"What's Up With My Kit-Kat, Kenan?"

Rated K+

Disclaimer: I do not own anything associated with Kenan & Kel or any of its characters. Oh, and I don't own anything associated with the Nestlé Corporation. Anyway, since I still have writer's block, here's yet another K&K drabble starring the one and only, Kel Kimble! So before I begin the story, happy Thanksgiving!

It was once again another Saturday afternoon as Kenan Rockmore and his good friend Kel Kimble were sitting on the couch with their bars of Kit-Kat's. And what's more amazing than this, they were watching their favorite team, the Chicago Bulls, play from the big screen TV that Kenan's dad, Roger, got as part of his huge paycheck.

"Oh man, these Kit-Kat's are delicious.." Kenan said with his mouth full.

"I don't know, mine tastes a little bland." Kel replied, chewing in an awkward way. "What's up with my Kit-Kat, Kenan?"

Looking over his shoulder, Kenan let out a groan for some reason.

"Oh man, that's cardboard you eatin'!" He exclaimed.

"What, it is?" Kel said with his mouth full.

Suddenly, Kel looked down to realize he was eating a piece of brown cardboard instead of a Kit-Kat bar. He was immediately shocked.

"Huh, guess I am." Kel chuckled.

"What the heck did ya do with the Kit-Kat you bought?" Kenan asked him.

After such quick thinking, Kel brought out a reasonable explanation to his best friend:

"That Donald Trump guy traded it to me for this piece of chocolate cardboard."

"I swear we gotta get you off the streets, Kel," Kenan sighed in response. "Don't believe everything that gel-head says."

"Says the man who said he'd make a better president than Clinton one day." Kel smirked with his mouthful of cardboard.

"Ha, that'll be the day." Kenan scoffed as if Kel was actually joking. "If that Trump guy were ever President 20 years from now, I'd eat your hat for dinner."

Scoffing his butt off with a smirk, Kenan took out another piece of the Kit-Kat and kept on eating away.

20 Years Later

A 36-year old Kenan was watching with his mouth full of the pieces from Kel's hat as he saw Donald Trump win the presidential election. The self-boasting multi-millionaire was busy shaking his hand with fellow politicians and kissing babies, much to the anger and ire of democrats. Seeing this in total shock, Kenan went down on his knees and screamed out the best way he knew how:


My sentiments exactly, Kenan.

To be honest, I really didn't vote this year. It's so hard and conflicting to choose which side to vote on. That's why I take the George Carlin route by not voting. So I decided to play WWE 2K17 this year on PS4, just like every red-blooded American like me would do. Anyway, feedbacks are welcome! Until next time, Warrior over and out! PEACE!