This is it! The very last thing I will ever write for this story! It's been an incredible writing experience, and I've loved every second of it. Thank you so much to all my wonderful readers - especially the ones who have taken the time to leave reviews along the way, always encouraging me to keep going and finish this story! It's been an amazing journey. I really hope you enjoy this quick snippet of domesticity, and that the fluff is satisfactory ;) Once again, thank you so much for reading! I would be more than grateful if you could leave one last review, just so I can hear your final thoughts and feedback. Now all that's left to say is... PEACE OUT, BITCHES! :)
"Ugh. How long does it take to paint a stupid house?"
Castiel looks over at his daughter, her blonde hair a comical shade of yellow as she wipes a streak of paint across her forehead. He can't help but laugh at the sour look on her face, and the way her tiny body is practically swimming in the old Pink Floyd shirt Dean leant her a few weeks ago.
"As long as it takes," He says with a smirk. "This is a team effort, Claire. Everybody has to get involved."
"I don't see you doing anything!"
"That's because I'm unpacking all of our stuff," He shakes the box of kitchenware in his hands to prove his point. "Or would you rather eat off paper plates for another week?"
Claire rolls her eyes. "Well, what about pops? He's been gone for like an hour!"
"You know he's picking up supplies for the party."
"How're we supposed to have a party when we barely have a house yet?"
Castiel chuckles. "If you get back to work, we might just make it presentable before the guests arrive."
"Pfft… As if. I thought uncle Luke was gonna come and help?"
"He's on his way, don't worry."
"He only works down the road. How long does it take?"
"He needed to help Bobby out with a few things first. They're getting a new kid next week, but the spare room's not ready yet."
"So I've gotta paint this whole house by myself?"
"You've got your nan."
"But she's old."
"Hey," Jody peers around the front door with a pointed scowl in Claire's direction. "I may be gettin' on, but I can still hold a damn paint brush!"
The sound of tires crunching over the gravelled driveway turns his head, the sight of the Impala pulling up beside the house making his heart flutter. Even after all these years, seeing Dean never fails to put a goofy smile on his face.
"Sorry," Dean slams his door shut and walks around the car, dropping a quick kiss on Castiel's cheek by way of an apology. "I had to stop by the school on my way back."
"It's summer vacation," Claire wrinkles her nose. "Why the hell are you still working?"
"Had to pick up my new timetables for the fall," Dean ruffles the top of her hair, despite her many protests. "Guess who's in my third period English class?"
Claire groans. "Not again!"
"What? You embarrassed of your old man or somethin'?"
"D'you know what's it like to be taught by your own dad? It kinda sucks!"
"Hey, I'm an awesome teacher."
"Then dial it down with the homework, will ya? I'm sick of being bribed into making you extend the deadline every time."
"Take advantage, Claire Bear. Wring those suckers dry."
"You seriously need to stop calling me that... I'm sixteen, pops!"
"Still my little girl."
"You adopted me two years ago. I was never little."
Castiel shoots her a glare. "What did I tell you about using that word? You know I hate it when you say that."
"I have two dads, okay? It's really no big secret."
"But still," He shrugs his shoulders, putting on his best sad-eyed puppy dog expression. "We're one big family, Claire. It upsets me when you isolate yourself like that."
"Okay, okay," She raises her hands in surrender. "Just stop looking at me like that."
"Works every time," Dean gives him a wink, slipping an arm around his waist. "So how's it goin', baby? You makin' any progress?"
"If you call Claire whining every five minutes progress, then yes."
"Luke still comin'?"
"Mhm. Hopefully soon as well… Anna's flight gets in at two, and I really don't want her to see the place like this."
"Just 'cause she's some hotshot city worker, doesn't mean she's gonna give a crap how the house looks, Cas. She knows we've been workin' hard for weeks."
"I know," He sighs, leaning into Dean's side. "I just want to show it all off… I know it probably sounds stupid -"
"No," Dean brushes his lips against his cheek. "You've been obsessed with this house for over a year. You just want things to be perfect - no harm in that."
"I sound like such a superficial nutjob."
"Ah, shaddup. You know the last thing you are is superficial."
Castiel huffs a laugh, smiling at the way the sun bounces off the silver ring on Dean's finger. He remembers so clearly the day he stood at the front of the chapel with this man, holding his hand while all their friends and family cheered them on. When he slipped that ring onto his finger, he made a commitment to never leave his side, to never stop loving him as fiercely as he does in this very moment. Changing his name to Castiel Winchester is the best thing he's ever done (after adopting Claire of course). Some days he still forgets that he's married to this wonderful person, but then he sees the way those green eyes look at him - so soft and full of love - and everything comes rushing back. He truly is the luckiest man alive.
"So, what time's everyone comin'?"
"Around half five," Castiel scrubs a hand over his face. "I really don't think we're going to have this finished by then."
"So what? We can host the party in the back yard. No biggy!"
"But this is supposed to be a housewarming party, Dean. Aren't they supposed to actually see the house?"
"You and your technicalities… It's gonna be fine, Cas."
"Yeah, you're probably right," He chuckles at his husband's prideful expression. "Oh, Gilda's bringing her new girlfriend around, by the way. She wants to introduce us."
"Girlfriend? Ain't that the first once since -"
"Dorothy, yes. And since coming out to her parents."
"This is a big deal."
"Exactly. That's why I want you to make her feel at ease; none of your ridiculous jokes."
