Disclaimer: *sigh* I really wish that I owned Harry Potter but sadly I don't, I'm just borrowing JK's characters for my own story.


Hermione woke up in the middle of the night with a strange feeling, like someone was watching her. She slowly got up from the bed and sneaked up to the window, she looked back to see if her dorm mates had woken up but they still slept safe and sound in their beds. She opened the window to let in some fresh air in the room.

Lately Lavender brown had been constantly trying her best to make Hermione accept her new relationship with her ex boyfriend Ron Weasley. And that was easier said than done, when you find your boyfriend making out in a dorm closet with none other than Lavender Brown you will find it kind of hard to accept. Ron had also been a (dare she say it?) pain in the ass, following her around like a puppy trying to earn her forgiveness.

Harry had taken sides (god knows what she would do if he hadn't) and they spent most of their time with Neville. Sometimes the annoying couple would swing by and sit with them at breakfast but it really didn't bother her that much anymore. She had other problems..

She looked over the Hogwarts grounds and enjoyed the fresh air that came in through the window. She let out a sigh and wondered if it always would be like this. Feeling like someone watched her everywhere she went, was it because of the war that she felt this way? She and everybody else that was going to finish their seventh year when the war took place had been brought to Hogwarts to finish their education but had she become paranoid after all the traumatising stuff she had seen? No, she did not think that was it.

Her senses had never failed her before, yet she had no idea why someone would follow her. The war was over and she just wanted some peace. She missed Tonks and Lupin, but she was glad that Fred had survived after all and they also had Albus Dumbledore who put up quite the show when Snape pretended to kill him. Snape and Dumbledore decided to try to trick Voldemort's followers into believing that Dumbledore was dead so that he would think that they had an advantage over the order of the phoenix. Very smart plan indeed.

She knew pictures of the war would still hunt her in her dreams for a very long time but she could handle it. She never complained to anybody about it and she didn't want to eighter. Time heal all wounds as her mother often said when she was alive. Her mother and father had been killed by death eaters while she was hunting horocruxes with Harry and Ron. Tears started to run down her cheeks and she decided that she had to go to bed, her thoughts always ran wild at night and that could both be a bad and a good thing.

They had won a war against the most evil wizard yet and all Hermione wanted was some calm and peace, what she didn't know was that this was the beginning of her very own adventure. And this was not anything like her last one, she would already the next day have to make a decision that would affect her future very much.