
Hi all! YOI has consumed my life.(٭°̧̧̧ω°̧̧̧٭)

This fict was born from a mind of obsession and impulse stemmed from reading fellow writers' fanficts and tumblr. Like to give thanks to hawa-chan, your fict "Everything is Going to Be Okay" inspired this brain.


Winter in Hasetsu is warmer than that of Moscow's.

That's what is first registered in Victor's mind as the sliding glass doors part to make way for arrival passengers. He tugs at his muffler around the jawline, letting the cool air caress his face. Ah~ how I loathe the stale cabin air. Victor pouts as he followed the crowd towards the baggage claim area. As usual in Japan, everyone stands in an orderly line waiting patiently for his or her suitcase to glide pass on the conveyor belt.

While waiting for his belonging to arrive, Victor lets his eyes wander over the surrounding people. Most were in groups- families probably, with the occasional one or two duo pairs- young couples likely, all returning from the city and other parts of the country for annual family visits in lieu for the New Years.

Speaking of New Years… Victor grimaces. He hadn't been back for visits in over two months, not since he was held up by his job as the substituted head coach for the Russian national figure skating team. He felt a tinge of guilt but it couldn't be helped considering that he was the only one after the previous head coach who was familiar enough with the programme to coach. Yakov had been reluctant initially, but after enduring the tirade of Lilia's reprove on the latter further straining his slipped disk, he eventually gave in, letting the 33-year-old ex-skater to temporarily take up the reigns while he recuperated at home.

Victor couldn't help but let out a chuckle as he recalled the time when Yakov came to him all sullen faced to pass over the team schedule. That Lilia really, till today I still can't believe that she remarried that old grumpy man. Yakov will never admit it, but he still can't help but behave like an obedient Ребёнок in front of her!

He sighs and shakes his head, so caught up in his own thoughts that he almost missed his luggage, a medium sized silver suitcase with a brown poodle dog tag, approaching him. He immediately stepped out to grab it before the belt can even loop once more. Popping out the trolley handle, he pulled the suitcase along as he walked towards the arrival hall on the other side of the room.

The sky is getting darker, he noted when he exits the airport. He looked around hoping to catch a familiar figure waiting by the entrance. Seeing that there were none, Victor felt puzzled. He pulled out his phone from the inner pocket of his coat, reading the time to be 16:00 GMT+9 on the screen. With a quick swipe of the thumb, he opened up the key code. The moment he changed the mobile settings from airplane mode to normal, a flood of notifications came pouring in. Slightly flustered, he selects the first message to read.

[ From: Okaa-san

Message: Sorry Vi-chan! Our car had broken down earlier this afternoon. We won't be able to pick you up so make sure to be safe when taking the train later!

P.S. Someone is really looking forward to your arrival, but I'm sure you can already guess who it is. ]

The words were in Japanese but Victor had long since learned the language of his love by heart. Scanning through the rest of the messages, he smiled and quickly returned the phone into his pocket. With a spring in his step, he briskly made his way towards the nearest train station in sight.

The familiar sight of Yu-topia Hot Spring's entrance greets him as he skillfully maneuvered the wheels of his suitcase dragging along the snow-covered pathway. The sun had already long disappeared behind the mountains and the temperatures had plunged more than it did during the day. Victor wasn't feeling cold, partly the reason attributing to being used to his long-term exposures to the frigid Russian winters. But above all, he was exuberant.

Throughout those two lonely months, he had longed in his heart for this very day to come. Unbuttoning his coat and loosening his shoes out of restlessness, even before he made it through the shoji, someone else had already beat him in this battle of impatience. The sliding doors slam open with a loud thwack to reveal a young girl with a similar shade of silver hair as his standing in the doorway panting hard.

"Nicya, my printsessa. I'm home!" Victor throws his arms open wide with a giddy and enormous smile plastered over his face.

"Papa!" The little girl shrieks in delight before launching herself into her father's embrace.

Both father and daughter go tumbling onto the ground, but it didn't matter to Victor as the whole courtyard was suddenly filled with the joyful laughter of reunited bonds.


Translations with credit to google translate (-ω-`_)

Ребёнок : child

Shoji : tradional Japanese architecture, door