I'm back. Sorry for the wait, you may expect more of this from time to time. Lots of things are going on in real life for both me and my co-writer. But thankfully we had some time to write and finish the next chapter of this story. And in this one, we will meet a new character, who is also a member of the Motor 6.

For now, read on folks and enjoy the chapter. And as always, I own none of the characters used in this story except only the OC's I have created.

Chapter 3: Enter Atlas

Back at the familiar Lookout tower Chase, Zuma, and Rubble have each already returned to the Lookout a while ago. Each of them having completed their assigned duty that Ryder gave them. Marshall had stayed in town to finalize some safety hazards he had been concerned about like loose fire hydrants and oil slicks.

Of course, this was just shortly after he checked up on Ryder involving that injury, but the pups were unaware of the recent ordeal Ryder went through. But Rubble was starting to get a little bit worried about the others not being back yet.

"Where are they? They should've been back by now," Rubble whimpered.

"Hey," reassured Chase. "They'll be back soon. They had the toughest part of the mission to deal with."

"What wewe they doing when you left Wubble?" asked Zuma, his speech impairment hindering his R's.

"They were placing down the new tracks for the train," Rubble answered. "Where's Marshall, Chase? He was with you last."

Chase shrugged. "He said he needed to check out some other hazards of concern. He didn't say he was doing anything else except coming back here."

That still didn't make Rubble less worried, cause knowing they haven't been back yet. He starts to whimper a little, thinking that his friends and owner may have gotten into some serious trouble.

Chase and Zuma, though not as worried as Rubble. Also did have a bit of concern as well. Suddenly, Chase's ear perk and he ends up hearing something. And it sounds like it was coming towards them up the Lookout driveway.

"Hey, I think that's them," said Chase, seeing Marshall and Rocky driving up the concrete path and Skye setting her helicopter down in her parking space. "But where's Ryder?"

Rocky, who had just finished helping fix Mr. Porter's van, is the first to leap out of his vehicle. And is immediately met by his close friend Zuma.

"Hey Zuma." Rocky greeted, high pawing him.

"Hey, dude," Zuma smiled. "How did the rescue go?"

"It went better than expected, but…," Rocky said, drifting his eyes over to Marshall's fire truck.

Marshall had opened the back doors and helped Ryder out of the back. He handed the boy a pair of crutches since his leg was in a splint. "Take it easy, Ryder. Try not to put any pressure on your leg. You messed it up pretty bad."

All the pups approached Ryder, being careful not to run into him or knock him over. They attacked him with many, many questions.

"What happened to you?"

"Who did this to you?"

"Where's your ATV?"

Ryder look at all of his worried pups, who asked him so many questions. Knowing he had a lot to tell them, he slowly sits down and tells them exactly what happened.

All the pups, with the exception of Rocky, were shocked by the ordeal that Ryder went through. It scared them to know that someone or many someones would intentionally go after Ryder and the team. But one question was left unanswered.

"Where is your ATV, Ryder?"

Ryder sighed and looked ashamed and guilty. "Those cars about killed me by sending me towards a cliff. I jumped off my ATV before it went straight to the bottom. It's still there now. I doubt there is anything to repair or salvage."

And it showed as when Skye tried to lift up the salvage remains of the ATV, it kept falling apart each time. So there was no choice but to leave it behind.

"Skye tried bringing it up, but it was too mangled and in too many pieces to gather," Rocky explained. "I sadly have to agree with Ryder."

The pups looked down in sadness, except for Chase, who seemed infuriated. "So that's it? We give up on the ATV just because it's broken?"

"There is no use, Chase," argued Rocky. "Everything on that ATV either caught fire or was pulverized by the sheer force of the impact."

"That sounds like a lot of excuses to me," growled Chase.

Ryder placed a hand on the neck of the police pup. "Relax, Chase. We'll get the ATV out of that chasm, but I have to concur with him on this one. It's hopeless."

"We're just glad you made it out of that alive Ryder." Rocky commented. "There's no telling how any of us would have done if anything bad happened to you."

"I'm fine, pups," Ryder said, standing up. "I'm just a little beat up, that's all."

"Well, let's get you settled and then we can figure out what we want to do next, okay?" said Marshall.

Ryder nods as he looks at the rest of his pups and tells them, "After I am settled and my ATV is pulled out of the chasm, then Rocky and I are going to start redesigning my means of transport. I want to get back to work as soon as I can."

"You'll be back to work as soon as I say you can go back to work," Marshall persisted. "I'm your doctor, so you'll listen to me."

Ryder chuckles, "Okay, Marshall. You got me there. Let's just get me inside, my leg feels like it is going to catch on fire."

Marshall snickered. "That's not surprising at all, but okay. You'll need a place to rest for a while. Living room, perhaps?"

