[Author's note]

I am back!

Though not completely back...

It is finally here!

The continuation of Return from Nothingness!

Anyways, the progress is a bit slow because my laptop broke down and I got busy IRL.

Luckily, I save the files inside a flash drive so all of the progress is safe.

Finally, I got a free week ahead!

I got more time to spend on fan fiction!

I don't expect this to get a hit since it is out of season.

There's no Re: Zero or Fate franchise around so the reader count will be low.

It is RWBY season!

But, I want to do something hipster for a change.

That is making a story out of season.


Wait a minute...

I always did that...

Oh well, I think I spoke too much already.


Prologue: Welcome to this World, Natsuki Subaru

(Natsuki Subaru's point of view)

My name is Natsuki Subaru.

I'm your average seventeen years Japanese boy.

Just like any other ordinary Japanese, I have slanted black eyes and normal looking black hair.

What's my accomplishment?

Well, technically I'm a hikkikomori.

I spend my time on PC games, anime, manga, light novels…

That's the gist of it.

Wait a sec…

"Why am I talking like I'm one of those third rate light novel protagonist…!?"


A petite blond girl around my age calls out to me.

Her bloody red eyes are watching me with suspicion.

"Who are you talking to…?" She asks.

"Nothing… I was just talking to myself. Hahaha…!"

I let out a chuckle.

"Weirdo." She simply remarks.

Can't help it…

I just want to calm myself before facing that woman again…

That's right.

I'm not in Japan anymore.

I'm in a fantasy world.

Sounds cliché, right?

An average Japanese boy brought into a fantasy world.

Later, the boy will be revealed as the chosen one and will proceed to become a hero.

Then, the boy will find a girl, a princess, as his love interest.

The said boy will do everything for the girl and the girl will fall for him as well.

After that, the main villain, a Demon King will appear as a plot twist!

He will abduct the princess!

The boy, the chosen one, will confront the Demon King, with or without companions.

As the prophecy foretell, the boy will emerge victorious and the Demon King will be defeated.

In the end, the boy and the girl will get married and live happily ever after.

I wish my story was like that…

Unlike those chosen ones, I don't any special abilities granted by the force that brought me here.

Maybe I do have one…


Return by Death

That's the name of my newfound ability.

Every time I die, I will return to a certain save point.

It's just like an RPG game.

Before we face a boss or just somewhere in a town, a safe zone, we can 'save' the game.

My ability is almost similar to that.

Except, it's a real life thing…

And, I can't choose the 'save point'…

I've been dying three times in a row.

I died for the first time after being ambushed by an unknown woman.

I didn't see her at all…

It was painful…

Never once in my life I would feel so cold, terrified…

However, getting killed isn't that vexing to me.

What makes me feel frustrated is that girl…

The silver haired girl who called herself Satella.

She died…

She died before my very eyes…

I don't care if I got killed.

But I don't want her to die…

Just before I 'die' for the first time, I saw her getting killed.

Then, I pray to whatever hold the power in this new world, to give me strength.

I wish I could do something to save her.

And then, it happened!

I found myself standing before the fruit seller.

I encountered him upon arrival.

It was a strange sight…

I mean, I died…

I felt the cold of death…

Then suddenly, I'm alive again.

I was confused by the event.

But, I figure I should do something.

I already know the upcoming events.

I can prevent it from happening!

Though, my first and second attempt failed miserably…

During the first attempt, I lose my composure and went after Satella.

I called out her name in the public.

Yet, the silver haired girl reprimanded me for calling her by that name.

It wasn't her real name…

Then, who is Satella?

Why did she gave me that name in our first meeting?

No, scratch that…

Why didn't she remember me?

Am I the only one who can remember the events?

"Hey, stop daydreaming! Where the heck are you going!?"



Ah, I almost walk into a wall!

The girl who warned me is staring at me suspiciously.

"Thanks Felt! I wasn't thinking straight. Hahaha…!"

I chuckle again to smoothen the atmosphere.

The name of my companion is Felt.

I learn her name and background in my second 'walkthrough'.

That means, the first time I Return by Death.

Since I could not get hold of the silver haired girl, I decide to go for the thief instead.

When I first arrived in this world, I was mugged by trio of lowlifes.

I thought I could deal with them easily since I came from another world.

Well, in most fantasy setting, heroes from another world will get certain boons.

For example, super strength, powerful magic, or perhaps super agility…

Apparently, I don't have such things…

I got beaten up by the trio.

Then, she appeared…

Satella, or whatever her real name was…

She saved me from the trio out of the kindness of her heart.

Seemingly, she was looking after something.

She said she lost something important to her.

So, I decide to help her.

Outwardly, her important object was stolen by a blond girl.

The said blond girl is the girl before me.

I didn't know the name of the blond girl in my first 'walkthrough'.

But we did tracked her down to her base.

It was a loot house.

But when we got there, I found a dead man…

Then, I got killed…

My second 'walkthrough' also ended in that loot house.

Since I already know the location of the loot house, I went straight to it.

The blond girl wasn't there when I arrived.

But, there is a large man who called himself Rom.

He was the same guy I saw dead in the first 'walkthrough'…

Anyways, I try to negotiate with the huge man for the girl's stolen property.

I managed to impress him with my phone.

Since this is a fantasy world, they don't have such things.

He thought it was a 'metia'.

A 'metia' is a magical object.


As long as I can return the stolen property to the girl before nighttime, I can prevent her from coming to the loot house.

I waited for the blond girl to return until it's close to dusk.

When she arrived, I try to shake her a deal as quickly as I can.

However, she refused.

Despite being a thief, she had a creed.

She would never let down her client.

Unless, I win against the said client with enough cash.

