Wings to Fly

Summary: After finishing a case the team was ready to head home, or go out and relax for a bit, Reid was one of the ones on his way back to his apartment when it happened, three hunters ambushed him. He thought they were going to kill him, but no, what they did was much, much worse. They exposed his secret to two members of his team, which led to the others finding out.

Character(s): Hotch, Reid, Morgan, Rossi, JJ, Emily, and a few necessary OC's

Warning(s): Ambushing, angst, hurt/comfort, hurt Reid, over-protective team, Reid has Wings!, Blood, form of torture, awkwardness, NO ROMANCE, Secrets, Lying.


Last Time

Rossi could only watch as Dr. Shane walked off before he could say anything else, sighing he turned and walked down the hallway to go outside. Stepping out into the suddenly colder air Rossi pulled out his cell. He knew what he had to do.

He had to call Hotch.

Chapter Four: Should I run?

That gentleness people always speak of when slowly waking up? That was a lie as far as Reid was concerned. Swallowing or trying to move hurt. A lot actually, but it wasn't unbearable. Not yet at least. But regaining consciousness was like it coming to him abruptly, not slowly easing him into waking up. With that abruptness came a headache rivaling a possible migraine.

"Dr. Reid?"

Reid hesitantly opened his eyes, having to blink a few times to see past the blurriness before he looked up as the lady, Dr. Shane if he remembers correctly from earlier, entered his hospital room with a warm smile on her face.

"Dr. Reid, there's a man outside. A Mr. David Rossi, he's out in the waiting room, I've told him that you've said you don't want any visitors but he still wishes to come see you."

Reid shook his head no and was confused by the disappointed look on Dr. Shane's face but he quickly ignored it. He just couldn't see Hotch or Rossi right now...or anytime soon really, not when they knew...when they knew what he was. That thought alone caused him to freeze in the spot, they knew. The entire team probably knows by now, not to mention those men who had attacked him. He wasn't safe here. Not anymore.

Suddenly feeling sick to his stomach Reid realized something. He needed to leave.

Rossi knew something was up when Dr. Shane never came back out.

He'd been sitting there for almost two hours since they've discussed Reid's injuries and since he's called Hotch, who would be there any minute now. Trying and failing not to get himself worried over what was probably nothing, Rossi began tapping his shoe again the floor. It's slapping noise echoing loudly in the nearly empty waiting room.

"What happened?"

Rossi looked up to see Hotch staring down at him and holding two large cups of coffee.

"What makes you think something's wrong?"

Hotch shot a pointed look at Rossi's leg which was still bouncing up and down.

"Okay so maybe something's wrong." Rossi took a large sip of the hot coffee, "I've been sitting here for two hours now Aaron. The doc hasn't come back out neither has a nurse!"

"I'll be right back." Hotch muttered staring at the nurse's station where one nurse appeared to be unsettled by whatever someone was telling her over the phone.

"Excuse me miss?" Seeing he had the frazzled nurse's attention Hotch continued, "My name is Aaron Hotchner with the FBI one of my agents was recently admitted here and no one has spoken to me about his injuries."

The nurse hung up the phone and asked, "His name, Sir?"

"Spencer Reid."

The nurse froze and quickly glanced at Hotch and then over at Rossi who was watching the both of them, "Sir is that man over there with you?"

"Yes he's another co-worker." Hotch answered a little confused by the sudden question.

The nurse stood and gestured for Rossi to come over and join them, once he was close enough to hear here the nurse spoke, "Spencer Reid is who you're here for? I had just gotten a phone call, Dr. Shane your agents doctor was called to the ER due to an emergency but just a few moments ago when she returned to Mr. Reid's-"


E-Excuse me?" The nurse blinked, shocked that Rossi had cut her off.

"His name is Dr. Reid, sorry. Please continue." Hotch explained briefly.

"Right. Uh..Dr. Reid wasn't in his room when she returned there. That was Dr. Shane I was just on the phone with, Dr. Reid's missing."

Rossi cursed, he waited until Hotch thanked the nurse before pulling Hotch off to the side.

"Could it have been one of those men who attacked him earlier?"

Hotch grimaced, "Maybe but...David we have to consider he left on his own."

"Either way, let's find the kid."

Reid sucked in as much air as possible. He stood hunched over panting about a full three blocks from the Hospital. He was just glad his clothes were kept in his hospital room despite how torn up they'd gotten. He earned his fair share of odd looks walking down the street but he didn't care, he just needed to get home and pack so he could leave quickly.

Wincing from the pain, Reid tried to push it to the back of his mind as he continued with a slight limp towards the nearest bus stop, silently hoping they'd let him on board. If not he could always try to find the nearest subway system and use that to get back to his apartment.

What he didn't count on was for Rossi and Hotch to be waiting for him in his living room when he finally did get there.

Okay, yes this chapter is a bit short but at least it's a update right?

Please Review and lemme know what you think I should write about next!