Hey guys. It´s been a while. I told you I was going to finish this story, no matter what. Sorry it took me so long to make another update. I have my reasons, but yeah, sorry. To whoever might read this, I thank you for checking into Breaking Point and to those who waited for this such a long time, I have nothing but utter and complete gratitude. While I do regret not having updated anything here, I think that writing with everything that was going on with me wasn´t good for me. So I stopped. Anyhow, here is chapter 17. I hope you like it.

Things pause

"Geez, those are real mechanical games. I thought you were talking about a Ferris wheel and maybe some crashing karts. You have fully fledged rollercoasters here Carrots." Nick stared in awe at the mechanical buildup that was being set just a couple of meters away from the house.

"Yeah, told you. They use a lot of money for this. I still don´t understand why it never actually affects the family´s economy, but a yearly event such as this one should."

"Oh it could affects us alright." Ben came from the inside of the house and stood by Judy´s side, who turned to look at her brother. "The thing is, mom and dad have always managed to pull deals with the owners. Come on Jude, you think being the biggest clan in BunnyBurrow isn´t worth something? They cut the prices a bit as long as we let them use this event as a marketing strategy. They always say that their events manage to satisfy the needs of even the biggest clan of BunnyBurrow, everyone wins." The wide eyed bunny stared at her brother, who simply waited for Zara as she reached his side and grabbed his paw.

"I didn´t know that."

"That´s because you are not in the planning committee."

"Oh, right."

"Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the first day. Zara and I will be back later."

"Where are you guys going?" The fox entered the conversation as he saw the otter and bunny moved from the entrance.

"I´m taking Zara to work and she asked for my help around there."

"Oh, what is it that you do Zara?"

"I work for Zubisoft."

"Wait, did you just say Zubisoft?" The fox´s eyes widened as the BunnyBurrow based gaming company´s name entered his ears.

"Yeah, Zara here is the head writer for a brand new game they are making. She asked for my help to better understand taxi drivers in a relaxed environment like the countryside."

"Ben, we can´t talk about it." The otter had a visible blush as she rubbed her arm.

"Oh right, sorry. Anyhow, we´ll be back by night. Plus, the first day isn´t really that interesting. The only activity important enough is the rally." The bunny waved goodbye as he held his mate´s paw and started moving towards the parking zone. Nick turned to look at Judy, who was still staring at his brother until the fox´s voice made her turn.

"The rally is today?"

"Yeah. It´s not until six, but we can roam around the skill games that have been put up by now. Or we could go visit the town´s center."

"I would love to do both with you, Fluff. Here´s the thing, if we want to go to the town, we´ll need to use those scent deodorants and not be together."

"Huh? Why?"

"Carrots, we are being threatened by dangerous mammals. If our faces and scents are seen at the town, probably we are going to get pictures taken. And that would let everyone know where we are."

"Oh…you are right. I hadn´t thought about that." The bunny visibly slumped as she sighed, her eyes moving from her fox to the vast meadow in front. "Why can´t we have a little peace? Just for some time. I am tired of having to look behind my back or being weary of where I go. Ever since the NightHowlers case it feels as if we are not meant to have a moment of tranquility. It´s either this or that. Mammals threatening us and attacking us, the chief…even our inner struggles have been caused from the outside. I…I am growing tired of it." The bunny stared at Nick, who had an understanding look on his face. "I know it might sound a bit selfish. We are historical mammals, whether we like it or not. First rabbit and fox in the ZPD. First interspecies couple in the ZPD. And probably the first rabbit and fox couple that has ever been heard of. And as police officers we are going to be faced with tough situations our entire lives. I wouldn´t mind all of it, but it´s just…it´s all so fast. Not a year has passed since I became a cop and look at all the things that have happened around us. It´s not fair." With another sigh she held Nick´s paw and lowered her eyesight. She wasn´t doubting any of her decisions. She would do everything again if she had to. But Judy was getting overwhelmed by the situation, and Nick could only stare as his mate deflated.

"Carrots…" Nick brought her into a hug, feeling her breath as she hugged him back. He wanted to relax with his bunny. He wanted to spend time with his mate, enjoyable stress free time.

"I´m sorry. I just…I needed to get that out." The bunny moved from the hug and gave the fox a bittersweet smile. "Let´s enjoy our stay here. Maybe we can get two weeks of deserved relaxation." She chuckled, staring at Nick as he shot her a soft smile. He pecked her forehead and squeezed her paw, gesture that was greatly appreciated by the rabbit.

