Chapter 2

Bo edged herself away from sleep, entering consciousness disorientated. It took a few seconds to recognize where she was. She reached over to find Lauren, who once again, was gone. Swinging her legs quickly out of bed, she bolted out of the room, along the corridor to find the bathroom door open and empty.

Her sense of dread evaporated. Looking at her watch she saw it was 10am. Back in the bedroom she pulled on some jeans, and headed down stairs to the heart of the home.

She found Lauren sitting at the breakfast bar, eagerly eating breakfast, her mother cooking bacon and eggs, while her dad flipped pancakes.

"Morning sweetie, sleep well?" Lauren asked as Bo sat next to her. Lauren kissed her.

"Yeah," Bo said bemused. "How are you feeling?" she looked at the plate of food Lauren was devouring; pancakes, eggs, bacon, hash browns.

"I feel great!" Lauren forked in another mouthful.

"Would you like some, Bo?" Paddy asked, showing off his stack of pancakes as he placed them on the counter.


Madeline plated up some more eggs, bacon, and hash browns. A pot of coffee was also available, as well as orange juice.

"How long have you been up?" Bo asked.

"Oh, about an hour. God, I felt so hungry when I woke up, so I came down to start breakfast."

"That's her third plate." Madeline added.

Bo's head snapped up, as she looked at her. Madeline just raised her eyebrows.

Bo turned her attention back to Lauren. "Breakfast for you is normally grabbing a coffee as you rush out the door to get to the lab." She knew some of the reasons for that; begging Lauren to stay a while longer, "let's cuddle, just five more minutes," which could mean another hour, or lead to more than just cuddling.

"I know…I wouldn't condone not having breakfast, it should be an important meal, probably the most important one of the day. Perhaps it's the sea air, but it's like I haven't eaten in years." Lauren forked in more food. "Everything tastes sooo good!" she said, her mouth full, drinking some orange juice.

"Your mom could eat like that after morning sickness, when she was pregnant with your brother!" Paddy innocently mentioned, as he poured syrup onto his pancakes.

Bo had just taken a sip of coffee that she proceeded to half spit out, and then choked on the rest.

"Okay sweetie?" Lauren asked, slapping her on the back.

Bo nodded, coughing, staring at her.

Lauren read her mind. "No, I'm not. Nice thought though," she leaned in closer to whisper. "I guess you wondered if we'd pulled off a miracle?"

It had crossed Bo's mind momentarily at Paddy's remark. Perhaps the energy sharing was having a side effect that Lauren had not considered, or that test results were not picking up. She dismissed the notion as quickly as it had arisen, although her stomach had flipped with excitement at the possibility; an image of Lauren pregnant, her belly swollen with their child had caused a visceral reaction that had surprised her; talking of having kids together hadn't produced the longing she now felt to have them.

"You don't eat breakfast yourself, Bo?" Paddy asked, pointing at the pancake she was picking at.

"Yeah, but I was thinking I'd go for a run first this morning, give you all a chance to talk."

"You don't need to." Lauren squeezed her hand, knowing that Bo wanted her to have some time with her parents.

"I know, but I need to work off the extra pounds I've probably put on with your mom's cooking!"

"Thank you." Lauren mouthed.

Bo left them to go and get changed. When she came back down, she found them now sitting in the lounge, looking at more photos.

Lauren glanced at her, before doing a double take. It was a usual reaction to seeing Bo in her running gear. The tight hugging shorts showed off toned thigh muscles, as well as a cute rear, while the running top gave a clear view of her midriff, her stomach flat, and defined. Her beautifully shaped arms, and her long dark hair tied back into a ponytail caused Lauren to salivate at the image.

Bo looked at her, figuring the doctor was mentally undressing her. She wagged her finger at Lauren, telling her off for doing so.

Lauren pouted, "Have a good run," knowing Bo would probably be gone for a good hour.

Outside on the porch Bo did some stretches to limber up; taking in a few deep breaths of the morning sea air, she set off down the driveway.

Lauren gently touched the photographs, a tangible sense that she could actually feel the people in them.

Patrick and Madeline had been allowed to take a few family photos with them all those years ago. They'd kept them secretly hidden away, where Lauren and Nathan had never managed to find them. They'd never had a reason to, believing, as their parents had told them, that some belongings had been lost in a fire before either of them were born.

Since hearing about them, John and Marion Lewis were just what she'd hoped they'd be, for her mother's sake. They looked to be a very loving, caring couple, sitting with Madeline between them, on the day her adoption was finalised. Her mother's smile beamed out from the picture, her joy obvious.

Patrick's parents looked oddly familiar; a tall man, almost ram rod straight, with a petite wife at his side. They also appeared to be a close family; Patrick's siblings sharing the same good fortune as himself, graced with beautiful features.

Lauren knew her paternal grandparents' names, William and Joan, but not the siblings.

"What are their names?" she asked.

Patrick pointed at his sister first. "Her pet name was Lottie,…but that's Charlotte," then he picked out his brothers, "Ethan and Samuel, he's the youngest."

Lauren stilled for a moment, frozen.

"What is it sweetie?" Madeline asked.

Lauren swallowed, her mouth dry. "I thought if I ever had kids, then I liked Charlotte for a girl, Ethan for a boy," she laughed from shock, "sorry, Samuel," she added. "I guess we'd better include you in there somewhere!"

Patrick handed her some more photos to look at. "I assume you were also able to pass messages back to them?" Lauren asked. "So they knew about us growing up, me and Nathan?"

Patrick nodded. "We were able to let them know some details of our life."

"What happened after your father passed away? As head of the high family, who took over?"

"Ethan and Samuel. It's now their responsibility, and their children will carry it on, along with my sister and hers."

"So I have cousins, too?" Lauren pondered over it. "Would it be possible to meet them?"

Patrick thought it over for a moment. "I've no doubt they would love to meet you!"

"But I guess Nathan can't, can he?" Lauren blinked painfully.

"It's not beyond possibility, but with his own life settled now, it might be too much for him to understand."

Lauren nodded. "I should go see him anyway." She also hadn't seen him since leaving for the Congo. Despite the four year age gap, they had been close and she had missed her sibling these last few years. They had always been supportive of one another, Lauren helping him with studies, and his protective nature towards her always on hand. He'd grown tall, like Paddy, and if any young guys tried to hassle her, they soon backed off with Nathan standing by her side.

"Does he have anyone in his life?" Lauren asked.

"Yes," Madeline smiled. "He's finally found Miss Right. I wouldn't be surprised if they make it official soon."

Lauren smiled, happy to hear it. She looked at her father. "Can you get a message to the family? Arrange a meeting so we can go and visit them soon? I need to thank them."

Patrick took her hand. "Of course."

She knew that he was aware of how much it would mean to her, not just to pass on her gratitude, but to get to know an extended family, more aware of her existence than she was of theirs. These last few years, her 'family' had been the Fae and those around them; Bo, Kenzi, Trick, Dyson, Hale, Tamsin. She had them to thank for her sanity, more so since Bo had arrived on the scene, her influence ensuring that Lauren wasn't viewed as something disposable by the Fae world. As to Bo herself, Lauren knew it wasn't just her sanity she had saved; she had allowed her to feel love again, and to be loved, something that she'd had to bury away inside.

She knew with Bo at her side, anything was possible.

Bo kept her strides long and rhythmic, a steady speed. She knew with long distance running that the trick was to relax and not really think about it. Once she did that, her breathing matched, oxygen feeding muscle tissue to stop them tightening up. If the body liked anything, it was routine; it's functioning could continue, as long as any disruption had its own form of control.

