Happening right now in a galaxy far far away

In the far away plains of Lothal, the Ghost star ship was landed. Inside, all were asleep. All but two.
Ezra and Arez Bridger, twins, both sharing a force-sensitive nature, at the moment layed awake, unable to sleep. Something was coming, they could feel it.

Ezra and Arez sat on a bench built into the wall, watching Zeb and Chopper play a hologram robot fighting game. Zeb was losing bad, cursing under his breath, but Ezra and Arez still hoped he'd win. Better him than the robot.
"Karabast." Zeb said under his breath, losing for the third time in a row. " How does he do it?"
Arez shrugged, trying to cool the Lasat's hot temper. "Guess it just takes practice."
"Entering hyperspace!" Hera called from the cockpit. Arez stood up, and walked into the cockpit. She'd been wondering where they were going, but hadn't bothered asking before now.
"So, Hera." She began as she entered. "Where exactly are we going again?"
"There are Imperial ships on our tail."
Arez blinked. "What?! Why didn't you tell us before?"
Hera shrugged, moving over to a panel of controls on the left, likely the comm. "Cause I knew you'd get all worked up."
"Well, you were right." Arez dashed out of the cockpit and climbed up a ladder into the hallway to the Phantom, running into the small attack ship. She looked out the window, Hera was right. Imperial ships. Dozens of them. And...
"A Star-destroyer!" Ezra exclaimed. He had had likely followed behind her. Arez slammed a hand down onto the comm button to Kanan who was manning the turret.
"What do they want?!" She asked.
"The cargo." Kanan shot down one of the ships. "They want the blasters we stole."
"Blast it! Why isn't it working?!" Hera yelled out, reaching up to the shuttle.
"What's wrong?" Ezra asked, pressing the comm.
"Hyperspace controls are down. I can't make the jump."
"So what are we gonna do?!" Arez shouted
Hera didn't even pause. Her improvisation skills came in immediately. "Enter back in Lothal and hopefully outrun them far enough for them to lose our signal."
"Great." Ezra sighed. " So we're doomed."

They broke through Lothal's atmosphere about ten minutes ago, and the twins were still freaking out. The ships were still on their tail, and outrunning them was seeming more and more impossible. Now flying at near top speed, they were losing fuel.
"Hera! Fuel's running low!" Ezra called.
"What?" Hera checked the fuel gage. It was nearing empty. "But the ammount of fuel we put in the tank should've lasted us four days." Hera then realized "Chopper! Run a scan of the ship. I think we may have a leak." Chopper made a grumbling noise, but ran the scan.
A few minutes later, he made another noise.
"So I was right. One of the ships must've hit near our fuel tank."
"Great. So what now?" Arez asked.
There was a pause. "We need to abandon the Ghost."
"What?!" Kanan yelled over the com.
"Everyone get in the Phantom. I'll set the ship to auto pilot, and have it land shortly. The Imperials will see there's no one on the ship."
"But won't they see the Phantom?" Sabine asked.
"I have a cloaking setting installed in the Phantom for emergencies."
Sabine frowned. "So it looks like we have no choice."
"What about the Ghost?" Zeb asked.
"We'll come back for it eventually, but for now, everyone grab your most important possesions. No more, no less." Hera said.
Everyone ran to their rooms. Sabine grabbed her helmet and a case full of bombs and spraypaint. Zeb grabbed his Bow-rifle. Ezra grabbed his holodisk and Arez grabbed a bunch of ink balls for the slingshot she had on the right arm of her outfit. Kanan quickly went to his room. His lightsaber was already attached to his utility belt, so he grabbed the holocran and put his blaster also into his utility belt. They were set to go.
They all piled into the Phantom, and Hera set the Ghost to auto-pilot. She entered the Phantom and headed to the controls, pressing the cloaking switch, then the launch button. Ezra and Arez looked out the Phantom's one window, watching the Ghost get smaller and smaller as they flew farther away.