Hey! I think it's probably time to give a little update as we reach the end of the year.

I am not planning on releasing anything new until next year now, but I can say that when I do start releasing stuff again I will not be doing a scheduled release for stuff and will probably just release chapters as I finish them. So this means no more weekly or bi-weekly releases, but hopeful I will keep chapter updates reasonably close together once I do get back into the swing of things with Saga 7.

The good thing about doing it this way is that it means I give myself more time to proof-read and even re-draft chapters and it also means that the breaks will likely be shorter, and it probably means I won't take hiatuses and will keep as I'm writing. Sometimes it takes me a day to write a chapter and sometimes it takes me a couple of weeks. Doing things this way allows me to refine chapters and make sure they are stronger. I don't get many chances to proof-read efficiently enough, and I never re-draft. I want to start doing things a bit more professionally, plus I think it will help me enjoy my writing a lot more.

Another thing this allows me to do is work on other things at the same time. Meaning I can finally work on other fanfic/original ideas I have.

I do have two other fanfic ideas that I really want to work on and will probably release the first chapter of one of those before I release the first chapter of Saga 7. But either way, I will have a confirmation for what is coming by the January 1st 2020.

I don't typically post updates on here, but this one felt like it needed to be here. If you want to keep track of me then you can always follow me on twitter, and I will most likely follow you back. I do love speaking to people that not only enjoy my story but also love Dragon Ball.

Thank you for continuing to follow and read my stories, if you do. I'm not abandoning them anytime soon, I just want to find new ways to be effective with my writing and also explore new things. You're welcome to PM me if you have any questions or anything you want to say, but until then, thanks and enjoy the rest of 2019.

See you in 2020!

(PS. I may have three stories coming simultaneously next year, DBAG Saga 7, another DBZ related story, and one non-DBZ story. I'm excited to work on all three ideas!)