Disclaimer: I do not own Miss Peregrines! I came up with this story after reading this awesome/ really cute fanfiction that someone made where Olive comforts Enoch after he had a nightmare. This is inspired by that one and in this one, Olive has a nightmare and goes to Enoch for comfort. I hope you enjoy!(movieverse)

Enoch's POV

I was in my bed sound asleep when I heard the door to my room open. It closed second later. I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I didn't move because if it was someone playing a prank on me, I wanted to catch them doing it.

"Enoch" Someone whispered

I groggily opened my eyes. Olive was sitting on the edge of my bed. She looked like she hadn't gotten sleep in weeks.

"Yeah?" I said

"I had a nightmare…." She said looking down at the floor.

"Aren't you a little old for nightmares?" I asked

She smiled a little.

"Can I tell you about it?" She asked and looked at me.

"Sure" I said. I sat up to listen to her.

"I dreamt that someone was at the door. Horace answered it and it was the circus master coming to claim me and take me back to the circus to be a fire breather again. I had no choice and he took me away from the house…. Away from you…." She sighed and looked down again. I hugged her and she started crying.

"Hey…" I said, pulling her chin up so she was looking me in the eye, "that's not gonna happen. I wouldn't let it happen."I hugged her again and her crying died down. She ran her fingers through my hair. "Thank you" She whispered. She pulled away from the hug. I kissed her on the forehead and she started to the door. She opened it and said "Good night Enoch, thank you, I love you."

I smiled "Your welcome. I love you too." She smiled, closed the door, and left.