She liked to run, it helped sometimes to curb her succubus urges, keep them satisfied by pushing her body to seek pleasure by other means, even if that meant muscle resistance at being forced to work hard. Like most people, pain wasn't anything she enjoyed or sought, when faced with the possibility of it, but when it was the result of a workout, she found the benefits enjoyable. She could feel her body getting pumped, blood forcing its way around; the heat her muscles generated, a sense of excitement, all similar to another form of exercise she enjoyed. Plus, this was a better way of dealing with her succubus nature rather than tame it with the injections Lauren had formulated but had concluded some time ago, were not the answer. It made more sense to allow Bo to 'feel' what she needed to, rather than try to banish it.

The other thing she enjoyed about running was while her body concentrated itself on the activity, her mind had the luxury to think. Time and distance could easily be forgotten when the mind was occupied. And most of her thoughts concerned a certain blonde haired doctor. The recent revelations, events, and even the previous trials of their 'messy' relationship, had all been worth it as far as Bo was concerned. She had known that any involvement with Dyson or Tamsin, couldn't match what she felt for Lauren, and that she'd pretty much known that from the minute they'd met. Dyson may have helped her to be able to love, physically, without harm, but Lauren had been the one to help her love with her heart. Bo knew that no matter what the future held for them both, she was in it for the long haul.

She noticed that she had come back around to the road, seeing the house further up the street. As she neared it, she took it up a notch, breaking into a sprint run, pushing hard, her muscles screaming, as she raced up the drive to the porch. She bent over, panting heavily, her legs wobbly, catching her breath. She moved to the porch rail, leaning on it for support, stretching out her back, and legs.

She spotted the small pitcher of water on the porch table, slices of lemon and lime floating with the ice, and knew Lauren would have added a pinch of salt and some honey, to help replenish fluid and give her a boost of electrolytes.

Smiling, she grabbed it, and chugged down a couple of mouthfuls, some of it spilling out from her mouth. She wiped it away with the back of her hand, "God, I love being in love with a doctor," she said out loud to herself, before sipping the rest of it, the taste stimulating and refreshing.

The porch door opened, Lauren stepping outside. "Enjoy your run?" she asked.

"Yeah!" Bo said, still out of breath. "I feel good."

"You look it." Lauren noticed the glow to her cheeks, could see her muscles straining from the effort. She pulled Bo to her. "It's certainly enhancing all your attributes, and they weren't bad to start with!"

Bo laughed. "Is that medical speak for saying I look fit, Doc?"

Lauren nodded.

"Well, right now, this bod is all sweaty, so I'll go take a shower." Bo quickly kissed Lauren's lips. "Thanks for the drink."

"Okay." Lauren smiled after her, as Bo headed inside.

Bo stood in the shower, arms outstretched before her, hands splayed against the tile. She felt the hot water hitting her shoulders, causing her skin to tingle before it cascaded down her back and legs. It didn't take long for steam and condensation to build up.

She closed her eyes, turning her face up to the shower head, her mouth filling with water, before she let it dribble out down her chin. She heard the familiar sound of a song being played in the bathroom, the volume as high as the I-phone could play it. Bo smiled. Animal Feelings' "Chemical Love" had become a favourite since they'd discovered it, and it was the main theme played when they made love. Lauren loved it, as it was a sensual beat, not too slow, not too fast; a pace that Bo could stick to, stopping her from rushing ahead; it was also set to repeat. When Kenzi had first heard it she had remarked. "Oh my God, that's what sex sounds like! Hale needs to hear this!" and had proceeded to immediately download it to her own phone.

"Need your back scrubbed?" Lauren asked seductively as she stepped up behind Bo.

"That would be ni…" Bo didn't get to finish, as Lauren's hands went directly to the front of her body.

"That's not my back."

"Then you need to turn around." Lauren bit into the top of Bo's shoulder. While one of her hands caressed Bo's breast, the other slid down past her stomach.

As much as Bo had tried to resist Lauren the previous night, she knew this would be pointless in doing so. Her body was still on a high from the run. She also knew Lauren was very aware of the physiological effects that running caused; increased heart rate, endorphin rush; muscles tight, tendons stretched; all that pent up energy needed an outlet for release.

"What's gotten into you?" Bo half moaned, as Lauren started to slowly grind her hips against her.

"Nothing yet, but hopefully you will be soon."

"I thought last night was…" Bo's voice hitched in her throat, as Lauren stroked her. "Special," she managed to say. "You need to eat breakfast more often!"

"Hmmm," Lauren murmured. "I'm still hungry, how about you?"

Bo reached behind, pulling Lauren's face to her, crushing her mouth to hers.

"Babe, this is too dangerous."


"Cos it's hot, wet and slippery in here."

Now it was Lauren's turn to moan. "That's way too many double entendres for me to play with."

Bo turned around. "So I guess this will be a health and safety study?" She guided Lauren back against the tiled wall, kneeling before her, hastily hooking one of Lauren's legs over her shoulder.

"Bo?" Lauren realized that maybe she should have let Bo cool off for a minute or two longer. She couldn't support herself against the wet tile; her body sliding, unable to grab onto anything.

Her eyes glowing blue, Bo told her, "You started this, so I think you'll find a way to cope," before her mouth took Lauren's breath away.

Gripping Bo's head proved to be Lauren's only option to stay upright.

After showering, Lauren had shown Bo all the old family photos, explaining who was who and how she hoped to meet them.

Noticing the weather outside, Lauren suggested they go for a walk to enjoy the sun and fresh air together. They went in search of her parents, finding Madeline in the kitchen reading a recipe book.

"Hey mom, are there any good trail walks?"

Madeline nodded. "If you go out the back yard, past your dad's workshop, there's a wooded area. Walk through that and there'll be a small fence leading onto one of the trails." She slid off the stool. "You want me to pack you a picnic?"

"No, we'll just take some fruit." Lauren chose some from the fruit bowl. "Where's dad?" she asked.

Madeline rooted around in a cupboard, finding a bag to put the fruit in, handing it to Lauren. "Out in the yard, digging up an old tree stump he's of a mind to carve something out of."

Patrick came bounding through the kitchen door. His face was a little red from exertion, beads of sweat trickling down the sides of his face. He was wearing shorts, and was shirtless, his body also perspiring.

Bo noticed his physique, knowing guys half his age would kill for muscle definition like his.

"Today's the day, Maddie, today's the day! I just know it!" He exclaimed. "That stump is finally coming out of the ground!"

Madeline looked at Bo and Lauren. "He's been saying that every week for the last three years." She filled a glass with water, handing it to him.

Bo watched her, noticing a momentary shiver run through her body. Bo silently mouthed "wow", at the realisation that Madeline's reaction to Paddy was desire. Her eyes raked slowly over her husband's body as he stood there downing the drink. Bo couldn't help the large smile spreading across her face. After all these years, not only did they still love each other, they were both still in love. She wondered at a future life like that with Lauren; waking up everyday next to someone you couldn't imagine life without.

"Three years?" Lauren asked. "Wouldn't it be easier to hire a mini digger?"

Patrick wasn't looking at her when he answered. He was gazing at Madeline. "Now where would the challenge be in that?" he smiled. "Thanks darlin'." He referred to the glass of water; leaning down, he kissed his wife lightly on the lips.

Madeline's hand instinctively went to his chest, over his heart, her fingers brushing through the hair on his chest.

