Sorry to keep you folks waiting. Here's the next chapter.

Wanda POV

Melanie, with some reluctance, told me about her younger brother, Jamie Stryder, and the love of her life, Jared Howe. I asked why she suddenly seemed to trust me. Her answer was that: 1) I had protected Growing Hope from having a Soul inserted into her (though it wasn't until later that Melanie actually believed that to be true); 2) I had made sure there was no audience (though Melanie had to finish what I started in her own crude way). In any case, she loved the two boys very much and being separated from them was clearly affecting her. So, being the kind Soul I was, I promised to do what I can to help her reunite with them. Melanie asked how and why. I wasn't sure how. I knew why, however.

"Because I won't sit by and watch you hurt from being away from them," I reasoned.

"What about you?" Melanie asked in reply, "Jared and whoever else will kill you without a second thought. You'd be better off if I went by myself."

"First of all, why are you concerned with my well-being?" I asked, "I'm only a parasite living in the back of this girl's head, erasing her consciousness in the process, just so I can live on this planet, after all. Isn't that how you perceive me?"

"Well, yeah, but," Melanie said, "I'm just wondering if you really want to risk your life like that."

"We'd all risk our lives if it came to it," I responded.

"Really?" Melanie asked in surprise.

"Oh yes," I said, "If we all weren't so scared of you Humans, we'd give our lives to protect you, like Beautiful Willow, Willow for short, and Mighty Oak, Mike for short, would for Growing Hope, Hope for short. Of course, we'd have to realize why we should in the first place."

"And, why's that?" Melanie asked curiously.

"It's because no Host species has resisted us like humankind has before," I responded, "And I think I know why. Your emotional attachments to each other practically rival our own. As such, you actually feel the loss of your own and naturally fight against it. But, I've said all of this already. How are you going to escape?"

Melanie did something I wasn't expecting in response. She snorted as if she found humor in what I had just asked.

"Is there a joke I missed?" I asked.

"You think I'm just gonna leave you here?" Melanie asked in reply, "There are two problems with that. 1) You did nothing wrong, so you don't belong in here; and 2) I don't completely trust you, so you're coming with me whether you want to or not. Besides, you seem to like Jamie a lot. Wouldn't you like the chance to meet him?"

Needless to say, I was shocked by this. Though, thinking about it, those were all valid points. And, I will admit to that last one. I sighed.

"All right," I said, "How are we going to escape?"

"You just leave that to me," Melanie answered, "However, you have to do what I tell you."

"Am I going to be hurting someone?" I asked.

"No, I'll be doing that part," Melanie assured, "You just say I don't seem well and suddenly I collapse. Then, when they come in to check on me, I'll spring up and knock them out. Think you can agree to that?"

"Let's put it this way. I'd rather lie to my fellow Souls than inflict any violence on them," I said.

"Don't worry," Melanie replied, "Seeing as I'm stuck with you now, I might as well try to be as nice as possible and not make you do things you don't want to do, especially if I want your cooperation (Though, I'm probably going to make you do a lot of things you wouldn't like doing). Despite what you may think, we're not cruel people. Well, I can't really speak for every Human."

"Just like I can't speak for every Soul," I replied, "Our opinions can differ like those of you Humans, you know, though not by much, admittedly."

However, before we could continue, we were interrupted by a cry of horror, along with the sound of a flat metal object hitting the floor.

"Flames!" cried the voice of Seeker Calm Waters.

Needless to say, he had returned to discover Seeker Burning Flames' unconscious body, no doubt dropping the tray of food he'd brought back with him in horror.

"Are you all right?!" Calm Waters asked while shaking Burning Flames fiercely.

I turned to Melanie, silently asking what we were going to do now. Apparently, she already had the answer.

"Screw the plan," she said to me, "Let's just get out of here."

She then turned to the door.

"I'm the one who knocked your friend out," she said, "If you want me, come and get me."

"Why?" Calm Waters asked her, "What did he do to you?"

"Wanderer and I wanted to have some privacy and he didn't leave like you did," Melanie replied.

"That was for Wanderer's safety," Calm Waters said, "Not that you would care."

"If you cared about her safety," Melanie retorted, "I wouldn't be anywhere near her. The only reason I'm in the cell next to hers is because of your coworker."