"Who, me?" Dean slaps a hand over his heart. "Shouldn't you be givin' Gabe the grand warning about keepin' the conversation appropriate?"
"Oh, I'll be telling him as well, don't you worry."
Claire suddenly perks up at the mention of Gabe. "Please tell me he's bringing some snacks from the bakery!"
"This is Gabe we're talkin' about. He'll probably bring half the frickin' kitchen… Not that I'm complaining or anything."
"You two are unbelievable," Castiel shakes his head fondly. "He's only just started the business, and you're already expecting free food from him."
"Well, I mean, we are kinda like family."
"Speaking of family," Castiel turns back to face Dean. "Are you sure Sam and Eileen can still make it?"
"I told you: they found another sitter to watch the twins."
"But they must be exhausted -"
"They're comin', alright?" Dean takes him by the shoulders and chuckles. "You really need to calm down, man. It's gonna be fine."
Castiel lets out a deep breath, his shoulders sagging under the weight of Dean's hands. He can't help his need to know everything beforehand. If someone were to cancel last minute, he'd probably freak out. It's just the way he is; he's an extremely stressful person. Even when he was taking his DPT program three years ago, he almost buckled under the pressure and gave up. Thank God he had Dean there to support him, never giving up until he'd finally got his Physical Therapy licence and landed his dream job. Every time he helps someone overcome the crippling pain he once experienced himself, he always thinks back to Dean. Without his help and encouragement, he never would have had the guts to see it through.
"I hope Kevin makes it," He says with a sigh. "I know he's busy at the moment, what with his new job and everything… But I'd still like to see him. It's been almost two years."
"Well, that's what comes with bein' the leading engineer at some fancy company in Japan. The holidays suck ass."
"Yes, but he's very rich."
Dean crosses his arms and pouts. "Money ain't everything. There's more important things in life, ya know?"
"You're just jealous of his home cinema, aren't you?"
"Pfft… Whatever. Okay, maybe a little bit, but that's beside the point."
Castiel laughs. "Oh, I forgot to tell you. Balthazar got married again… Her name's Cindy, and she's twenty-five."
"Man, that guy's got some moves. I bet it's the sexy British accent."
"You're not planning on being his next life partner, are you?"
"Hey! I know I've got the best man in town," Dean presses a kiss against his temple and grins. "Plus, no one can beat your skills in the sack."
Castiel blushes, but his dick still stirs at the feeling of Dean's hands slipping down his waist and resting on his ass. "Can you maybe keep your voice down when Claire is standing right over there?"
"You know you love it."
"Don't test me," Castiel desperately fights the smile tugging at his lips. "The last thing I need is my mind in the gutter… I really need to concentrate on getting this place ready."
"You're so hot when you get all serious like that."
"Stop it," Castiel chuckles despite himself. "You need to take those things into the kitchen before the freezer food melts."
"Sir, yes, sir!"
"And please tell me you remembered the champagne."
Dean grabs the bags from the trunk of the car, waving two bottles of bubbly in the air. "I'm a reliable guy, Cas. D'you really think I'd forget Jo and Charlie's engagement? Hell, Jo would probably punch me in the balls if I did…"
"That's true," Castiel puts the box of kitchenware onto the floor and takes Dean's hands, kissing him softly on the lips. "Thank you for remembering. And sorry for bossing you around so much… I must be getting on your nerves by now. I just want this place to feel like a home, and Charlie and Jo deserve the best toast I can give them, and I -"
"You're adorable," Dean cuts him off with a smirk. "And you're not gettin' on my nerves. I get it, Cas. You're stressed. Not that you need to be, 'cause everything's gonna be awesome."
Castiel sighs. "Why are you always so understanding?"
"That's what husbands are for - puttin' up with your crap on a regular basis."
"I love you," He smiles. "I really do."
"And I love you too. Even when you're covered in paint and givin' me a hard time," Dean cups his face and gives him a lopsided grin. "I'll always love you."
They both jump at the sound of Claire screeching as the dog tackles her to the floor, leaving yellow-coloured paw prints all over her shirt as he slobbers her face with kisses. All Castiel can do is laugh while his daughter throws her paintbrush at Colonel's head and shoves him off. She might have something else to gripe about now, but at least that was funny to watch.
"Good boy, Colonel," Dean scratches him behind the ears with a snort. "I'll give you a treat if you do that again."
Castiel squeezes the bridge of his nose and chuckles. "You and that dog…"
"Told you it was the right choice to pick this one."
"Well, if you're not careful, it will be your head getting the brunt of Claire's anger in a minute."
"Yeah, you're right. I better go seek refuge in the kitchen."
Dean places the bags on top of the kitchenware and hoists it onto his shoulder, grunting in a way that gets Castiel all hot under the collar. Watching his husband working those thickly toned arms in a sweaty shirt is admittedly quite enjoyable.
"I'll be back in bit, alright?"
"Okay," Castiel leans forward to capture his lips once more, smiling against the warm, stubbly feeling of Dean's mouth. "See you soon."
He watches him head back towards the house, grinning over his shoulder as he reaches the front door. Castiel falls a little bit more in love with him every time he smiles like that; it reminds him of the first time they met in that corridor, just two teenagers completely unware of what the next ten years would hold for them.
"You know what?" Dean shouts back to him, his green eyes twinkling in the sunlight. "I think we're gonna like it here!"