The heat of The Mojave beat down across the land, the dust kicking up as the high winds blasted across the landscape. A long figure walked over the hill of a long road, named Route Sixty-six. He had on a large parka, much larger than his actual body.

On his back was a sheath, with a sword inside of it. The figure had shoulder length spiky, and dusty blonde air. The lad, maybe, was no older than thirteen. He wore an orange long sleeved shirt, and wore white cargo pants which had pouches tied onto the belt loops.

Each pouch contained a canteen, or some sort of nature bar. When one almost fell out the blonde quickly caught the bar, and opened it. It had small berries laced throughout the bar, and he smiled as he took a bite out of it.

Revealing more of his face.

He had deep blue eyes, with whisker marks formed in a trio running on both sides of his cheeks. He had small amounts of baby fat on his face, but his face was also round. Behind his ears was red hair, which he scratched a little bit here and there as he walked.

He looked over to a sign as he walked by it, and read it aloud. "Sixty-eight miles to California State Line."

He ate the bar quick, before pocketing the trash in an open pouch kept on his left hip. He had a rather long red furred tail that swung behind him as he read the sign, and smiled. "Yatta, I'm almost to Jump City dattebayo!"

The Golden Fox Boy.

Chapter Zero: The Great Mojave walk.

The boy continued off from the sign, and put both hands behind his head as he did. He had a large smile across his face as he continued to walk. The cloudless sky gave more light to his shaggy blonde hair, which ruffled in the wind as it cruelly blew across the already wind beaten landscape.

As he continued to walk, he started to punch the air in front of him, passing the time as he walked he began to hop on one foot as he did. "One, two, one, two!" He shouted as he bounced on both of his feet, interchanging them as he saw fit.

His speed picked up until his legs were a blur as he jabbed in the air, creating a slight current of wind around him. That's when he accidentally caught pot hole in the middle of the Mojave road he was on, and tumbled rapidly forwards, slamming hard into the ground.

"Te,te,ye,ya!" The boy grumbled loudly as he as he held his foot, he felt it blister in pain for mere moments before tapering off.

He slowly got up, dusting himself off, he just sighed, before shaking his head. "Good one Naruto."

He looked up into the air, seeing a plane pass overhead, before sighing. He then smirked, before marching along. His eyes never taking themselves off the horizon, he smiled as he thought about his next journey, and went back to putting both hands behind his head.

"Look out Jump City criminals, The Fox Boy is going to kick your butts, Dattebayo!"

"Oh sweet ramen, and candy!" Naruto screamed as he held himself in the dark. "It's cold!"

His long tail was wrapped around his body for extra warmth, but it wasn't helping as he continued to walk. He shivered in the cold as he looked about. That's when he heard something behind him, and turned to see wild horses running across the desert.

He ran towards them, trying to get a look, but discovered much to his disappointment that they weren't horses, but Wild Burros. The blonde's right eye twitched slightly, before he threw his arm up in the arm, but then heard a rather large growl.

Turning around slowly, he came face to face with a wild pack of coyotes.

The blonde rubbed the back of his head. "So, I might not a smart guy…I scared off your dinner, didn't I?"

The coyotes started to surround the boy, who just kept chuckling. "Um, I don't speak coyote. I speak fox, you know fox, right?"

The lead coyote got behind him, and snapped at his tail, which instinctively slapped the lead's snout. The blonde spread both of his feet apart, bringing his arms to his side. "Oh…your hungry guys, well I got a lot of knuckle sandwich to go around Dattebayo!"

The coyotes stopped circling, and got ready to lunge at the blonde, who balled up his fists. He unballed them, and instead held out two fingers, and waited.

He didn't have to wait long, the first coyote from behind lunged at him. It's maw wide open, ready to claim it's kill, however all it ate was a mouthful of boot blonde mule kicked it. Turning his body, and catching himself with one hand, he jabbed his two fingers into the chest of a leap coyote.

The beast fell, and stayed down as it barely moved, Naruto rolled rapidly, interchanging the hands he used to catch himself. He saw two coyotes heading for him, and he quickly got up, and side stepped each of them.

Each time he stepped, he made his move like he had no control over them, and kept dodging the coyotes. When two lunged high at him, he just smiled, and fell to his knees, and jabbed his two fingers into their chest area.

They fell, and stayed where they fell. The blonde then turned the lead coyote, and smirked as his eyes turned a tinge of red under the moonlight. "I'm tired, cold, and hungry. Don't mess with this fox unless you want me gnawing on something rather than a nutrient bar!"

The coyotes began to get up, before scurrying away, the leader growled at him, before he too began walking away. "Yeah, that's right, scram!"

"Raaaahhh!" Naruto screamed as he unleashed a wave of wind from where he was, it was rather weak, kicking a small dust cloud.

Breathing hard, his eyes slowly turned back into their natural blue, and he just began to walk away. Comically turning around to see if anything was there, even unsheathing his sword one time for good measure.