A/N: I do not own Les Mis. I wish I did, but I don't.

She stood by her brother at all times. A blue dress, hair tied up in a ribbon, a cockade pinned above her breast. She was lovely, soft-spoken, lived for the revolution; never has someone laid eyes on such an enticing fifteen-year-old.

Her name was Elizabeth, which was supposedly was her middle name. No one knew what her first name or last name was, except her elder brother, Enjolras, of course. She never spoke that often, would normally be found perched on Grantaire's lap (much to her brother's displeasure) as she conversed with Courfeyrac and Prouvaire, put in her two sense when it came to talk of rebellion, and smelled sweetly of lilies.

It was the 21st of May. She remembered that day specifically because it was raining, and she had been running late to the evening meeting at the Musain.

Elizabeth sprinted through god's tears barefoot, holding her shoes in her right hand whilst her left held her skirts up so she wouldn't trip. She had been in a small bookstore in the more civilized part of town, which was nowhere near the slums or the Cafe Musain. The time passed by so quickly as she sifted through the thousands upon thousands of books. But she never even had time to buy one when the grandfather clock tolled six times. The meeting had started ten minutes ago.

The cold was biting at her skin, raindrops already having soaked through her blue dress, chilling her as the speed of which the water fell progressing. She could see the warm light the cafe provided, aching to envelop her.

She tripped and stumbled to the door, leaning most of her weight on it in order to get it to open. Upon stepping inside, Elizabeth already heard her brother's voice yelling out in protest and the quiet rumble of voices upstairs.

"Right, we'll plan to build the barricades in between Rue de-Mon Dieu! Elizabeth, ma cherie, what on earth happened to you?!" Combeferre's eyes immediately fell on the petite blonde girl as she reached the top of the stairs, attracting Enjolras' attention as well as he was at her side in an instant.

Elizabeth held her stare with her brother as she felt Combeferre cradle her face in his hands, brushing the wet hair out of her eyes. Enjolras raised an eyebrow at his younger sister, narrowing his eyes. Oh, was she going to get an earful later. Just for being late too! It wasn't her fault it was raining outside, or that she just lost track of time at the bookstore, or wasn't talking about revolution every single moment of the day, like people do.

"Look at you, Elizabeth," Courfeyrac said as Combeferre sat the young girl down at his, Grantaire, and Joly's table. "Have you been spending too much time with Bossuet?"

A round of chuckles provided Elizabeth with a gentle smile, "Perhaps I have, maybe his bad luck has passed on to me." She felt Comberferre's presence leave shortly after, returning to the table where him and Enjolras had been discussing plans before she arrived.

She continued, "I was in the bookstore on Rue Pastourelle and lost track of time. I didn't think it would rain on the way here."

A stray shiver trailed down her spine, making her shudder. Wrapping her arms tight around herself to keep warm, she listened intently to the ongoing conversation between Courfeyrac, Grantaire, and Joly. It wasn't anything important, or nothing concerning the revolution, mostly talk of Marius and his mystery girl.

It went on for an hour. Then an hour and a half.

Almost for two hours, Elizabeth sat in her soaking wet light blue dress, chilled to the bone. She was quiet, too cold to offer her two sense or start a conversation with Courfeyrac, and stayed silent. Grantaire offered her a shot of brandi to warm her up and she took it from his hands gratefully, downing it in one take.

"Oh, look what we have here." He had said, inching his chair closer to Elizabeth. "Want another one sweetheart? Warm your tiny, perfect body right up with a couple more."

She shook her head, damp tendrils sticking to her porcelain cheeks as she shuddered once more. "No thank you. My brother would have both our heads on a silver platter if I were to have another drink, especially if you were the one to offer it to me."

Sending her a sly wink, Grantaire resumed his conversation with Courfeyrac, Elizabeth's silence returning until 8:30; The three men at her table had left ten minutes prior, along with all the other Amis save for Combeferre and Enjolras, who still sat at the table nearest the window quietly talking to one another.

Elizabeth rested her elbows on the table, propping her chin on her fists as she fell on the brink of sleep, eyelids heavy and just about to close her eyes when she felt two hands on her shoulders.

"Jesus, Elizabeth, you're freezing." Enjolras muttered as he shrugged off his coat, wrapping it around his sister's trembling frame. "Come along now, it's time to leave."

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Elizabeth slowly trailed behind her brother, grabbing her shoes off the table and taking a hold of Enjolras' wrist as they went down the staircase.

When the two stepped out into the cool, nighttime air, they walked with purpose down the cobblestone streets to their flat, Elizabeth's feet still bare.


She sat in only her innocent white corset and underskirts (which fell to a little bit below her knee), still wrapped up tight in Enjolras' coat as she curled up in a chair by the radiator. Her blue dress hung over a kitchen chair with a tiny gathering of water drip-dropping from the hem. A cup of tea was cradled in her hands and provided her with warmth, not enough to of it, but just enough for the numbness of her fingers to clear.

Her elder brother came stomping down the narrow staircase that led down from the second floor, barechested with only a pair of old breeches on for nightwear. He plopped down on the sofa, running his hands down his face as he sprawled out.

"Do you want to give me a good explanation as to why you were late today?" Enjolras spoke, his words muffled by his hands. "I had told you to be there ten minutes in advance."

Elizabeth kept her gaze forward instead of looking at her brother. The moonlight illuminated her soft facial features through the sheer curtains, all signs of rain gone. "Christian, you yourself gave me permission to go out into town this afternoon. It's not my fault it started to rain."

The elder didn't even flinch when she spoke of his first name. "You could've catched your death out there." Enjolras rose up off the couch, kneeling down in front of his sister with a caring glimmer to his eye.

Their similar blue eyes finally met, Elizabeth's lips curling into a darling little smile. "I could've, dear brother, but I didn't."

Enjolras couldn't help but smile, leaning forward to press a chaste kiss to his sister's temple.

So I basically do a lot of writing for the Maze Runner Fandom, but I'm having major writer's block for my primary story and I needed something to get my mind off it. I will take plot requests. This is just little one shots in the case scenario that Enjolras had a little sister.

But feel free to leave requests! I may be inclined to write them ;)