"You mean Fire Chaser?" Calm Waters asked, "Well, she's rather fierce. So much so that none of us wants to cross her."

"And you guys didn't have a problem with this at all?" Melanie asked.

"Of course, we had objections to this, but..." Calm Waters said before trailing off.

"But, you're scared of her, right?" Melanie asked in spite, "You've probably tangled with a lot of us Humans. How is one Seeker any different? Can't you all just gang up on her or something?"

"And betray our fellow Soul?!" Calm Waters asked in disbelief.

"Yes, because it's the right thing to do!" Melanie answered, "Tell him what you told me, Wanda!"

I was shocked that she had called me Wanda, but I was going to have to save that question for later.

"He already knows, Melanie," I explained, "Any and all Seekers have been warned about the signs of a resistant Host. With that in mind, though, why has Seeker Fire Chaser not been extracted from her Host yet?"

"Well, whenever we suggested it, she gave us an earful, as the Humans say," Calm Waters explained.

"So!" Melanie yelled, "That's when you grab her and force her onto an operating table! You're Seekers, for Christ's sake!"

"Always willing to resort to aggression when all else fails," Calm Waters replied, "That's just like you Humans. In fact, why am I even discussing this with you? I should have you brought back to the Healers."

With that said, Calm Waters took Burning Flames' card key and opened Melanie's door, pulling out a can of Sleep.

"What is that?" Melanie asked.

"It's Sleep," Calm Waters explained, "The name should be self-explanatory."

No! I promised Melanie that I would help her get back to her brother and lover! But, that meant only one thing. I'd have to distract the Seeker so that Melanie could subdue him. But, could I bring myself to do it? Before I could ponder it further, however...

"What on Earth?!" cried another voice.

It was the small Seeker, Fire Chaser, again.

"What happened here, Calm Waters?!" she asked.

Unfortunately for Calm Waters, Fire Chaser's sudden arrival was the distraction Melanie needed. She punched Calm Waters in the face, snatching his gun from its holster as he stumbled and fell to the floor. Fire Chaser was quick to act, pulling out her own gun and taking aim at Melanie. Before she could pull the trigger, however, her left arm seemed to spring up on its own accord and grabbed her right arm.

"Wha?!" she asked in shock, "No! You will not interfere!"

I was confused at first before it hit me. Her Host! Is Fire Chaser starting to lose control?! All the more reason for her to be extracted immediately! Fire Chaser managed to regain control, only for Melanie to shoot her left shoulder. The force sent Fire Chaser to the floor, clutching her shoulder in pain. Trying to ignore the pain, she then raised her gun again, only for Melanie to kick it out of her hand and sending it five feet away. Calm Waters, after a few minutes, recovered from his shock at Fire Chaser being bested and got up again, can of Sleep still in his hand.

"That's far enough, Human!" he said.

Melanie turned her gun to him.

"You have the card key to Wanda's cell, right?!" she asked, "I suggest you give it to me before I shoot you and take it myself!"

"Why should I?" Calm Waters asked, "You'd just kill her the first chance you'd get."

Melanie grit her teeth in frustration.

"No! I wouldn't!" she yelled, "And, I'm only asking for Wanda's sake! If it were up to me, you'd be dead already!"

"Yes, you would!" Calm Waters yelled, "You Humans have been known to kill each other for ridiculous reasons!"

"I already heard it all from Wanda!" Melanie said, cutting him off, "And, she's right! Humans have killed each other for little to no reason! But, you worms aren't perfect either! You only see us for our faults and think us unworthy of existing! It's only natural that we retaliate!"

"Be that as it may," Calm Waters responded, "You threaten our peace and safety as a result! Our actions towards you Humans are surely understandable, then?!"

Melanie groaned.

"Fine!" she spat, "Now, I'm not gonna ask again! Give me the key, and Wanda and I will leave quietly and you get to live another day! Comprende?!"

"There's no way I'd risk agreeing to that!" Calm Waters answered firmly.

"If that's what you want," Melanie said.

I'd already watched more violence play out than I was comfortable with, so I turned away, knelt on the floor, shut my eyes tightly, and covered my ears. Even then, I heard the gunshot ring out, followed by the can of Sleep hitting the floor, and then Calm Waters' body hitting the floor.

"Now, where is it?" I heard Melanie mutter to herself.