"I´m sure we will Fluff. Now, let´s see if I can get ourselves a big stuffed carrot."

Zootopia-Precinct one

As T´Challa entered the interrogation room, the words from Sonya couldn´t stop resonating inside his head.

"Look Chief, what I got from the mayor was a bit unnerving. He told me what Bellwether said to him, that Bogo should´ve not only watched his back, but also his front. That surely means that it was someone close to Bogo. A ZPD officer that had connections with him. I know that may be hard to believe, but what else can we believe? We know there is a traitor in the department. But who could´ve accomplished all of this so easily? That´s what I want to find out. And believe me when I say that the answer is probably right in front of us. Whoever did this, my guess is that the mammal resides here, in this precinct. I´ll leave now, but consider what I said Chief. Precinct one might house the criminal."

The panther sighed as he rubbed his forehead. Recently appointed as Chief and already having to suspect a ZPD officer was involved in Bogo´s murder was making him tired. The whole department was a mess at this moment. No one still knew about the traitor bit, but the entire Bogo situation was enough to make everyone lose their composure. And the change of mayor was still a fresh topic and Patrick had shown a bit of distrust to the department…except for Delgato. He stood up and went for the door, preparing himself mentally for roll call.

Sahara Square

Wolford sat idly as the time went by. It was already two o´clock and no sign of the weasel had presented itself. Sighing he took out his phone and dialed his mate, who picked up quite quickly.

"Hey sweetie."

"Hi Gary."

"What have you been up to? How´s your belly?"

"Fiiiiiine. I´ve told you, you don´t have to call me about this things."

"I know. I just want to do so." He smiled as he heard his mate chuckle, sound that brought him an immense amount of joy. "So, how´s the belly?"

"Fine. Just a couple of kicks from time to time. Aren´t you supposed to be on a stakeout?" It was his turn to chuckle.

"Yeah, I just got bored. I don´t think the weasel is going to come here today."

"How come?"

"Well, I don´t know. I feel it in my gut."

"Maybe you are just hungry."

"Yeah, that may be too."

"Well I´ll let you be honey. Don´t take me wrong, but I hope your day stays uneventful."

"Oh it hasn´t been uneventful. Not at all. Remember that I had to go to Tundratown to get back my radio?"

"Yeah. What happened?"

"I stumbled across a van I had seen the weasel get into yesterday. By the van I found a small fennec fox beaten almost to death." He heard the sigh his wife mustered as he jut hummed. "Yeah, it was an ugly sight. And whoever did it knew exactly how to cover himself. It was impossible to know who put him there."

"Oh no. I hope the fox is ok."

"By what I heard at the ambulance, it´s going to be a miracle if he ever wakes up. A coma apparently, but he´ll survive."

"Oh dear. And the cameras? They couldn´t catch the van?"

"I called the guys at the precinct and they said the van appeared almost out of nowhere. There are no videos that show how it got there and it is barely visible by the angle."

"Gary…do you think that it could´ve been the same guy that has tormented Nick and Judy?"

"The weasel? I don´t think so. The beating was…big. It was made by a way bigger mammal."

"Oh heavens. That´s horrible." Both went silent. Such an event was hard to see and to hear. Sofía sighed and spoke to Gary. "Be careful sweetie. I don´t like this situation."

"I will Sofi. Bye bye." He cut the call and sighed. This city was supposed to be safe for all types of mammals. Having a big mammal taking advantage in such a way of a small mammal taints what Zootopia stands for. His stomach rumbled as his hunger took him out of his trance. He quickly went for his phone and placed an order, his hopes of the weasel appearing here growing slimmer by the minute.

Savannah Central

"Why are you delaying the test?" Robert entered Martin´s house as he closed the door.

"I want to know where the rabbit and the fox are first. I want them out of the picture first. The test is in two days from now, so I need to have Travis here tomorrow."

"He said he wanted to lay low."

"I know that, but he´s had yesterday and today. I´m calling him. I´ll need you here tomorrow as well."

"Me? Why?"

"You´ll see." As the sound of the weasel´s voice entered his ears, the giraffe slipped into his negotiating tone as he was trying to get the weasel to help him. "Hey there Travis."


"Hey, I know you said that you wanted to lay low for a while-"

"Ugh, what do you want?"

"Well…I really, really need your help out here. It´s nothing dangerous or anything of the sort. It is a piece of technology I can´t handle."