So, I decide to pit my phone against this 'client'.

That was a bad move…

The client wasn't aiming to pay in the first place…

She killed us…

She killed all of us…


That is the name of our murderer…

[Heart thumping]


I cover my mouth.

Just thinking of her is enough to make me feel nauseous…

"Hey, are you alright?" Felt asks out of concern.

"Aw… You do care…" I tease her.

"Why you..."


[EXPLOSION ~ in my mind only]

Felt's punch.

A quick strike to the lower abdomen which is very effective against idiots!

I prostrate myself before the almighty Felt.

Not really…

I was just coping with my pain…

"Tch." The blond girl clicks her tongue.

I recompose myself and follow the girl.


Oh, you're wondering about my third 'walkthrough'.

It's kinda funny…

I got killed by the trio hoodlums.

I got cocky and tried to walk pass them.

Suddenly, I got stabbed by one of them.

My third 'walkthrough' ended just like that.

In other words, this is my fourth 'walkthrough'.

Speaking of which, it's pretty early…

I recall appearing before the fruit seller like my two other 'walkthroughs'.

But this time, I appear in the morning.

What's going on?

"We're here."


Wait a sec…

This doesn't look like the loot house I visited before…

It's bigger….

And they got a garden now…?

And a small stream just behind the loot house.

What's going on here?

"Felt, you're back."

The large tanned man shows up.

This is Old Man Rom.

For some reason, he looks friendlier than my first encounter with him…

In fact, Felt trusted me almost instantly…

The first time I met her, she refused to even see me in the eyes.

But this Felt is very open…

She brought me to the loot house on her own.

"Who is this? Why is he wearing a cloth like Shirou's…?"

That name again…

Who is this 'Shirou'?

"He said he wants to trade something for his metia." The blond girl informs the tanned man.

"Oh… He's a customer!" The old man says excitedly.

The Old Man Rom I know was very cautious.

He would never allow customers in unless they have the password.

But this one is allowing me in without a password?

"Speaking of which, Sasaki is home." The tanned man suddenly says.


Who's Sasaki?

"Tch. He's home already?" Felt clicks her tongue.

"He's been gone for half a month. I prepare curry just for this occasion. Oh, and Robin is here too!"


"Not Robin! I hate that guy!" The blond girl palms her face.



"What the heck is going on!?"



"What's your problem?" The blond girl says nonchalantly after kicking me.

"Let's get inside! Shirou said curry is more delicious served hot." The old man urges us to enter.

The blond girl let out a sigh.

"Whatever… You're coming, weirdo?"

"Stop calling me weirdo! I have a name!"

"Whatever…" She says nonchalantly.

I grit my teeth.

I swear I will get you for this.

Old Man Rom is cooking curry…!?

/~Inside the loot house~/

Currently, I'm sitting on the counter next to Felt.

Beside her is a guy with green tattered robe.

He's handsome…

His alluring green eyes and that silky brown hair…


"Why are you looking at me like that, new guy?" He says nonchalantly.


He didn't do anything yet…

But I don't like him…

I don't like handsome guys in general.

They tend to overshadow guys like me.

Well, let's ignore him for now.

There's another guy inside here beside the brunette pretty boy and Old Man Rom.

He's wearing an old-fashion kimono.

If I don't know any better, I'd say he's Japanese.

Is he?

"Oya…? Are you interested in me?" The man says nonchalantly.


Like hell I'm interested in a guy!

"Ah… I see… I was that disgusting…" The man in kimono says in dejected tone.

"HAHAHA…! You're funny!" The pretty boy laughs.

"Say, I haven't heard your name." The brunette says.

"I'm Natsuki Subaru."

"Subaru-kun, huh? I'm Robin Hood. Just call me Robin."


He's Robin Hood…!?

His face contorts in confusion.

"Was my name that disgusting?"

"No, no, no, no… I was surprised to hear your name. It's almost similar to a guy in my country."

By that I mean the infamous Prince of Thieves.

But this is a fantasy world.

Of course there's Robin Hood.

So, who's the other guy?

Apparently, the guy is still dejected from earlier…

"Oh, that guy is Kojirou Sasaki." Felt speaks for the first time.







"Oi… If you keep spraying at my face like that, I'll have to kick you out." The blond girl threatens me.

"Sorry, sorry… I won't do it again."

Still, Sasaki Kojirou?

I learn from my history class that he's a real person.

He's a master swordsman who founded the kenjutsu school of Ganryu.

Despite being a hikkikomori, I actually practice kendo.

Learning these stuffs are just part of my hobby.

Maybe Sasaki could teach me his famous technique, the Tsubame Gaeshi.

From what I learn, Tsubame Gaeshi is a technique involving striking downward from above and then instantly striking again in an upward motion from below.

It's a two slashes combination attack.

Normally, it's impossible for a person to execute such attack with a katana.

A katana is heavier than what people usually assumed.

Yeah, in anime, the MCs and the heroines are able to swing katana like they were made of paper.

But truthfully, trying to strike in an upward motion from below is hard.

Unless you try it yourself, you wouldn't know.

According to history, Sasaki was using a 90 cm nodachi.

A common nodachi would be around 70 cm.

His katana was special.

His nodachi is twenty centimeter longer than common nodachi.

I tried lifting a 70 cm nodachi once.

It was heavy!

Trying to swing upward was impossible without proper training.

And to execute a downward slash and resume consecutively with an upward slash is impossible for untrained civilians.

But Sasaki managed to pull it out.


That was the name of his nodachi.

To be able to use such katana, he must be one hell of a monster…

I heard he used it so fluidly almost like flying swallow.

I guess that's where Tsubame Gaeshi got its name.

