Chapter 1
Our story begins with a beautiful bright sunny day on planet Mobius. And our favorite blue hedgehog is running to his best friends workshop, where his friends are waiting for him.
"Hey guys what's up?" Sonic asked as he came into the room and saw Knuckles, Shadow, and Silver were there to.
"Well we're trying to figure out what's happening with the Chaos Emeralds." Tails said with the seven Chaos Emeralds in front of him on his desk.
"What's wrong with them?"
"Nothing. It's just they've been acting weird lately. And i'm sensing something out there that might be connecting to them." Shadow said.
"Like another Chaos Emerald?" Sonic asked.
"That's what I thought at first it's has the same frequency as an emerald but something's off about it."
"Well what's off about it?"
"That's what we're trying to figure out." Tails said.
Somewhere in another universe, in a high school known as Canterlot High School, there were 7 girls in the band room.
One was a girl with yellow and red striped sunset hair, with cyan eyes, she had a cyan blouse over a black biker jacket with orange stripes on the sleeves, with blue jeans, and gray high heel boots with orange strips. Her name is Sunset Shimmer she was from another world called Equestria, there she was a unicorn pony. She went through a troubled past she tried to enact revenge on her world for not getting what she wanted but her friends stopped her and changed her for the better.
Another was a girl with dark purple hair with lighter purple stripes, with her hair done in a ponytail, and lavender eyes and black glasses, and an egg blue button up shirt with, a sweater vest over it, with a two layer skirt with a starburst on the side, dark purple strapped shoes with egg blue knee socks. Her name is Twilight Sparkle, she's the counterpart of the pony princess Twilight Sparkle. She's a transfer student from their rival school Crystal Prep Academy. A few weeks ago at the Friendship Games she almost tore the world apart because magic took over her body and her into a monster, but Sunset Shimmer saved her and is showing her the way.
"Have you two figured out what's going on yet with our magic yet?" a rainbow haired girl asked. She had bright magenta eye's, a white shirt with a cloud with primary color thunderbolt on it, with a blue short sleeve collar jacket over it, and a pink and white striped skirt over black bike shorts, with high top blue shoes with primary color knee socks, and primary color wristbands. Her names Rainbow Dash. She's the captain of all the teams at CHS.
"Not quite, but it may be something that's equal to their power. But I can't find where its coming from." Sunset Shimmer said.
"Well whatever it is ah know you two can find it." A blond girl said with a southern accent. She had a white short sleeve shirt, with a jean skirt, she had brown boots with 3 apples on both of them, and a cowboy hat, with her hair done in a ponytail, and emerald green eye's like Sonic. Her name was Applejack.
"Yeah maybe." Twilight said looking down.
"Are you alright Twilight?" Asked a dog with purple fur, and green ears, and green eye's, with a spiked collar. his name is Spike. he was caught in magic at the friendship games which allows him to talk.
"Yea i'm fine Spike" Twilight lied.
The truth was what happened at the Friendship Games still haunted her.
"Um Twilight are you still thinking about what happened at the Friendship Games?" asked a pink hair girl with a shy tone, she had a white tank top with a green skirt with three butterflies on the side, and a butterfly pin in her hair, with green boots, and teal eye's. her name is Fluttershy.
"Aw come on Twilight look on the bright side, all the students forgave you even after what happened." A hyper pink poofy hair girl said, she had sky blue eye's, a white shirt with a pink heart in the center, with a blue short sleeve jacket over it, and a pink skirt with three balloons on the side, and blue boots with a pink bow on each of them. Her name is Pinkie Pie.
"She's right darling, and you didn't do it willingly." A girl with purple curly hair said. she had sky blue eye's, a white elbow length shirt, a purple skirt with three diamonds on the side, and purple boots. her name is Rarity.
"She's right. And remember I've gone through what you went through." Sunset Shimmer said putting her hand on Twilight's shoulder.
"Thanks girls. I'm really lucky to have friends like you." Twilight said smiling.
