Author's Note: And we have reached the end! Thank you for all of your support :).

Amortentia: A Dating App for Wizards & Witches

by somekindofwildgirl

A month went by since Hermione deleted Amortentia. At first, she thought she would regret it. But as time passed, Hermione found happiness. Her time on the app had given her more confidence, something even Harry had noticed. The best thing about her dating stint was that her friends stopped worrying about her. They continued to tease her about staying late at the office, but Harry and Ginny left her alone. The press had gotten wind of her online presence and were angry that they had missed it. She shrugged off the attention. It still made her uncomfortable, but she no longer cared what the public's opinion of her was. Hermione was living her life on her terms.

Glancing at her watch, Hermione realized that she had worked past closing time. Grabbing the letters off her desk - her personal letters had been sent to her office by mistake - she left her office. As soon as she stepped into the hallway, she ran into someone. Her letters went flying. Huffing, Hermione bent down to pick them up.

"You do realize that there's a spell for that, right?" Draco asked, waving his wand. All her letters landed neatly in his hands. He offered her to them as she quickly stood up. Hermione took them.

"Thank you. For a moment, I thought this was going to be a charming scene straight from a movie," Hermione said when she noticed he was about to leave. Draco hadn't been talkative at the coffee shop this morning and she wondered if he was seeing anyone. But as soon as those words left her mouth, she regretted them. But it stopped Draco from leaving.

"I can be charming!" he retorted, before quirking his brow. "What is a movie?"

"I'm sure you can be," Hermione said, shuffling the documents in her arms. Since she had deleted Amortentia, Draco had been the only person on her mind. Their daily exchanges at the coffee shop were moments that she lived for, but she doubted that he felt the same way.

Draco rolled his eyes before offering his arm. "I am assuming you are on you way out?" he asked. "And you don't believe that I can be charming?"

"When have you shown me your charming side?"

"I will prove it to you tonight. Will you do me the honor of accompanying me to dinner?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. She was tempted to decline his invitation. This could be a dare for all she knew, but there was something honest in his expression. And she couldn't deny the butterflies in her stomach. Here was the creator of Amortentia, the person who unknowingly brought muggle technology into the Wizarding World. And he was asking her out.

"Fine, but only because I think you are going to lose."

"Okay, I was wrong," Hermione admitted.

Dinner had been a smashing success and he was every bit as charming as he had bragged. She thought they would have run out of things to talk about. Or, that it would have been similar to her date with Oliver Wood. Part of her had hoped for it, because then, her crush would have fizzled out. Instead, her feelings grew as they debated politics, literature, and religion. Draco held his own against Hermione, which was impressive. She had never met anyone that could keep up with her intellectually. Twice in their debate, he proved her wrong and he wasn't afraid to point it out. Most people were too scared to offend her to correct her. Now as Draco walked her home, she didn't want the date to end.

"Of course you were," Draco said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. The gesture was a little awkward, but she didn't mind. He smelled like cinnamon and parchment. Up close, she noticed that his grey eyes had a blue tint to them. "So what do you say to a second one?"

"A second what?" she asked.

He rolled his eyes and pulled her closer. "A second date. There is a new art exhibit opening this weekend, if you'd like to join me."

"This isn't a game or a joke to you, right?" Hermione stopped walking. She turned to look at him, needing to know that her childhood nemesis wasn't looking to humiliate her.

"No, Hermione. This isn't a game. You're ruining my whole nonchalant image," Draco said with a chuckle. "I wanted to ask you out when you broke up with Weasley. I thought I lost my chance when you signed up for Amortentia. But, I had a feeling that it would work out somehow."

"And here we are," she said.

He ran his hand through his hair. "Have I just ruined the whole thing?"

She answered by standing up on her toes and kissing him. It was an empowering feeling surprising Draco and she smiled into the kiss. He tightened his grip and pulled her towards him as he took control. It was both soft and demanding and she melted into him. Hermione was disappointed when he pulled away, but he took her hand as they continued the walk to her apartment. There was a comfortable silence between them and her heart was pounding at the thought of another kiss.

Draco did not disappoint when they reached her front door. The second kiss sent her reeling. They had always been volatile together.

"Would you like to go to the exhibit with me this Saturday?"

She smiled up at him. "I would love to."

With a kiss on the top of her head, he released her from his arms. "I will send you the details tomorrow. Good night, Granger."

"Night Malfoy," she teased before opening the door and disappearing into her building.

She heard the faint pop of apparition as she entered her apartment. The date was better than she could have ever imagined. And to think that she had Amortentia to thank for breaking the ice between them! What would Harry and Ginny think?

She went on a date with Draco Malfoy. That thought sent her into giggles before she tried to quell her excitement. She was a grown woman, not a teenager! But Hermione couldn't deny it. She had a good feeling about this one.

Thank you for joining me on this journey! Let me know your thoughts below.

If you're curious about other stories I'm working on, check out my profile. The next story I will post is called The Spy. I was inspired by Marvel. Here is a little excerpt:

As much as Harry claimed differently, I know that Ginny, Ron, and the others were relieved by my absence. It made things easier. They don't talk about it. The time that I went rogue during the war. To be honest, I barely remember it. All I know is that I was recalibrated. The Death Eaters somehow found a way to take Hermione Granger out and replace her with something else, someone else. One minute I was me, and the next, I wasn't.

I will be posting the first chapter for that story either today or tomorrow :).