I couldn't make myself look over. I would likely be mentally scarred by the sight of the blood and gore.

"Found it," she said, "Now, let's get you out, Wanda."

"Not on my watch," Fire Chaser said, having dragged herself over to her gun and grabbed it while neither one of us was looking, "Wanderer must be punished for betraying her own kind. I will see to that."

Was I betraying my kind? By consorting with Melanie and promising to reunite her with her loved ones, I might be.

"It sure as hell doesn't sound like treason to me!" Melanie said, "Wanda tells me that you went against the wishes of your own brethren and insisted that one of you is inserted into their infant daughter! Now, that's treason!"

"It's for the greater good!" Fire Chaser responded, "The Human children living among us might seem innocent now, but once they've grown, they will one day become discontent with our lifestyle and rise up against us! You Humans have no inclination towards peace and stability!"

"We might have violent tendencies," Melanie replied, "but that doesn't mean all of us like hurting people! In fact, we try to teach our children that violence is not the go-to solution to everything! It's just that you worms won't give us a chance!"

"And, why should we?!" Fire Chaser retorted, "You Humans have a history of intolerance towards those that are different and you either try to assimilate them or destroy them!"

Melanie actually laughed at that.

"That's funny, coming from you!" she said, "You know, there's an expression here on Earth! It's called 'the pot calling the kettle black'! In other words, don't you do the same thing to any Host species you come across?!"

"We're nothing like you Humans!" Fire Chaser yelled, "You think you're doing the right thing by assimilating others whereas we know we're doing the right thing, especially here on Earth! You were going to drive your planet, as well as yourselves, down to the ground!"

"So, you thought that killing us off was the right idea, instead of working alongside us like the peaceful beings you're supposed to be?!" Melanie asked viciously, "I don't see how you're any better than we are!"

The Seeker pointed the gun at Melanie's head, having had enough. I didn't like what Melanie was saying about my species either, but, to be honest, it made sense. We've assimilated or killed others that were different by the preconceived notion that it was for the greater good. And, while you can't argue the fact that Earth is a better place because of our intervention, we did it without consulting mankind first. Our research into Humans should've been more thorough. My thoughts were interrupted by a gunshot. Melanie managed to get down before the bullet went over her head.

"You are not getting away!" Fire Chaser yelled out.

She fired another shot, Melanie quickly rolling out of the way. I knew this could only go on before Melanie was finally hit. I had to do something. With that in mind, I ran at the door to my cell.

"Please, Seeker! Stop this! This isn't right and you know it!" I cried.

"Quiet, traitor! You will be next!" Fire Chaser yelled.

That was all she was able to say before Melanie used the opportunity I'd given her and pressed her foot down on Fire Chaser's right arm, resulting in a sickening crack and a shriek of pain from the Seeker. No doubt, Melanie just broke Fire Chaser's arm. Nothing the Healers can't fix. Melanie turned towards my door and walked over.

"Now, how does this work?" she asked herself, looking at the card key in her hand.

"You insert it..." I began.

"Like this, right?" she asked, inserting the card key into the reader beside the door.

She must have done it wrong because I didn't hear the lock release. She pulled out the card key in frustration.

"Face the card key the other way," I said.

She did as I suggested, and the door unlocked.

"Sweet," Melanie said.

She then opened the door.

"Now, let's get out of here," she said to me.

I looked at Fire Chaser, sprawled on the floor, clutching her arm in pain.

"Melanie..." I began.

"No," she answered bluntly.

"But..." I replied.

"Helping her will only slow us down, Wanda," Melanie explained, "Besides, Flames over there might wake up and he'll help her, so we should concentrate on getting ourselves out of here."

I sighed. Melanie was right. Burning Flames might eventually wake up and that was all the help Fire Chaser would need. Nonetheless, I turned to the Seeker in question.

"Goodbye, Fire Chaser," I said, "I don't know if we'll ever cross paths again, so I'm saying this now. Before I go, though, I urge you to get yourself extracted from your current Host. No amount of pride is worth you losing control again, especially if you lose it for good."

All Fire Chaser did was glare at me in response. I sighed and shook my head. Perhaps there's no getting through to her, after all. I turned back to Melanie.

"Alright, let's go," I said to her.

And with that, we were off down the hallway.