"Okay," Patrick said, "back to it," flexing his muscles like a body builder, "here I come, Mr. Stumpy!" and he bounded out of the door again.

"I don't have the heart to tell him, that I think Mr. Stumpy still has the upper hand for now." Madeline smiled. "Anyway, you two go out and enjoy the air and the views."

As Bo and Lauren stepped out of the kitchen door, Madeline gave Lauren a message for her father.

They found him leaning on a shovel, staring at the tree stump, catching his breath. Various other tools he was using to get the stump out of the ground lay nearby.

"Mom said she needs your help." Lauren told him.

"Oh?" Patrick looked back towards the house. "That'll be something she can't reach on a top shelf somewhere!" he smiled. "You gonna go walking?"

Lauren nodded. "Mom told us there's a trail through the woods here."

"Yeah, it'll lead all the way to the mountain trails. That's a bit too far for this time of day now, but you should get a good vantage point after about an hour, around that area," he pointed out a spot to them. "Great views out over the ocean."

"Thanks, dad."

"I better go see what your mom needs." He dropped the shovel and headed towards the house again.

Lauren was setting an incredible pace; even Bo was surprised, she'd already had one cardio workout with her run earlier, another 'workout' in the shower, and now a third one appeared to be in the cards. Lauren wasn't even breaking a sweat, although she was.

"You in a hurry to get somewhere?" Bo joked.

"Maybe. Just a little bit further, and then we'll take a bit of a rest." Lauren said in-between a mouthful of banana, the rest of which she gave to Bo. "Dad was right, the view is incredible!"

Bo couldn't dispute that. The higher the trail went, the better the vista. The mountains towered away in the distance, while the view out to sea seemed to go on forever, the horizon blending with the sky.

Lauren veered off the trail over to a large tree, its branches and leaves offering shade.

Bo stood beside her. "Wow, that's some view."

"It sure is!"

Bo recognized the tone and the look on Lauren's face and knew she wasn't referring to the same thing as herself. Before she knew it, Lauren was kissing her fervently.

"Whoa, tiger!" Bo held Lauren back, moving away to put distance between them.

Lauren sprung at her again.

"Babe!" Bo tried to speak between kisses, stilling Lauren's hands as they wrestled her shirt out from her pants. "We're on a trail! People could be…."

"We haven't seen anybody for an hour!" Lauren hastily answered. She pushed Bo's hands away, eager to get back to her shirt.

"Wait! This is crazy!" Bo protested.

"C'mon, it's not like you to be shy. You lost your succubus appetite?" Lauren wiggled her eyebrows. "It's one of the many things I love about you…knowing we're never likely to suffer lesbian bed death!"

"Are you for fricking real?" Bo exclaimed.

"Sweetie, what is it?" Lauren finally stopped, stepping back, concerned at Bo's lack of enthusiasm. "You seemed okay last night, with mom and dad just down the hall. Is doing it outside causing anxiety? It's not like this is the first time for either of us."

"This isn't you….I mean, of course it's you, but you know this isn't right, right? Something's wrong." Bo said.

"Yeah, I know something's abnormal, everything is so heightened; my sense of sight, smell, taste. At breakfast this morning, it was like I could actually taste the chicken the eggs came from! My heart rate is a little faster than it should be, so cortisone levels are high, but my BP seems okay….normal hormones are off the charts, like zooom! Nerve synapses are full of serotonin and epithelial tissue is hypersensitive so I just know if you touch me I'll explode! It's a euphoric state, probably due to a delayed anxietal reaction over the incident with Hades. It's like I'm rushing headlong towards something, but I just don't know what, if I could run tests I might be able to isolate it…I wonder if dad still has my old chemistry set?...anyway, I just want to celebrate life. Look at this view, look where we are…life's too short to miss an opportunity like this, and as someone once told me, you can never make up for the times when you didn't. I know you're feeling the same….you're part excited, part confused, but hey, that's okay…I don't normally act this freaky, well, apart from when I am acting freaky…but all I know is right now, you're standing there looking so damn cute and all I wanna do is carry out a thorough examination!"

Bo stared at Lauren for a moment to make sure she'd finished. She'd said it all without taking a breath. Bo also wasn't sure if it had been an explanation or a science lesson, as she'd tried to understand the medical terminology littered throughout the rabid speech, but as Lauren hadn't mentioned 'cultures' or her 'medulla oblongata', Bo settled for the former.

"You done with the verbal diarrhea, Doc?"

Lauren nodded excitedly.

"You know I wouldn't normally say no, but…"

Lauren interrupted. "Then don't start now!"

Bo continued. "I just wanna make sure this is really what you want."

"Yes!" Lauren answered quickly.

"We're in an open public space, where people could pass by at anytime, and you want us to have sex? I mean, we could be arrested if we're caught and you're okay with taking that risk?"

"You're talking too much!" Lauren moved, standing right in front of her.

Bo wasn't sure why she found herself thinking this was a good idea, except that a large part of the attraction was Lauren herself, she exuded something evocative; not that she normally didn't but this was strangely appealing. And despite not really understanding Lauren's geeky medical monologues at the best of times, Bo did find them somewhat arousing. Lauren's intellect in such matters pushed a 'hot' stimulus button in Bo's succubus genes.

"You sure you feel safe, out here, with me?"

"You know I trust you."

"So if I lose control, you're not suddenly gonna call the police for help?"

"No…well…not unless I think you need it!" Lauren grinned.

And there it was, that Lewis smile. Part awkward, part semi-apologetic, part playful. Once it came into play, Bo knew there was no resisting.

Funny, smart, and sexy. She concluded, falling more in love with Lauren than she thought possible.

Bo's muscles ached; even Lauren winced as she redressed herself, picking up their discarded clothes. Bo could feel her back was scratched, not just from Lauren, but from twigs and tree bark that had been ground into her skin. Vigourous didn't seem an adequate word to describe it, but she was sure the mountains had trembled a little, as well as echoing out their cries. Fortunately, they seemed to be the only witness to it. No one had passed by, or rather, Bo had not been aware that anyone had.

The hike back was more leisurely than the outward journey.

As they walked across the rear lawn, holding hands, they saw Madeline and Patrick sitting on the swing seat on the porch, their fingers lazily entwined.

Bo picked up on their aura's straight away. Outwardly, no one would have known; no obvious sign; just a couple sitting there, enjoying the view. Only Bo did know, she could see their colours, so deep and warm, and was aware that she and Lauren hadn't been the only ones to have taken an opportunity to make out. Bo was in complete awe of them both.

"So how's Mr. Stumpy?" Lauren asked.

Lauren's timing was priceless. Bo looked down at the ground, keeping her mouth shut, stifling the bawdy laugh that threatened to erupt.

"Still stubborn," Patrick said. "Maybe next week."

"You two work up an appetite on your walk?" Madeline asked.

"Yeah, pretty much." Lauren glanced at Bo.

Bo was thankful that nobody seemed to understand the double meanings taking place.

"You want to eat now?" Madeline stood up.

"Stay there!" Lauren pointed at the seat. "We'll cook for you both."

Madeline held up her hands in mock surrender. "Okay."

Lauren pulled Bo with her towards the door, when Madeline gently grabbed her arm. She reached up. "I don't think you need these little twigs in your hair." she plucked them out.

"How did they get there?" Lauren feigned shock, before escaping into the kitchen.

One thing Lauren knew she could rely on was a well stocked kitchen; her mother had always ensured a variety of ingredients were on hand.