"Here it is! Potato, carrot, and turnip curry!" Old Man Rom shows up with several serving of curry.

He places them in front of us.

"Wow! You actually learn how to cook curry?" The brunette, who claimed to be Robin Hood, says in excited tone.


Potato, carrot, and turnip curry…?

What kind of curry is that?

I look at my portion.

It looks like a terrible pool of disaster…

My people say that curry is like the mother ocean.

It can accept anything.

To a degree…

No one can mess up making curry.

But this one looks like a complete cataclysm…

"Hmm, hmm… I shall indulge myself." Sasaki suddenly says.



But I was too late…

Sasaki already scooped it into his mouth.

"What's wrong? Never heard of curry before?"

The blond girl beside me swallows her portion like it was nothing.

Beside her, Robin Hood is eating his share as well.

I turn to the large tanned man.

"Help yourself with it. I still have a lot in the kitchen." He smiles at me.

I spoon a small thing.

I think it was potato.



Hey, it's not that bad!

/~after meal~/

That was one satisfying meal.

It's wasn't that good but it's passable by my standard.

"Hey Felt, did you get anything from the mansion I told you before?" Robin starts the conversation.

The blond girl removes herself from her seat and stands proudly in the center of the room.

"I got a metia out of it." She says proudly.

"Oh really? What was it?" The brunette eggs her to continue.

The blond girl smirks.

"A Dragon Pearl."

""A what?"" Robin and I say at the same time.

The two of us exchange glance.

"A Dragon Pearl! The guards were all flustered and went berserk when I stole it." The blond girl claims.

"Oya…? Are you talking about the guards I beat down half a month ago?" Sasaki suddenly interjects.

The blond girl gives him a thumbs up.

"You were a lifesaver, Sasaki!"

Meanwhile, Robin is musing to himself.

"A Dragon Pearl…? What the heck is that?" He muses.

"Can I see it?" I decide to ask.

The girl's eyes shine like stars.

"You're going to buy it?"



I shake my head violently.

"No, no, no, no! I was just going to take a look. I want to trade for something else."

The girl's mood turns sour.

"Oh… Fine. I'll get it." She walks away dejectedly.

She shows up from the kitchen with something in her hand.

At least I think it was the kitchen…

"Here it is."

She puts the strange object on the counter.

Robin, Sasaki, and I move closer to inspect the object.

It is round and it's golden in color.

Strangely, it has a single star symbol on it.

Where did I see such thing?


"It's a Dragon Ball!"

It is Toriyama-sensei's Dragon Ball in the flesh!

Does that mean I can meet a real life Goku?

"A Dragon what…?" Felt tilts her head.

"Dragon Ball! It's a wish granting object. If you collect all seven of them, you can summon a Dragon God and have him grant you a wish!"

You can even revive the dead with it!

What the heck is going on…!?

Why is a Dragon Ball here…!?


For some reason, Felt is covering her mouth.



"BUHAHAHA! A wish granting object? If such thing exist, anyone can live happily ever after!"

"Ah! Now I remember! It's a Dragon Jewel! You got the name wrong." Robin suddenly interjects.


"Surprisingly, it's pretty valuable. And it's not a metia. It can't even do a thing." He adds.


"The reason it's being valuable is because it is said to belong to the dragon. You know, the dragon that governs Lugnica." He adds again.

"Try collect all seven of them. I bet the dragon will grant you a wish."

The brunette stares at me like I have grown two heads.

"Why do you thinks there are only seven of them? I heard rumors that there were twenty seven Jewels all together."


The other occupants of the loot house cover their ears.

"Hey, stop shouting! I'll kick your ass if you do that again!" Felt threatens me.

"Sorry, sorry…"

"Still, we should try collecting all twenty seven of them. Maybe the dragon will give us something in return."

The brunette palms his face.

"Listen here, Subaru-kun. Wish granting objects do not come that easily. Collecting all twenty seven of them won't be easy." He reasons with me.

I nod.

"Yeah, I know that. But, it won't be for nothing. We can even revive the dead with it!"

At least that's what I learn from the manga.

"Are you stupid…? I don't think that kind of wish is possible." Felt interjects.

"Believe me. It is possible."

I have Return by Death.

If I can have such ability, the dragon could revive the dead if it wants.

I think I forgot my real reason for being here…

I palm my face.

I was supposed to trade my phone for Satella's lost property!

Why am I associating with these people?

[Bell ringing]


"Oh, it's you again." Felt snorts.

A tall slender man with black overcoat enters the scene.

His long silver hair sways as he walks.

Where did I see such features?

"I just overheard a fascinating conversation." The newcomer says.

"Hey Felt, who is this guy?" Robin asks her.

Sasaki is eyeing him with great interest.

"Oh, he's Sephiroth." The girl responds.



That's the third time I sputter this day!

Sephiroth, as in, THAT SEPHIROTH!

The one from Final Fantasy VII…!

I thought that was a game!

I played that in my childhood.

"THAT'S IT!" Felt suddenly yells.



Felt's Rush.

A series of punches that deliberately target the victim's lower abdomen.

It is extremely effective against those who sputter a lot!

/~after that painful experience~/

That wasn't a good experience…

"Are you alright, Subaru-kun?" Robin asks me.

But he doesn't even look at me when he says that…

"I got hit by that every day. So get used to it." He smirks.

"So, you came for the Dragon Jewel?" Felt asks the silver haired man.

The man nods.

"We already have the other twenty six Jewels. We only need one more to complete the collection."


"Don't give it to him, Felt!"

Sephiroth is evil!

He's going to kill us all!

"How much does it usually cost, Robin?" The girl asks, ignoring me.

"Fifty thousand Jewels at minimum." The brunette says nonchalantly.

