A/N: Woot Woot! This fic is done! Thanks a bunch for being so supportive, and thanks a million to NebulaZee for being a fab Beta Reader.

Stay tuned for the end of the chapter. You're in for a pleasant surprise (well, at least I sure hope so) :) (shout out to the people who skipped ahead and spoiled it for themselves lmao)

"Lovi? What are you doing up so late, mi amor?"

I jolted when Spain chuckled at my surprised expression. "Boo," he whispered.

"Spain!" I cried out. I didn't hesitate to leap into his arms, and by leap, I mean accidentally headbutt him in the throat.

"L-Lovi?" Spain choked as I dry-sobbed into his collarbone. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just shut up!" I wailed.

"Aw~!" he cooed, gently petting the back of my head, albeit being careful not to stroke that one curl.

"Did you have a nightmare?"

I shuddered. "You have no idea."

I pulled away to catch Spain's lips in a tender kiss. "Fuck," I moaned. "I missed this."

It took Spain's sleepy bastard brain a minute to finally react to the kiss. "You're acting unusually clingy," he purred, pulling me to his chest.

I sucked on his lower lip, grinning to myself when he opened his own mouth on instinct. Our tongues slipped in together, and I reveled in how sweet he tasted.

"Are you still hungover from all the wine you drank last night?"

"Wine?" I questioned, pausing to catch my breath.

And then it all clicked. Spain was referring to the night before he had been turned into a bambino.

"Wait, hold up a minute!" I pushed myself off Spain's chest, plopping down next to him. "What happened yesterday?"

"Well, I invited you over for dinner, didn't I?"

"What did you cook for me?"

"Does it really matter?"

"Just tell me, damn it!" I growled, on the verge of losing my patience. I know, what a big surprise.

Spain reached over to flick on the lamp at his bedside. "I made you pizza. Now do you want to tell me why you're so worked up?"

I didn't answer him. I was too busy throwing myself over the bed. "Where are you going?!" Spain called after me.

I nearly fell when my socks clumsily slipped against the wooden flooring of Spain's upstairs hallway. I shivered, realizing that I was only wearing a pair of red boxers. How odd. I didn't remember going to bed in that?

Keh, whatever! I had much more important things to do. If my assumption was correct, then Spain would have no memories subsequent to being transformed into a child.

I clambered downstairs, stopping under the archway of the kitchen's entrance to ogle at its perfection. The kitchen table was no longer broken, nor were the plates, the pantry door, or heck; even the hole in the walls were gone!

I laughed in pure bliss. "Everything's back to normal!"

"What's back to normal?"

I leaned into Spain's touch when he wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me from behind. I could feel the warmth radiating off his bare chest. All the emotions that I had bottled up over the past day spilled out uncontrollably. In other words, I began to sob like a little bitch.

"Lovi? Oh baby, don't cry. Was the nightmare really that bad?" Spain bent down to kiss my cheek, turning me around so that I could face him.

I looked at his feet, refusing to meet his eyes. Spain, unsatisfied with this typical childish reaction of mine, picked me up by waist and sat me down on the counter.

"Lovi, look at me," he murmured, using his thumb to wipe a tear from my cheek.

I opened my legs, letting him come closer. I wrapped my feet around the waistband of his sweatpants, trapping him in place. God, I was so needy.

I let my forehead fall against Spain's, still refusing to meet his smoldering green eyes. "I was wrong," I chuckled.

"About what?" he cooed.

"You really are a good parent."

Spain blushed a little. "Um, I'm just trying to comfort you. Besides, I'm not your parent anymore. You're my partner, mi tomatito. I don't want silly arguments from the past to get in the way of how we enjoy ourselves now."

I sighed, rubbing my nose against his. "I couldn't have said it better myself."

"So, what about that nightmare? And don't tell me you didn't have one," Spain clucked in his mother hen voice, completely defeating the purpose of his statement. That moron.

"I know that troubled look on your face. You're not telling me something."

I rolled my eyes. "I dreamed that you died back when I was a child, okay?" I lied, cracking my voice to better add to my performance. I think it would be best for everyone if Spain never found out about what had happened yesterday. Lord knows that he had enough gloating material on me as it was.

"What a terrible thing to dream about," Spain simpered. "Are you alright?"

I smirked. "I will be if you come closer."


I cupped Spain's face with both hands and kissed his blushing cheeks, his chin, his brow bone, his ear, his neck, and just about any other place where his skin was exposed.

"Don't you dare leave me," I growled.

"I wouldn't dream to," Spain remarked with a cocky smirk.

I wrapped my arms around Spain's neck. I was having absolutely none of his sarcasm. "Carry me back to bed, bitch."

Spain sighed, bending his knees as he lifted me off the counter and into his arms. "Sometimes I wonder if you ever grew up. You're a big baby, that's what you are," he teased, kissing my head.

I smirked, reveling in the irony of how easily our positions had been reversed.

Welcome the fuck back, you perverted bastard.

Ludwig pinched the bridge of his nose, wincing when he felt the dizziness of yet another all-nighter push him closer to the brink of madness. He had hardly slept for the past 48 hours, and it was all because of Gilbert. Said dummkopf had thought that it would be a good idea to host a party.

Essentially, Ludwig has come home to a giant mess, a stack of paper work -as Gilbert had caused a record amount of property damage- and on top of that, he still had to prepare his presentation for the upcoming world meeting.

It goes to say that Ludwig had lost his temper with Gilbert, a fight that had resulted with the latter storming out of the house angrier than ever before. Perhaps Ludwig had been a bit harsh with his older brother, but in his defense, he was still jetlagged.

You see, Ludwig was still wound up about his recent visit to Spain. The craziness of seeing a nation being reverted to chibi form was far too bizarre for Ludwig's 'strict, no-nonsense' mind to handle.

When Ludwig got home, he had expected to find some normalcy again; to continue with his daily and familiar routine of being productive and useful. Unfortunately, Gilbert's recklessness was the final trigger to his anger.

Ludwig regretted what he had said to Gilbert, and was more than willing to apologize to his brother the next time that they met. Besides, even if Gilbert was staying with Roderich for the meantime, it wouldn't be long before he decided to come back. Gilbert lived in Ludwig's basement, after all. Surely he would come back for his 'darling' xbox.

Ludwig blinked when the harsh morning sun poured through his curtains. He closed his eyes, wishing that Feliciano were there to comfort him.


Ludwig shook his head in disorientation. A visitor? This early in the morning? How could that be? No matter; Ludwig stood up, hastily smoothing over the wrinkles in his dress shirt.

Ludwig left his office, stopping before the mirror in the hallway to inspect his appearance. He slicked back the stray strands of blond hair from his face, grimacing at the dark circles under his eyes. He looked tired, but more than that, completely unacceptable for proper company.


"I'm coming. Just one moment," Ludwig called out, sighing in annoyance. This early morning visitor sure was impatient.

Ludwig pulled open his front door. "Ja, how can I help you…?" the German trailed off, looking down to meet the gaze of his much shorter visitor.

A little boy, who was no older than five years old, shed Ludwig with a mouthful of pink gums and half-grown in teeth. He had a rat's nest of white-blond hair and eyes that were redder than the deepest crimson.

Ludwig jumped back slightly when the boy pointed a stubby finger at his face.

"Hallo, strange man behemoth! You are now my slave, for the awesome me has just conquered your home!"

~The End~

So, do ya'll want a sequel?

Woopsie, looks like Missie Ella has already posted the first chapter ;)

Each review = one more chibified nation.

Your #1 Home Twizzling Texan,
