_Every Dragon Has a Heart_ by ilukaiba (who doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh!)

"Come on, sis!"

"All right Joey, just a second!" Serenity yelled to her excited brother, Joseph. She ran out of her room and gave him a hug. Yesterday, she had gotten her eye operation done. She looked up at him with her soft amber eyes.

"So when are we leaving?"

Joey smiled. Serenity had been waiting for this day for a long time... the day she was going to meet Joey's friends. She had heard so much about them. There was Yugi, a kind-hearted boy who had a heart of gold. He had apparently *helped* Tristan teach Joey Duel Monsters. Then, of course, there was Tristan. Serenity knew Tristan since he had visited her in the hospital so much. He taught Joey all about dueling (yeah right...). And Tea... Joey said she was so nice and would do anything to help her friends. 'Just the kind of friend I need...' thought Serenity happily. And there was Bakura, quiet and shy, he was always ready to lend a helping hand. And Joey had told Serenity about Mai, the pretty blonde girl he liked. Serenity secretly made it her goal to get the two together... 'Joey has so many wonderful friends!' thought Serenity as she walked down to the Game Shop with her brother. She sighed with happiness as she looked at her surroundings. The city of Domino was so beautiful in the springtime. It was romantic, with a light breeze. For a small second, Serenity wished she was walking with a handsome guy instead of her brother.

Suddenly, her eyes wondered to a tall building that loomed awkwardly above the trees and houses. It looked cold and uninviting. She shivered as she looked deeper into it. Who could possibly work in such a place? It made the quiet and peaceful town look strange. "Joey... what's that building?" Serenity asked her brother.

"Oh... that's Kaiba Corporation."

"Kaiba... that name sounds familiar..."

"Yeah... the guy who owns it... the CEO... he's Seto Kaiba. That arrogant, rich snob I told you about. The one who makes fun of me..."

"Oh Joey! Don't call him those names. It's a bit rude... especially since he's such an important person in society."

"Serenity... he calls me rude names every day!"

"Well, Joey... don't start anything with him... he doesn't sound like the kind of person to mess with!"

Joey smiled and stroked his sister's long brown hair playfully. "Yeah, you can say that again." The two siblings arrived at the Game Shop and walked in.

~ ~ ~

"Mr. Kaiba?"


"Mr. Kaiba... you've been working for hours... nonstop! Take a break! You really shouldn't be working this hard!"

"Don't be silly... I am doing my job!" Seto Kaiba looked up at his secretary who stared back at him defiantly.

"Mr. Kaiba... please take a break. Go walk around town... get a little air. I can finish that report for you... it's my job anyway!"

"Fine..." said Kaiba with a grunt. He picked up his briefcase and left, straightening his collar at the same time.

"Oh... Ms. Matsuri?"

His secretary stopped typing in order to listen to him.

"If Mokuba calls, tell him I will be at the Game Shop."

~ ~ ~

"So Serenity... have you ever dueled before?" Yugi asked Serenity. The gang was seated around her, eager to learn about their new friend.

"Well... I can't say I have. Especially since I could barely see before my operation yesterday."

An uncomfortable silence followed. Serenity blushed, realizing they weren't used to talking to people who had narrowly missed losing their eye sight. "Oh... it wasn't that bad, you know!"

"Oh." said Tea quietly.

"So Serenity? Would you like to learn how to duel? I could give you some cards. I am sure my grandpa would let me."

"That would be great Yugi!" Serenity waited patiently, while Yugi got some cards.

Tristan was too caught up staring at her to suggest helping teach Serenity Duel Monsters. 'She has the nicest eyes. And she's so kind!' He gazed at her with admiration.

Serenity noticed he was looking at her and smiled. "Oh Tristan... you're making me blush!"

Tristan turned red and stopped staring at her. But he still did glance at her occasionally.

"Okay," said Yugi kindly, "These are duel monsters. Pick out some and you can keep them!"

Serenity looked at the cards with interest and curiosity. Some of them looked so gruesome that she wouldn't dare touch them. Yet some of them looked so harmless and adorable. She picked out a few that she thought were nice, ignoring the playful sniggers coming from her brother. "I wouldn't pick those Serenity... they're so weak."

Serenity laughed with her brother. "Well Joey, I don't intend to do any REAL damage with them." Suddenly she stopped laughing and listened as the door to the Game Shop opened. In walked a tall boy with brown hair, blue eyes, and a large silver briefcase. He was wearing a long, purple trenchcoat and black leather pants. (((A/N Think of the Ishizu episode...))) Serenity looked at this new arrival with interest. He looked tired but arrogant. He stood stiffly, as if not wanting to make himself comfortable. He glared at the group, suddenly pausing as he noticed her new face.

"Who are you?"

Joey stood up protectively. "THAT is MY sister, Serenity, and if you lay a finger on her I'll eliminate you."

Kaiba laughed at his pathetic, defensive threat. "I wasn't planning to do anything to her, puppy dog." He walked over to where the group was seated. "So I see Serenity's learning Duel Monsters, eh." He smiled arrogantly, trying to show Serenity that he, Seto Kaiba, was a much better duelist then she'd ever be.

He was stunned by the reaction Serenity gave him. Instead of angrily telling him off, like anyone else would, she smiled sweetly at him. "Yeah, I'm learning, but I doubt I'll get anywhere. Yugi is a great duelist, but even he can't make me understand such a complex game. You must be Seto."

Kaiba looked at her curiously. "Seto?"

"That IS your name, right?"

"Yeah... my name is Seto..."

"I thought so. I have heard so much about you..."

Joey stared at his sister, hoping she wouldn't say anything she'd regret. Yet he also smiled, realizing how truly kind his sister really was. If she could act so nice to a loser like Kaiba, she had to be one of the nicest girls on the planet.

Kaiba was having similar thoughts. 'Serenity... she seems so kind... I never knew anyone could be so gently. I don't want to touch her because she is so delicate and would probably break! And she is rather pretty.'

"Why did you come here, Kaiba?" asked Yugi.

"I wanted to get some new cards for my little brother. He is participating in a little dueling tournament at his school."

"I guess it runs in the family!" said Serenity, smiling angelically.

"I guess so..." replied Seto, looking into her amber eyes. Suddenly he got up. He quickly purchased some cards and opened the door. "Bye Serenity!" he said as he walked on to the street.

"Bye Seto..." called Serenity after him, too caught up in a feeling of love to notice the suspicious looks the others were giving her.