Honoka couldn't help but think of all of those times they made her smile, with the things she loved most in her life now something she could never see again. So thick, so juicy, full and lucious. Burgers. Given her genki personallity type, she should have been able to work it off, excitedly with her friends. But wild heidonism is something a human cannot face with overconfidence and underestimation.
Now, Honaka walked on only one leg. The other had been removed as a grim reminder that her lifestyle wasn't something she could continue, and it only got harder to make sure of that, and easier to remember that. Her dreams of being an idol were dashed, how could she be an idol missing a leg? How would she get on stage, leap around, dance, sing? No audience would take her seriously. Her meaning in life was taken away.
If she had nothing to live for, why not die in a blaze of glory, and by glory I mean cheeseburgers with extra everything? No more idols, only burg. And during these thoughts she got a text. A text from her friend, Umi, who I might describe if I knew what she looked like and wasn't too lazy to google.
"ily bb 3"
It was attatched to a picture of her taking a selfie next to her grill, with burgers cooking. This was the moment Honk was sure, she knew Umi truely loved her. She knew exactly what to say and when. She knew exactly when to make burgers(anytime) and didn't care that Honk now wanted nothing but gluttony.
Honaka got on her bike a-
I've watched two episodes of this show.