Ryder shrugged. "Sure, I'll have the TV and the kitchen and bathroom are close by. That's where I'll go."

"I'll help you there, let's go." Rocky said, as he helped carry Ryder into the lookout.
The other pups watched them go and looked at each other with a look of uncertainty.

"Who would do this to, Ryder?" asked Skye.

"Someone that's having a very bad day," Rubble answered.

"But to go to the extent of attempted muwdew is stooping real low," added Zuma.

They all looked at Chase, who still looked on towards the Lookout doors. "I don't care for this groups reasons for attacking Ryder. When I find them, I'm going to end them."

Inside the Lookout, as Rocky helped Ryder sit down. He could tell that Ryder still looked uneasy telling the pups what happened, "You know Ryder, I'm pretty sure it wasn't easing telling the others what happened to you without them getting scared."

"It was the smart decision to tell them about what happened. I wouldn't have been able to come up with a believable excuse," Ryder explained. "It was going to be told to them soon or later. Now just seemed right."

Rocky understood what Ryder meant, but he knew it wouldn't have been easy. So once Ryder is settled in, Rocky then tells him. "Is there anything I can do for you Ryder? Maybe get you something?"

"I'll take a laptop and some snacks. I want to try out designs for my new ATV," Ryder asked.

Rocky nodded. "You got it, Ryder."

The mix breed pup heads off to get what Ryder asked for, leaving the boy all by his lonesome for now. But as he sat there by himself, he starts thinking back to what happened to him.

Just the mere thought of that made him grit his teeth a little in frustration.
"I don't know if I can keep the pups safe from this new enemy," Ryder said to himself. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if any of them got hurt."

He looks out the window, out into the cloud in the sky. To him he knew this much, the next time he ever ended up encountering those mysterious drivers from before. He and his pups had better be ready for them.

Elsewhere, smog surrounded this mysterious area. And the lighting for it was not very bright like Adventure Bay. However this was not Foggy Bottom, but instead a remote and deserted area outside Adventure Bay. It looked what appeared to be a humongous and derailed, torn down factory.

This factory was once opened many years ago that build many unique gizmos, and future cars for drivers of the future. But it was all shutdown permanently after a severe meltdown occurred 35 years ago.

Just then, bursting through the rusty gates was believe it or not.. the group of futuristic cars driven by the Motor 6. For this factory was their hideout as they all came to a screeching halt. And the first one to jump out was Dustin, relieved to be back home.

"Home at last.. Thank goodness." Dustin replied, breathing in the polluted air, coughing a little. "I really miss the polluted air."

"You really need some help man," said Shark. "I think you need it."

"What's wrong with polluted air?" Dustin argued. "It's a wonderful smell. No pollen or anything."

As Dustin continues to breath in the polluted air, Shark just shakes his head, looking towards the leader and asks him, "What do we do now, boss? I thought we had planned to take out Ryder right then and there?"

Bradshaw turned on Shark, an irritated look on his face. "The plan has changed. I want that boy to suffer as I have suffered. We took out his ATV, so it'll be a while until he makes something new. And without their leader taking command, the Paw Patrol will be nothing more but easy targets for our next attacks. And.. when the time is right. They will all one by one meet a permanent.. demise."

Michael then spoke up, commenting on what Bradshaw just said, "That sounds like a perfect plan. I'm with destroying that pathetic team once and for all."

Elise crosses her arms, and closes her eyes. "Well I don't know about you boys, but I'm gonna go and fix up my hair." She said, pulling up some of it. "I think it needs a good fixing."

"Very well then, I think we could all use a little break before our next move. Motor 6 dismiss!" Bradshaw ordered. And soon enough, each of the members separate, each going to do their thing.

As for Bradshaw, he was seen walking towards a torn down warehouse of the factory. "As for me.. I think it's time to check up on our special member." He spoke to himself.

Bradshaw was talking about the recent addition to the team, as well as the only canine. The pup, named Atlas, that he practically raised since he was little. The warehouse was the training area of the factory, where the team tested out their skills in both hand-to-hand and vehicular combat.

Inside one of the training rooms, a dark red color covered the area as we could see robotic figures with deadly weapons surrounding the particular pup, he looked around his surroundings.

Just as the robots moved in to attack, the pup makes his move taking a quick punch to the closest bot disabling it instantly. He kicked out his back leg, sending another one flying against a wall. As he turned to look at another one, he was lifted into the air and thrown across the room into a cement wall.

The bot walked up to him with a weapon and pointed it at the pups head, since he was slow to get up. The mechanical being pulled the trigger, firing a blank at the pup.

A large bell sounded and the bots became disabled.

"Training session complete," an automated voice said. "Your performance was sloppy."

The pup groaned and picked himself up off the floor. "I'll never get the technique right."

"Having trouble I See."