Taking some steaks from the fridge, she seasoned and drizzled oil over them, leaving them to one side. Next she gathered salad items; lettuce, tomatoes, bell peppers, raw mushrooms, broccoli, avocado, and anything else she considered salad worthy. Bo knew that when Lauren made a salad it was usually a meal in itself and contained as many super-foods as possible. Bo's task was to then chop, slice and dice, while Lauren fixed a homemade blue cheese dressing. With that done, she then grilled the steaks, timing them to the exact second for medium rare, setting them to rest, allowing the juices to keep the meat succulent.

Tossing the salad in a bowl, Lauren cut the steak into strips and added them, giving a piece for Bo to try.

"Good job!" Bo smiled, high fiving Lauren's hand.

The venue for eating was the front porch, a warm late afternoon bordering on early evening ambience that made the meal all the more enjoyable, along with the red wine to help consume it.

Remaining outside, the chat consisted mostly of family memories; Patrick and Madeline happy to retell stories from Lauren's childhood, her mother injecting her dry wit and causing moments of hilarity. Lauren herself recalled antics of high school and as a medical student at which Bo found herself crying with laughter; so much so her sides ached.

Lauren glowed, smiling and laughing, and Bo didn't think she'd ever seen her this relaxed. There was something calming about her inwardly, and she wasn't sure Lauren was aware of it herself.

At Madeline's suggestion of coffee, Lauren volunteered to help her make it.

Bo and Patrick sat, watching the sun start to slowly sink down towards the horizon. She heard him sigh, happily.

"Enjoying it here, Bo?" he asked.

"Absolutely! It's awesome! Perfect!"

He nodded. "Perfect." He repeated quietly.

They continued gazing out at the ocean, and Bo knew they didn't need to say anymore. Perfect just about summed it up. It didn't get any better than this; nothing could ruin this.

But then something did.

"Paddy!" Madeline screamed from the kitchen.

It only took a tenth of a second, as Bo and Paddy looked at each other, before they both lurched out of their seats. Bo beat him inside the house, and he was right behind her as they raced to the kitchen.

Madeline was kneeling, crouching over Lauren, trying to push the stools out of the way, as Lauren lay among them, convulsing violently on the floor. Paddy grabbed them, flinging the chairs away.

"One minute she was sitting there, then she just went down!" Madeline said, panic evident in her voice.

Blood started to flow from Lauren's nose, as she thrashed about on the floor.

Bo stood watching, horrified, unable to move. "No, no, no." She murmured. Lauren's eyes were glazed, vacant, rolling back and forth. Bo looked from Paddy to Madeline.

"She's having a seizure," Madeline said. "We mustn't hold her down, but we need to keep her comfortable. Has she ever had one before, Bo?"

Bo shook her head.

Madeline beckoned her to come forward. "Try holding her hand, it might help, she might know it's you, talk to her."

Madeline's words suddenly galvanized Bo, releasing her from the paralysis of seeing Lauren this way. She needs you! She knelt down beside her.

"Paddy, get some cushions we can put around her!" Madeline ordered. He immediately ran to the lounge.

Lauren's body arched upwards, then slammed down, her head smacking against the floor.

"Shit!" Bo hissed. "Lauren? Can you hear me?" she hovered over Lauren's body, careful not to restrain her, but ensuring that Lauren's violent convulsions would impact more against her, and not cause Lauren anymore harm.

Paddy placed the cushions around them.

Blood was running over Lauren's mouth, down her chin, to her neck, it was being spattered over the floor from her movements, and it started to look like a crime scene.

"Come on baby, come through it!" Bo urged her. Her mind reeled, thinking back eight weeks ago; she couldn't face this again. This couldn't be happening again surely, the consequences of that were over? But what if it wasn't, what if there was still a price to pay?

Froth started to appear from Lauren's mouth, a gurgling strangling sound, turning pink from the blood from her nose.

"No!" Bo yelled. "Call an ambulance!" she looked at Madeline.

Madeline stood up, stricken with fear. "Paddy?" she reached out for him.

Bo grabbed Lauren's head, holding it still. "Come on, take it this time!" she passed her energy to her, and for a moment Lauren appeared to absorb it, before she then rejected it.

"Goddammit, don't do this!"

Lauren's body arched upwards again, as though possessed, thrashing and shaking, then she stopped, and so did the gurgling. She exhaled a long breath, and her body stilled; her eyes open and lifeless, staring off to nowhere.

"No, not again, please, not again!" Bo looked at her. "Wake up!"

This wasn't going to happen again, Bo wouldn't let it, not after Valhalla. She knew there was only one possible option. If it worked, Lauren would probably never forgive her, but she was left with no choice; Lauren's survival would also be her own. Without her, the struggle wouldn't be worth it. Her emotion over Lauren lying on the floor, stilled by death, started to bubble within her like hot lava. That side of her that she kept tamed more than any other part of her nature; that side of her inherited from her father, the side she feared more than anything. She knew its power; she had used it before, to save both Lauren and Dyson. And as much as she hated it, she needed it now, knowing that if she couldn't control it, she would cross over to a darker side of herself, lost to all of those that knew her. There was only one person that could bring her back, who had always been her salvation. If she could save Lauren then Lauren would save her.

Bo turned to look at Paddy and Madeline. "I'm sorry!" She stood up, and started to draw on that dark side of herself. "But I can't lose her, and I don't have enough energy! I need yours." Her eyes turned blue, ready to drain every inch of their life forces.

"Bo," Paddy said quietly. "It won't work, trust me," he held Madeline's hand. "But trust what you know," he looked at his wife. "Ready?" She simply nodded.

His calmness, faced with her imminent threat disarmed Bo, halting her destructive step. She watched them just stand there, wondering at how they could be so resigned to the fact that their daughter, was lying dead on the floor. Then both of them inhaled sharply, closing their eyes, rocking backwards, as though an unknown force had hit them. It appeared they physically changed, although they looked the same.

Paddy opened his eyes first, looked at Bo, smiled, then looked down at Lauren. Madeline went straight to her, gently stroking Lauren's face. Paddy joined her, placing his hands on her head and heart.

"Live, daughter." Paddy said, but it wasn't his voice.

"Come back to us, my child." Madeline added, but again, it didn't sound like Madeline. The whole time, both of them gently touched Lauren.

Paddy kissed her forehead. "Breathe now."

Suddenly Lauren breathed, a breath that sounded like shock, from the sensation of surfacing after plunging into freezing water. She gasped, huge great gulps of air.

"Oh my God!" Bo mumbled; her legs weakened, and she sank down, her knees hitting the floor. She fought the urge to throw up, as relief surged through her body, rapidly followed by emotion; she began to cry.

Madeline touched her arm, and Bo felt a power from it; warm, strong. The emotional pain she felt over what was happening, dissipated, soothed away. Realisation started to sink in. The Soother of Pain; Bo had just assumed that it meant physical pain, but it seemed her abilities weren't that limited.

"Epione?" Bo asked.

Madeline nodded. Bo now looked at Paddy. "Asclepius?" He just smiled, urging Bo to take hold of Lauren, as she started to come round. She sat, cradling Lauren in her lap.

Lauren's eyes started to focus, and her body's reaction was flight; she started to fight her way back to reality.

Bo tightened her hold. "Hey, it's okay! You're safe! It's me, it's Bo!"

Lauren's breathing was ragged, her eyes settling on the person speaking to her. Unlike before when this happened, finding herself surrounded by unfamiliar faces, the sight of Bo's face was a relief.

