Stiles is overjoyed when he discovers that Sam and Dean coming for a visit. As a child, he was used to seeing the older pair often. They would sometimes stay with the Stilinski family when their father, John, went hunting, leading to a close relationship between the three boys despite the obvious age gaps. Sam and Dean were like family, and both Stiles and the Sheriff loved them to pieces. It had been too long since their last visit. Stiles couldn't wait to see them. That is, until he remembered what they did for a living.

It was Dean who explained what his father really did. John Winchester was expected to return soon, and when he didn't, Sam began to cry. Dean tried to comfort him, forcing Stiles to ask what exactly their father was hunting. At age four, he believed Dean. Years later, he decided the explanation was a coping mechanism to deal with their absentee father. That was before Scott got bitten by a werewolf.

Now, Stiles was furiously pacing in his room. Sam and Dean killed things that went bump in the night. It was like a career for them. What would happen if they found the pack? Was that why they were visiting in the first place? Had they come to hunt down the werewolves of Beacon Hills?

Stiles shook his head. He loved them, he really did, but he wasn't about to let them murder his friends. That was his other problem. Could he hide the pack from them? And if they found them, would Sam and Dean listen to him? Would they understand that the wolves hadn't hurt anyone? Or would they shoot first and ask questions later?