Disclaimers: I do not own any of characters that will appearances in this story.

Saturday evening Stephanie, Mike, Kayla and Vince traveled from Connecticut up to Toronto, Ontario Canada for the WWE annual Survivor Series it is the thirty anniversaries of Survivor Series. This year Survivor Series is brand vs. brand. Kayla is captain of Women Team Raw against Women Team Smackdown captain by Nikki Bella. Mike's character the Miz is defends the WWE Intercontinental title against RAW Superstar, Sami Zayn.

The next day was a typical PPV day for the McMahons as they went over the scripted for Survivor Series, and after doing work on scripted Mike, and Kayla went downstairs to the hotel gym and worked out before the PPV and after working for two hours they heads back upstairs and then enters their rooms and took showers. After showering, they got dress and then had some lunch before leaving the hotel and heading to the Air Canada Centre.

After lunch, they walk out of the hotel room and joins Stephanie and Vince and all four of them walk toward the elevator together. When they arrive at the elevator, Kayla press the button, then the elevator doors slides opens, and they step onto the elevator. Stephanie presses the button for the lobby and then the doors slide close and then went down to the lobby. When the elevator reaches the lobby the doors slide open and they walks out the elevator and then toward the entryway the doorman open the door for them, they nod their heads to him, and he smiles.

They walks out of the hotel and to the waiting the limo, and the chauffeur had the back opens, Mike and Kayla places the bags into the trunk and then got in the backseat of the limo with Vince and Stephanie. The chauffeur closes the door, and then walks around the limo and opens the door and slide in behind the wheel, and then he pull the close door close. He buckled his seatbelt, then aims the limo into traffic, then pulls away from the hotel, and heads for the Air Canada Centre.

Forty-five mins later, the limo pulls up to the Air Canada Centre, and then turns into the underground garage and then drove in furthers and then came to stop. The back door opens and out step Mike first and then Kayla step out next followed by Stephanie and then Vince. He thanks the chauffeur as Mike and Kayla grabs their bags from the trunk of the limo and then they walk away from the limo and heads toward the locker room area and the locker room that they would be using for the night.

When they arrives at the locker room at they would being used Mike opens the door and then Kayla walks inside first followed by Stephanie and then Vince and then he, enter last. The door closes behind him and they began preparing for Survivor Series. A couple of hours later, the 2016 WWE Survivor Series preshow kicks out with Renee Young and she is joins by Booker T, Lita and Jerry Lawler inside an empty Air Canada Centre in Toronto. The Fans have not started to fill in yet. The panel began hypes tonight's show. We then go backstage for a segment and after segment back to the panel for more discussions on tonight's show. They announced two matches for the preshow. We then go to the video for Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown. There is more discussion for tonight's show. Lawler predicts Team RAW will win because of James Ellsworth. Booker and Lita go with Team Smackdown. We go to commercial break.

Back from the break, and we come back to more RAW vs. Smackdown discussion. They talks about the Women's traditional elimination match next. Lita goes with Team Smackdown while Booker predicts Team RAW will wins. In addition, Lawler agrees with Lita. They then talks about the WWE Intercontinental title match next. As the fans are starting to fill up the arena as we go backstage for segment involving Mick Foley and Sami Zyan. We go back to the panel and Booker believes that Sami can take the gold tonight.

Lawler wonders why Daniel Bryan isn't motivation the Miz like Foley did with Sami and then he realize that Bryan doesn't like Miz but Miz will be motivating by that and his beautiful wife Kayla McMahon the RAW Women's Champion. Miz comes out to the panel with Kayla now. Miz knocks Bryan and agrees with Lawler. Miz accuse Bryan of rooting for Sami Zyan tonight. Miz goes on about how he has made his title the most prestigious in WWE.

Miz says, "He and his wife will victorious tonight, then will see if Bryan is still interested in trading him."

Miz and Kayla leaves. They talks about the cruiserweight title match and then make predicts for the match. We go backstage to Nikki Bella and Smackdown Women's champion Becky Lynch talking about Team RAW. Miz and Kayla walk up and Kayla taunts Nikki Bella. Nikki says Smackdown will prove why they are the better Women's division tonight and will burns Team Raw to the ground, as she and Becky are surrounds by Team RAW.

Kayla calmly says, "Nikki you aren't that talent enough to beat any Women's on RAW and tonight we will prove that we are the supreme division."

As Team RAW walks off with Miz, as we go back to the panel for hypes on tonight's two matches. A few more segments go by include the two matches and then preshow end with video for Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar. The 2016 WWE Survivor Series PPV kicks off with a video package for Survivor Series and then a live shot of inside Air Canada Centre as the pyro goes off. Mauro Ranallo, JBL, Corey Graves and Byron Saxton are at ringside.

