Hello peoples of the world, especially my fellow Pokémon fans. So as many of you probably well know, and experienced, Pokémon Sun and Moon is now out (so good.) And this of course has led me to believe what will probably be my new favorite ship in this game Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet, so seeing my new pokémon OTP, I of course must do the only reasonable thing; write a fanfic about them. May the goddess have mercy on my soul anyway this is supposed to be about how the two became husband and wife, it's rated M for some minor things that I will get to when I get to them, but enjoy and enjoy Sun and slight spoilers for the game so read at your own risk.

Professor Burnet picked aimlessly at the salad that was sitting in front of her, the dish was mostly uneaten and simply sitting on the gala table. She along with her friends and colleges from college were at a Science conference, featuring some of the most prominent pokémon scientist from all around the world from Professor Rowen from Sinnoh to Professor Oak all the way from Kanto. Burnet was here with her friends Professor Juniper and Fennel who were busy mingling with their fellow Pokémon professor leaving her by herself.

The Professor smoothed out her platinum blonde hair and let out a board sigh. Deciding she was getting nowhere just sitting by her lonesome self, Burnet got up and began to try to talk to some of the other researchers that were at the gala that night. Talking to a few researchers proved to be…fruitless to say the least. Leaving her at square one, bored out of her mind and not sure what to do.

"Sup." She heard a masculine voice say from the side of her, turning to her side she could see a man slightly taller than her, he had dark brown hair and tan skin and a soul patch, his face was brimming from end to end with a smile.

"Um…hi." Burnet said to the person whom she did not recognize in the slightest, the man seemed to notice this and let out a hearty laugh.

"Sorry about that, I'm Professor Kukui I specialize in pokémon moves and how they work in battle, and you are?" Kukui said patently waiting for Burnet to make a response.

"I'm Professor Burnet, I study other dimensions and how they affect the world." Burnet said this seemed to pique Kukui's interest since he perked up and began listening with rapt attention.

"Really? Huh tell me more." Kukui said still waiting for Burnet to make a response, Burnet shook her head and smiled, for most of the night the two stood talking about their different fields of research, by the time the Fennel and Juniper had returned to pry their friend away from the professor the two had already been talking for several hours.

"Come on Burnet we've got to go to the hotel." Juniper said, trying to keep her best friend/girlfriend Fennel up straight.

"Oh sure, um thanks for the fun time talking. Um do you have an Xtranceiver?" Burnet asked Kukui who nodded. Burnet then wrote down a number and handed it to him, with him doing the same. Just in time for Juniper to pull Burnet away from him.

"So, Burnet who's your new friend?" Juniper said in a semi flirting tone. Burnet immediately noticed this and tried to deflect what her friend was insinuating.

"He's just a professor, nothing else Juniper." Burnet said defensively Juniper laughed followed by her girlfriend who was also laughing, though probably not for the reason she was.

"So, what's his name?" Juniper said as they carried the slightly drunk Fennel to the hotel room they were staying in.

"Kukui." Burnet replied Junipers eyes lit up slightly this indicating that she knew who Kukui was.

"Oh him, he's rather nice if I think he's the person who I think he is." Juniper said, opening the door and leading the now passed out Fennel to their bed, "but he's from Alola if I remember correctly, nice guy, never wears a shirt for some reason." Juniper said, thinking of the time when she first met Kukui and his lack of a shirt during the entire event.

"Well he's nice, I'll say that." Burnet said as she was preparing to go to bed. Setting her alarm, she noticed she had a voice message on her Xtranceiver. Opining the message, she saw it was from an unknown number. On a whim, she played it.

"Hey, it was fun seeing you, I hope this is the right number. This is Kukui, hey if you're free we should meet up for coffee tomorrow, there's a café not that far from the hotel." Kukui said in the voice mail. Smiling, Burnet dialed the number back and the line was immediately picked up.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to call so soon." Kukui said on the other side, trying not to sound like he was waiting for her to call him back.

"Well I just wanted to say, sure I would love to go get coffee tomorrow." Burnet said she could see from the other side thanks to the Xtranceiver video feed that the Kukui was, blushing of all things.

