
Ever since Leona came to her life, Louise had lived a serious of strange and even bizarre adventures on her own. Her dull and somewhat pathetic life had been completely flipped upside-down that day when she failed to summon a fantastic animal to serve as her familiar. Instead, she had summoned a magnificent Sun Goddess from a foreign land, a powerful warrior capable of defeating the strongest and most skilled knights in Halkeginia. A woman so beautiful she had easily charmed every single one of the foolish nobles in Tristain, a soul so gentle she had accepted all the commoners in her gentle and warm embrace. But above all else, she was the one that showed Louise her true path, what she was meant to be ever since she was born.

The Sun Goddess and Radiant Dawn of Halkeginia.

If Louise was honest with herself, she still couldn't believe such important role was given to an awkward and mediocre noble like her. Yes, she came from an outstanding family but in reality, Louise hadn't really accomplished anything aside from blowing to smithereens the classrooms and some of her fellow nobles during class. Of course, not many dared to say anything to her thanks to the fame of her mother but that wasn't good. From time to time, Louise would feel miserable and depressed for using the shadow of her mother...

But all that pain and uncertainty was now part of a past she had forgotten. Leona came as a beacon of hope that lightened the way for Louise, the champion proved to be a mighty and fearsome warrior with powers no one in the entire world had seen before. And despite all of her insecurities, Louise proved to be worthy of becoming just like her... A mighty warrior of the sun.

It hadn't been easy... For starters, Louise had to find the perfect balance between her education in Tristain academy and the Rakkor training. If she was honest with herself, she wanted to quit the academy and solely focus on becoming a warrior of the Last Sun. But to her surprise, Leona had been adamant. The Goddess argument it wouldn't be correct... That and the fear Louise felt towards her mother kept her from packing her things and venturing into Halkeginia... She still had prepared a suitcase... Just in case.

As the days passed, things just kept getting more complicated. The prophecy of the Daughter of the Moon and the beginning of the Solari. Warriors from a different dimension appeared, seeking for salvation and help. Reconquista, an unknown faction had declared war on Tristain... Truthfully, It wasn't a good time. Several students had dropped from the academy and returned to their homelands. Louise couldn't really blame them since most of them didn't really have any experience in combat, some of the older students stayed but she doubted they would be of any use against proper soldiers.

Louise was simply excited and couldn't wait for a chance to slip out and go after the army of Reconquista. With her newfound power, she just wanted strong enemies that wouldn't break under the terrifying might of the sun. Her training with Leona had gone smoothly and now she was sure she could even fight evenly against some of the professors in Tristain academy. Of course, she hadn't become overly confident in her own skills but she couldn't help but show off a bit... Especially when the warriors of the Warring Kingdoms offered to help her train.

Ah, yes! The warriors of the Warring Kingdoms came as both, a blessing and a curse for Louise! Most of them didn't have the same powers as Louise or Leona but they complemented their weakness with years upon years of experience and outstanding techniques. They had powerhouses like Garen and Jarvan, skilled fighters like Xin Zhao and Tryndamere, deadly assassins like Katarina and Nidalee, and even a keen leader like Azir. Whenever she had free time, Louise would go to the warriors and spar or listen to their lessons thoroughly. Together with Leona's own knowledge, Louise was becoming an expert on the battlefield. Despite Azir's eccentricities and constant idiocies, Louise was really grateful he was willing to pour some of his wisdom to her...

Louise was eager to learn from all of the warriors...


Most of them...

"Hey! The hell are you all doing here, brats?!" The voice of the Enforcer boomed, startling the young nobles that were snooping around the Tailwind.

"W-we are just inspecting this fine creation, commoner!" The eldest noble answered, stepping in front of the others "It belongs to Tristain and as a noble, I have all the rights to be here!"