"Bo?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah," Bo smiled at her. "You're okay." She assured her.

"What happened?" Lauren's voice was hoarse.

"You…left us for a minute, but you came back."

Lauren frowned, looking confused. She noticed the blood on the floor, touching her face, her fingers confirming where it had come from.

"I was sitting, talking to mom. Did I pass out again?"

Bo hesitated. "Kinda." She looked at Paddy and Madeline, not sure if she should tell Lauren the truth.

Lauren looked at her parents too, her expression changing with recognition. "You're not them…you're them aren't you?"

"How can you tell?" Bo asked.

"I don't know…I just know."

Paddy proceeded to lift Lauren from Bo's lap, carrying her easily to the sitting room. Bo followed, grabbing a kitchen towel.

As Lauren sat, Bo knelt before her, cleaning up her face.

"Where did I go?" Lauren asked. "You said I left."

Bo avoided looking at her, until Lauren grabbed her hand. "Tell me!" Lauren pressed.

Bo looked directly at her. "You had another attack. This time it was real bad….we lost you…it killed you." Her voice broke up.

"Then how come I'm here?"

Bo looked at her parents. "I think they can explain that one."

Lauren turned her attention to them, waiting. Madeline moved to sit beside her on the couch.

"It was necessary." She started to say.

"Whoa!" Lauren jumped with shock at hearing Epione's voice coming from her mother. "Where is she?" she asked.

"She is still here, she is able to see and hear everything. No harm is being done."

"How do I know that?" Lauren asked.

Asclepius spoke through Patrick. "We have used them as vessels before."

"Before?" Lauren felt more alarmed.

"Before you were born, we had to make sure they were strong enough."

"Patrick said they were tested." Bo remembered his comment from the conversation of the night before. "That's what he meant!"

Epione nodded. "And there were times after; they would allow us to visit."

"For what reason?" Lauren asked.

Epione reached out to touch her face. "To watch you sleeping, when you were a baby; to be able to hold you in our arms." Her voice conveyed a mixture of joy and sadness.

Lauren's mouth fell open.

"We are so grateful to them," Epione held Lauren's hand. "For the love and care they have given you. You are their daughter, but it was our privilege that they included us in certain moments; seeing you walk, hearing your first words. All precious to us, as it was for them."

"Until you began to recognize when it was us and not them," Asclepius smiled. "You started to speak of the 'other people' watching you when you slept. And we could no longer take the chance as you were becoming too observant. Your brother had been born by then, so we decided that such visits would need to stop."

"I vaguely remember now." Lauren said, as images flashed through her memory, her parents standing by her bed late at night, just watching her, not speaking. "So, you're here now, because I died? I thought Zeus' part of the bargain was my lifeline would be matched with Bo's, so what went wrong?"

"Your bargain with Zeus? I was so proud of you," Epione stated. "To offer up what you had, to save one man, and ultimately to do it for love…but you see, your gift cannot be bargained away. We hoped that maybe it could be so; you were so passionate about the life you wanted to live, but Zeus' power is no match. As much as he is part of your blood, you are also the granddaughter of Osiris and Isis. That bloodline from me is the stronger inheritance. And that's why you have been ill, why it's been getting worse. You had already ascended to your true self, and in rejecting that, your body could not survive. It needs to be who you truly are; You need to be who you truly are. It's your purpose."

"Wait," Bo said. "So you're saying that not only have you brought Lauren back, but she has regained the power she willingly gave up?"

"Yes." Asclepius simply answered.

"What?" Lauren gasped. She turned to Bo, looking for help.

"It's okay, don't freak out." Bo grabbed her hands, seeing the fear on her face. "Breathe, okay?" she felt Lauren squeeze her fingers, hanging onto her, keeping herself grounded.

"There is nothing to be afraid of," Epione assured her. "You will need to learn how to use the gift you have."

"Won't Zeus be pissed about this? He didn't exactly like the fact you had the same ability!" Bo challenged Asclepius. "If he's gonna come after Lauren, I won't hesitate to kill him if I can!" she knew the odds were against her, but she'd willingly die trying to save Lauren.

"Zeus' hand was forced at that time with me; Hades demanded it. Now he is dead, Zeus knows that to kill another God would bring a retribution he doesn't want. The other Gods would not allow it, and he is aware that it's time for change. He won't seek punishment for the gift Lauren has. How can he, when he himself has presided over life and death? And she is also his great granddaughter; a part of his legacy will be carried on into future generations. I know my own grandfather's ego!"

Lauren looked at Asclepius as he spoke. "If I need to learn to use it, how was I able to heal Hale so fast?"

"The bargain you struck, your promise that it would only happen that one time? As soon as you touched him, the power transferred to give him life. But now, like any healer, you must learn to master it, control it."

"We can help to guide you." Epione added.

"It's not a natural thing to do!" Lauren said desperately. She put her head in her hands. "It's too much." She mumbled.

"We must leave you now." Asclepius put his hand on her shoulder. "But we will always be here. Patrick and Madeline know how to call us to visit."

Lauren looked at him, and then Epione, her expression soft, understanding.

Epione pulled Lauren to her. "I'm sorry this is not what you wanted. But too many people would suffer if you were lost to them." She whispered, before kissing her forehead.

Epione stood up from the sofa, clasping her hand with Asclepius.

"Thank you!" Bo blurted out, realising what was about to happen.

"Wait!" Lauren said, but before she could thank them, Patrick and Madeline were released from the occupation of their bodies.

"They know you're grateful." Was the first thing Patrick said, reassuring Lauren.

"Are you both okay?" she asked.

"We're fine, sweetie." Madeline moved to sit next to her. "How are you feeling?" she was more concerned about Lauren.

"Considering I was recently dead, again, I feel extremely well. It's starting to become a habit!" Lauren said flippantly. "I guess you heard everything?"

"Yes. How do you feel about it?"

"What part? The fact my parents occasionally and voluntarily get possessed by Gods, or that I'm one, again!" Lauren ran her fingers through her hair.

"Laurie," Patrick said gently. "I know it's a lot to process, it's all you've been doing since you arrived, but you can deal with this. Compared to what you've dealt with these last few years, this is just another part of your life; it doesn't mean it has to take over."

"Your dad's right." Bo agreed.

Lauren sighed heavily. She turned her attention back to her parents. "Does that hurt?" she thought of Hale fighting against Hades, resisting his take-over of his body.

"Not at all," Madeline smiled. "It's very calming, comforting. We are aware of everything, but it's like being muted in the background."

Lauren hugged Madeline to her. "You two are just extraordinary, you know that right? Epione and Asclepius owe you so much."

"We got the better end of the deal." Patrick said.

"Now, as I remember, we were about to have coffee? You still want one?" Madeline asked Paddy, signaling to him that he go with her, not to make coffee, but to leave Lauren and Bo alone for a moment.

"I'll come help." Bo went to get up. Still in shock over what had happened, she suddenly thought of the state of the kitchen, not wanting them or Lauren to face it.

"We can manage." Madeline told her, as though aware of what Bo was thinking. "You two sit for a minute."

Bo watched them leave. "Are you okay?" she asked Lauren.

Lauren just nodded.

"That wasn't fun, seeing you like that, and then…" Bo didn't finish. "I thought I'd lost you for good. Thank God your mom and dad were able to call them for help; I mean what if we hadn't been here? What if we had been at home?"

Lauren reached out, gently holding Bo's hands. "You're shaking?"