That's a ridiculous amount…

Even my phone doesn't cost that much in Old Man Rom's opinion.

"You heard him." The blond girl says.

The silver haired man smirks.


"He's going to kill us!"

At my remark, the silver haired man tilts his head.

"Why would I kill people randomly?"

"You can't fool me, Sephiroth! I know who you are! You are a villain! You are the harbinger that will destroy the world!"

The silver haired man chuckles.

"Ah… I see… You came from that world, didn't you?" He muses.

He eyes me from top to bottom.

"I guess from where you came from, I'm just a game character. But, I'm very real. And—"


All of a sudden, he's beside me.

"I am a villain." He whispers at my ear.

He steps away from me.

"Oi, Subaru. Aren't you exaggerating things? You just met him and you're already calling him a villain?" Felt says.

He just admitted that he is a villain…

What is he planning to do with the Dragon Balls?

Is he going to wish for eternal life?

"My employer will arrive tomorrow with the payment. With that I bid you goodbye." He bows.

His employer…?

Sephiroth has an employer…?

"Wait!" Sasaki suddenly halts him.

The man in kimono strides forward.

"By any chance, are you a swordsman?"


"Yes, I am a swordsman." The silver haired man replies.

Sasaki is going to challenge him!

"How about a little spar before you go?" The man in kimono suggests.

Smirking at him, the silver haired man nods.

"That's a sound idea. How should we do this?"

All of a sudden, Robin tosses something to Sephiroth.

He catches it without fazing.

It was a wooden sword.

"I carve it myself, you know?" Robin brags.

The silver haired man smirks.

"Shall we?"

He gestures to the outside.

Sasaki nods.


I noticed something.

Sasaki is strapping a wooden pole at his back.


It's high noon.

The two swordsmen are standing on opposite sides.

They are separated about five meters.

In Sephiroth's left hand, Robin's self-carved sword is present.

It's around a meter, a standard length for western long swords.

Meanwhile, Sasaki is holding a meter long wooden pole.

Is that supposed to be a 'laundry-drying pole'?

I know that Monohoshizao is nicknamed as a laundry pole…

But to take it literally…

Sasaki is out of his mind!

"What an interesting choice of weapon." Sephiroth comments.

"I don't have much choice. It's the only thing I could use as a weapon." Sasaki responds.

The two swordsmen take their stance.

From the game I played, Sephiroth has this unique basic attack that can split into three consecutive slashes.

Is he going to use it in this spar?



He's using his signature technique so early in the fight!

In a flash, Sephiroth disappear from our sight.

[Clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack]



Their weapons intersect each other.

I didn't even see their moves!

They are truly monsters!

"I see… An eight consecutive slashes combination, executed in well-coordinated strategy. That won't work against Sasaki." The brunette besides me comments.


"Wait… You can see them?"

The brunette tilts his head.

"If I can't even see this slow skirmish, I won't qualify as a Servant." He deadpans.

What's a Servant?


He said it was a slow skirmish!

[Clack, clack, clack, clack, clack]

The two men exchange blows.

I couldn't follow their movements.

From time to time, I could see their afterimage.

But that's it.

I can't see the rest of it.


A simple two handed slash.


Sasaki was forced to back away from that attack.

"Kuh…!" The man in kimono grunts.

The silver haired man smirks.

"You have an interesting style, Sasaki. I haven't heard the rest of your name." He suddenly starts a conversation.

"Heh." The purple haired man recomposes himself.

"My name is Sasaki Kojirou. Please to meet you, Sephiroth."

He forms a new stance.

It was similar to Sephiroth's stance when he was about to use Octaslash.

The weapon is raised to his eye level with both arms.

"Hoh… You're showing me your ultimate technique?" The main villain of FF7 muses.

Sorry, can't help it…

To me, he's always the main villain of that game.

"You have shown me your techniques. It wouldn't be fair if I don't respond in kind." The man in kimono smirks.


Here it comes!

The legendary technique of Sasaki Kojirou!


In a flash, he's in front of Sephiroth!

The silver haired man was ready for him.

"Tsubame Gaeshi."

It was over in a flash…

I don't know what to say…

It's not like what I imagine at all.

Tsubame Gaeshi

Just now, I saw a miracle.

The pole, which act as a sword, split into three and attack Sephiroth from three decisive angles.

It prevent him from escaping.

The silver haired man managed to parry one of the slashes but received the rest of it.

He's kneeling before Sasaki right now.

"Heh… So that is Tsubame Gaeshi. I thought it was something like my Reaper slash."

The silver haired man winces.

The victor turns his back to his opponent and sheathes his pole in sword sheathing manner.

"This match is over. I'm afraid I'm victorious, Sephiroth." He declares his victory.

Shrugging his defeat, the slender man stands tall.

In terms of height, he was way taller than Sasaki.

"Indeed. Perhaps, this is my second defeat in this world. However, this is a defeat that I can enjoy." He declares.

Smiling to his opponent, Sasaki offers Sephiroth his hand.

"Perhaps we can have another spar in the future."

Sephiroth throws away the wooden sword and accepts Sasaki's handshake with his right hand.

"Yes. Let us spar again."

Wait, that's it?

And Sasaki actually won against that monster…!?

Wait a sec…

Sephiroth favors using a three meter o'dachi.

He's been playing Sasaki for a fool!

"It's my complete defeat. You are a superior swordsman, Sasaki." I overheard their conversation.

The Japanese man shakes his head.

"Iya, iya… You were taken by surprise. If you knew about my technique first hand, you would could find a way to take me on."

"Indeed. However, the element of surprise is part of a sword duel. You won this spar fair and square. You even blocked my Octaslash."

