly. Fleur just rubbed her temples in frustration. "Knowing them, they're playing it 'cool'"
"Ze one time we are prepared for zem and zey don't show…zis is ridiculous!" grumbling was heard over the open link from every player.
The minutes passed slowly and not once but five times, groups or single players past them by without any indication of their presence. None the wiser. After another half hour Fleur heard a deep sigh come from what she believe to be Neville.
"I'm sorry guys, I can't stay up any longer. I've got work tomorrow and my manager wants me in early. I'm gunna have to call it a night"
"What?" Ron whined
"I have to"
"Why am I not surprised at you Longbottom?"
"Shut it Draco" Harry said with an undertone. "If you can't stay longer I think we should just leave. They're obviously not going to show"
"You're right 'Arry. If zey're not 'ere by now zen zey aren't going to. We'll wait until Wednesday before sending ze challenge again" Fleur simply glared at the screen with malice as she heard the grumblings of agreement from her fellow players. Having had enough and really didn't want to listen to a group of childish boys complaining to each other, the blonde merely saved her profile and logged out.
Slamming her laptop shut and tossing aside her headset, Fleur wanted to stomp back her room in anger but the hour was late and she figured her girlfriend wouldn't appreciated being awoken in such a fashion. A girlfriend who's been so lenient with their antics and gaming obsession lately…
"…it's almost like she doesn't care anymore; and not just 'er. All of zem don't say any'zing anymore. Oh 'Ermione, what 'as become of us…?" sliding her hands down her face in agony the young woman eventually got up and headed down the short hallway to their shared room. Hoping to not disturb her love from sleep, she opened the door as silently as slowly as possible only to discover her partner was nowhere to be found. The room was partially illuminated by the open laptop sitting on the brunette's side of the bed and when Fleur walked closer to the bathroom door she could hear water running, indicating Hermione was getting ready for bed herself. But what would keep her up this late?
"Must 'ave been doing work again…" moving to close the laptop and put it aside so there were no more thoughts of continuous, her fingertips froze mere millimetres from the screen. "What ze…" sitting there upon the screen was a profile; the name didn't matter, the characteristics didn't matter. The only thing that Fleur could process was the shimmering title sitting atop; Megi-Eval.
"She…she…wha…" her voice gone and her hand still frozen stiff, blue eyes scanned the screen quickly. With her character posing to the left and an open group chat updating itself on the right, Fleur's blood started to boil. 'Double X Group Chat'. "What is ze meaning of zis…?"
"Oh so you finally found out our secret hmm?" Hermione leaned against the doorway. The older woman hadn't even heard to finish.
"Yes, me. Ginny was the one to originally come up with the idea and it did take us all a while to get the hang of it. Not all of us are excellent gamers like you guys but we managed to do rather well after we learnt a few tricks. You see, as much as we love you; we hate losing" the brunette's eyes darkened slightly as she moved closer. Fleur took a step back in fear as her partner closed in rather intimidatingly.
"Well I mean anyone 'ates losing in ze game…it's all part of ze experience I guess"
"I'm not talking about that Fleur Isabelle Delacour" the blonde flinched at the sound of her full name. Oh Hermione was pissed. "I'm talking about the fact that all of us; Ginny, Luna, Lavender and myself hate that we're coming second best to your bloody gaming obsessions. We're sick of it. So we bet you at your own game. Plenty of times with hopes you'd get it through your thick skulls. By the sight of another challenge" she looked to the screen with scorn and back again "It appears not"
"Non, 'Ermione. Please. We've learnt our lesson. I swear. I'll tell ze boys it's over. We'll play less, I promise. Gaming night will be changed…we'll…" in the end Fleur was backed up to the wall and a shadowed figure closing in.
"Oh you won't be telling them anything my love. You're going to be a good little gamer and play with me tonight. Just you and…me"
Left alone to her own battles in the light of a computer screen, Fleur couldn't tell if she was facing the most dangerous boss known to man; or the best experience points she'd ever get.
I promised myself soon as the other one reached 10 chapters I'd start this. Exactly the opposite of Worldly One-shots, these are all about our wonderful heroes in the most bazar and normal situations you can imagine. As for updates that will depend on what you want, sadly I can't update everything at once with my continuing HP story happening but I'll take ideas and prompts you guys recommend and get some more up soon.
Fav's, Follow's and Reviews are much appreciated!
Midmoon Kitsune out!