"Uh. Was that my fault?" Jacob looked dumb founded down at Newt as he lay unmoving on the ground.

Tina cradled his head in her lap and combed her fingers through his hair. She could see the stress in his face, even as he lay unconscious.

"Of course not, Honey!" Queenie said and patted him on the back. The rest of the Aurors crowded around to see what they could assist with. Tina and a large fellow helped Newt up and somehow got him transported back to the small apartment without too much trouble.

The two wizards helped get him situated on the long sofa. The Auror, a younger man whom Queenie knew pretty well, shook Tina's hand and apologized for not sticking up for her before all of this happened. Tina brushed him off, thanked him for his help and he left. She then looked over at Newt who had seemed to come back to his senses and was looking at her with sad eyes.

He was bruised and was barely conscious. Unfortunately for the Goldstein sisters, he was also putting up quite the fight despite being low on strength.

"I am fine!" He said as he tried to push himself off of the plush pillows, only to be pushed back by both girls. Jacob was in the kitchen fixing the four of them something to eat. They all had experienced quite the day. The last thing they all had was the small amount of cocoa Queenie had fixed before Newt and Jacob had made their escape to capture his beasts.

Tina and Queenie pulled up a few chairs closer to the sofa – to keep an eye on Newt. They knew if someone didn't sit down and watch his every move he'd most likely make a run for it.

"I appreciate your concern but I am quite alright." He huffed. His voice cracked as he said it and even he didn't believe it as the words left his mouth. He thought to himself that he knew he needed to rest.

"Exactly, Honey. You need to rest. Let us take care of you! There's nothing wrong with it." Queenie replied to his thoughts with a smile upon her lips. She patted his knee caringly and got up to help Jacob in the kitchen. Newt looked over at Tina with a guilty frown. Somehow hoping she would also get up to assist with the cooking. She smiled back at him.

"I'm not going anywhere, Newt."

He sighed and gave up while sinking into the pillows. He had to admit, it was nice to lay down on a soft comfortable surface. It seemed as though he hadn't had much time to relax since leaving London. Boats weren't exactly the most comfortable form of transportation, and the second he got to the big city of New York he was thrown into a frenzy.

He was exhausted and it was starting to take its toll, physically and mentally.

His head ached as if had been attacked by a troll. He was cold, and had started to shiver despite the warmth of the apartment.

"Newt, let me get you a blanket real fast, okay?" Tina looked worried and left the room to fetch a quilt. She came back in and draped it over his shaking figure.

Newt had had his fair share of mishaps, fights, and disappointments. They had won today, but they had lost too. He was not okay. He pulled himself further into the heavy quilt for comfort. It smelled like the two girls. It was inviting and warm. His mind raced back to the events of the day.

Credence hadn't deserved to die.

He was a young boy who didn't even understand his own power. He hadn't meant to hurt anyone – not really anyways. Yes a few had died at his hands, but it had been a misunderstanding.

He thought back to the young girl he had known in Africa. She was younger than him. He had tried to save her too. He was a failure though. He couldn't really save anyone. Not her. Not Credence. Not himself.

Queenie snuck into the room. It had been obvious she had been reading his mind. She looked terribly worried.

"Tina, perhaps we should draft up a sleeping potion?" She said.

"No! I am fine. I don't need to sleep. I don't want to sleep." He sounded like a child, He knew that. Of course he wanted to sleep.

He just didn't want to dream.

"Oh, honey." Queenie frowned. Jacob pushed his way past her with four mugs of tea.

"My grandmother's recipe. Guaranteed to take the stress out of anybody!" He tried to lighten the mood in the room as he handed out the steaming hot mugs.

Newt sniffed. His nose had started to run and tears were trying to push their way out. He wouldn't allow himself to cry. Not in front of these strangers. They were being so kind, and he had had such a rough few days.

"We are not strangers young man." Queenie looked mad now. Worried and mad. Those were not two emotions Newt liked very much on her.

Jacob carefully handed Newt a mug. "Drink it all ya hear?" He said chastising him.

He took the mug in his hands and started to cry. Deep sobs escaped his throat. He was not familiar with people caring for him. He had been alone for as long as he could remember. At Hogwarts one person cared for him – Dumbledore. He had been one of the only ones to show him even the ounce of kindness and compassion.

Tina had been watching him come unfolded for the past few minutes without saying much of a word. She watched him shake with fear and exhaustion. She couldn't just watch anymore and bent over and encompassed him in a hug.

"We're going to get you better. Okay? We're not taking no for an answer. We are your friends and friends help each other when they're down and hurt."

She sat down back in her chair and took a sip of her tea. They were all tired and needed some sleep and stress relief. Newt just needed it a heck of a lot more. She recognized his symptoms. It wasn't just the fight with Grindelwald that had him off of his feet. He had been going non-stop and hadn't taken any time to recover, sleep, or eat.

Newt composed himself enough to drink his tea in silence. They all sat there. Listening to the silence of the apartment and the sound of the rain outside. It was peaceful, and hard to believe that just a few short hours ago they had been fighting for their lives. As he listened, he started to slip away into a deep sleep. Tina carefully took the mug out of his hands and sat it on the table beside the sofa.

"Sleep. We'll be here when you wake up." She kissed his head and pulled the quilt up closer to his chin to keep him warm. As the burnt out wizard drifted off the three of them got to work. They cleaned up the apartment – the no-maj way. They needed a distraction and didn't feel like using much magic. Every now and then Newt would stir in his sleep and one of the girls would check on him. He had a slight fever, but Jacob's tea seemed to not only help him sleep, but to also help him feel a little better too.

He just needed quite a bit of sleep and rest, and he was going to get it for sure if it was the last thing the three friends would do.