"Maybe the outcome will be different in our next spar."

"Perhaps. I look forward to the next round."

They are talking they were old pals!

"Ever since I arrived in this world, my overall abilities are raised."


Robin is talking to himself.

"I guess that applies to Sasaki too, huh? Former Servants obtain amazing boons from this world. Just what is going on?"

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

The brunette shakes his head violently.

"Nothing! I was just talking to myself."


"We shall part our ways for now. My employer has tasked me with another errand."


A single black wing appears on Sephiroth's back!

Robin and Sasaki were surprised by it.

"Oh. You guys didn't know? He's a crow man." Felt comments nonchalantly.

The silver haired man chuckles.

"Whatever you say, Felt."

[Wing flapping]

The one-winged man flies to the sky.

"I guess that kind of race exist in this world, huh?" Robin muses.

"What an amazing display! He has a wing! And he could fly!" Sasaki gushes over that sight.

Felt yawns at the sight.

"I saw it several times already." She comments.

Who the hell are you, Felt?

You're surrounded by these amazing people.

Wait a sec…

Just what is wrong with this 'walkthrough'!?

First, the loot house is different.

Then, Robin Hood and Sasaki exists.

They are living in the same house.

Dragon Balls also exist.

And now, Sephiroth?

I'm losing my mind…

"So, what's the deal?" Felt suddenly talks to me.


"You said you want to trade something for your metia. So, what do you want? You can't have the Dragon Jewel since that guy wanted it."

Screw it.

I just want to save Satella.

The world can go to hell for all I care.

"Give me the thing that you stole from that girl."

"Huh…?" The blond girl tilts her head.

"I want to trade my metia for the thing that you stole from a silver haired girl." I say with firm resolve.

The blond girl stares at me blankly.

"No can do. If you really want the seal, you'll have to compete against my client."

[Heart thumping]


"Anything but that!"

The blond girl was shaken by my sudden outburst.

"My metia is more valuable than anything you ever see. There's no way your client could pay more for it!"

"Oi, Subaru-kun."

Robin suddenly interjects.

"I don't know what your deal is... But, what's with your attitude?" Robin says in hostile tone.


"Don't be rude to a lady. Maybe Felt-chan is younger than all of us. But she's still a woman." The brunette chastises me.

For some reason, Felt is fuming with anger.

"Don't add –chan to my name!"


Felt's roundhouse kick.

A powerful nimble technique that is effective against annoying people.

Robin was sent flying to the flowing water stream.

"Aside from Robin's stupid statement, I do agree with him. What's your deal?" Felt recomposes herself.

Meanwhile, Sasaki quietly enters the loot house, ignoring our serious conversation.

"Whatever… Elsa is coming tomorrow. So, why don't you find a place to crash?"

[Heart thumping]

"NO! Trade it with me already!" I grab her by her shoulders.

"He-hey! What's your problem…!?" The blond girl retorts.

"You don't want to die, do you? So, trade it with me!"




All of a sudden, I feel a piercing pain on my chest.

Felt's face is covered with blood.

I slowly move my hand to my chest.


There's blood gushing out from my chest.

The girl before me is shaking.

"Robin, what did you—"

"You dare threaten my family? Shame on you, Subaru-kun."

An arrow.

There's an arrow stuck on my left chest where my heart situated.

I cough out blood.

I fall to my knee.

Robin, the brunette man is looking at me with disdain.

"Go inside Felt-chan. Go wash your face. I'll throw away his corpse by nighttime."

My vision slowly turns red.

"Ro-Robin! You-you killed him!"

"He threatened you. I don't take people like him lightly."


My vision is completely red.

I can't see anything anymore…

But I can still hear things.

"Hey Subaru-kun. Humans don't die instantly when they are pierced in the heart." I heard Robin says.

"But they are going to die anyway… You got two minutes before you are completely dead. Any last words?"



/~Return by Death~/

"A Dragon Pearl…? What the heck is that?"

This is…

Felt is standing at the center of the room.

And beside me is—

[Heart thumping]

My murderer…

"Hey, why are you looking at me like I'm some kind of a ghost?"

[Heart thumping]


I jump away from my seat.

The other occupants of the room stare at me.

"No… It's nothing."

Robin just shrugs.




"I said 'OI'!"

[EXPLOSION ~ in my mind only]

Felt's flying kick.

A dynamic kick with enough dynamism to send anyone flying to the wall.

It's extremely effective against ignorant people!



"Stop ignoring me, you stupid asshole!"

The two of us trade glares.


The brunette man laughs.

"You're funny, Subaru-kun." He comments.

"Oya…? I think we got a visitor." Sasaki suddenly comments.

It's Sephiroth, isn't it?

"But, I think he left since we were too rowdy." Sasaki suddenly adds.


"What…!? Our customer walks away? THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Felt points at me.

"Huh…? How is it my fault? You were the one who started it!"

We trade glares again.

"I see you got along with the newcomer."

Old Man Rom finally makes appearance.

I was wondering what he was doing in the kitchen.

"Oh. Isn't that what I brought in?" Robin says excitedly.

"Yes! I have appraised it! It's another metia!" The tanned man declares.


The large man is holding a scroll.

"I don't know what's its showing me. But it is a metia." The man hands it to Robin.

Suddenly, a cat smirk appears on his face.

"Hey Subaru-kun, try opening it!" He hands me the scroll.

I stare at him blankly.

His playful expression goes sour.

"Aw… You're no fun. Sasaki, how about you?"

He hands the scroll to the samurai.

"Oya…? Just what is it inside the scroll that you want to show me?" He muses.

"Just open it." The brunette urges him.

Felt is eyeing him suspiciously.

Sasaki slowly unrolls the scroll.