Atlas, startled upon hearing someone talking to him. He turns around to see his owner, Bradshaw standing by the door. "Oh, I didn't see you there."

"We just got back," Bradshaw said. "It's strange how for weeks you push yourself to the brink of your limits to become a strong and faithful pup of the Motor 6, yet for some reason something keeps holding you back. You fail to complete these challenges we created for you."

"I'm not trying to fail," Atlas whispered. "I just keep getting caught with my back turned. I can't tell when I am vulnerable or not."

"I see," Bradshaw said, taking a knee in front of the pup. He could see blood on his shoulder. "You're bleeding."

"It's just a little cut, nothing to worry about," Atlas said.

"If you insist," Bradshaw said, leaving it well enough alone. "You haven't asked about how the mission went. Aren't you even a bit curious as to what we were up to in the slightest?"

Atlas just shrugged and bit his lip in spiteful irritation. "Why should I be? You never let me tag along on missions." His voice was staying relatively calm, but deep down a fiery rage was slowly making blood boil.

Bradshaw rubbed Atlas's head a little, "I understand that much is a bit frustrating. But hear me when I tell you this. I'm only having you here training while we're gone to help prepare you for your 1st important mission for the group. When I first adopted you, I knew you had a special gift from within, so I wanted to make sure you were properly trained and ready when the time is right."

"That's not fair," Atlas huffed. "You know I can't remember those things. I only remember waking up in this factory."

"True... " Bradshaw admitted, "But what is also true is what I just said. And it proves a point since how there is so much hatred and evil in this world, and it's our duty that justice be served."

The leader stands up and walks a little towards the door, but then stops. "But if it makes you feel better.. There is a little bit of information I think you should be aware of regarding the latest mission."

Atlas looked up at him eagerly. "What would that be?"

"Well regarding that little town we encountered today. Turns out it's not just home to some evil people. But.. believe it or not, there is this organization with evil and sadistic pups that kill and rob the innocent. Trained and led by a heartless person who cares for no one outside his group."

"What do you want me to do about it? I'm supposed to train, remember?" Atlas said, sounding almost uninterested in the information.

"I'm well aware of that." Bradshaw said, turning back to Atlas. "But right now we need to know more information regarding the group. And as such, you may be needed to help out if we get nowhere. Cause all I got from their leader was this much… if we don't stop this terrorist group of rabid pups.. They are going to spread out and kill every pup and innocent man, woman, and child across the states. All of them!"

Hearing Bradshaw say that actually startled Atlas a bit.. Would that group he was being told REALLY go far and do something like that?

"That's why to combat against this, when the time is right. We fight fire with fire." Bradshaw insured Atlas."Now do you understand?"

"I guess," Atlas shrugged, feeling a little reassured. "When do I start?"

"Soon Atlas. But in the meantime, I suggest for now you resume your training to help better improve yourself on what you can do." Bradshaw proclaimed. "But we're going to increase the level of difficulty to push your potential further."

"If you say so, but I warn you," Atlas said. "You'll probably see the same result as before so be prepared to be disappointed."

Before Bradshaw could say anything, Atlas returned to his training. As Bradshaw steps out of the room, he looks through the little window as he watches Atlas resume his training. With new robo training bots appearing, charging towards Atlas as he leaps out of the way and tries to fight back.

"I know you have true potential hidden inside of you Atlas," Bradshaw said to himself, "One way or another, we will find a way to bring it out of you."

Just then, the enforcer Blister arrives as bradshaw took notice.

"Ah, Blister. What brings you by?" Bradshaw asked.

"I overheard your conversation with Atlas sir, he seemed to be a bit unhappy." Blister replied.

"Ah.. He's just been a bit upset about how we haven't been using him for any missions yet." Bradshaw replied, looking through the window. "But that'll all change soon enough, after all.. If we plan on eradicating the Paw Patrol one by one, we have to use everything we can and every member involved to take out the core of the group."

"I guess that's true, but I think you are bringing him in late," Blister added. "We could have used him for the scouting mission earlier this year. Why let him in now?"

Bradshaw crossed his arms, turning to Blister. "First of all, the scouting mission from earlier this year was a bit hadcore, and at the time.. Atlas was still new and unskilled with missions like this just yet. Second of all.. He has this hidden potential inside of him.. And I want him to train properly first to help let it loose."

Bradshaw and Blister watch from the training room window, showing Atlas tackling down a couple of robots behind evading another root's laser gun strike.

"Don't forget, he WAS medically discharged from the military sometime ago. So he didn't have all the time needed to fully train himself to be a 100 percent fighting pup." Bradshaw stated. "He needed to recover from his injuries."

"I didn't forget about his injuries or the medical discharge, sir," Blister said loudly. "I just believe that he has healed and trained enough and that he needs to be on an assignment immediately."

