Well I guess I start new here, hi everybody my name is TheAwesomeCoolJay and I am guy who writes fanfics. By looking me up you can see I have done many crossovers consisting of Sonic the Hedgehog & My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. They were well received, but now I want to branch off to something else I like and what I like is the Loud House. This show got my attention and what else can I say besides it's awesome and one of the main reasons to watch Nick again anyway on to the story.

The Loud House is owned by Chris Savino and Nickelodeon

It was a normal and lame day at school, normal because it was the time for gym class it was lame because it was the day for a physical fitness test. It was a pain for the kids, but it was something that they had no control of. They were all separated into groups, but even though they were separated one girl with a ponytail couldn't help but stare happily at a certain white haired boy doing sit-ups.

"Ms. Santiago you're up for pull-ups, there's a free stand." Coach Pacowski alerting the young lady.

Snapping out of her gaze Ronnie Anne followed the instructor's orders and made her way to the open pull-up bar stand. She jumped and grabbed the bar and proceeded to do pull-ups, everything was going smoothly until the two girls around her doing pull-ups began to giggle.

"What is it?" Ronnie Anne sighed in a annoyed tone.

"We so busted you staring at Lincoln." Joy teased.


"When a girl sets her eyes on a boy like that it means nothing but love."Girl Jordan joining the teasing.

"Please like I could fall for Lame-O Loud over there." The young Latina said showing signs of no interest in Lincoln.

"Okay, then you wouldn't mind Lame-O over there getting all friendly with Ms. DiMartino over there." Joy told her.

Hearing that Ronnie Anne quickly put her attention back to Lincoln and saw what Joy said was true. Coach Pacowski couldn't test all the students so he had Ms, DiMartino help him out. Ronnie Anne really doesn't do the jealousy thing, but seeing Lincoln act all dumb and love-struck over another female like that made her bit angry.

Lincoln's point of view

"Ba...ba...ba..." Lincoln continued to say in the up position.

"Lincoln I would appreciate it if you would continue your sit-ups." Ms. DiMartino said to him as she walked off.

"I know what your thinking." Lincoln said to us coming back to his senses and going down. "And yes my focus should be more into this, but in my defense this test isn't meant for the president and Ms. DiMartino is a beautiful sight to look at." He said coming up now. "And there is no one who could compe-"

Lincoln stopped and froze with fear because he just now noticed Ronnie Anne staring angrily at him.

"It's a real good thing she is over there and I'm right here."

At that moment a whistle was blown by Coach Pacowski getting everyone's attention.

"Okay students you've been working hard that means your muscles are tense right now, so get with a buddy and do some stretches." He told the students.

"Okay just need to make it to Clyde and I'm in the cl-" Lincoln stopped when from behind Ronnie Anne linked arms from behind him. "Dang it... so ready to stretch b-buddy?" He said nervously.

"Yeah lets start with your back buddy." She replied happily as she pulled Lincoln over.

Ronnie Anne pulled him over and stretched him it was okay at first, but then the pressure and pain were starting to increase.

"Okay your turn...Ronnie Anne...so much pain...OW!"

One painful gym class later

After that little ordeal we find Lincoln at his locker opening it with one hand and having one hand to his back. Something tapped Lincoln's shoulder, when he turned around he saw Ronnie Anne was the person who tapped his shoulder. Lincoln also noticed there was a brown paper bag was in her hand.

"Look I'm sorry for what I did." Ronnie Anne apologizing. "So to makeup for what I did I want to give you this."

Ronnie Anne reached in the paper bag and pulled out a homemade sloppy joe.

"Is that for me?" He asked his eyes wide and mouth watering.

"Yeah, no help from nobody all for you." She said.

"Your so awesome." The white haired boy thanking her and reaching for the sandwich, but stopped. "Ba...ba...ba..."

"What's the prob- oh no."

The problem that made Lincoln act the way he did was just seeing Ms. DiMartino walk down the hallway. Once she was gone Lincoln turned his back to Ronnie Anne, who was now sporting a scowl.

"Okay into the locker I go right?" Lincoln guessing his punishment.


"Really, Ronnie Anne you can be reasona-"

He stopped once Ronnie Anne stretched his pants open and placed that sloppy joe in his pants. After that she proceeded to push him in his locker, close it , and walk off.

"I messed up again and I'm going to be picking sesame seeds out of my butt again." Lincoln told us.

School ends

With the school day over we find Lincoln and Clyde walking home like they always do.

"So you've been messing up with Ronnie Anne? Clyde asking his bud.

"Yeah but Clyde think of my situation like baseball, right now I only have two strikes."

At that moment the boys saw Ms. DiMartino drive off in her car, seeing her again made the boys go in their love state again. Not wanting to miss her face again Lincoln pulled out his phone and took a quick picture of her and saved it.

"That will keep me happy for a while and hey I just got a text from Ronnie Anne, maybe she forgives me." He said to Clyde with a smile reassuring his hopes. "I saw that and you are so dead."

After Lincoln read the message out loud both he and Clyde turned to see Ronnie Anne behind them.

"Looks like that's strike three." Clyde said noticing the girl cracking her knuckles.

"Yeah... still going to try make a break for home!"

Lincoln ran for it and Ronnie Anne chased him, we all know how this ends.

Santiago residence

Inside the house we see Bobby in the living room on the couch on the phone with Lori. Nothing could take his attention away, nothing except the front door opening revealing a distraught younger sister.

"Uh-oh, sorry babe I'll call you back, sibling issues." Bobby ending the phone call. "What's wrong little sis?"

"Why are boys so dumb?"

"Wait what did I do?"

"Not you, Lincoln." Ronnie Anne correcting him.

"Oh, so what he do?"

"He gets all dumb around Ms. DiMartino."

"I can't believe hi- wait Ms. DiMartino, aw man how is she doing?" The older Santiago fantasizing about the substitute.

"Bro you're not helping!" She angrily said joining him on the couch and crossing her arms. "Can't believe I like that jerk."

Bobby came back to his senses and wonder for a minute, why does his sister like him?

"Hey Ronnie why are you interested in Lincoln again?"

Seeing how she had nothing better to do and relaxing with her brother seemed like the perfect thing to calm her down.

"Well let me start from the beginning."

And that's where I'm going to end it like to leave the audience wanting more. Anyway feedback is always a thing be it good or bad this story will continue, so to finish up here R.F.F. (Review, Favorite, Follow) this story and/or me and PEACE!