Chapter 6

Wolford has seen many strange things in his life. He has also seen many messed up things. But one of the most strange and messed up things he has seen is Lauren Hopps trying to secure a bell collar to Frost's neck. He walked into the Bullpen early to get some quiet reading and found a rabbit pinning a fox to a table while trying to secure the clasp.

"It's too tight!"

"Maybe you're just too big!"

"You're strangling me, woman!"

"This is hurting me too!"

Wolford wished he had a tape recorder at that moment because this was hilarious. He would take a picture, but they had very poor word choice, not positioning. Luckily, for these two, the bullpen was soundproof or rumors will be a plenty.

"Did you try loosening the strap?" Both of the mammals snapped to Wolford with sharp glares.

"Tell anyone what's happening right now and you will be the first wolf to see his own insides out!" The threat, surprisingly, came from Frost. Lauren looked like she was close to saying the same thing, though. Wolford ignored the threat and walked over to Frost and loosened the strap of the collar. The two other mammals looked at each other sheepishly and sat down. Wolford went his corner seat and opened his book. He would check the duo every few minutes to see what they were doing. They were both busy on their phones and Wolford's eyes drifted to the light blue collar on Frost's neck and wondered where in the world could someone buy something like that. He didn't have enough time to question it because more officers began entering the Bullpen, all with bewildered looks at the light blue bell collar on Frost's neck. Chief Bogo even looked surprised as he walked in. Frost didn't pay any attention to them, as he was too busy with a mobile game on his phone.

"Officer Wilde, why are you wearing a collar?" Bogo said with a raised brow. Frost looked up briefly before finishing what he was doing.

"Aaaaand three crown," he purred. He looked at Bogo and simply said, "yes?"


"I lost a bet." Bogo just stared at him for several seconds before he cleared his throat.

"Okay," he continued. "If that's cleared up, let's continue the briefing." Wolford listened absently as all the patrols were set up. Frost and Lauren were on patrol today and Wolford was on parking duty with two other Senior Officers he couldn't bother remembering the names of. He watched Frost jingle out of the Bullpen and snickered. This was going to be a fun week.


Lauren made a note in the back of her head that if anything got out about the collar incident, then Wolford is going to die. For now, she was back on patrol with a new partner. Frost looked quite content with a collar on his neck and would just smile at the other officers that gave them weird looks.

"Why are you always smiling?" Lauren finally asked him. The fox gave her a side glance and shrugged.

"Why not?" The fox's answer was quite solid. He had every reason to be happy. He didn't become savage whenever he tried to enjoy life. She did. Lauren shut her mouth and continued to walk forward without looking at the white vulpine. He shrugged and pulled out his phone again. They searched around the lot for their cruiser and found a fairly large SUV responding to their key.

"Huh." Lauren looked at Frost as he uttered the noise and opened the door to the cruiser to hop into the driver's seat.

"Let's go, Fluff," she said as she started the engine. "It's been too long since I was behind the wheel of one of these things and look forward to it."

"I hope she's a good driver," he prayed before climbing into the shotgun seat with a jingle. Lauren revved the car and left the compound right below the speed limit. She boosted a couple of times, but she felt she deserved it after driving the junk called the jokemobile.


"I spy something gray."

"Let me guess… It's me again, Dumbass."

"Hooray…" Frost was immensely bored. At least when they were giving out tickets they had fun. On patrol, they had nothing that was entertaining happen. They were put in a reasonably secure neighborhood that had very low crime rate, if any. It could be that many celebrities live here and the criminals know not to mess with well known rich people. So that left the two to stare at the road in front of them or occasionally each other. Frost finally pulled out his phone and opened a simple game with little thinking. It was a nice distraction that allowed him to still notice his surroundings. Like the fact an otter he knew from his childhood was about to walk past. It was an actress named Mina Flo, an otter with a big reputation. And a close friend of Frost's. She's actually one of the few mammals that know what Frost really looks like, not the completely white furred Nathaniel Birkin with the poofier looking coat.

And she was coming right in their direction. Frost dropped his phone at an attempt to hide himself and watched in horror as it slid under the driver's seat. Screw it.

"Dropped my phone!" He exclaimed before diving into Lauren's side of the car.

"The f &$ Fluff?!" Lauren exclaimed hotly as he scrambled to get his phone.

Mina looked up from her phone and saw a female rabbit officer looking down at her lap with a heavy blush with the black tipped white tail of a fox swishing above the passenger's seat.

"I ain't gonna judge," she shrugged and continued on. She might as well contact Nathan and see how's the new job that he got and greatly reduced their time to hangout together.

The two officers sat quietly in the cruiser after Frost's little episode. Lauren glared at the dumb fox in the other seat as he texted someone on his phone. That contact wasn't completely unpleasant, Lauren was able to get a good feel of his soft fur. Which is good because when she kills him, she'll have a new coat to wear. The bell ringing while he was moving around was also a good touch. Seriously though, the dumb fox could've just asked her to get his damned phone. He at least apologized heavily for invading her personal space. He only is that submissive to her, apparently. She's seen him be defiant to even Bogo at times, but he's very quiet when she was mad. The idiot was just stuffed full of rainbows, which made her wonder what kind of accident put him in the hospital. It took an arm off of Tiffany, but he seems unfazed by the affair.

She noticed it was almost time to head back and nothing to report. She made another mental note to ask for a case from Bogo tomorrow.

"Let's go,Fluff. Our shift is over," she sighed.

"Okay, Ms. Spot," the response from the fox was irritating, but Lauren decided that they went a whole day without breaking anything and she was going to keep it that way. He would still make a very nice coat though.

Maxis: I noticed that Lauren and Frost have the same relationship as Lucina and Inigo. Fun. Also kind of forgot I had a Fanfiction account and I was surprised when I got a random email. I opened it, and saw a review and was like 'Oh shiitake mushrooms' and opened this doc. I was busy writing the beginning of my own book series, so it took a while to get to this. Also writer's block :p