"And were lucky to have someone like you. Alright lets get back to work." Sunset said as she and Twilight got ready to examine their friends to find what was going on.
As they started to play their instruments they started to grow pony ears and their hair extended into a pony tail, and Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy also grew wings. Meanwhile back on Mobius the magic from the girls started to react with the Chaos Emeralds
"Hey guys it's happening again." Shadow said holding up the green Chaos Emerald as it glowed.
"And is it me or do anyone else hear music?" Silver asked.
"Yea I hear it too" Tails said.
As the girls played louder the brighter the emeralds glowed and the stronger the connection grew. Just then the emeralds shined a blinding light. Tails then braced for cover. The light then disappeared taking the emeralds Sonic, Shadow, Silver, and Knuckles with them.
"This can't be good." Tails said worried as he saw his friends disappear.
Back in the human world a sudden shock wave knocked all the girls down on the floor.
"What it the world was that?" Fluttershy said as she and her friends struggled to get up.
"I don't know. But it felt like that energy from before but stronger." Sunset Shimmer said.
"Ya'll think we may have brought it here?" Applejack asked worried.
"Maybe. We'd better be careful we don't who or what this energy is or what it can do." Twilight said.
Back with the boys they began to wake up from their little trip from Chaos Control.
"Ugh man what ride." Sonic said getting up and started to touch his face, and it didn't feel right. "What the?" Then touched his head to find out his quills weren't there, and it felt like hair.
He then saw a puddle to see his reflection. And when he saw what he was he almost had a heart attack.
"I'm human!" Sonic shouted.
Sonic had blue spiky hair, with a white t shirt with a blue spiked ball, under a light blue short sleeve hoodie, with blue jeans and his normal red and white shoes.
"Whoa this is weird." Sonic said looking over himself. But then realized something. "Hey where are the others?"
"Right here." A familiar dark voice said behind him.
Sonic turned and saw three teenage boys. One was a black spiked hair boy with red streaks, in a black shirt with Shadows Symbol imprinted on it in, under a black leather jacket, and black finger less biker gloves with inhibitor rings, with black pants with a spiked knee pad on the right knee, and Shadow's hover shoes.
The other one was a white haired teen with his hair the same style as Silver's quills, with a dark grey shirt with the same cyan symbols Silver had on his gloves, with a white jacket with fur, and grey pants, with Silver's normal boots.
The last one was a red haired teen with dreadlocks, with a red shirt, and spiked knuckle braces on his fist, with green pants, and Knuckles normal red and yellow shoes.
"Guys is that you?" Sonic asked.
"Who else would it be?" Shadow asked.
"Right so anyway what happened to us? And how did we turn into humans?"
"Well one thing I know we're definitely not on Mobius anymore. But as for us turning into humans I honestly don't have a clue." Knuckles said, "But while we're here we need to blend in so we can't use our powers."
"Wait where are the Chaos Emeralds?" Sonic asked looking around.
Everyone then dug into their pockets and Shadow pulled out the green Chaos Emerald from his coat pocket. But unfortunately he was the only one with a Chaos Emerald.
"I only have one."
"Great we lost the emeralds." Knuckles said.
"Alright so where do we go?" Sonic asked.
"Well i'm sensing the emeralds signatures from that building." Shadow said pointing to a building with a sign in front spelling Canterlot High School.
"School? No way I don't do school." Sonic said.
"Well unless you have a better idea this will do." Silver said, "Besides school isn't that bad."
"Easy for you to say."
As they started walking towards the school they were unaware that a pair of evil green eyes were watching them. The figure to whom those eyes belong to was a teenage male holding the purple Chaos Emerald who looked like Shadow, but had grey streaks instead of red, his inhibitor rings were light teal, and the symbol on his shirt was backwards and grey, and had no mouth.
"My plan is working perfectly. It was worth laying low in world not only did those girls bring Shadow here, but also his friends. Now I can have my revenge and take this world as well as Mobius. Watch out you four because Mephiles the Dark is back!"