"I couldn't care less about your stupid rules, brat!" The bruiser countered, pushing the youngster with one of her fingers "I've been working really hard on this baby and the least I need is a bunch of snooty runts messing in my turf! So get the hell outta here before I ruin your pretty face, brat!"

"How dare you speak to me like that, you commoner?!" The youngster said in anger, readying his wand "I will teach you to respect your superiors!"

"Nah, don't think so..." Vi said nonchalantly, taking the wand from the noble and breaking it like a twig "So how about you and your friends get lost before I lose my temper... But in all honesty!" The bruiser picked the teenager by the neck and brought him close to her face "I really, really, REALLY want all of you to stay here... I haven't really punched anything in a while... I promise not to completely kill you."

Louise sighed and guessed it was about time to stop the bruiser in her antics. In reality, the Valliere didn't want to interfere

In reality, the Valliere didn't want to interfere. If the nobles were stupid enough to challenge Vi without knowing just how powerful she was, it was fair to let them taste her fists. Despite being a brute, Vi was actually quite capable in combat. She could easily match the strength of Garen and she was as skilled as Xin Zhao. Of course, Katarina and Nidalee surpassed her in a battle of speed but that didn't mean she would be defeated quickly.

Even if Louise didn't want to save the nobles, she couldn't just let Vi do as she pleased. Tristain was already in a dire situation thanks to Reconquista and the least they needed was more enemies thanks to some unruly tomboy that couldn't control her temper and beat the shit out of a bunch of kids. She massaged her temples and patted Vi on her shoulder. The Enforcer turned around with a dangerous grin but once she saw it was Louise, it became a playful smile.

"Ah! It's the lioness! Nice seeing you here for a chance!" Vi said, letting the noble go and patting Louise on the back. Of course, those gentle pats could have broken the back of any lesser being but Louise was already tough enough to endure the 'love' of the Enforcer.

"Hello, Vi. I see you are getting in trouble again..."

"I ain't doing nothing! These little pricks are messing with me!" Vi defended herself.

"Yes, I know... But you need to understand there are better ways to deal with this problem than simply knocking them up. Words can be as powerful as fists, you should try using them every once in a while."

"Even if you tell me that..." The Enforcer said scratching her head "I've never been good with that stuff..."

"It's fine. As long as you understand and try to change for the best, I think there is nothing to worry about."

"I will try! You are the best, Pinkie!" Vi said, hugging Louise. The Valliere tried to complain but decided not to, there were things she wanted to ask Vi so it was for the best to let her be happy for now. "And why are you here, Louise? Shouldn't you be training or something?"

"Well, I was actually-"

"Hey! Why are you ignoring us, huh?" One of the nobles suddenly yelled, "You think we will just back off after all that?!"

"Look, I know you are angry but-" Louise tried to reason.

"Shut up, Zero!" Another kid interrupted "Just because those stupid muscleheads by your side doesn't mean you are above any of us! You and your impious familiar are a shame to all of us and even Queen Henrietta is a fool for-" But suddenly, his voice in his throat.

The group of kids began shaking uncontrollably like small animals under the furious glare of Louise, Vi smiled malevolently and left go of Louise. The young Chosen of the Sun approached the terrified nobles and to their horror, she grabbed the kid that had uttered such things and held him high in the air. The child tried to break free but he was unable to even look away.

"Listen closely..." Louise growled lowly "I don't care about your pitiful excuses and stupidities. You can bark as much as you want... But if you dare insult Leona or Queen Henrietta, I will make you regret ever crossing paths with me... Am I clear?" The kid was just shaking his head "I said... Am I clear?!" The kid was opening and closing his mouth, unable to say a thing due to the fear. And to the shock of the other nobles, his pants began showing a big stain "Pathetic..." Louise snarled, letting go of the kid. She flicked her hair and joined the Enforcer.


"ZERO!" The noble screamed, getting up and channeling a spell with his wand, and shooting a barrage of fire bullets towards the Valliere.