"Well it's not every day you standby helplessly, watching the person you love, die right in front of you. It's not something I ever wanna get used to, and you've made a habit of it just recently," Bo tried to joke. "This is the last time right? I can't go through that again." Her voice choked on the words, her eyes misting with tears.

"I'll try not to." Lauren reached out, gently touching Bo's face. "What's wrong? What else almost happened?"

Bo wiped at her eyes. "You don't wanna know." She wondered how Lauren could tell.

Lauren studied her for a moment. "You felt you had no choice; you'd have taken their energy?"

Bo closed her eyes. "I didn't know any other way, and if…" she faltered. "If saving you, meant it killed them? Then yes, I would have done it. I'm sorry I was just so scared."

"No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do this to you; all I do is put you in impossible situations!" Lauren sighed.

"What do you mean? None of this has been your fault. How could you know this would happen?" Bo asked.

"Maybe I should have known. There's always something. Our lives are not that simple, let's face it."

"No, they're not, but it doesn't mean we have to see everything as a complication."

Lauren half laughed. "I guess they're just a clichéd challenge?" It sounded dismissive of Bo's comment, and she could see that's what Bo thought. "I'm not thinking straight. Dad's right, it's been a lot to process; I'm tired."

"Come here." Bo sat on the sofa, getting Lauren to lay her head in her lap.

They were quiet for a moment, when Bo broke the silence. "I didn't know Gods could get tired."

Lauren snorted a small laugh. "I guess resurrection has a side effect." She felt Bo laugh, although her own humour of the moment quickly vanished.

As Bo stroked her hair, the feel of it helped to ease away the thoughts that were starting to plague her; she wasn't actually tired but rather than let them have free reign over peacefulness, Lauren subdued them for now, allowing herself to be lulled into sleep.

When Bo woke up, she was stiff from sitting upright on the couch and Lauren was absent from her lap. The living room lamps had been turned off, so she knew that Madeline and Paddy must have retired to bed themselves. There was a ruffled up blanket that she figured Madeline must have placed over Lauren. Squinting at her watch it was 1am.

The only light came from the study. Bo padded over to the room, finding Lauren sitting in one of the armchairs, her knees tucked up under her chin, reading a book. She spotted the bottle of bourbon, and the glassful that Lauren was sipping from.

"This is another habit you need to break, Doc. I'm starting to get a complex waking up and finding you're not there."

Bo bent her head to look at the title; Greek Mythology. There were other similar books on the same subject that Lauren had placed on the desk. "Couldn't sleep?" she asked.

Lauren shook her head. "You want some?" she reached for the glass, sipping from it, holding it out for Bo to take.

She took it, only taking a small sip, watching the doctor as she read. Lauren's brow was furrowed with concentration. The book looked well thumbed from use.

"Mom has had these books for years in her collection," Lauren spoke. "Both me and Nathan have read them, it even helped with some of our studies. I guess they would belong in most normal families' possessions with a passing interest in the subject. It's a little ironic, don't you think?"

"Why would it be? Your mom's a teacher. I'm sure the subject was of interest on an intellectual level. Why are you reading them again now?"

"I'm trying to see if I might have missed something!"

Bo sat in the other chair.

"But I guess that's not going to be the case, is it? We're both secrets from the world." Lauren said bitterly. "You must be tired, why don't you go on up to bed."

"You should know, you can't get rid of me that easily, so I'll just sit here, if that's okay. Not too keen on you being out of my sight right now."

Lauren managed to smile, before she went back to reading.

Bo reached for one of the books Lauren had selected. "The Iliad", an epic retelling of the Trojan War, appeared to be a compelling one to read, and Bo stuck with it as best she could, fighting with her eyes to stay open, until she dozed off.


She heard her name being spoken, gently making its way into her mind, helping her to wake up.

"Bo?" This time a soft squeeze of her arm. Her ears registered that it wasn't Lauren's voice. She managed to crack open her eyes, to see Madeline before her. Looking at the other chair, it was empty. Bo suddenly jerked awake.

"Where is she? Is she okay?" she started to scramble from the chair, getting tangled in the blanket that had been tucked around her.

"Lauren's fine." Madeline stopped her from bolting forward. "She's taking a shower. Would you like some breakfast?"

Bo flopped back into the chair with relief. "Breakfast would be great. I'll take a shower first."

Lauren was coming down the stairs, dressed, and her hair wet, when Bo made her way out of the living room. Bo smiled at her, kissing her lightly on the lips, surprised by the lack of response.

Lauren continued on into the kitchen and Bo stared after her for a moment, before heading up to the bathroom. Showering quickly, she found them all in the kitchen still, but nobody was speaking. She sat next to Lauren.

"Did you sleep?" Bo asked her.


"You should have woken me."

"You looked comfortable; I didn't want to disturb you."

Lauren's tone was flat.

"I wish you had," Bo smiled. "Fricking weird dream, I was Helen and you were Paris, and then it'd be the other way around."

Lauren attempted to smile, but didn't quite manage to.

Bo noticed she wasn't really eating the breakfast in front of her either, stabbing at the food with a fork, moving it around the plate. Bo reached for her other hand, but Lauren pulled away from the touch.

"I'm not really that hungry." Lauren mumbled. She got up, leaving the kitchen.

Madeline placed a plate of breakfast in front of Bo. "Has she said anything about last night?"

Madeline shook her head. "She's barely said two words since we came down."

"I think she's mulling things over." Paddy added, although he didn't sound too convinced.

Bo knew Lauren's way of mulling things over; it normally involved sudden outbursts of excited realization over something scientific, rushing to grab a pen, or talking it out loud. This behavior wasn't that; this was retreat.

Bo got up, smiling apologetically at Madeline for leaving her breakfast.

"Go talk to her, Bo." Madeline urged.

Bo found Lauren curled up in the corner of the sofa, her eyes closed, frowning deeply. She gently sat next to her, touching Lauren's arm.

Lauren recoiled. "Don't!" she said fiercely, opening her eyes.

"Don't what?"

"Don't think you can make this better." Lauren glared.

"What?" Bo was shocked. "You think I'm going to use my power?"

"It hadn't crossed your mind? You're wondering if it would help?" she sounded accusing.

"No, it hadn't crossed my mind. And yeah, I wanna help but I can only do that if you let me."

"Then don't waste your time." Lauren looked away staring at the floor, sullen, disinterested.

"Talk to me," Bo pleaded. "Tell me what's going on in that beautiful, smart brain of yours; don't shut me out, not after what we've been through."

Lauren huffed. "What's there to discuss? It won't change anything."

"Won't change what?"

Lauren just shook her head, staring at Bo in disbelief. "You seriously don't know?" she got up from the couch. "You witnessed what happened last night, right?"

"Yes," Bo said. "You were returned from death, and from the way you're reacting, you're not happy about it."

"Not happy about it?" Lauren flung her arms up in despair. "You're damn right there!"

"Then why aren't you?! Jesus, Lauren, you fricking died in my arms, again!" Bo stood up to her. "You'd rather I suffer that, than the fact you were saved?"

"No, of course not! You don't get it do you!" Lauren shouted. "Everything has changed. I've been changed." She beat her fist against her chest.

"So what? You're alive, that's all I care about!"

"You don't understand!" Lauren could sense Bo's frustration as well as her own. For all her intelligence, she was struggling to articulate how she felt.

"Then talk to me! Tell me why this is bothering you!"

"You know how I felt about the power I inherited! I don't believe it's right; it's not how things should be!"

