Ginny opened her eyes and saw Amelia standing at her bedside. She tried to speak but her mouth was too dry. She managed to croak out "water".

Amelia got the bottle from the table and let Ginny suck at the straw. As Ginny drank, she pressed the button to call for the nurse then told Eliot to make the calls. He stepped out.

The nurse came in and checked Ginny's signs. She seemed pleased Ginny was awake. She said the doctor would be in to discuss her prognosis.

"What do you remember?" The nurse had left and Eliot was still in the hall making calls. Amelia was relieved that Ginny had woken up, but she knew they weren't out of the woods yet.

Ginny was still groggy but managed to respond; "Mike called for a fastball. It came back faster. Then I woke up here. What day is it?"

"It's Wednesday. You've been unconscious for about 40 hours. The ball hit you in the head."

"Where is everybody?"

"Your mother is flying in today. She should be here in a few hours. Eliot is calling her and Oscar. The team is in Colorado but he's in town."

Ginny had the worst headache she'd ever experienced. She looked around the room and saw a ton of cards and flowers, which made her feel a little better. "When can I pitch again?"

Amelia shook her head at Ginny's single mindedness. "The team put you on the disabled list. When Oscar gets here you can ask him about the details. My understanding is that you'll be out at least a couple of weeks. Of course that's all dependent on what the doctor has to say. He should be in very soon."

Eliot came back in the room. "I talked to your mom. She's in the air. She should land about 2:00. She's calling your brother from the plane. Oscar said he would be here in 30 minutes. He's calling the travel secretary to tell the team you're awake. Also Evelyn Sanders asked me to call her when we had news. She said she would be right over."

For once Ginny was looking forward to seeing her mother. Nothing like a bump on the head to turn you into a little kid who wants her mommy. The feeling would undoubtedly fade once she was here.

Amelia had something else on her mind. "Ginny, when you started waking up you were talking. You said the name 'Wally' and asked 'What happened to Ray Chapman?' Are those people we need to contact? Old boyfriends?"

"Old ballplayers. No, you don't need to contact them. That's something I have to do myself."