Well, this is it, folks! Better begin fantasizing Marina's fate.

"I... I can't kill you," he said, then held out his hand, helping her up.

She was amazed. "Ezra, you were so angry. You could've won. Why give up?"

"Because you don't deserve to die," he said, shocking her even more. "You didn't want to poison Arez. I know you didn't."

She shook her head. "You don't know that."

"I do," he said. "You were just angry. I know the feeling."

She frowned. "What now?"

"You can come back to the ship, come back with us."

She shook her head. "I'm sorry, Ezra, I can't.

He frowned as well. "I... I understand." he offered her the lightsaber. "Here."

She smiled lightly and put a hand to it, but instead of taking it, closed his hand over it. "You keep it. I won't need it where I'm going."

He sighed. "You're going back to the Empire, aren't you?"

"No," she picked up her first saber, reattaching it to her utility belt.
"Then where are you going?"
"I don't know," she turned away from him, pressing a hand to her injured arm. "But I'll get there someday."

She began walking away from him, away from the base and continued to get smaller and smaller as she got farther away. A small asteroid above blocked out the sun for a few seconds, and when it came back, Marina was gone. He looked down at the saber in his palm and frowned, staring at it.

He looked up when he heard engines. It was the Ghost. It landed and the hatch opened. Arez stood in the doorway, her arms were crossed. He grinned sheepishly and walked towards the ship.

"Sorry, Arez," he said stepping up the ramp. "Are you mad?"

"Well," she said, stretching out the word. "Yes, but not in an, 'I wanna yell at you' kinda way. More of an 'I wanna chase you' kinda way."

He smiled and ran past her, down the hall as Arez ran after him. He laughed, as did she. For once, two siblings just having fun...

Hey, guys! I'd like to thank you all for reading my story, favoriting, commenting, following my profile. But I'm afraid this book is done...


I know what you're thinking. "Why would you scare us like that? Why?!"

I won't blame you for having those thoughts, I really don't. But thanks for supporting Child of the Force, now get ready to meet the Child of Destiny.