All of a sudden, a bright light comes out from the scroll.

"Oh my goodness!" The samurai yells.

The light goes out in a flash.

Sasaki is sitting on the floor from the shock of it.

"What was that?" He says in terrified tone.

Meanwhile, Robin is rolling on the ground.

"You fell for it!" He says mid-laughter.

"I knew he was up to something…" Felt palms her face.

It was funny…

But I can't laugh…

He, Robin—

He killed me…

I can't laugh at a joke made by my murderer…

Old Man Rom is laughing at Sasaki as well.

"I was surprised too when I open the scroll. Luckily, it was nothing serious. It's just a scroll that flashes light when opened." The tanned man explains.

"So, what's the deal?"


Felt suddenly speaks to me.

"You said you want to trade something. So, what do you want?"

They already have something that can flash light…

If I get reckless again, Robin will kill me.

But if I don't trade with them now, Elsa will kill us!

Wait a sec…

We got Robin and Sasaki!

The last time I was here, I was with Felt and Old Man Rom.

The large man couldn't win against that crazy woman…

But this time, we got two other men present!

I don't know how good Robin is in a fight.

I do know that he could kill me in a split second…

And Sasaki is a legendary swordsman.

He even defeated Sephiroth!

Though, he didn't in this 'walkthrough'…

"Hey, would you believe me if I say that a killer is coming here?"

I'll take my chance.

"A killer? What are you talking about?" Old Man Rom interjects.

I have Robin's and Sasaki's attention.

"Guys, your client is an assassin."

/***the next day***/

I manage to convince them yesterday.

It wasn't an easy thing.

I told them that my phone can tell the future.

At first, Old Man Rom and Robin were skeptical.

They didn't believe my words.

Felt and Sasaki stay out from our conversation.

But for some reason, Robin suddenly believes in me…

It's something about my eyes.

'They were scared', he said.

The moment Elsa's name is mentioned, my eyes were scared.

He deducted that Elsa might have threatened me earlier somewhere in the past.

He's half-right about that.

Robin also asked me if Elsa's employer hold something to keep me quiet.

He asked if I had a family member being hold captive.

Of course, I replied 'none'.

Robin became suspicious of me when I answered that.

I guess it's only logical for assassins to hold hostages to keep witnesses from spewing their secrets…

It was a mistake on my part.

However, Robin decides to let it slide.

My eyes were telling him enough about Elsa.

I was terrified.

That woman killed me twice.

"I will believe in you." I recalled what he said.

"I don't know who is that Elsa woman worked for… But they picked the wrong bunch of thieves to mess with." He added.

That was yesterday.

Old Man Rom let me stay at the loot house for a night as his gratitude.

Now, we are waiting for the assassin.

Sasaki has a real sword sheathed at his back.

He is serious this time.

Robin is playing with his bow string.

So that's what killed me…

It was a normal bow.

It's finely crafted, suitable for the mythical archer.

Under his tattered cloak, that bow is invisible.

"She said she's coming today." Felt informs us.

What surprised me was the number of details changed in this 'walkthrough'.

From my first to my third 'walkthroughs', the details are pretty much the same.

But in my fourth 'walkthrough', things start to get screwy.

The loot house has a new look and there is Robin Hood, Sasaki Kojirou, Dragon Balls, and even Sephiroth.

Even the events start to change a lot.

I didn't meet the three hoodlums on my way here.

And I didn't meet Satella as well…

Elsa is coming the next day instead of the evening of my arrival.

"Someone's coming!" Sasaki suddenly warns us.


Robin keeps his bow under his cloak.

Old Man Rom has his club hidden under the counter.

[Bell ringing]


"Oh crap!" Felt attempts to escape.

"Don't you dare, Felt-chan…!"

A familiar voice chastises her.

It was the silver haired girl…

Robin and Sasaki relax from the tension.


Beside her, there's an unfamiliar person.

From the looks of it, he is of Japanese descent.

His height could easily overwhelm Robin and Sasaki.

However, he's not as tall as Sephiroth or Old Man Rom.

He's wearing a white robe with red lining.

"YOROKOBE SHOUJO! Your wish has been granted!"

What the heck?

"Thank you, Kirei-san." The silver haired girl bows to him.

"Hey you, YOROKOBE bastard." Robin suddenly calls out to him.

"Hmm…? What is it, my child?"

"Ew… Stop calling me that. Have we met somewhere before…?" The brunette asks.


They knew each other?

"I'm afraid not, dear citizen." The man in white robe replies.

Meanwhile, Felt is sighing.

"Dammit…" She curses.

The silver haired girl quickly makes her way to Felt.

"Felt-chan, could you give it back to me?" The girl asks her nicely.


"Wait… You know her?"

The silver haired girl turns to face me.

"I'm sorry. Do I know you?"

That hurts…

That hurts a lot…

For some reason, the YOROKOBE bastard is smirking.

"Such delicious expression. I knew my choice was a correct one! Being an Ally of Justice will allow me to observe more miserable people!"

"Here he goes again…" The flying spirit cat, Puck, sighs.

"Fine… I'll give it back to you." Felt hands over the seal to the silver haired girl.

"Stop right there!"


All of a sudden, the YOROKOBE bastard halts her.

He rushes to the blond girl's side.

"This is… How amusing." The man in white muses.

"What is it? What's the problem now, YOROKOBE bastard?" Felt narrows her eyes.

"Emilia-sama, apparently your loss of the seal has lead us to the fifth candidate."



Is that her name?

"EH…!? Felt-chan is the fifth candidate!?" The silver haired girl says in astonishment.

"Stop adding –chan in my name!" Felt argues.

