Title: Relentless
A/N: I must admit, the plot for this one will kinda be like "The Wrong Emotion", but different and most likely won't be as long. The characters will seem extremely ooc as well, so you've been warned. Hope you like it! If so, please review.
Summary: Morgana loathes him. Despises him. She wants nothing to do with him. But Merlin is relentless in his chase after her. StudlyMerlin!
"I don't get it."
Merlin sighs as he sets down one of the weights in his hands and runs a hand through his hair. "I wouldn't expect you to, Gwaine."
He and Gwaine have been best friends since they were seven. Gwaine had been the only one to stand up for him when the kids from their class had teased him about his big ears. He remembers how Gwaine had gotten up and yelled at everyone to shut up before asking him if he would like to play with him at recess. Gwaine had gotten chastised afterwards by their teacher, but from that day forward, they've had each other's backs.
Even during the most hopeless times.
"But why Morgana?" Gwaine asks exasperatedly. They're currently at the gym, getting in their workout for the day before they retire for the night. It's arms day, so Gwaine is laying on a bench doing 80lb bench presses while Merlin sits across from him, pumping 45lb dumbbells in each hand. "You could have any girl you want from the whole school, and yet you still refuse to let go of this chick."
"She's not just some chick." Merlin says defensively. "She's..." he trails off as he thinks of the ivory skinned goddess he's been in love with since his freshmen year of college. It's been a little over three years since she walked into his life and stole his heart... okay, she walked into his class and stole his notebook... okay, their notebooks got mixed up and she accidentally took his notebook thinking it was hers, but, "She's the love of my life, Gwaine."
Gwaine groans, rolling his eyes as he sets the weight down and looks at his friend. "Right... the love of your life who hates your bloody guts."
Merlin snorts as he too sets the weights down in their place on the weight stands before using his dark blue armband to wipe at the thick sheen of sweat forming on his forehead. "She'll come around soon enough... I know it." He says confidently.
It's Gwaine who laughs this time, "You said the exact same thing during our freshmen year. We're seniors now."
"It's different this time." Merlin replies with a wide smile. He glances over at the door as a few girls enter the weight room, giggling as he grins at them.
Gwaine chuckles, shaking his head. "The girls of this school would kill to be your wife, and yet you continue to lust after the one girl who won't even go out on one date with you."
Merlin smiles, checking his watch for the time. "It's love, my friend." He glances over at the girls who are currently eyeing him like a piece of meat. "Besides, the reason I fell for Morgana in the first place is because she's not easy. You know I'm always up for a challenge."
"But for how long? You've been celibate since you met her!" Gwaine whispers exasperatedly. "A man can only wait for so long before he gives into the pleasures of this world." He then glances over at the girls, showing off his pearly whites.
Merlin is unfazed as he gets up and grabs his gym bag. "I'm telling you, Gwaine. She's going to be my wife someday. I know it."
"Yeah yeah," Gwaine chuckles, getting up as well and grabbing his own gym back as they begin walking towards the door. "And I'll have a box ready for you to store your balls inside so you can hand them to Morgana after."
Merlin aims a kick at his best friend as they share a laugh and head back towards their dorms.
When he sees her in class, Merlin is beyond excited. English class is the only one he shares with her, and they only have that class twice a week. It's also the only time he really sees her. Beyond this class, Morgana avoids him like the plague. He doesn't mind it though. He loves the fact that she goes out of her way to do something for him. Even if it's avoiding him. It's how he knows that she's affected by him. It's how he knows that she does indeed care.
She's been single since the first time they met in freshmen year. She turned down pretty much every guy who has asked her out, including himself. But to his knowledge, he's the only one who asks her out twice a week. He's not stopping now.
He tears a piece of paper from the back of his English textbook, scribbling down a few words before crumpling the paper and throwing it towards the girl of his affections. It lands perfectly on her open textbook and he smiles triumphantly as Morgana turns to glare at him.
Read it. He mouths.
She rolls her eyes at him before taking the piece of paper, opening it up and reading the 6 words scrawled on it.
Will you go out with me?
He sees her sigh, taking her pen and jotting down a few words before crumpling it up and throwing it back to him. He catches it, still smiling widely at her as he opens the paper again. Tearing his eyes away from her beauty, he reads her reply.
No. I've told you already, I will never date someone like you.
He sighs heavily, his chest aching at the rejection yet again, but keeps his smile intact as he glances at her. She's already looking at him, so he smiles even wider. He still doesn't know what she means by 'someone like you', but he assumes it's just an excuse to get rid of him. But he's not going anywhere. He tears off another piece of paper and quickly writes, 'I'll keep asking you till you say yes'. He gets up, walking directly to her desk and dropping the paper in front of her before making his way to the front of the class so he can fake being sick and ask to be sent to the nurse's office.