"I know, but we'll cope, it's not the end of the world." Bo said.

"No it's not, but this wasn't my choice!…I made my decision eight weeks ago. It's like being enslaved again…being supplicated like I was to the Fae, but this time it's worse….because I can't escape from this…ever!"

Lauren stormed from the lounge.

"Lauren, wait…" Bo said, but it was too late. She heard the front door yanked open and then slammed shut. Dejectedly, she made her way to the kitchen.

Madeline gave her a small smile, placing a reassuring hand on her arm. "You know she's not angry with you, right?"

Bo nodded. "She's not angry. I'm normally the one who gets all moody and pissy. She's scared. She's spent the last few years being that way amongst the Fae, until she found the courage not to be. I'm trying to get her to see it's okay to be afraid again, but we'll work it out. I don't think I'm saying the right thing or what she wants to hear right now."

Madeline looked at Paddy, while still talking to Bo. "Maybe it will help, if her dad tries? She'd always listen to him," she suggested. "He tends to know what needs to be said."

Paddy stood up from the counter stool, kissing his wife on the forehead. "I'll try." He winked at Bo, and headed outside.

Lauren stood hugging her body, looking out to sea, although she wasn't actually seeing anything. She tried to calm the anger she felt, the sense of unfairness that her life couldn't be the one she wanted. She felt like screaming her wrath until her throat was raw from the effort; she wanted to lash out, hit something, kick something, hard, but even the thought of harming the porch railing made her feel guilty; the irony of not being able to hurt something inanimate made her emotional anger teeter towards tearfulness.

She heard Patrick come out onto the porch. "This isn't what I wanted! It's not my choice!" she said angrily.

"No, it's not. But it's what you have, and it's how you find a way to deal with it that matters. You can either stay angry over it, or look at it from another perspective."

"How did you cope? Having your life change completely, having no control?"

Patrick took a deep breath. "I was lucky….I realized before it was too late, before I did something stupid."

Lauren frowned.

"There was a time, when I was ready to walk. I was thirty with two kids and a job that paid well, and would give me opportunities to progress up the corporate ladder, into higher earnings. I was good at what I did. My ideal job was to be a carpenter, have my own business. For some reason I got it into my head, that life was passing me by, that this really wasn't my choice, to take on this responsibility. I felt trapped, like you do right now."

Patrick leant against the porch railing, looking out to the sea. "You probably remember I was sometimes away on business trips, or conferences. Nights spent in strange hotel rooms a long way from home. For a man in his thirties, looking to "escape', that could lead to possible options. Drink alone in the bar, or find company to drink with."

He turned to look at Lauren. "I'd only ever known your mom, never had any reason or need to know anybody else. But there was one time…"

"Dad, I don't need to hear this." Lauren shifted uneasily. She wasn't ready for the possible confession he was about to make. This was a man she had idolized, the perfect father, realised even more so since recent events. She didn't want that image sullied, by him admitting to some past indiscretion; her own didn't matter, she knew her faults, but she'd never considered he'd had any.

"Yes you do! It's nothing your mom doesn't already know."

Lauren stared back at him, stunned but not surprised. She knew her parents' relationship to be an open and honest one.

"I sat at a hotel bar one night, and this woman sat next to me. She was also on some kind of company business trip. The conversation was light and easy. I noticed the ring on her finger and she'd noticed mine, but we didn't speak about husbands or wives or families. But we knew we were both looking for the same thing; a chance to leave reality behind."

Patrick clenched the railing as he continued talking. "I found myself in her room. I don't think she actually invited me, we just ended up there; I couldn't even remember how I got there from the bar. She went to the bathroom to 'freshen up' first, so I just stood there. I spotted the phone by the bed, no real cell phones in those days, and for some unknown reason, I called home. I don't know if I was seeking permission or forgiveness, but your mom knew." There was anguish in his eyes still, as he spoke. "She just said hi, and that whatever decision I made, there was always a home waiting for me; she'd always be there. I hadn't even said a thing, but I think she'd sensed I'd been struggling. I put the phone down and left that room. Nothing happened…and do you know why nothing happened?"

Lauren couldn't answer; a part of her was so relieved at his admission. She could tell it still tore him up to remember it. She just shook her head.

"Because I realized it wasn't about me, or what I wanted. I hadn't been forced to give up anything, or the life I wanted. Because I already had the life I needed! There was only one reason Epione and Asclepius had picked that time, had decided on me….they'd chosen me, because of the young woman I'd fallen in love with. She was their only reason. She had a whole life ahead of her, too, but because she loved me, she was willing to stand by me, and live this life, together. No questions asked. In all these years, your mother has never once complained about making that choice. She could have walked away, but she chose me. And I thank the Gods everyday that she did. I'm the luckiest man I know. I look at my family and at times it's hard to believe I have what I have; your mom, you and your brother."

He gently grabbed Lauren by the shoulders. "I'm sorry Laurie, but it's not all about you or your choices, or what you want either. There's someone else that doesn't have a choice in all this, who probably doesn't want this life, who would change it all for you if she could to make you happy, but she's willing to do whatever she has to, to ensure that anyway. She'll stand by you, defend you, protect you, and I've no doubt if it goes to your head, and you get too big for your britches, she won't hesitate to put you back in your place. That's how much she loves you; because she's chosen you."

Lauren fell against her father's chest, finding comfort there. It was something she'd done many times as a child; she felt safe, protected, hearing his heartbeat, feeling his strength and love.

"You don't have any regrets?" she asked him, quickly wiping her tears from her cheeks.

"None, only that I almost made a mistake. How can I have regrets, when I have what I have? But you're missing a vital point. You've been given an extraordinary gift, and as much as you don't want it, are scared of it, it's what you were meant for! It's not just about being able to return a life, it's being able to give life. Don't you realize what that means?"

He gently held her hands. "You know what I see now, when I look at your hands? I see my grandchildren. The enormity of the life you can produce, once you master how to, is just the most precious gift of all. And I know you and Bo will be exceptional parents."

Lauren wanted to speak, but she was too emotional to do so.

"I've given Bo my permission." Paddy smiled.

It took a moment for Lauren to realise what he meant. "What? When did she ask?"

"I suppose she knew, from someone else's advice, that chess, strategically, would be an opportune moment. But then she doesn't always follow other people's advice does she?"

"No." Lauren smiled.

"That's what I like about her. But she does know when to pick a moment. Driving that car at one hundred and twenty on the coast road, proved to be mine, it was so exhilarating, exciting…and she knew I couldn't say no!"

Lauren's hand went to her mouth, as she laughed.

"She's a smart cookie."

Lauren nodded. "I love you, dad."

"I know you do, and you know you don't have to say it. Your mom and I both feel it."

"There's someone else who knows how I feel, but I guess I should go tell her anyway."

"Yep, you should; go on back in there."

"Thanks, dad." Lauren kissed his cheek.

"By the way," Paddy added "Well done, kiddo. She's also stunning!"

Lauren smiled and headed quickly back into the house. Bo was sitting at the breakfast bar, nursing a cup of coffee.

Madeline spotted Lauren standing there, clearing her throat, alerting Bo.

Bo looked up, seeing Madeline smile, and followed her gaze to Lauren. Without saying anything, Madeline swiftly left them.

Lauren waited until her mother had gone. Bo slid off the stool, and Lauren surged towards her, her hands pulling Bo's face to hers, to kiss her.

"I love you," Lauren searched Bo's face. "I'm sorry about earlier."

"I know, and I love you, too," Bo said. "And you know we can work this out, right?"