Louise simply turned around and received the brunt of the spell. The projectiles exploded, creating a curtain of smoke. The kid began laughing maniacally but then, the color left his face and he fell to the ground again when the smoke cleared. Louise was standing with no apparent damage and looking down on the noble... Her eyes were now two molten orbs filled with fury and disgust.

"Your attacks are not even worth blocking or dodging..." She said coldly, crossing her arms "Now get lost before I lose my patience..." At this, the noble got up and ran away screaming. Louise turned and glared at the other kids, they hesitated for a second but escaped like scared animals "Good grief... And they call themselves the rules of this world..."

"That was awesome, Pinkie!" Vi exclaimed, hugging Louise tightly and showering her with kisses "You almost looked like Sunshine!"

"L-let go of me, you brutish fool!" Louise tried to push Vi away but the monstrous strength of the Enforcer was impossible to overcome "I said let go!"

"Aww! Come on! I know you are loving it!" Vi said with a cheeky smile and made Louise roll her eyes "Ah! I just had the greatest idea ever! Now that you are here, how about I teach you a thing or two about zeppelins!" She said, carrying Louise to the Tailwind "Hey, Zilean! Are you still alive, you cheeky old man?"

"I will always be here, Miss Vi" The hologram of the Chronoshofter chirped as it appeared in front of the girls "I see you have chased away the children. Good job on that one, they would have definitely delayed the repairs." Zilean then realized Louise was staring intensively at him "What seems to be the problem, Miss Valliere?"

"No matter how many times I see you, it is still weird..." Louise answered while she tilted her head.

"I know, right!" Vi exclaimed with a loud laugh "But despite that, this grandpa is full of surprises!"

Louise shook her head but couldn't stop smiling. In reality, she really liked Vi. The tomboyish and aggressive bruiser could be a rude fellow but she was a big softie on the inside, the Valliere felt the Enforcer was the kind of person she could trust with any secret. And despite her looks, Vi was actually quite clever and smart. She was the one repairing the Tailwind even though there was no way she could understand that incredible treasure. Not even Leona was able to do it So Louise already had an idea of Vi's intelligence... She giggled and followed the Enforcer into the Tailwind...

But behind them, hiding in the pillars of the hall, a shadow was keeping a careful eye on her.

Jean Colbert was a man that never got the chance to form a family on his own. His career as a magic knight was filled with disastrous moments and after what he had done, he believed he had no right to drag an innocent woman and his children into his personal hell... But despite that, he had grown to love each and every single one of his students. He had seen some of them become prominent nobles in all the kingdoms... And little Louise was no different.

She had always been special for him. A young child burdened by the name of her family and the legend of her mother... More than once, Colbert had caught her practicing in the middle of the night, failing every spell but refusing to give up without trying. Colbert knew Louise had to do twice or even thrice the efforts of the average student. He was not unaware of the prying eyes and the mockery that had followed ever since she came to this academy and he cursed himself for being unable to even comfort her when she needed it the most.

The breaking point was the Summoning Ceremony, an important event that would show just how capable the students are... Colbert knew this was Louise last chance to prove she belonged among the nobles. Deep inside, Colbert hoped for Louise failure so she would get away from this hostile environment... But instead of nothing, Louise ended up summoning something far more terrible than the demons of hell.

She summoned a Goddess from a different time.

That regal and mighty woman forever changed the world of Halkeginia. She broke down the power of the nobles and brought forth a new religion opposed to the Brimiric ways, she became the passage between a group of warriors from a foreign kingdom and evened the odds of Tristain against their unseen enemies... But despite these facts, Colbert was able to see just how terrible her influence was for Halkeginia...

Little Louise, the sweet and proud child that strobe to become the strongest magician abandoned her dream and became something else... Colbert could remember how the Valliere would spend hours in the library. Nowadays, he could see her early in the morning, training even harder than the magic knights; She used to walk down the halls with her head held high and ignoring her peers. Nowadays, the children were the ones ignoring her, unable to look her in the eye due to the fear.