We go to the ring, for the first match of Survivor Series, traditional Elimination match. Team RAW (Bayley, Alicia Fox, Sasha Banks, Nia Jax and RAW Women's Champion Kayla McMahon) vs. Team Smackdown (Natalya, Carmella, Alexa Bliss, Naomi, and Smackdown Women's Champion Becky Lynch)

Out first for Team Smackdown is Smackdown Women's Champion Becky Lynch. Naomi is out next, then Alexa Bliss comes out and then Carmella is out next. Nikki Bella music hits, but she never appearance. Cameras rush backstage as trainer checking on Nikki. Daniel Bryan and team coach Natalya check on her. Nikki says someone hit her from behind but she did not see who it was. The trainers will not clear her to compete. Natalya step up and Bryan sends her to the ring to replace Nikki. Natalya's music hits and out she comes to a pop. Bayley's music hits and out she come first for her team.

Nia Jax is out next follows Alicia Fox and then Sasha Banks is out next to a pop. Kayla McMahon's music hits, and out she comes with her sister Stephanie McMahon Cena to a pop. They walk down the ramp, then stop and then the pyro goes off behind them. They walk down the ramp to the ring, Kayla walks up the step first followed by Stephanie. Kayla walks along the apron to the corner where she climbs up and raise RAW Women's title up and the fans were cheering. She hops off and then enters the ring, walks across the ring to the opposite corner and then climbs up and raise the title up again.

She hops off and then hand the title to Stephanie everyone exit the ring except for two Women. Alicia and Carmella starting things off and they go at it. Fox with the early advantage and she connects with Northern Lights suplex for a two counts. Carmella fights back and takes her down with a flying head scissor. Carmella with a Broncobuster in the corner and then covers her for a two count. Alicia tags in Bayley as Carmela tags in Becky. In addition, they go at it now, Bayley control Becky and take her into her corner and tags in Sasha and they double-team her. Sasha tags in Kayla and she come in off the top with double ax handle.

She and Becky have a staring down, and then Becky decks Kayla and everyone come in and a brawl breaks out. Nia shuts down Team Smackdown on her own. Becky slam Kayla and then drop leg and covers for her two counts on after the ring was clear. Kayla fights back and dropkicks Becky, and then she tags in Sasha. Becky arm drags on Sasha before keeping her grounded. There is more back and forth between Sasha and Becky. Becky goes for the Disarm-Her but she avoid it and makes it to the ropes. Nia tags in, and she comes in. She rams Becky back into the corner and elbows her in the head.

Bliss tags in to a pop and could not do anything to Nia, and then Carmella tags in and charges but Nia floors her. Naomi tags in next. She comes off the second ropes but Nia catches her and drops her as well. Natalya tags in next, and she is unsuccessful too. Carmella tags herself back in and they try to double team Nia but she nail a double clothesline instead. She brings Carmella to her corner and tags in Alicia, she comes in, and Carmella catches her and tosses her across the ring.

Carmella misses a Broncobuster and Fox slam her face into the turnbuckle several times. Fox then hits the scissor kicks near her corner and covers her for the pin. Carmella was the first one to being eliminated. Alexa Bliss come in and then sends Fox into the corner and she climbs up and then come off the top with twisted Bliss into the covers and got the three counts. Alicia Fox was eliminated next.

Kayla comes in next and she go at it with Naomi who got the best of her, until she come back and unloads on her with series of right hands, and then she tags in Nia, but Naomi knocks her off the apron and she then goes for Sasha. Stephanie check on her sister. She then climbs back onto the apron and stood beside Bayley. Naomi leaps off the apron taking Nia out on the floor. They fought on the floor until Nia sends Naomi face first into the ringpost. Nia slam her down and the fans count along as Naomi get counted out. Naomi is eliminated. Nia tags in Sasha, Bliss comes in, and she and Sasha go at it now.

She then tags in Natalya, they trap Sasha in their corner, and they go to work on her. She fights back and decks Becky off the apron. Banks fights off Bliss and Natalya. She goes for the corner knees on Natalya and Bliss at the same time, but Natalya retreats to the floor. Sasha still jumps and takes Bliss down with knees. She brings Natalya back in, but gets rolls up for a two count. Natalya goes for a suplex, but Sasha slide out. Bliss stops the backstabber. Natalya rolls her up again for the pin. Sasha is eliminating next. Kayla comes in again and she and Natalya go at it now.

Natalya with a big German Suplex and the fans chant "Suplex City" Kayla reverse it and nail her with German suplex. Natalya with powerbomb but Nia and Bayley make the save. Kayla roll to her corner and tags in Nia. She comes in and unloads on Natalya and then she finishing her off with Pop up Samoan Drop for the pin and Natalya is eliminating next. Becky and Bliss are arguing now, and starting shove each other. Nia stops they arguing with a splash. Kayla is yelling at the referee to get one of them out of the ring... Becky and Bliss kicks Nia and attempts a double suplex, but Nia counters it and suplexes them.

The referee tries to get Becky out of the ring, but she climbs up to the top and dropkick Nia while she is holding Bliss. Kayla and Bayley come in and unloads on Bliss while Nia go after Becky. The referee get Kayla and Bayley out of the ring as there is more tension between Becky and Bliss. Becky covers Nia for a two counts. Becky applies the Disarm-Her and Bliss keep Kayla and Bayley from make the save. Nia tap out and she is eliminating next. It is now down too Becky Lynch and Alexa Bliss against Kayla McMahon and Bayley.