"…fine. I´ll be there in the morning." The phone call ended as the giraffe smirked at the buffalo, who had a confused look plastered on his face.


"Yeah. A small device to be precise."

"Ok…and the test, where is it going to be?"

"Same place. Same time. But I´ll need to act quickly after it. There´s someone I need to get rid of quickly. She knows too much and could be a liability."

"Yeah, I think I know who you talking about. You need anything else? I have to get back into patrol or I´ll raise suspicions."

"Not at all. Thanks for passing by." Both mammals said their goodbyes as the giraffe closed the door to his house. He poured himself a glass of water and sighed, the amount of thing that need to be done playing through his mind as he remembered the item he was working on. "I just have to tune it for tomorrow, Travis may need it. And it´s a faster way to get rid of those two." He stood from the couch and entered into a small room, where a glowing silver item was displayed on a table surface. "Can´t believe they made these things illegal because of me. Had to make my own since getting one in my paws was impossible."

Sahara Square

Frustration coursed through the weasel´s body as he grunted, moving from the bed to the bathroom. His mind kept repeating the words from the giraffe. "What kind of technology is he not able to operate that I can?" He finished washing his paws and laid on the bed once more. He turned the T.V on, the news channel blaring loudly as he just gritted his teeth and changed it. He was tired of hearing the news mention him in everytime. He wanted to lessen his mind from the topic as he roamed the channels, few of them since the motel didn´t have any kind of cable service available for the customers. Finally he settled with watching an episode of an old cartoon as he played with his fingers, nervous that, after this was all over, the giraffe would have him dead rather than payed and gone.

He knew about the giraffe´s brief passing through the police department. Hell, everyone knew about it. The news of a giraffe officer killing two muggers was spread through the entire city like wildfire. It was a case that still amazed the weasel. How had the giraffe gotten away with it was out of his mind. No jail time for what he did. He was a cop and relentlessly ended two mammals´ lives. Even if they were criminals, there was literally no way to maul around the fact that they should have been arrested. One mammal had been darted before he was shot by Martin. The other one presented no more threat and even if he did, he should have been arrested. Guns had been prohibited to general public many years ago, even before Martin was born. The police weren´t allowed to use them, they were only held by an antique military force that is now disbanded. The guns where old, barely functional, yet they fulfilled their task. And when it happened, massive movements were made to abolish any kind of gun. The military was disbanded, all guns were destroyed and were now illegal. So, how does a mammal that has such an impact by doing something illegal is now head of the Zootopia Marine Institute?

This had been a doubt Travis had since he met the giraffe. He shook his head and concentrated on the show once more. He knew better than to try and pry about the giraffe´s doings and resources. Martin is a relentless mammal. The weasel has already worked for him a couple of time, but this one seemed to be the biggest thing Martin has concocted. "What did I get myself into?"


"I can´t believe that you actually won that game." Judy was walking by Nick´s side, her left paw carrying a medium sized carrot and a little blueberry keychain. She had opted not to choose the gigantic carrot, since it would only be a hindrance in their apartment and carrying it would get old quite quickly.

"It´s quite easy Fluff. The bottles are coded and you have to throw the ring to those that have prime numbers on them. The other ones have a small and transparent surface that doesn´t allow the ring to fit."

"Sounds like you know quite a lot about that game."

"Are you implying that I have practiced this inventive rouse?"

"Am I implying that? Yes. Yes I am." She grabbed the fox´s paw and smiled at him, her past mood gone as she had gone around the event with Nick. Ben was right about one thing, the first day is based mostly on the rally. There´s no more than 10 games available and the food stands don´t have their entire menu yet. It was only a quarter past two and they had already visited every stand and even had a small bite since Judy needed to be prepped for the rally. So that´s when a bright idea entered the rabbit´s head. She squirmed and turned to Nick, who shot her an amused look. "Hey, are you in the mood for a swim?"

"A swim? Last time I checked you guys have no pool."

"Not in a pool. I know just the place. Come on." She pulled the fox´s paw and guided him towards the household and into her bedroom. There she grabbed a yellow one pieced swimsuit and turned to Nick, who moved his paw as a child about to ask a question.

"Pardon my sudden interruption, but I did not bring any swimming clothes with me fluff."

"You think I didn´t know about that? Wait here you dumb dumb." She rushed past the fox who shook his head and sat on the bed, waiting for Judy to come back with what he supposed was going to be a swimming suit. Not a minute passed before Judy was back with him, a slightly dark blue trouser in her paw. "Here you go. Do you think it fits?" The fox studied the piece of clothing, thinking that it would be adequate for him to use.