Bradshaw places a hand on Blister's shoulder, "I understand what you mean, and I promise you he will. It's just a matter of waiting for the right moment. Trust me on this Blister, I have not been wrong once on things like this. You'll see."

Soon Bradshaw walks off as Blister soon follows, not before looking through the window one more time to see Atlas panting heavily from the fighting he is taking. He was going through a lot and pushing himself, in his mind.. He certainly hoped Bradshaw was right.

Moments later in the main HQ of their hideout, Bradshaw was standing by at the control booth looking up at the monitor as Blister soon arrived and joined up with him.

"Listen up," Blister shouted, silencing any noise in the control room. "Boss has some announcements to make!"

Bradshaw clears his throat, "Thank you Blister. Now fellow Motor 6 members, we all have made quite a good starting impact on our latest mission regarding Adventure Bay. And so far we put the Paw Patrol on notice. But now it's time we made some progress with the next step. However this will require each of us splitting up into two separate factions, each with a singular mission."

The other members looked at each other, sounding a bit confused at first as Shark asks, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Yeah.. I thought we usually tackle missions together as a team.." Dustin added, sounding a bit disappointed.

The leader sighs, shaking his head a little. "It's STILL a team effort you idiot. If you just let me finish explaining, it'll make clear sense." He then pushes a button on the control panel, showing some visuals of Adventure Bay featuring the pups and Ryder on it.

"According to what we learned, when not on missions. The pups are usually out in the town playing, hanging out, or assisting their friends on the jobs at hand. But the leader though is usually always at their base." Bradshaw explained. "So with the four of you.. I want EACH of you, to go into town and do a little spying on the pups. Figuring out a little more about them and what kind of talent they possess."

"So if we're spying that means leaving no trace of our presence and wearing civilian clothing," Elise assumed. "Which also means we have to take the backup car out there. If those pups are out in town like you say they might be, there would be no chance of us making it into town with our cars."

"Especially after this recent mission," Shark added. "They're smart enough to identify our vehicles on sight. But what locations would we be surveying?"

Bradshaw looks to Blister as the enforcer replies to Shark's question, "I would suggest locations where those putrid pups like to spend their off days. So places like the beach or that restaurant nearby."

"Maybe the field as well," added Michael, finally speaking up.

"Especially the field," Blister smirked. "And any other locations you can think of."

"Precisely, but the main goal to remember is this. Make sure you get as many notes and information as you possibly can, and don't screw this one up." Bradshaw warned the others, looking to Dustin. "Especially you Dustin."

"What..? So I once caused a screw loose causing all the sewage pipes to break apart and flood us out of the facility one time.. I told you guys it was an accident.. Sheesh!" Dustin said, a bit annoyed.

Michael shakes his head and ignores Dustin as he looks to bradshaw and asks, "So what else do you think we might need?"

"Not much else.. But we need you to also make sure to keep the pups away from the Lookout tower for as long as possible." Bradshaw added, "At least once me and Blister here have taken care of our part of the mission."

"So like non-threatening distractions to keep the pups from calling their leader?" suggested Shark.

"For now anyway, but correct Shark. Cause for myself and the enforcer. We plan on paying another visit to the pups leader to do a little snooping of our own." Bradshaw stated, tightening his fist up a little. "But also.. There's also some.. PERSONAL matters I plan to intend with to the boy."

Blister smiled and looked at the others. "You have your missions and unless you have anything else to ask, I'd suggest you take care of it. We'll call when you can return to base. Go now," he ordered.

As the others jump out of their seats and head out to take part on their portion of the mission, Bradshaw looked back up at the monitor. Having a deep glare towards the still picture of Ryder, a look of hatred if you will.

Blister took notice of this and curiously asks, "You really don't like that boy, huh?"

"Like I said.. This is very personal. But I think on the way to him.. It's only fair I tell you everything." Bradshaw tells Blister. "But I want you to promise me to keep this between us… cause this personal thing I have is mostly the other part for our mission to eradicate the Paw Patrol."

"If there is anything that I am really good at, it's keeping a secret," Blister reassured.

Bradshaw gave a soft smirk, "There's a reason I made you the enforcer, I appreciate this. Now come.. Let's go and I'll explain everything."

Soon Bradshaw and Blister head off, as from outside the garage, both Blister and Bradshaw's futuristic cars roar to life and zoom out of the garage, through the entrance gate of the factory, heading to Adventure Bay and the lookout tower. Cause for Bradshaw.. To him, it was time to settle some.. Personal matters.

Not bad, eh? Yes Atlas is one of the OC characters my partner Atlas FF uses and we were able to find a way to include him in this story. Plenty of development continues on, and in the next continue, things may get a bit hectic when Bradshaw confronts Ryder.

Till then, be sure to leave your comments below and leave your thoughts on this story as always. Till then, read and review. See you next time.