"Cool, um… see you tomorrow at eleven I guess." Kukui said hurriedly as he discounted, making Burnet laugh. She could see out of the corner of her eye Juniper looking over her shoulder.

"Oh, Burnet's got a date tomorrow." Juniper said in a singsong voice. Burnet threw a pillow at her friend's face.

"Go to sleep." Brunet said as she put her Xtranceiver. The next morning Burnet could see her friends were still sleep, no doubt nursing a hangover, checking her Xtranceiver she could see it was nine in the morning. Taking a shower, she put on the most casual cloths she could find which seemed to amount to some blue jeans and a top with a pokeball on it. Taking the brisk walk to the café she could see it was sparkly crowded so it would not be that hard to spot Kukui amongst the patrons. Looking around she found him sitting near the middle of the café.

"Sup." Kukui said as he waved at Burnet who sat down at the opposite side of the table.

"Hey, I didn't keep you waiting, long did I?" Burnet asked, Kukui shook his head and the two began to talk about anything that caught their fancy.

"So, those two ladies you were with those are your friend right?" Kukui asked pertaining to Juniper and Fennel, Brunet nodded.

"Yes, those were the illustrious Professor Juniper and her slightly drunk girlfriend Doctor Fennel." Burnet said, silently chuckling at her friends.

"They seem nice, so how did you three become friends?" Kukui asked.

"University, we were all in the same classes and got paired up for an assignment and became fast friends." Burnet said, remembering their time in university and the fun that they got up to, "In fact I was the one who managed to give Juniper the nudge she needed to ask Fennel out." Burnet said with pride at getting her friends to admit their feelings for one another.

"That's cool, um…you don't mind me asking if it's not too intrusive but are you…perhaps seeing someone?" Kukui asked nervously, a large luminous blush on his face, making him look as though he was part ledyba. This was rather endearing to Burnet.

"No, why are you interested in me?" Brunet said giving the professor a sly grin, Kukui tried to peddle back.

"N-no I was just curious." Kukui said making Burnet laugh at his discomfort.

"Well you know what they say curiosity killed the meowth." Burnet said giving Kukui a sly wink, making his blush even brighter, this in turn made Burnet laugh even more.

Um… oh this reminds me, you said you research other dimensions correct?" Kukui asked, Burnet nodded and Kukui handed Burnet a book. On the cover it read "Alola Legends: The Ultra Beasts"

"Hmm what's this?" Burnet said as she began to thump through the book, it had several descriptions of strange creatures dubbed the Ultra beasts in them and how they were connected to legends in Alola.

"Something that I think you might find interesting, it's said that in Alola legend that strange creatures came from the sky and attacked humanity." Kukui said as Burnet continued to read the book.

"Hmm from the descriptions of what these creatures do it does sound like they travel dimensions." Burnet said as she put the book down, "hmm this warrant's further study." Burnet got up from the chair.

"Thanks for the nice time, um, I guess I'll call you when I get a chance." Burnet said leaving behind a slightly bemused Kukui who shrugged his shoulders. It would be several months before the two would see one another again in person. Though they continued to correspond periodically via Xtranceiver and PC. This would all change when Kukui received a message from Burnet, he was working on several formulas when his PC began to ping, indicating a video call. Putting down his chalk he walked to the computer to see that Burnet was calling.

"Hey Burnet, what can I do for ya?" Kukui asked a wide smile to greet his friend/ secret crush. He could see from the video call that Burnet was in the middle of research when she called him.

"Hey Kukui I have a favor to ask of you." Burnet said as she put away one of her notebooks.

"Shoot." Kukui said giving Burnet a warm smile.

"I need to come to Alola to do some more in depth research, do you have any place where I can set up a lab on short notice?" Burnet asked. Kukui thought for a moment and then a place popped up in his mind.

"I have just the place it's on the Akala Island, in a city called Heahea." Kukui said as he sent her a map of the area. Burnet looked over the region and nodded.

"All right, I guess I'll see you in a few weeks." Burnet said as she discounted the call. This left Kukui a few weeks to prepare for her arrival and get the old lab in order.

Well that's the first chapter I hope you guys like it. And thank you editor for the new chapter.