I am merely experimenting writing styles with this one.

Also fluff, and descriptions.

I have a feeling it might turn into a multi-chaptered fic, but that depends solely on your reviews.

So, please, take some time to rate and review this little work of mine.


"...you'd understand why I want you so desperately."

The Canterlot Castle was gently illuminated by the rays of the sun, as it shined gloriously on the azure sky, whose infinity seemed to have been sometimes stopped by the few fluffy clouds that moved in their ever-slowing manner. While Celestia wasn't always admiring her work, she felt like this time she could do an exception - and she walked out on the marble-like balcony, closing and opening her eyes as she seemed to want to remember the landscape that gently awoke under the sun's gracious rays. Leaving out a long sigh, she recollected a fond memory of herself and Twilight Sparkle in the gardens of Canterlot, surrounded by the scent of red, blossoming roses, roses that were usually the symbol of love.

She couldn't place it, just why was Twilight Sparkle the subject of her latest worries?...

The white alicorn shook her head in disbelief, trying to convince herself it was nothing but the worry of a former teacher towards her former student. But really, how long has it been since she ever looked at her that way? After all, Twilight was slowly, but steadily, turning into a very, very beautiful mare.


Had she really lost track of that? She still saw the little filly that joined her School for Gifited Unicorns, and who was very much afraid she will end up in Magic Kindergarden, or worse, in Tartarus - while Celestia went out of her way to assure Twilight none of these punishments would really go on her - unless she did something really, really grave and that jeopardized Equestria. But so far, Twilight managed to knock away all the mistakes of her past and learnt a great deal up to the present, a thing Celestia was proud of.

"She surpassed all of my expectations," the alicorn could think as her gaze lost itself in the horizon, barely registering somepony else was in the room.

"...Sister? Why haven't you opened the Day Court yet?" Princess Luna asked as she questioningly looked at the white, lost-in-the-sun, alicorn.

"Luna." Celestia simply said as she blinked, and turned her head towards her sister. "I am sorry, I-I may have lost myself in thoughts."

"Sister. You certainly look..." Luna paused, trying to find the right word, "...aloof, these days. What hast thou thinking so deeply?"

"It's..." Celestia paused for a moment, exhaling heavily as if the name was a burden alone, "Twilight Sparkle."

"Ah, I see." Luna said as she approached her sister. "You, ah, haven't visited her chambers in here since she became one of us."

Indeed, Luna had a point, Celestia never bothered to even clean said room, since Twilight herself said she wouldn't stay at Celestia's castle anymore - but the sun diarch was not the type of pony to mingle in somepony else's things - then again, Twilight didn't ask for these things to be sent back to her. Even Luna found that curious, as Twilight was very fond of her things - perhaps, the lavender alicorn's reason behind this was deeper than the Lunar Princess thought.

"I think I'm not going to hold the Day Court today," Celestia said, breaking the silence between herself and her sister. "and you have a very, very good way of nitpicking my interests. And toning down my worries, too."

"Hah! You'll actually go and search through Twilight's things, aren't you?" Luna said as a smirk played itself carefully on her snout.

"I suppose it can't do any harm..." she paused, thinking of the consequences such an action would have, before curiosity overwhelmed her. "...In any case, Twilight has yet to ask for these back." the white alicorn said as she trotted back and forth in the room.

"Good luck, Sister. I will let the noblecolts and ponyfolk you're not going to hold Day Court today." the Lunar Princess said as she carefully trotted away from Celestia's private chambers.

"Is it really a good idea to do this?" the sun diarch thought as she was hesitant over going in that room, until the other side of her was adamant to give it a try. As she engulfed the doors' handles of her private chambers in her light magic, she began descending the large corridor. Her hooves were softly treading on the large, pink carpet along the hallway, and she would pause to look at the windows, noticing the sun was still shining brilliantly - and didn't call out to her just yet. "Helios enjoys far too much this beautiful sky...but in three hours I have to set the sun." Celestia mused as she slowly, but surely, arrived in front of Twilight's former chamber in the Castle.

"Am I really...going to do this?" she questioned herself, while her brows arched and magenta eyes were sparkling with ...confusion. She found herself unable to just open the door and walk in - like she used to do when Twilight was here - but she needed answers to some questions that started to arise in her mind since Twilight's absence. The alicorn left a sigh as she felt the last wall of hesitation crumble at her need of answers, and whatever was in there, she could take it.