But then they came back to life. Nothing stays dead dead for long in Supernatural.
"What the flying fuck?" Peggy murmered.
"Holy pansies," whispered John, "that hurt."
"Sons of bitches."
"Those fucking Wendigos."
"What just happened?" asked Peggy.
"Well we just got eaten by a Wendigo, and now we're alive again," Sam explained.
"Fuck it. I told Eliza and Angelica that I didn't want to go on a date with John Laurens. If they saw this they'd know I was right."
"Hey what do you mean you wouldn't want to go out with me!" asked Laurens, "I'm hot, and I'm sexy."
"Oh my god, stop trying to act straight, Laurens. You're almost too gay to function," Peggy retorted.
"You're gay?! I'm gay, too!" said Dean.
"Cool!" said Sam sarcastically, "Why don't you guys talk about your boyfriends while Peggy and I actually try to escape the Wendigo."
"He's the annoying serious nerd," Dean explained, "I'm the better looking funnier brother."
"Funnier isn't a word," said Sam.
"Shut your cake hole, College boy."
"Guys! Shhhhhh! You'll wake the thing up!" yelled John.
John woke up the Wendigo and it ate them all.