Many things had changed... But the most terrible was the path Louise had chosen. Back in Tarbes, Colbert felt it, that sharp and cold sensation around his neck when Louise attacked him. That sensation he had felt in the battlefield... Louise was definitely going to murder him that one time. If it weren't because she recognized him, Colbert would have died under her terrifying strength... What's more, it seemed like Louise was actually craving for conflict.

She had changed... But Colbert was sure it wasn't for the best...

She was slowly becoming what he hated the most...

A warmonger and bloodlust monster...

Just like him...

And the Sun Goddess...

Jean Colbert gritted his teeth and left in a hurry. This was the last straw, he would no longer ignore the impending doom of his dear student... In reality, he had been postponing this moment due to the fear... But he could no longer sit idle and watch little Louise become something completely horrific...


It was time for the snake to bite down the Manticore...

Leona was a dull woman and never really cared about being inconspicuous. Everything, from her armor and weapons to her battle style screamed her complete and absolute acceptance to full contact fights. The Rakkor never taught her how to play with her enemies, they viewed the battlefield as a sacred ground where all warriors must fight with the best of their capabilities, even if they are against a weaker opponent. But after living in the League and coming into contact with Ionia, Leona had trained in several arts that taught her elegant and fluid motions, the complete opposite of the brunt and brutish Rakkor style. She learned to channel her inner chaos and use it to her advantage against powerful enemies... But among all these lessons, she learned to fight against her own weaknesses and demons.

Meditation was her least favorite practice, she just couldn't bring herself to stay put for long periods of time. She would rather tire herself to death... But for now, she was eternally grateful with Karma and Yi for teaching her such wondrous art.

Sitting in the middle of the courtyard, with a simple white robe under the sky, the Radiant Dawn channeled the power of the Sun in her chest, trying to lessen the sharp pain she had been feeling since two days ago. This pain was familiar, it was the result of an eclipse... But she had never felt it like this. Maybe it had something to do with the twin moons but Leona could sense something else in play.

If she had to guess, it had to do with Louise. The young Chosen of the Sun had gotten exponentially stronger with each passing day... And that also made her vulnerable to the fatal weakness of the Daughters of the Sun. In fact, Louise should be suffering even more than Leona since she was not used or had experienced this kind of pain...

But she wasn't...

It was as if all the pressure and pain was on Leona.

Leona was alright with that. Even if she believed Louise needed to be strong in order to become the Radiant Dawn, there was no way Leona would ever allow the Valliere to go through the same suffering she endured when she was young. Leona could still remember her first eclipse as the Chosen of the Sun... She was unable to even speak properly and could only scream. She had tried more than once to commit suicide so she could get rid of the pain... If it weren't for Diana and Pantheon, she would have succeeded.

With time, she got used to it... But Leona didn't actually know if she would suffer the same effects here in Halkeginia. Runeterra only had one moon while Halkeginia had two, she could tell the pain was gradually getting stronger as the hours passed and she was afraid of the consequences. She might be the Daughter of the Sun and a Rakkor but she was still a human in the end... All things considered, she just hoped her assumptions were right and Louise was sparred from such horrible experience...

Little by little, she felt the pain disappear. It wasn't completely gone but it reached a level where Leona could just ignore it...

But eventually, Leona would have to deal with it...

The eclipse was upon them and the only thing she could do was pray and have faith in her own endurance... But above all else, she hoped Louise was strong enough to survive the terrible future in front of her.

Just as she had feared, Reconquista had conquered Albion and they were on their way to destroy Tristain and the other kingdoms. Leona didn't know if Tristain was ready for a war like this... The Magic Knights were strong but against a complete army, it was hopeless... And with Leona unable to fight, everything would fall in Louise shoulders and the Warring Kingdoms if Azir chose to fight alongside Queen Henrietta.

