
So, if you've read the Trials of Apollo, just know that this fanfiction's events will not be true to the canon stuff (in order for me to include all the characters). This takes place one month after the defeat of Gaea. I hope you like it!

"Look out!" Frank shouted, ducking under the drakon's huge tail before proceeding to slice it with his sword.

Annabeth heed his warning and dropped to her knees as the beast's huge tail swept over where she had been.

"Hey Drakon! Look at me!" Piper cried. The creature whipped it's colorful head around to stare Piper in the eye. "That's right. Keep your eyes on me."

Jason dropped Percy, and the raven haired demigod pointed his blade at the monster's neck as he tumbled through the air. The sword sunk through the drakon's thick neck with a sickening squelch.

It reared it's head and roared loudly, baring it's gleaming fangs.
"Hazel! Now!" Nico cried.
She nodded and raised her arms. Hundreds of knife sized crystal shards broke through the ground and floated in midair, surrounding the girl. She flicked her wrists towards the drakon, and they shot forward, embedding themselves in it's colorful hide. It screeched and stumbled backwards, obviously weakened. Blood leaked from it's many wounds.

Percy yanked his sword from it's neck and leapt off of it, landing expertly beside Annabeth.

"This one's tougher than the rest! One more attack should do it though!" She exclaimed.

"On it!" Leo shouted. "Grace! Gimme a lift! This guy's about to suffer defeat whack-a-mole style!"

Jason grabbed Leo and flew above the drakon. Leo fished around in his tool belt until he yanked out a hammer bigger than his chest. He quickly ignited it, sending flames racing up and down the huge weapon.

"Bombs away!" Jason yelled, and with that, dropped the curly haired boy.

"Leo Mcshizzle baby!" He screamed as he plummeted downwards. He held the hammer behind him, waited for what felt like a millisecond, until he was right over it, then swung it onto the beast's head full force.

The drakon cried out, then disintegrated into ash. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, relaxing.

"Woo!" Leo popped out of the heap of ash, fists in the air. "How's that for a grand finish huh? Jason, why don't you carry me when you fly more often? It's awesome!"

"Gee, it's not like you have a dragon that can fly you around or anything." Jason replied as he let himself drift to the ground.

"Yeah yeah. That's beside the point though." Leo waved his hand dismissively and began to dust himself.

"Good job with the crystals Hazel." Frank said, sheathing his sword.

"Thanks." Hazel blushed. She lifted the shards from the ash, then sent them spiraling back into the ground.

"Where's our next target Nico?" Jason asked.

Nico furrowed his brow, clearly concentrating. "I think it's-" his face suddenly lost color.

"What? What's wrong?" Hazel asked frantically, noticing Nico's disturbed expression.

"I-i-i-t's right on the edge of Tartarus." He answered, nervously glancing at Percy and Annabeth.

Percy looked at Annabeth, concern evident on his face.

"Do you want to stay here and let us get it?" Jason said, glancing between Nico, Percy and Annabeth.

"I'm fine. It just...surprised me, that's all." Nico shook his head. "I can go."

Percy and Annabeth exchanged a trusting glance. "It's fine with us." Annabeth finally said.

"Are you sure? We could probably handle it if you guys want to catch your breath." Piper raised her eyebrows.

"We'll be okay." Nico, Annabeth, and Percy said at the same time.

"If you say so." Frank sighed. "This way then?" He pointed to the left.

Nico nodded, and the demigods began to wander in that direction.

They had been called in for this job yesterday. To Will Solace's great frustration, Hades sent Nico shadow travelling to each of the demigods' home to bring them to the Underworld, since there were far too many drakons roaming around. None of them were excited (Percy and Annabeth closed the door on Nico's face twice before he managed to drag them along) but here they were, trudging through the Underworld in search of the huge dragon-like beasts. Not their ideal Saturday afternoon, but you can't exactly ignore a summons from the lord of the dead.

Leo though, had been especially tricky to track down. Nico found him chilling with Calypso at a local Starbucks, which was quite frustrating since he was dead. After Leo had a tearful (and painful...Piper didn't appreciate him dying) reunion with the other heroes, they set off to go kill some monsters, then maybe grab some Dunkin' Donuts and catch up with each other or something.

There truly was an infestation of drakons. The brightly colored creatures were all over the Underworld, quickly whipping all the powerful demigods back into fighting shape after a month of semi-relaxation. However, the fact that these half-bloods were especially powerful didn't explain why the Seven had to take care of it. Tons of other half bloods would love to test their skills against a drakon, but what Hades wants, Hades gets. Unless you just so happen to be immortal…

"We're here." Nico barked. The demigods halted abruptly.

About a football field's length away, was a huge pit. Darkness seemed to be coming of the pit like smoke from a forest fire. The sight chilled all the demigods to the bone more than the drakon lounging about ten feet away from it.

"Let's get this over with." Percy muttered darkly. He pulled Riptide from his pocket and uncapped it, so the bronze sword sprung into it's full, gleaming form.

Frank suddenly rested a hand on Percy's clearly tense shoulder. Percy glanced at him, confused.

"I've got this one." He said gently. "Piper, distract it for me, 'kay?"

Piper nodded and smiled, then turning to face the drakon with a much more fearsome expression.

Frank charged, and as he ran, his body thickened, his nose and mouth morphed into a long, colorful snout, and large, leathery wings sprouted from his back. Frank the dragon gave a mighty roar, and charged towards the drakon.

The monster sprung to it's feet, baring it's teeth and hissing as Frank went lumbering towards it.

"Drakon! Check me out! I'm veerrryyy interesting!" Piper cried, waving her hands in the air.

The drakon spun around to face her, and he must have found her extremely interesting, because he didn't look away until Frank had his jaws locked on his neck.

The drakon screamed and thrashed, but Frank jerked his head to the side and the beast went limp after a sickening crack! It exploded into ash.

Frank turned back into a human and stumbled back over to the group. "Gosh, being a dragon really drains me." He chuckled.

"Well, that's done and done, so let's go." Hazel said, eying the pit warily. "I don't like this place."
"I'd call you crazy if you did." Leo replied. "Let's get out-" He tried to walk away, but for some reason, his left foot couldn't move. "What the heck?"
"LEO!" Piper screamed. A tendril of smoky blackness had ensnared Leo's ankle, holding him tight. Piper withdrew her blade and barked "LET HIM GO!"
The blackness faltered for a second, but held steady. Leo set his entire leg on fire, but it did nothing. Whatever it was clung to Leo's foot as though it's very existence depended on it.

"We gotta pull him out!" Percy cried. He ran up and grabbed Leo's hand and began to pull. The tendril pulled too, and Percy soon found himself struggling to keep his footing. Jason and Hazel joined in next, then everyone was yanking Leo away from the pit where the tendril had come from.

The tendril release Leo's ankle completely, sending the Seven and Nico barreling into each other.

"You okay Leo?" Hazel asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine but- HOLY HEPHAESTUS WHAT THE HADES IS THAT?!" Leo screamed, scrambling backwards, his eyes wide with rabid fear. Everyone whipped around to come face to face with the most powerful enemy they had ever seen.