"So we change here?"

"Yup. Put your clothes on top, I wouldn´t want any of my younger nephews accompanying us."

"You wouldn´t, huh?"

"Oh shush. Now turn around." The fox nodded and started changing into the outfit, which fitted quite well.

"Can I turn now?"

"Yeah." The fox turned to the sight of his bunny holding a couple of towels. "How are we hiding those?"

"Just fold them like this." The rabbit made the fabric reduce considerably in size and placed in it under her armpit, pretty much unnoticeable by first glance. "See? Not that hard."

"Just give me the towel Fluff." Chuckling the bunny handed the towel, hearing the fox saying something amongst the lines of "I can do this" and "Ok I can´t" before handing it back to the rabbit, who folded it and passed it back once more. The pair left the household as Nick followed Judy through a meadow before she turned into a hole. Confused at first Nick followed the rabbit for what felt like ten minutes, scrunching his head so that it didn´t bang with the ceiling. He managed to see a glimmer of light and saw Judy step into it. As he traversed the hole, his eyes were blinded by the sunlight and when they readjusted to the environment he was presented with a cavern like scenery, where several rays of light illuminated a massive natural well, edges weren´t as deep as it´s center and it had several smooth rocks surrounding it.

"What is this Carrots?"

"This is a cenote. It´s been here for hundreds of years. My family confronted many ordeals because travel companies wanted to make this a tourist point, but the Hopps managed to drive them away."

"It´s…beautiful." He smiled as he saw Judy moving towards the water body, so he moved as well…only to be stopped in his tracks as he saw Judy remove her clothing and that yellow swimsuit made itself present. Beautiful was the first word that jumped into the fox´s head as he gazed his mate, who turn to look at the fox.

"Something tells me you like what you see Nick."


"Wow, such a smooth talker." Judy moved towards him, making sure she rocked her hips a bit so the fox couldn´t even muster a word. "Bet you want to tell me how good I look, right?" She moved her paw through his chest as she placed her mouth on his neck and nibbled it softly. The fox was running on fumes. His mind was blank as he just stared at the bunny, who kept moving her paws through his chest. But before he could do anything she moved away and grabbed his paw. "Come on slick, let´s have some fun." She pulled him, both to the water and from his trance as he just smiled at the bunny in front of him. They stopped so that Nick could take off his clothes and started getting into the water.

"You sly bunny." The rabbit turned as she was halfway into the center, her paws still reaching the floor as she smiled at Nick.

"Your sly bunny, if I may." She then dived into the deep part of the well. Nick chuckled as he moved towards the center as well.

They found each other there, their paws not reaching any kind of floor as their eyes just collided with each other´s. They shared a strong kiss, which lasted a few seconds since they tried to get some air and get their faces to the surface. They swam for a couple of hours, relishing each other as they tickled themselves, hugged, kissed and simply stared in awe at the cenote´s beauty. They both felt this was the perfect time and place for them to be. No one to bother them, no one to threaten them, no one to see them. It was just Judy and Nick, together in a small piece of paradise. They swam their hearts out.

Judy couldn´t have felt any happier. Here she was, in the Hopps´cenote, spending the best time of her life with the love of her life. She sat on the rocks as she saw Nick swim in the center of the well. She never understood how such a handsome fox had never given his first kiss at his age until she arrived. She marveled at seeing him swim. She marveled by just seeing him. She considered herself the luckiest mammal in the entire world. Even with all that was going on around them, the couple still managed to get this beautiful moments with each other. It seemed that this little time in paradise could never be over, until the kiss Nick planted on Judy´s forehead took her out of her trance.

"Time to go Fluff." The rabbit shot a confused look to the fox, who chuckled and sat by her side. "It´s almost six Judy, the rally will start soon."

"Oh sweet cheese and crackers. I had forgotten about it." She placed her head on the fox´s shoulder and sighed. She didn´t want to leave the cenote. She was having a wonderful time, but her champion title couldn´t defend itself, so she went for her towel and started drying herself. A couple of minutes passed as she turned to look at Nick, who was still sitting in the water, looking at the scenery in front of him. "Come on Nick." She saw as the fox turned and smiled at her. These insightful moments of Nick were a mystery to Judy, but she relished at seeing her fox absorb his environment. When they were at Ben´s taxi it was the same. Judy saw as Nick became amazed by the view of her hometown and now it was with this beautiful natural wonder. The fox started drying himself as Judy started getting into her clothes, not removing the bathing suit.

