Music: "He's a Pirate" by Klaus Badelt (Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of The Black Pearl)

Epilogue: He's A Pirate

"Land, ho!"

The call had been met with joyous cheers as every single crew member jumped to attention, running to man the oars and direct the ship towards the island, and he couldn't really blame them. He and his crew had struggled in trying to repair their ship for the past day, unable to make much progress because they were at sea. Their materials were limited, their movement was limited, their sleep was limited, and their patience had been getting more limited with each passing minute.

The matter of the fact was that he prided himself in being a great navigator. He could spot a storm coming a hundred miles away! But just one day ago, in the middle of the night, a giant storm came out of nowhere. They'd been anchored by a sea stack off the coast of some island, and most everyone had been asleep. The storm drew them towards another island, it seemed though, and, thankfully, they were finally going to have a chance to make some proper repairs.

When they reached the island, everyone rushed to get the ship tied and anchored on the shore, and when it was done, everyone cheered and took a few moments to rest whether they were on the ship or in the sand.

He stood at the front of the ship. He had black hair that was pulled back into a ponytail, a clean shaven chin, and hardened brown eyes. He kept one leg poised on the bow with his elbows rested on top of his knee as he leaned forward, looking out at the trees. The day was warm, and the sun shone brightly, but the forest still seemed to cast some dark shadows.

He pushed up and over the bow, jumping off of the ship and down into the sand. He walked forwards, peering around, this way and that. He had a strange feeling about this place... A good strange, he decided, giving a half-smile.

"Captain Eret, is everything alright?" One of his crew shouted, and Eret turned back to his men with a grin.

"Of course, lads! Nothing to worry about!" Eret assured as he walked back towards them. "Get some food from the store and collect some fresh water! It's about time we had a proper meal!" This was met with hearty cheers and several men jumping up to fulfill the orders as Captain Eret rejoined his crew by the ship.

Completely unaware, none of them noticed the two sets of forest green eyes watching them from the trees.

Jack, Merida, Rapunzel, Hiccup, and Toothless will all return in:

Sea Of Treasures - April 8th, 2017