So basically this story is a continuation of Season 3 Episode 7 (03x07) otherwise entitled 'Killer Frost'. This is my take on what will follow the events of that episode. I might keep this as a WestAllen or I might make it a SnowBarry {or Maybe both ;) } Rating might change to M in the future.

(P.O.V stands for: Point of View)

Chapter 1: Control

(Caitlin's P.O.V):

I'm seated next to my computer in STAR Labs, analyzing the tests I had just ran on Team Flash's newest speedster, Wally West. It was great to have another speedster on the team, it surely boosted everyone's confidence. I hear Barry and Joe discussing whether Wally should be out there fighting metas, or if he should take it slow and keep training (for the rest of his life, according to Joe). Iris is with Wally in the speed room, watching him run at super-speed. Cisco went home early, probably still mad because his brother had died because of his best friend's mistake. While waiting for the results, I couldn't help but think that because of me, because of Killer Frost, the chemistry of Team Flash wasn't going to be the same again. I caused Cisco to lose his trust in Barry, and that's one of the things that holds this team together.

I still can't believe what I had just done. It was something that I couldn't ever think of doing. It was something that no-one would have expected from me. This is what I was afraid of; loosing control of my powers and going on a rampage, trying to hurt those who I care about the most. Thankfully, with the help of the rest of the team, Barry was able to talk some sense into me, he was able to free me from all that coldness, he made me myself again. But still, I wasn't so sure if staying on the team was a good idea. What if I lost control of myself again? What if I broke this team even more than I already had?

Suddenly, with all those thoughts racing in my mind, I feel myself getting emotional, I feel like crying, and after that, I feel angry. Oh-oh.
My hands burst up in ice, my eyes turn blue-white, and my head is filled with rage.
No no no no no...I'm becoming Killer Frost AGAIN!

I get up and knock my computer off from the table, freezing it as well. I turn towards Barry and Joe, taking slow steps towards them with icicles forming in my hands.

''That's not good...'' Joe says, frightened and worried.

''Go! Joe go! I got this!'' Barry shouts, forcing Joe to run out of the room.

''You wanted me to kill you right?'' I ask, still moving forward.

''Cait this isn't you..'' he says, now moving a step backwards for every forward step that I took.

''I know. This is Killer Frost!'' I snap.

''No. You're Caitlin Snow. You're not Killer Frost. She's in your head you have to fight her!'' He shouts

''No, Caitlin is dead. My name is and will always be Killer Frost!'' I shout back. I keep moving closer to him, the icicles in my hands becoming sharper, and Barry keeps moving back until he is restricted from doing so by a wall.

''No Cait, you're not a killer. You're a smart and kindhearted person who likes to help people, not kill them!'' Barry yells at me, trying to force Caitlin back, but it wasn't going to work this time.

''Well, I guess people can change...'' I reply, now just 2 steps away from Barry.

I'm about to shove the icicle through his chest, but I hear Joe, Iris and Wally running into the room.

''Caitlin STOP!'' Iris screams from across the room, but she's too late. There's no stopping me now.

''You're too late...'' I reply, as I make the icicles in my hands disappear, so I can now place them on Barry's chest. I lean in and crash my lips into his, pushing him further against the wall.

''What the...'' Iris, Joe and Wally gasp at the same time, watching as I kissed Barry. I could tell that Barry was holding back, he wasn't kissing me, so I decided to end this quicker than I wanted to. I start sucking the warm air from his body; like I had done earlier today, but this time, I suck all of it out, to leave him for the dead. His face along with the rest of his body turns ice-blue, he runs out of breath...

''No Caitlin stop!'' Iris screams, running towards me, as I freeze her boyfriend/best friend to death.

I pull away, obliging to Iris's order.

''Oh no...'' I say, as everything slowly fades away. I'm starting to realize what I have done, again. I lost control of myself yet again, and this time, I really messed up big time!

''No!'' Iris cries as she leans down, failing to find Barry's heartbeat.

''Dad he's gone!'' She cries out, and Joe and Wally rush over to her.

''Bear...'' Joe cries as he hugs Iris to console her, as he looked at his now dead foster son. Wally just stands still, with little tears forming in his eyes as well.

''Guys I'm so...I'm so sor-ry'' I sob, looking at the mess I had made. I had killed Barry, I had killed the Flash! Who was going to protect this city now? Who was going to stop all the metas now?

I have to leave. I can't stay in the team any longer. Even if I want to stay, the team won't let me. So I do what my instincts tell me, I run away. I race out of STAR Labs, sobbing like a little baby. I am not sure about where I am running off to. I am not sure what I'm gonna do after this. Right now, all I know is that I have killed the only person who brings me hope. I have killed the one person who brings hope to this whole city...


So this was Chapter 1. I'm sorry I had to let Barry die in this, but once you read the future chapters, you'll understand what I'm doing.
Do you think Caitlin will be back? Do you think Barry will somehow be alive again? How will Iris cope? READ MORE TO FIND OUT!