
Merlin and the knights have been ambushed by bandits (again). They will come out of it unscathed, but what magic trick is Merlin going to use this time? None it seems, because this time the bandits have gone too far. This time it's personal.

Chapter 1: The bandits

"13!" exclaimed Elyan.

Percival just stood there dumbstruck, but since he always was silent no one noticed.




"14! Take that you cowardly sons of Uther Pendragon!"


"I didn't mean you princess, you're his daughter remember?"


"What is happening here?" asked sir Leon who had just arrived with the reinforcements, only to stop his horse completely bewildered.



"15," Lancelot explained.

"Is that - is that Merlin?"


"Fighting all of the bandits alone?"

"Yup." Gwaine could hardly contain his glee."The idiots took his neckerchief. I've always wanted to see that. Preferably with the princess on the receiving end, but I'm not complaining. At least not much. Speaking of complaining, you brought any ale?"

Everyone ignored the last part.

"16 and that was the last one," Arthur said impressed. "Turns out the idiot is actually good for something once you take his clothes. Remind to take his shirt the next time he has to muck out the stables."

Once Merlin and the knights had mounted their horses, they rode off for Camelot, leaving a bunch of very confused bandits behind, the red neckerchief once again around a certain warlock's throat.