Morgana Pendragon prides herself on being one of the few girls in the school that Merlin Emrys hasn't slept with. But it annoys her to no end that he keeps asking her out, probably trying to get her to sleep with him so he can brag about it to the whole school. And she will NOT give in to him. Besides, she promised herself that she would never lay with a man before her wedding day.
It's especially cold today as the snow continues to fall, and she pulls her coat tighter around her as she leaves the library and makes her way back towards her dorm room. She sees a few people walking about the school campus, most of which are hurrying to get out of the cold.
She doesn't exactly love the snow, but she's always thought it was beautiful how it covers everything in white. It reminds her of a time when all she had to worry about, was which cereal she would like to have for breakfast. She misses being so carefree. Now she's swamped with projects, exams, late night studying, and... Merlin.
She rolls her eyes at the thought of him. He absolutely won't leave her alone. When he had first asked her out, she had just seen him making out with some blonde in the hallways before he smacked said blonde on the ass and sent her on her merry way. She nearly barfed at the sight of him watching the blonde walking away with a Cheshire grin on her face. And then he had seen her, and came over to her, immediately, calling her a "notebook thief". She had immediately decided then and there that she absolutely hated him, right before he opened his mouth and asked her out. She immediately turned him down, telling him upfront that she doesn't date guys like him, and then leaving him there with his mouth hanging open.
"Hello, Lovely!"
Morgana stops in her tracks, eyes widening. What are the odds of her running into the devil himself whilst currently cursing his name? She turns her head, seeing him jogging up to her from the parking lot where he'd just parked his silver BMW, dressed in black sweats and a navy blue hoodie. She ignores him and continues walking away quickly, but he catches up to her.
"Where are you headed?"
She doesn't answer him as she keeps walking, hoping he'll go away if she stays quiet.
Merlin chuckles, shaking his head as he shrugs up his shoulders against his ears in an attempt to keep the biting wind away. "I don't get why you don't like me... I mean, I haven't done anything to you."
She rolls her eyes, still walking with him still following. She continues to ignore him as she gets closer to her dorms.
"Are you free this Saturday?"
"No." she answers immediately.
"Ah! She speaks!" Merlin exclaims mockingly.
She doesn't reply, but she does turn her eyes to glare daggers at him.
Merlin grins when they make eye contact, and she looks away quickly. "Oh don't be like that, Love. I just wanted to talk."
"Well I don't. And stop calling me that." Morgana replies haughtily.
"What should I call you then?"
She turns on him, glaring daggers into his eyes. "What do you want, Merlin?"
Merlin stays unfazed, smirking at her. "You, of course."
"Well you can't have me."
"Well why not?"
"Because I don't like you."
Merlin gasps mockingly, putting a hand over his chest. "You wound me, Morgana."
"Good. I'm glad." Morgana gives him an obviously fake smile, then turns on her heels and walks away.
He continues to follow her again, smiling at the way she steps immediately away from him. He knows how much he affects her. "You know, every girl in this school would go out with me in a heartbeat."
"I'm not like every girl in this school." She says, not even looking at him.
"Well of course... which is why I keep asking you out."
Morgana stops again, turning to him with narrowed eyes. "Is that what this is? You're trying to get me to go out with you, sleep with you so you can say you've bedded every girl in the school?"
He laughs, "Of course not. I genuinely like you and want to get to know you."
"Well that is never going to happen, Merlin. You might as well drop this... game of yours."
"Not a chance. And it's not a game." He says seriously.
Morgana huffs, her breath visible in the cold air. "Well whatever it is, you need to stop. I will never, ever, go out with someone like you."
Merlin looks exasperatedly at her. "What does that even mean?! You keep saying someone like me, but I don't understand what exactly you're talking about."
Morgana throws him another glare. "Ask around." She turns again, hurrying towards her dorms.
Merlin stops following her then, and he chuckles softly, watching her walk away from him yet again. "I'll keep asking you out, you know?" He calls to her.
Morgana bites her lip as she keeps walking. God, he's infuriating. "And I'll keep saying no!" She calls back in reply.
Merlin chuckles as he stays there, still watching her, wanting to make sure she gets to her dorms safely. "So cold." He's not even talking about the weather.
A/N: Wow this is a streak for me! Three fics posted in one day. But what do you think of this one? Boring? Cliche? I know. Thank you to everyone who read and reviewed my other fics. Meri Ley, AndreKl, mersan123, Wurwastic, WolfKinx, this ones for you guys.. and everyone else who keeps up with my fics. Thank you guys so much for all your wonderful reviews. I truly appreciate. Like seriously, I wrote these fics because of all the support and reviews I get. It's inspiring. But review this one too, kay? - The Thief will be updated soon, as well as this one. :)