Lauren nodded.

"I know it's not what you wanted."

"And you know I'll struggle with it?" Lauren stroked Bo's face.

"Yeah, if you didn't I'd know something was wrong."

"But you'll make sure I don't lose my way?" Lauren asked.

"You betcha! I got your back, Doc. I'll be there, always!"

"Good," Lauren placed her fingers against Bo's lips. "Enough talking. Just kiss me, dammit!"

Bo happily obliged.

They spent the day down on the beach, Madeline and Patrick with them, enjoying the sun, swimming and frolicking in the sea. An impromptu game of beach volleyball against Lauren's parents, resulted in fits of giggles, with Patrick rushing to lift Madeline up so she could get the ball back over the net.

Typically, Madeline had made a picnic basket, but that didn't stop them from going into town and eating at one of the seafood restaurants for dinner in the evening.

Despite what had happened the night before, Bo found that it had been another perfect day. She'd kept an eye on Lauren, noticing a couple of times that she seemed deep in thought, but with a touch, or kiss, Bo brought her back, and the doctor seemed happy once again.

After their evening meal, the front porch was the favoured venue once more, just to sit and admire a moonlit sea.

Patrick appeared, carrying two guitars. He handed one each to Lauren and Madeline.

Lauren groaned.

"I think we promised Bo, before you leave, a little family jamming." Patrick said.

"I think Bo had forgotten, but you obviously didn't!" Lauren muttered.

Patrick ignored her to fetch another guitar for himself. "It's already tuned." He added.

Lauren just glared at him for a moment, then strummed across the strings.

"Still sounds good." Lauren admitted with surprise.

Bo stood up from her chair so she could face the family trio.

"Don't get too excited," Lauren told her, seeing Bo's obvious smile of delight. "I haven't played in years! This could turn into a mess!"

"Hell, I don't care if you play out of tune," Bo remarked, taking her phone out of her pocket. "But I just gotta record this for the gang!"

Lauren huffed in despair.

Madeline, sitting between Lauren and Patrick, quickly plucked at the strings, eliciting the most wonderful melody, as she flexed her fingers in preparation to play.

"So what's it to be?" Patrick asked, doing the same. Lauren followed suit.

Bo quickly hit the record button; if that's all Lauren managed, it was already wonderful, as short as it was.

"Hmmm," Madeline mused. "How about Mr. V's 'Winter'?"

Now Lauren stared at her mother in disbelief. "Are you fricking kidding me!"

Her mother smiled back at her. "You can keep up, it hasn't been that long."

Lauren huffed loudly, and seeing Bo's frown, explained. "Mr. V, is Vivaldi, and my mom has decided we are gonna play 'Winter' from his 'Four Seasons'."

"Oh." Bo said, hoping she didn't sound too ignorant in that she didn't have a clue what the piece was.

"Ready?" Madeline asked. Patrick nodded and Lauren took a deep breath. All three of them moved slightly in sitting and posture.

When Madeline saw they were ready, she quietly counted, "One, two," and without having to murmur three, she started first, gently, with Patrick and Lauren joining her.

Bo listened; the notes at first, staccato, sounded discordant, jarring, dipping and building in volume, until they burst into a rhythm, before ebbing away again, rebuilding in tempo, until they erupted and Bo then realized she knew this piece very well, if not by name.

It was obvious Madeline was the expert player; Bo watched her fingers as they teased the notes, effortlessly, into life. As the trio continued, she noticed that Lauren and Patrick were also watching Madeline in admiration as they all played, and the smiles on their faces showed their delight. Lauren looked relaxed.

Bo was mesmerized by the scene. She wondered how many hours in the past they had spent practicing. Just how good they all had to be, to be able to play such a complex piece. Having recognized the composition, Bo knew that it would lead to an almost thrilling climax. She found she was holding her breath, hoping that Lauren's concern at not having played in years wouldn't cause her to falter. However Madeline was right; Lauren kept up beautifully.

As they continued on, without fault, Bo lost herself to the sheer bliss of listening to them play. It was like an outpouring of joy, of happiness, and love, and she felt it reach out and envelope her. This was family, this is what it meant to be a part of one, and she wanted it to go on, hoping that the piece wouldn't end.

When it eventually did, in perfect unison, Lauren collapsed with relief and laughter, along with Patrick, while Madeline just smiled at them.

"Damn, that was fun!" Patrick said.

"It's a shame Nathan wasn't here to join in." Lauren added. She looked at Bo, her smile fading, replaced by concern. She quickly got up, placing the guitar in her seat.

"Bo?" Lauren stood before her. "What's wrong?" she wiped Bo's tears from her face.

Unaware that she was crying, Bo looked at her. "That was the most incredible thing I've ever seen." She managed to say, her voice thick with emotion.

Madeline now stood beside Lauren; opening her arms, she pulled Bo to her.

"Welcome to the family, Bo. Welcome home!" Madeline said softly.

Bo tried to stifle the sob, but it escaped. Patrick made trying to keep her emotions in check even worse.

"There will always be a home for you here, Bo!"

"Oh Jeez!" Bo sniffed, pulling back. "You guys are killing me!" she smiled, wiping her eyes.

"Who'd like some coffee?" Madeline asked.

"I'd like one thing?" Bo said. Madeline waited. "I'd love to hear y'all play that again." She suggested hopefully.

"Of course, be right back." Madeline said as she steered Patrick back into the house with her.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" Lauren pulled Bo against her.

Bo nodded. "You know I'm crazy in love with you, right?"

"Yeah, I kinda get that." Lauren smiled.

"Well, I think we should have a prenup agreement."

Lauren tilted her head, waiting.

"Not that it's ever going to happen, but should we divorce, I get to keep your parents!"

Lauren threw her head back, laughing. "Ooooh, smart move!"

"One other thing, we take that guitar home," Bo added. "That was some skilled hand work you got there, and you need to keep up with your practice."

"Oh, that was nothing. I have fingers skills you can only dream of," Lauren said. "I can tease a tune or two out of you, trust me."

Bo shivered. "Is that so, Doc?"

"Ha-huh," Lauren leaned in to whisper in Bo's ear. "C'mere and I'll prove it!" She took Bo's hand, leading her off the porch. "The car's unlocked, right?"

Bo whimpered, quickly looking back at the house.

"Don't worry, you know mom's coffee. It's bean to cup; by the time she grinds it, lets it percolate, I figure we got twenty minutes."

"God, I hope that's why your mom decided to go make some. She's one intuitive woman!"

Bo also realised something else. Lauren's recent sexual overdrive obviously hadn't diminished. Her excitement escalated at that prospect, and also that Lauren's reinstatement as a God could mean something powerful was about to happen. She considered that combined, both their energies could be dangerous in a car with a full gas tank.

Oh hell! Bo thought, dismissing her concern. What a way to go!

Madeline turned away from the sink, pouring water into the coffee machine.

"Hey," Paddy suddenly said. "Perhaps Bo and Lauren would like to play some chess. It's about time I broke in that board I made. I'll go get it from the workshop."

"Good idea," Madeline said, but stood in front of him, blocking his way to the door. "Get it later. Keep me company while the coffee brews?" she asked, smiling, circling her arms around his waist.

Paddy looked at her. "Sure."

From the kitchen window, Madeline had seen Bo and Lauren clambering eagerly into the car, and she knew there were some things a father shouldn't witness his daughter indulging in.

She figured she'd give them thirty minutes to get themselves back to the porch.

The End.