Kaito wasn´t sure when it all started, but the realization of his actions hit him like a truck. An extremely speedy truck actually, the kind that would easily annihilate a whole town.

It was a completely normal day, and as usual, he was waiting patiently for his train to arrive. An actions as normal as it could be, but for the first time, the twenty years old college student noticed that he wasn´t simply waiting. No, Kuroba Kaito was watching someone, that someone being none other than Kudo Shinichi.

As he stood there, stupidly looking at the distracted detective, Kaito couldn´t believe his own inattentiveness. As he thought about it, clenching his books slightly, he could clearly remember watching the detective for weeks. How he hadn´t admitted it, even to himself, earlier was as confusing as the mysteries of the universe.

Still, the whole situation was rather creepy… he sure hopped Kudo hadn´t noticed yet, or else Kaito would have to endure the furry of a first-rate detective, the savior of the Tokyo Police, Kid Killer, among other titles he possessed. Even if he managed somehow to escape without broken bones or a law-suit, it wouldn´t impress the detective for sure.

Because, even though he still found it hard to admit, Kaito kind of, short of, possibly… liked Kudo? No, no, he was certain he liked Kudo, there was no question about that part. Just that… well, who didn´t like Kudo?

Having gazed at the detective every day, Kaito was more than aware of how truly amazing the detective was, the tabloids and magazines failing to do justice. Even their most colorful articles were nothing when compared to the real thing, and somehow, the magician found himself falling for the detective. The fact he held a slightly crush since his days as Kid did not help the issue.

After all, Kudo Shinichi was simply… perfect.

Every morning, the detective arrived at the platform ten minutes earlier, either reading a book or drinking a big cup of coffee. His hair always perfect, much to Kaito´s annoyance; simple clothes that still somehow made him look like a model, not that he was complaining. The shirts he wore were just perfect, highlighting the lovely body underneath that Kaito wouldn´t mind exploring more closely, years chasing after criminals sure showed off… hem, better stop before something bad happened.

Nevertheless, the best part about Kudo were his eyes… something the rest of the world seemed to be totally missing, Kaito concluded with a frown. The latest Kudo-related pool showed than 50% believed that the detective´s best part was his fit body, weird 30% voted for the elegant fingers, and strangely enough, the eyes weren´t even mentioned! Fools, it was obvious the eyes were the best part!

Just looking at them, so utterly concentrated on the book, it was obvious eyes won hands down. The blue pools of wonders, there was a deepness to them Kaito hadn´t seen before. Like a pair of beautiful sapphires, the stood out against the dark eyelashes, fluttering with emotions, reflecting the detective´s mood. So wonderful, so magical… Kaito could literally spend the whole day looking into them.

Yup, Kudo was simply perfect! And don´t even get him started on detective´s intelligence! To find someone as quick witted as Shinichi… That´s right, Shinichi. In his mind Kaito was free to call the detective as he liked!

The pair of adorable eyes suddenly moved, for the first time the attention switching to something different than the book. And suddenly, Kaito found himself staring into the blue deepness that rivaled an ocean, unable to look away, like a deer caught in headlights.

For a moment, a single moment, he found himself just staring, unable to even move. His heart stopped, as he simply watched, taking in everything. The pale skin, pink healthy lips, dark eyelashes… before reality settled in as the train arrived, doors opening with people pushing to get inside.

Forcing himself to look away as he felt his face heat up, more than aware he was probably as red as a tomato, Kaito hurried inside, hiding in another compartment. Damn, the detective had noticed! But obviously he had noticed, Kaito hadn´t been careful, staring so openly as his thoughts ran wild… Stupid, stupid, stupid…

Hating himself, the magician looked carefully around to make sure the detective was not coming after him, his stupid sense of persecution acting up. As the carriage was full of people, it was highly improbable they would meet. Not to mention that Kudo would not go after him, not even to scold him. Certainly the detective had better things to do, and Kaito was just… Kaito. Obviously someone as drop gorgeous as Kudo would not be interested in him…

Ignoring his own thoughts, Kaito sighed. One thing was certain, next time, he needed to be more careful.

Declaimer: I don´t own Detective Conan

A/N: This story has two parts, each with four chapters. Hopefully you´ll enjoy it. Kaggami