"The fifth candidate? You're saying this 'Felt' is the fifth candidate to the throne?" Robin enters the fray.

The bastard nods.

"You are correct. Felt-dono is a Dragon Priestess."

"What kind of development is this!?"

All the occupants of the room turn their attentions to me.

"Where the heck is that assassin? I thought she was going after the seal."

"I thought you never asked."

[Heart thumping]


That voice…!



The YOROKOBE bastard blocks an attack to Emilia's back.

"Tch." The attacker clicks her tongue.

Sasaki quickly draws his sword.

It was a flimsy western blade almost like a rapier.

[Clang, clang, clang, clang]

Sasaki forces the woman to back away from YOROKOBE bastard, Felt, and Emilia.

"Ara…? Who are these people? Not many can predict where I came from much less force me to back away."

The sadistic woman tilts her head.

YOROKOBE bastard shields Emilia and Felt from facing the assassin directly.

"You know, I can protect Emilia just fine." Puck interjects.

"But it is nighttime. By your contract, you are supposed to be sleeping." The man in white robe counters.

"You are right… I'm very sleepy right now." The spirit yawns.

"Don't force yourself, Puck. Kirei-san is more than able to protect me. I can protect myself as well."

Puck disappears from sight.

Sasaki is facing Elsa in a deadlock.

What is Robin doing?

"What are you doing!?"

He's just drinking his orange juice like nothing important is going on!

"I'm drinking carrot juice. It's fresh from the garden." He smirks.

"Don't worry, Subaru-kun. Sasaki is more than enough to put down that crazy woman." He adds.

I know how strong Sasaki is…

But, you're just too laidback!

[Clang, clang, clang, clang]

Sasaki and Elsa trade blows.

Unlike Sasaki's fight with Sephiroth, I can see their movement clearly.


I can see them clearly…?

I turn to face Robin.

If the fight against Sephiroth was slow, then this fight is just—

[Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang]

Every time Elsa tried to close in, Sasaki will respond with a slash.

She can't hurt Sasaki since the samurai had no opening.

The woman backpedals from her opponent.

"Who are you? I've never heard of a swordsman of your caliber aside from Reinhard."

Sasaki simply smirks.

"I'm just a nameless samurai."

Nameless, my ass…

"Hohoho… Very well, nameless samurai. I will gut you alive!" The woman says in a glee.

[Heart thumping]

Even when I'm with these strong people, I'm still terrified…

[Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang]

They have picked up their pace.

Their movements have become blurs in my eyes.


It's Elsa who's become a blur.

Sasaki is simply standing in the middle of the room, parrying her blurring attacks.

[Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang]

Even as a blur, she can't even hurt Sasaki.

I fail to see which one is the real monster…

"I'm afraid our bout has taken too much time."


Sasaki executes a large arc which easily blocked by Elsa.

However, her blurring movement was forced to a halt.

She is visible to us again.

The two combatants are standing five to six meters apart.

The place has become a wreck…

Their short skirmish causes the whole place to be a huge mess.

"Darn it, Sasaki. You're going to clean after your mess." Old Man Rom chastises the samurai.

"I heard you, Rom-dono."

He takes his stance.


Here it comes!

His signature technique.

"Hoh… What are you planning to do?" Elsa taunts him.

Wait a sec…

She had two scimitars…

She's been using one of them from the beginning!


I need to warn him!


Elsa approaches him in a blur.


"Tsubame Gaeshi!"


What the—

Just before he completes his attack, Elsa backpedals away.

However, she wasn't unscathed…

Her neck, her right arm and her lower abdomen were slightly cut.

It was not fatal since she avoided it on time.

"I see… You got good instinct." Sasaki muses.

"What was that? What did you do?" Elsa hisses at him.

The samurai looks upward.

But, there's only the ceiling…

We were indoors the whole time.

And no one broke the ceiling…

"I was about to gaze the moon. Alas, there's no moon inside…" He sighs.

"If I had my favored sword, you wouldn't be standing before me, Elsa. The range of this blade is shorter than Monohoshizao."

He's a monster.

"Damn it!" She curses.


All of a sudden, she changes her target.


She's targeting Emilia!

"Not so fast, vampire."

Elsa quickly dodges to her right.

Three flimsy blades stuck at where she was standing.

"These swords… What are they?"

A horrified voice came from the woman.


For the first time, fear has appeared on Elsa's face.

YOROKOBE bastard steps forward to the spotlight.

"Black Keys. It is very effective against the likes of you."

The man has six swords on his hands.

Three on the left, and three on the right.

He holds them by his fingers.

What a bizarre sword wielding…

I would never imagine to wield six swords at once…


What is a Black Key in the first place?

"Dammit!" Elsa curses again.

She quickly makes a dash to the exit.

YOROKOBE bastard throws the three blades in his left arm.

[Clang, clang]

But one sword manages to pierce her left arm.


Fire starts to burn her flesh where the sword was plunged.

The woman shrieks.

The man in white robe forms a sadistic smirk.

Despite her pain, the assassin makes her exit.

I'm surrounded by monsters…

"Yet another satisfying expression. The face of her despair against my Black Keys, it's exquisite!" The bastard proclaims.

"Oi, Emilia. Why did you associate yourself with this guy?" Felt whispers to Emilia.

"I had no idea that he was this kind of person…" The silver haired girl responds with a sweat drop.

Meanwhile, Sasaki slowly sheathes the sword he's been using.

"Here it is, Rom-dono. As I promised, not a single scratch on the blade." He claims.

The tanned man simply sighs.

"But you still need to clean up the mess." The giant man says.

The samurai simply smiles at his remark.

"Told ya' Sasaki can handle it." Robin says nonchalantly.