Nia pulls Becky out of the ring and launches her into the barricade, Bliss tag in herself and Kayla spear her out of her boots and covers her for the pin. Alexa Bliss is eliminating by the RAW Women's Champion. Kayla and Becky go at it again. Kayla unloads on her until Becky comeback with suplex, and then unloads and hits another suplex. She goes to the top for a leg drop, hits it, and covers her for two counts, as Bayley make the save. Kayla superkick Becky and then crawl to her corner and tags in Bayley who comes in and covers her but Becky gets her foot the rope. Bayley picks her up and unloads on her, and then Becky fights back and they trade shots.

Becky stops her with suplex, and covers her for two counts. Becky goes for splash but misses. Bayley come back now, and covers her for two counts. Becky goes for the Disarm-Her but Bayley avoid it, and suplex her. Becky try again for the Disarm-Her but Bayley avoid it again. Bayley catches Becky with Bayley to belly suplex by her comer and then tags in Kayla who climbs the ropes and leaps off with a Swanton bomb and covers her for the pin.

JoJo announced here are the sole Survivor Kayla McMahon and Bayley. They hug in the middle of the ring as Stephanie enters the ring. The replay is show, and then we go backstage for segment as Bayley, Kayla and Stephanie leaves the ring together. After backstage segment, we go back to the ring and the Miz's music hits and Kayla gave him a kiss. Then he heads out and then heads to the ring for his Intercontinental title match against Sami Zayn. Michael Cole and David Otunga replace Mauro Ranallo and Cory Graves on commentary. We see international announcers at ringside. Fans sing Sami Zayn theme song as he makes his way to the ring. We the formal ring introductions are done by Greg Hamilton. Miz hand the title to the referee who show it Sami. And the bell sounds and here we go.

They locks up and go at it. Sami looks to take control after close two counts. Miz end up going to the floor for a breather. Sami runs the ropes, but put the brakes on as Miz move away. Miz take advantage of the count and then he pulls Sami out of the ring and sends him into the apron. Miz mocks Sami's fans. Sami counter and jumps off the barricade with a moonsault. Miz takes out Sami knee from behind. He brings him back in the ring and comes off the top with an axe handle smash. Miz works on the knee of Sami now.

Miz keep control and beat Sami around the ring, focusing on his legs. Sami fights back and Miz run into a kick. Sami dumps Miz over the top rope. Sami looks to go for a dive but Miz pull him down and then slams his leg into the kingpost. Miz keep control on the floor, then brings it back for a big shot to the neck, and then covers him for two counts. Sami trade shot with Miz, but get knocked down. Sami comes out of nowhere with a big clothesline to take Miz down. Fans rally for Sami now. He clotheslines Miz to the floor.

Sami runs the ropes and nail a big dive as Kayla watched backstage with the family. Sami brings it back in the ring and Miz goes for the figure four. Sami counter it and nail Michinoku Driver for close two counts. Miz fight back and goes for the figure four again but Sami roll him up for a two counts. Miz comes back with DDT and covers him for two counts. Miz mocks Daniel Bryan now, and hits the corner dropkick and another, Miz hits a third dropkick in the corner. He followed up with the corner clothesline as some fans cheer while other boos.

Miz comes off the top but Sami counter and hits Blue Thunderbomb for close two counts. Sami readies for the helluva kick, but Miz roll to the apron. Sami goes for him but Miz snaps his head down on the top rope. He comes in and goes for the Skull-Crushing finale but Sami blocks it and rolls Miz up for a close two counts. Sami with the exploder suplex in the corner. Sami goes the Helluva Kick again but Miz move.

He gets the figure four applied now. Sami finally reverse it on Miz but it is broken, Miz keep control and geos for the Daniel Bryan kicks on Sami. Fans chant "Yes!" and Miz misses the roundhouse kick and Sami applied the figure four on Miz now. Miz goes for the rope but Sami pulls him back. Miz gets to the rope and it break the hold. Sami argue with the referee and Miz took advantage and rolls Sami up for the three counts. He rolls to the floor as the referee hand him the Intercontinental title. Sami cannot believe what just happen. We go backstage for segment. Miz head backstage and when he comes through the curtain he is greet by his wife.

After the backstage segment, we go to the back to the ring, for another Traditional elimination match: tag teams match, and there were actions in this match but in the end after all tag teams were eliminated Sheamus and Cesaro are the sole survivor. After the match, we go backstage to Mick Foley and Stephanie McMahon Cena celebrating. They make Sheamus and Cesaro vs. The New Day for RAW. They talks about the rest of the show and are feeling good about the outcomes. Team RAW vs. Team Smackdown was next and there was actions the match, but in the end Smackdown won the match, and then the main event Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar, and this match was not long it was 1 minute and 26 second Goldberg spear Lesnar and then Jackhammer him for the win.

Survivor Series went off the air with Goldberg celebrating his victory over Lesnar. Everyone left the arena and head back to the hotel.