Just a simple fic I wrote a while back when S2 was still being released."
There are 4 chapters that make up the bulk of this 'part', and if I write more it'll be under a different name or I might rename the chapters to separate them.
Bear in mind the original draft plot had m/m romance planned for later parts so if you're not a fan, then you can just read this part alone :)
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or respective fandoms, only the story.
Just how… did I end up here? thought Harry as he stood in front of a room full of students, curious gazes directed at him, waiting.
After the war finally came to an end, Harry had surprisingly – only to him – received a full recommendation to join the Ministry's Auror force; even without having completed his final year yet. Though it had once been thought to be a fair job to him, Harry began to think that his year on the run drained any inclination of continuing to fight even after the war. He just felt too tired of it all; he had half a mind to become a recluse and manage a farm in the country or something, if only the thought hadn't led him into a fit of laughter imagining himself: Harry Potter, the Shepard.
He thought of going back to finish his final year, but somehow even Hogwarts had lost her charm. Probably because of all the dark memories and dangers he'd unconsciously associate with Hogwarts. Yet, Harry didn't think he was ready to settle into the 'graduate, find a job, marry, find a family' cycle now that he actually could.
Hermione had suggested a 'gap year'. In his understanding, it was taking a year – or more – off to 'find himself'. Hermione had said this was usually accompanied by travelling to various different countries and doing odd-jobs to pass the time and pay for expenses along the way.
It sounded good to him; like a holiday. Once he had made any important preparations, he left soon after. He didn't need much with him anyway; too used to getting by with the bare minimum. He had started off by going to America, taking in the sights and boisterous feel completely unlike the UK. And now, after making his way through Europe, Harry had somehow found himself in… Japan.
This brought him back to his current situation. Somehow… he didn't even know how, probably some kind of major miscommunication, it seems he had taken up a temporary teaching position at a high school?
He kept hearing the term 'ALT' used; 'Assistant Language Teacher'. Now, looking back at the expectant sea of students before him, Harry resisted the urge to simply shrug as he thought, ah why the bloody hell not. The contract includes a place to stay and everything so that settles that. And maybe even a break of being a total tourist might be a good change.
"My name is Harry Potter. Or in your culture; Potter Harry. I look forward to working with you all." He gave an awkward bow, not really all that sure about Japanese customs, given he'd arrived hardly 2 days ago.
Beside him, a stern older lady – the resident English teacher – nodded. "Potter-san will be standing in as your ALT this year. I hope that you will all make full use of this opportunity to practice your English with a native speaker. As such, Potter-san, I ask that during class you only speak English."
Harry nodded, "I understand."
"Well then, how about you all ask Potter-san some questions? Be sure to ask properly and also give me your translation of Potter-san's answer."
Harry had to mentally thank God for Hermione once again for her hindsight of providing him with a translation spell in case he decided to travel to non-English speaking countries. Oddly enough, when the spell was in effect, it took more effort to think about speaking English than it did to speak the native language of that country.
There was a lull in the classroom before a shy hand went up from one girl in the second row. "Potter-san, how old are you? If I may ask?"
Harry smiled encouragingly and replied, "that's fine. I will be turning 19 in a few months." He tried to talk slower, and enunciate properly, but didn't want to make it so that it seems he might be insulting their capabilities. Harry waited patiently as the student seemed to be encouraged by the fact that she understood his answer – guess it was different when you think you're good at something and to actually see that it's true – and she translated his answer to their teacher.
This process repeated until every student had asked at least one question. The girls seemed to fare better at idle talk and questions than the boys, who had no idea what to ask, and sometimes said things that made little sense.
"Where are you from?" I was born in Surrey, England, and studied in Scotland.
"Do you play sports?" I did, although it was a sport unique to my school.
"Have you dated before?" That one elicited some giggles and a disapproving look from the teacher. I've dated two girls but they were both very brief relationships.
"What do your parents do?" I'm not sure. They passed away when I was very young. Profuse apologies followed his answer, but he waved them away easily, knowing they hadn't meant any harm in the question.
"What was your favourite subject?" I was never a very good student… but I always did well in physical education.
"How did you learn Japanese?" My friend taught me the basics. I can't read or write, though.
"What are your friends doing?" The one who taught me is now getting into politics. Another is training to become a policeman.
And on they went. He tried to keep his answers relatively short and similar in length so that it was more equal for everyone. He was impressed at the level their English were at, though their pronunciation was very accent-laden, and hoped that the hesitation in their voices would disappear the longer he was here.
"…and this is where the nurse's office is, in case you or any student gets injured or feels sick. If you go down that hallway and exit, it'll lead you to the— oh!" Takeda-sensei checked his watch and blanched at the time.
He had offered to show Harry around the school after classes had finished, stating that he had some business that would have him staying behind anyway. In the short time he'd interacted with the man, Harry found that he quite liked the other teacher. He was nice, though a little poetic at times, and his personality was a refreshing change to people back home – where Harry had to worry about what kind of ulterior motive anyone approaching him had.
"I'm sorry to have to cut you off, Potter-san. I was meant to speak to the volleyball club a few minutes ago and it just slipped my mind!"
"Oh, no, I'm sorry for having taken up so much of your time, Takeda-sensei." Harry apologized, but an intriguing expression crossed his face. "Actually, would you mind me tagging along? I'm quite interested to see some of the club and sport activities here…"
"Of course!" Takeda smiled brightly. "I'm the supervising teacher for the volleyball club and just need to let the team know about something that came up earlier today.
