Note i do not own Harry Potter, all rights go to J.K. Rowling.

Summary time! AU! What if Lily had a brother who took Harry in when his parents died. Meet Mark Evans, and his wife Katherin Evans (Nee Black) Sirius' younger sister. See how Harry is raised by his Uncle and Aunt who love and support him, effect him and his time at Hogwarts. This Fanfic includes everything you guys like, Malfoy bashing, Voldemort bashing, Peter Pettigrew bashing, but no Dumbledore bashing because I like Dumbledore, some OCs, but not to much, and a basic retelling of the great story written by Joanne Rowling. Parings include Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, OC/OC, Neville/Hannah, Luna/OC, Sirius/OC, Remus/Nymphadora, Arthur/Molly, Draco/I don't give a fuck who I ship him with because fuck Draco. Hope you enjoy this.

Chapter 1: The Beginning

It was October 31st, 24 year old Mark Evans was siting on the couch watching muggle t.v. with his wife Katherine Evans (nee Black) Sirius' younger sister. Mark was a handsome fellow, 5 ft 11, had auburn hair, was a bit muscular, and had nice green eyes. His wife Kathy was a beautiful woman, 5 ft 7, long black hair, nice pretty face, and beautiful dark blue eyes. They were enjoying their show and as usual Kathy kept questioning how it worked.

"I told you love it all has to do with muggle inventions, if you want to know how they work ask the cable guy." said Mark.

"Alright sweetie," said Kathy. "When do you think we can go visit James and Lily, I really want to see Harry's precious little face"

"What's with you and babies love?"

"You try being three month pregnant and not long to hold your young already" said Kathy.

"Maybe tomorrow right now I'm enjoying this show"

"Alright," sight Kathy, as she felt Mark rub her belly while watching the t.v.

"I hope it's a boy" Mark said after a while.

"I hope a so too"


It was 10:00 p.m. Kathy fell asleep on Mark's shoulder as he was still watching T.V. do to the war happening at the time, he found it less confortable sleeping, but his wife by his side he was sure he could be happy.

It was thirty minutes later wen he was ready to turn the T.V. off until he saw Fireworks out side the window of his flat. He woke Kathy up so she could see the show with him. After it was done they both went to their bedroom, had a quick shag and fell asleep.

It was 3:00 a.m. and Mark woke up to motorcycle noises outside deciding to investigate he woke Kathy up, greabed their cloacks and went out side.

When they got outside, they saw Dumbledore, Mcgonagall, and Hagrid,who was holding something, outside.

"Professor, what seems to be the problem?" asked Mark.

"I have some Good news and some Bad news. The good news is that the war is over, Voldemort is gone and we can all rest easy now" said Dumbledore.

"That's great, wonderful even." said Mark

"Now our baby can grow up in a world that's safe, Mark" said Kathy excitedly.

"Now for the bad news," Dumbledore started "Mark, your sister Lily and her Husband James, were murdered by Voldemort before his disapearence."

"No" said Kathy.

"Now Kathy you I need to tell you two something-" Dumbledore started.

"No they can't be dead they just can't" Kathy said as she broke down.

"Who ratted them out?" asked Mark, heartbroken that his little sister is dead.

"Sirius Black did, he told Voldemort where they were located" said Dumbledore.

"NO HE CAN'T DO THAT, JAMES WAS HIS BEST FRIEND" screamed a crying Kathy.

"Where is he Albus" asked Mark "Albus if you don't tell me where he is or else I'm gonna go hunt him down myself"

"Azkaban, he murdered Peter Pettigrew as well as twelve Muggles" said Dumbledore.

"Good, I hope he rots in Azkaban for what he's done." said Mark, despite him feeling bad for Sirius' wife and kid.

After a while, holding his sobbing wife he asked Dumbledore "What happened to Harry?"

"He's right here," said Hagrid.

"When Voldemort fired the killing at young Harry, the curse rebounded and hit him instead, leaving him with a scar" said Dumbledore.

"I see and you brought him here for us to raise him I presume." said Mark.

"Yes, but if you can't I will take him to your other younger sister Petunia, since she is his only other family that has Lily's blood for the blood wards to work." said Dumbledore.

"MY ASS," snapped Kathy as she went to grab Harry from Hagrid "Petunia is not going to lay a finger on Harry, for how she treated us. Even if she wasn't a magic hating Bitch, I'm not letting that Walrus of a husband near Harry. I'll take him in and raise him with Mark." Kathy then looked at Harry in her arms "Don't worry Harry you'll be living with your aunt and uncle who love you." Kathy said comforting Harry "And if try to say something about it, Lily made me the Godmother of Harry so it's my right to raise him."

"I was hoping you'd say yes Mark, but I see your wife answered for you" said Dumbledore.

"Very well then, but we'll need to lay low, by any chance those death eaters might be out there."

"Very well, good luck Mark and Kathy Evans, Harry's life is now in your hands" said Mcgonagall.

"Don't worry professor we will take care of him." said Mark.

"Um, Hagrid where'd you get that motorcycle?" asked Kathy.

"I borrowed it from Sirius, it's also my ride home. You could come pick it up if you want"

"I'll think about it" said Kathy

Mark then realised something "By any chance does Ariel know about this."

"She might know, but I think it's best that you go tell her about Harry." said Dubledore

"Will do" said Mark

After the three sorcerers left Kathy and Mark took Harry up to their flat where she rested Harry intheir bed needing him close to her. Mark looked at his wife cuddling with his nephew. If this is how she acts with someone elses kid then he knew she'd be much more better their own.

"Don't worry Lily, I'll take care of him I promise."


Mark woke up and told Kathy he was flooing over to Ariel's cottage. Ariel was a good friend of Mark and Kathy, after all she was Kathy's sister in law. She was also James' adopted sister and fifth member of his group at Hogwarts, she practically did everything with him, including turning into an Animagai. He put on his coat and stepped inside the fireplace, when he arrived he saw that Ariel was drinking tea. "Hey Mark."

"Hi Ariel, so you heard what happened?" asked Mark.

"You mean the news that my husband's arrested, James and Lily are dead, and Joe is fatherless." said Ariel.

"Sorry about that, listen Harry's at my place, so if you wanna visit-" started Mark

"I'd like to come but maybe later, right now I just need to process on what just happened, but right now, I know Sirius isn't guilty." said Ariel.

"I can tell your still shocked." said Mark.

"Mark, do you ever wonder what it will be like if You-Know-Who never existed?" asked Ariel.

"A lot now. For one thing my sister would still be alive." said Mark.

"Yeah, I miss them all ready." Ariel said while crying soflty. After all her brother was dead, Lily was dead, Sirius was framed, and the Marauders have been broken.

"Ariel, if you need anything just let me and Kathy know okay." said Mark.

"Thanks Mark". said Ariel. "Give Harry a hug for me okay."


Hope you like this, after all it's my second major story I'm doing here.