"What's the matter, Subaru-kun? Did that metia of yours tell that Elsa will come back?" He asks in taunting manner.

"No. Not really…" I respond.

The brunette closes his eyes.

"You know, Subaru-kun… You may fool Felt-chan and Old Man Rom with that cell phone, but you can't fool Sasaki and me. We already knew what a cell phone is…"


"You-you knew…?"

He opens his eyes and grins.

"Still, I got to hand it to you. You got brain and guts. You try to trick people from other world with something you got on your hand. That's something worth to be praised."


"Unfortunately, Sasaki and I are here. If we weren't here, you might get away with it." He snickers.

"Who are you people? What are you doing here in this world?"

The handsome brunette shakes his head.

"Sadly, I can't answer that. Since, I have no idea how I got here." He answers.

Did he answered in rhyme on purpose?



All of a sudden, Felt yelled.

"What's going on?" I muse.

"It is better for you to come with me. You are a candidate to the throne." YOROKOBE bastard says to the blond girl.

"NO WAY! I'm not going to participate in that stupid election!" She replies.

"Um, Felt-chan… I'm a part of the election." The silver haired girl says in dejected tone.

"Huh? So that means you're stupid too." The blond girl nonchalantly responds.

Emilia-tan startles from her remark.


Whose Emilia-tan, you asked?

I nicknamed the silver haired girl as 'Emilia-tan'.

Her name is Emilia, right?

"That's so mean, Felt-chan!"

"Stop calling me 'Felt-chan'!"

The two girls argue.

It's like watching two elementary school girls fight…

"How can I persuade the young lady to come with me?"

While the two girls argue, the YOROKOBE bastard quietly made his way to Old Man Rom.

"I don't know. Nevertheless, you can't force the girl to be a priestess candidate if she refused." The tanned man claims.

"I'll have to object that statement. Every candidate is necessary for the election to commence whether the candidates are willing or not." The bastard retorts.

"Your opinion and mine do not matter. It is Felt's opinion that really matters." The giant man claims.

The man in white smirks.

"You are correct."

Meanwhile, Sasaki is already absent from the scene.

He's probably outside, gazing at the moon.

As for Robin—


He's lazing around by the wall.

"Felt-dono." The YOROKOBE bastard calls out to her.

"What is it now, bastard? I'm not going to be your stupid candidate." She replies with narrow eyes.

"What can I do to dissuade your decision?"

"Nothing. You can't change my mind. I don't plan to be a stupid candidate."

I change my gaze to Emilia-tan.

She's currently being the middle person for the two of them.

Emilia-tan is a candidate to something…

If Felt refuses to join this election, that means Emilia have better chance of winning.

"Just do it, Felt-chan."


All of a sudden, Robin joins the fray.

"What the— Oi, Robin! You want me to be a King?" The blond girl asks him.

At her statement, the brunette man startles.

"OH NO! If that were to happen, Lugnica is going to be a lying pile of ashes!" He exaggerates.

"No, it won't!" The blond girl argues.

"Yes, it will! A new rule will be enforced! Every stupidity will be punished with Felt's super combination!" Robin adds.

"WHAT…!? I'm not going to make that kind of rule!"

"Prove it." The brunette says with a smirk.

He's good…

He's been playing Felt from the beginning.

"Alright! I'll show it to you!" The blond girl has taken his bait.

She turns her attention to YOROKOBE bastard.

Come to think of it, I've forgotten his real name…

"Sign me in, YOROKOBE bastard. I'll show that Robin that I won't turn Lugnica into a burning pile of ashes." Felt says to him.

"YOROKOBE SHOUJO! Your wish shall be granted!"

Forget it…

He is YOROKOBE bastard.

"What's your name in the first place? I can't keep calling you YOROKOBE bastard."

"It's Kotomine Kirei." He replies with a smirk.

"Um, Kirei-san? Can I go now?" Emilia decides to ask.

"Hmm…? Of course. I have no reason to keep you here." He replies.

"Thank you Kirei-san, for helping me."

The bastard smirks.

"It is my pleasure, Emilia-sama."

So, what will happen now?



"Wait!" I call out to the silver haired girl.

She was about to leave the scene.

"Hmm…?" She turns to face me.

"Can I have your name?"

I already knew her name.

But I want to make it official.

"Do I know you?" She tilts her head.

"No. No, you don't…"

She muses to herself.

Then, she smiles.

"My name is Emilia."

It totally worth the hassle.

This smile is just what I wanted.

"I'm Natsuki Subaru."

#Chapter End#

[Author's note]

I know... I know...

It's a bad habit of mine to make two author's note in one chapter.

Anyways, don't worry about 'Dragon Ball'.

It's just a joke I want to include.

Like Robin said, it is not a Dragon Ball.

It is a Dragon Jewel.

It does not grant any wishes.

Anyways, if you were wondering why Sephiroth lost to Sasaki, it is stated in Subaru's monologue.

Sephiroth was playing around.

Though from my opinion, Sephiroth's sword skills cannot match Sasaki's.

In terms of swordsmanship, Sasaki trumps everyone in Fate Verse.

Saber won against him in UBW because of his blade being dented from earlier clashes.

Nevertheless, if Sephiroth was serious, no one over there can stop him.

This is Sephiroth we're talking about.

And he is never serious.

Guys, witty reviews and jokes are welcomed!

Maybe I can come up with ideas.

When 'Loggin In' make a joke about dragon ball, I thought to myself:

"Hey, how about making this a sub-plot?"

Anyways, since my laptop broke down, I can only post this once a week.

I had to borrow a laptop from my sis (shame on me, I know)

Sorry I had to break my promise about posting everyday...

That's all for now!

Thanks for reading!

I really appreciate it!