Disclaimer: not mine except Elizabeth.

Elizabeth paced back and forth in her room, trying to think of an excuse to tell Tadashi without having him become suspicious. She has never been very good at lying, especially to Tadashi, but she's also not very good at saying no to Hiro.

"Can't say he's in the bathroom because that would only work for a minute. Can't say he's in their lab because Tadashi would go and check. Can't say he's with a friend because, let's be honest, Hiro doesn't really have friends." Groaning, Eli flopped down on Hiro's bed and stared up at the bottom of her bed. "This is impossible! How am I supposed to tell him?!"

"Tell what to who?" a male voice asked from the doorway. Eli sat up, startled, and hit her head on the upper bunk.

"Ow!" She moaned. "Crap that hurt!" Eli turned her head sharply when she heard chuckling.

"Tadashi! I told you not to scare me like that," she glared, crossing her arms across her chest. "And stop laughing at me!" Tadashi held up his hands, palms facing out. Crossing over to his bed, Tadashi put his stuff down.

"So, who's the person you don't know how to tell something to?" Eli froze in rubbing her head, remembering what got her so nervous before.

"Oh it's nothing. I'll figure it out later." She waved him off. "So, how was college? Did you learn anything? Blow anything up?" Tadashi shook his head as he sat across from his sister in Hiro's desk chair.

"Why do you always ask if I blew something up? I'm a very careful person." Eli snorted at her older brother.

"Oh please! Between you and Hiro, I'm surprised you're both still alive." Tadashi chuckled, lightly kicking her shoe.

"Well, I don't know about Hiro, but I always try to be careful." Sitting up, Tadashi looked around. "Speaking of Hiro, where is he?" Eli, once again, froze. Pulling her long black braid over her shoulder, she began picking at it, making it messier than it already was.

I don't know what to tell him! I'm not good at this! I'm soooo going to kill Hiro if this blows up in my face.

"Oh Hiro? I think he went down in the garage to work on something."

Please don't check! Please don't check! Please don't check!

"Oh okay. Then I guess I'll go and check on him." He said, getting up and headed down the stairs.

Dang it!

Jumping up from the bed, Eli hurried down the stairs catching Tadashi at the top of the stairs that go down into the bakery.

"Wait Tadashi!" Eli grabbed his arm, stopping him from going any further. "You know, I just remembered I heard Hiro come up a few minutes ago and head to the bathroom. Been in there for quite some time now." Eli looked at Tadashi in confusion as his face twisted in annoyance. Before she could say or do anything, Tadashi walked quickly past her and up the stairs saying, "If he has used my electric razor to build a new robot, I will use it to shave his head!"

I wonder when Hiro did that? I sure don't remember it. Maybe I wasn't her- WAIT A MINUTE! I am sooo losing my focus here.

Eli ran up the stairs, hoping to get there before Tadashi opened the bathroom door, but it would seem fate was not so kind to her. When she got to her room she found Tadashi standing arms crossed at the bathroom, whose door was wide open and not a Hiro in sight.


"Where is he?" Tadashi asked. Eli looked at her brother confused.

"Which he are you talking about? Cause I know a lot of he's." Tadashi frowned.

"Where is Hiro?" Eli looked into the bathroom.

"He's not in here? Huh, could've sworn I saw him." Eli looked back at her brother, only to start picking at her braid again at the look she was getting.

"Elizabeth Hamada, where is your brother?" Eli sighed, knowing that if she stalled any longer he would use her full name and that was never good.

"Well… he's definitely not at a bot fight that's for sure." Tadashi groaned at what she said.

"I can't believe he went to another bot fight! I've already told him many times not to!" Eli shook her head.

"I know. Some kids just don't listen. It's a shame really." Eli looked at her feet when Tadashi glared at her. Then grabbing his helmet, keys, and throwing Eli her teal roller blades he made his way down stairs and to his moped.

"Where are we going?" Eli asked, strapping on her blades. Tadashi started his moped.

"We're going to get Hiro before he gets killed." He told her putting his helmet on. Eli nodded.

"So am I in trouble or…" Tadashi glared at her. "Alright shutting up , but for the record it was Hiro's idea." Again she was rewarded with a glare.

"We'll talk about it when we get home." And with that Tadashi sped off, a pouting Eli right behind him.

Story time! Apparently, I had already wrote and published a chapter two and, not realizing it, I went ahead and wrote this one. So I decided to delete the other one and publish this one. Anyway, hoped you like it and please review.