As they walked, Harry asked about the club and was amusedly treated to a full low-down of Karasuno's volleyball team; it's glory days, then fallen reputation, current revival and the Inter-High School competition that had passed not long ago.
Approaching one of the school's various gymnasiums, Harry could already hear the faint sounds of shoes squeaking on floorboards and voices from the inside. Though he'd only said it as an excuse to tag along at first, Harry found himself honestly interested to see one of the many sports he might've played if he hadn't gone to Hogwarts.
Takeda slid opened the gym doors just in time to see what he assumed as the possible new manager Kiyoko had spoken about.
"—ntil recently, we've been called things like the fallen powerhouse, or flightless crows. But this time, we're going to make it; all the way to the nationals."
Smiling, Takeda glanced back to wave Harry in. Stepping in, Harry's attention was immediately captivated by the sheer concentration and serious atmosphere. He watched, entranced, as a single ball was smacked around the court, making resounding impact noises. The focus the players had and their movements made what should be a simple game at a glance look much harder and complicated.
He couldn't bring himself to look away, until they finally finished practice and gathered around. Harry could feel Takeda's gaze on him a few times, and his expression in Harry's peripheral vision looked pleased at Harry's reaction, so he didn't feel as guilty about being so absorbed in watching the practice.
Harry realized that aside from a few other glances from two girls in the sideline and a man he assumed was the couch, none of the players' attention had strayed even to notice he was there.
"Gather around!" yelled Daichi, after catching a nod from Coach Ukai signaling the end of practice. As the members of Karasuno stopped and made their way around Coach Ukai by the entrance of the gym one by one, they noticed Takeda-sensei and one other person had entered the gym at some point.
Before anyone could comment on it, Takeda spoke, "Um, I know this is rather sudden, but Ouginishi High School called to request a practice match tomorrow, and I accepted. They apparently saw us at the Inter-High preliminaries and insisted."
The team brightened up at the comment, many beaming with pride at the fact that another school had asked them for a match. Especially considering just until recently Takeda-sensei had had to call in numerous favours – and end up begging most of the time – just to get practice matches; many of which never happened.
"Don't forget your frustration and bitterness from losing to Seijoh," Coach Ukai spoke up. "However, the feeling of loss, is the only thing you don't need. So hurry up and get rid of it!"
Karasuno's volleyball team broke out in loud cheers, two of the more rowdy boys jumping up with shouts and fist pumps. The boys were immediately distracted by chattering to one another excitedly about the match.
Harry had finally taken notice of the other people there aside from the players themselves and thought he shouldn't be rude any longer and introduce himself at least. He turned to the man beside Takeda-sensei, holding out a hand. "Hello, my name is Potter Harry. I've recently joined as an ALT here."
Ukai turned to the foreigner who he noticed had come in with Takeda-sensei earlier. It made sense now that he'd be an ALT. His Japanese was better than most ALTs he'd met, however. "It's a pleasure, I'm Ukai Keishin, currently the volleyball coach. Do you play volleyball? I saw you watching the boys before."
"No, I've never played before," Harry shook his head. "But your team sure is amazing. Volleyball looks very intense, from what I've seen."
Laughing, Ukai couldn't decide whether to shake his head or nod at that statement. "Well, that depends on the players I think. Other than those who play competitively, volleyball is usually regarded as a relatively easy sport." Ukai noticed Kiyoko and the new manager-in-training joining their small circle.
"Let me introduce the team's manager, Shimizu Kiyoko." Kiyoko nodded once, which Harry returned in kind, repeating his name to the girls. "And Yachi Hitoka, our possible future manager."
"Ah Yachi-san, I've had your class today, haven't I?" Harry noted, recalling the shy girl who'd had a surprisingly good command of English but was terribly uncertain and insecure about herself. His assessment was proven when the girl squeaked and stammered out an affirmative reply.
Hoping to reassure her, Harry smiled. "Your English is very good, you know? Better than most in your class, at least. Feel free to practice with me anytime you like. It doesn't just have to be during class."
Yachi's demeanor brightened at the praise, though she blushed too. "Ah! Thank you so much! No, I don't think—I'm that—I mean…" She glanced up at the foreign teacher nervously. "I would appreciate help on my… pronunciation…"
"Of course!" Harry grinned. He was impressed she had singled out her pronunciation more than anything else. He knew most Japanese practiced English with each other in a Japanese accent, so didn't realize that hardly sounded understandable to actual English-speakers. "And perhaps you could help me on mine?"
Though he had the translation spell to rely on, he hoped that immersing himself in the language would get him accustomed enough to it that he could do without the spell soon enough. And also while he spoke fluently, he realized that his own pronunciation was somewhat accented too. Harry smiled at the shocked look on Yachi's face at a teacher asking help from a student.
Harry straightened when he realized the students had begun packing up and also nodded when the two girls excused themselves to help out. He turned to the two men left, "Takeda-sensei, Ukai-san, would you mind if I came to watch the practice match tomorrow?"
Resisting the urge to smile at the clear interest in Potter-san's eyes, Takeda shook his head and help up his hands, "not at all!"
"Sure thing," Ukai grinned. "The boys could use a few fans of their own." He laughed at his own comment but truly thought that the boys could use at least one or two more people cheering for them at games sometimes.
Harry excused himself soon after, forgetting that he had a few more things to settle such as stocking his own fridge and also thinking about how and whether to furnish his new apartment.
As always, reviews are much appreciated! I plan to release chapters roughly every 10 days :)