25th day of November

Dear Diary,

I've returned from my week at the Hatter's. He made me a lovely hat that looks like a heart shaped teacup. He won't stop speaking ill of my mother, calling her strange names I've never heard before in my 14 years in this mad world, but immediately file as insults in my mind.

I've also met somebody. His name is Alexander Kingsley, son of THE Alice. He is also my brother's sworn nemesis. Hayden says he's an intruder and doesn't know I've met him. Ches says he's known to be quite vexing and irksome. Even so, the champion's son said I was pretty. I like to be called pretty. Hayden says words like that are cheap and that if someone says I'm pretty it doesn't mean they'd die for me.

As much as I hate to admit it, I think Alexander is quite handsome. However he's Hayden's age. I almost regret lying to him that I'm a refugee trapped in my own mother's dungeon named Anastasia. But If he knew who I really was, it would be dangerous. Hayden would be furious if he knew I were fraternizing with somebody like that and mother would go into hysterics, and they'd both want his head.

Today while playing with my dolls and my guillotine, I overheard Hayden telling Chessia that I am reckless. I don't know what that means. He says mother is insane and I shouldn't look up to her. He's just jealous because mother always wanted a daughter. I wish she would spend more time with us instead of sulking in her wing of the castle. Ches said that I was smart, but of course I already know that. Mum says I'm very bright and I know I am because she told me so and she's never wrong.

I'll write again soon, Diary.

-Imperial Princess Scarlett of Witzend