They walked towards the gathering, the speakers announcing that the rally would begin in 15 minutes. As both arrived Judy signaled Nick to go to the spectator stand, to which the fox laughed and nodded.

"Tell me again why can´t I participate in this?"

"Well, the obstacles are made for an average size of rabbit. There´s places where I need to squeeze through, so I doubt you´d probably even fit. But you can cheer me from there." She pecked the fox and moved towards the starting point, Nick chuckling as he sat on the spectator stand. He saw as Judy started stretching and limbering up, shaking his head as he saw that his mate took every opportunity to be competitive seriously.

"I can´t imagine her playing Super Bashing Mammals."

"Oh she destroys almost anyone." He turned to look at the blondish rabbit, who was staring at Judy as well.

"Who are you?"

"Oh sorry. I´m Jeff. I´m Judy´s cousin." The rabbit shook the fox´s paw as he turned his eyesight to him.

"Nice to meet you. I´m-"

"Nick Wilde. Yeah you have been kind of a celebrity around here the past couple of days." Both chuckled as a loud voice announced that five minutes were remaining for the rally.

"You said almost anyone. Who can beat her?"

"Oh a couple of rabbits. Troy and Abed usually get her, Troy not as usual as Abed, but those two still handle her butt to her. Also Zara, obviously."

"Ben´s mate?"

"Yes. She is a videogame writer and developer after all. She knows her way around the game." They stayed silent until the horn announced the beginning of the rally, Nick´s eyes gluing to Judy as she bolted…hard.

Ten seconds in and she was several meters in front of the entire crew of rabbits. She jumped into the bar and started climbing the wall, not even breaking a sweat as almost thirty rabbits fell into the mud puddle, eliminated from the contest. Nick was amazed as Judy moved swiftly through a small obstacle course and then sprinted to the rope swing. She let go earlier and used the momentum to shoot herself further, landing gracefully as she continued moving through the course. He moved his eyes a bit back, noticing that the closest rabbit to Judy was just finishing the obstacle course. He returned his eyes to Judy, who was carrying a bag that looked a quit heavy for a rabbit. Judy slowed a bit there, but as she finished carrying it to the segment´s end she bolted once more, jumping the hurdles as she eyed the finish line. Going for it she sprinted and almost fell into the mud pit in front of her, even dropping on the floor before she fell. Standing up she exhaled and turned, only to see that five rabbits were finishing the hurdles section. Hurrying up she backed up and sprinted, jumping and reaching the other end of the pit. Finally she ran the last fifty meters and reached the finish line, several horns blaring as she took several breathes and turned to look at Nick, who was standing up and cheering her. She waved at him, smiling as he saw how energetic her fox was.

Walking with the trophy and her medal, Judy got by Nick´s side and stared at the fox, who clapped slowly at her with a proud smile.

"Well done Carrots. How many times have you win this thing?"

"I´m going to start losing count by now." Both laughed as they moved into the house and got in the room. Nick signaled the bunny that he was going to get into the shower, the rabbit nodding but moving quickly as she got rid of her clothes and moved into the shower before Nick, her bathing suit still on as she giggled at the wide eyed fox.

"All that running and you still have energies. You never stop amazing me." He ditched his clothes and remained in the swimming trousers. He entered and smiled at the bunny, who was pouring shampoo on her paws. She started rubbing the fox´s chest, the fox pouring shampoo on her head as he whispered to the bunny´s ears. "You look really good in that swimsuit, Hopps." She shivered and turned her eyes at the fox, who shot her a flirty smirk. The finished showering and got out, drying themselves and getting into their PJ´s. They got into bed and started to drift into the realm of sleep as Judy mustered some last words.

"I can´t wait for tomorrow."


Hey everyone. Once again, I apologize. It´s been way too long of a waiting time. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I wanted to give Nick and Judy some comforting and bonding time. I liked how this ended up and brace yourself, the next couple of chapters are going to be quite different from this. I thank everyone who read previous chapters and those who stayed here for a new one. Even if there´s only one of you, thanks. A lot. And sorry for this chapter being a bit smaller than the usual ones. It´s hard coming up with a good pace and more content. Plus, it is more of a fluffy chapter.

Well, I hope I can update WAAAAAY sooner and I released this one today since it is my birthday! So yeah, that would be all.

Have a nice day everyone!