She sighed and looked at the sky, he father greeted her with its warm kindness and brilliance. It managed to ease her doubts a little bit...

"Father..." She called quietly "Please, give Louise strength..."

"Excuse me...?" Said a voice behind her. Suddenly, Leona felt her body tense and she furrowed her brown, she slowly turned around to see Colbert carefully watching over her "Hello, Miss Leona..." He greeted with a cold tone. Leona simply glared at the professor without saying a thing "I think it is about time we settle things..."

"I have nothing to speak with you, Colbert." The Sun Goddess dismissed the professor and kept walking towards the castle.

"Miss Leona! You can't just keep ignoring me like this!" Colbert tried to reason but it was harder since he couldn't keep up with Leona's pace. The professor had to almost run just to match Leona's walk "I kept quiet all this time but I will no longer turn a blind eye upon the terrifying events that are occurring in front of me!" Colbert claimed, finally catching up to Leona and grabbing her by the arm "I can't just allow you to turn Louise into a monster!"

Suddenly, Colbert felt the all too familiar fear extending over his body. The Sun Goddess now had her eyes filled with nothing but fury and hatred, he felt his limbs tremble and he was even tempted to run away. But after remembering what Louise had said and done, he steeled his resolve and faced the powerful beats in front of him...

"What do you mean...?" Leona growled lowly "What do you mean with 'monster'?"

"Louise has changed..." Colbert began gulping down "She is no longer the child that came to this academy a few years ago... She has morphed into something dangerous. Just the other day when I was looking for the Tailwind, she told me straight to my face she almost killed me... And I saw no signs of lies in her words... She is... She is becoming into something far more terrible than an assassin or a mercenary. Even her classmates can feel it... Her new and deviant way of seeing the world... And... And everything is your fault, familiar!" Colbert yelled, facing Leona with fire in his eyes "If it weren't for you, that child would have lived a normal and quiet life! If it weren't for you, Louise would not have crossed paths with the dark side of this world! If it weren't for you, she would have been happy! If it weren't for you, Louise would-!" But Colbert was unable to keep speaking.

He had experienced utter fear and absolute hopelessness during his days as a magic knight. That time when he burned a town and killed dozens of innocent villagers, he was on the verge of collapsing... He faced his greatest demons and lost more than just his soul... But this... This hideous, furious, and impossible creature made him forget that experience in the blink of an eye...

The monster that was looming towards him with wrath in her eyes could not be compared with the manticores. Those magnificent monsters only a handful of magician were able to summon had a prideful mettle and caused both fear and awe in anyone who placed their eyes on them. Colbert had only seen one once in his entire life... But this monster was something else, her eyes still shone with the power of the sun but there was a dark and mortifying aura surrounding her body. The monster grasped one of the walls with its claws and broke it apart. Unable to do anything, Colbert could only shake like a small animal and wait...

"Happy...?" The monster growled in anger "How can you even dare to think Louise would be... Happy, huh?!" She roared and her voice boomed through the empty garden "She has been enduring for so long... Hoping there would come a day when she can prove her own worth... And none... None of you bastards was able to see just how wonderful she truly was! None of you could appreciate her beautiful soul and pride! All of you stupid and conceited idiots who couldn't see a thing! And you are no different than any of those who mocked and even abused her! You just stood there and ignored her while she cried in silence! You ignored her while she was suffering on her own!" Colbert finally couldn't endure the pressure and fell to the ground, he tried to get up but the powerful glare of Leona kept him in place "But I will not fail her... I will protect her from everything and anyone! I will be there for her! I will show her the path! And by the sun in the sky, I will burn this ludicrous world if I have to...! And there is nothing... Nothing you or anyone else in this world can do to stop me... I will give Louise the power she needs to become what she was meant to be from the very beginning...! And if you get in my way... I will crack the Celestial vault and rain down the Sun on your soul, you foul snake!"

Colbert was not able to say anything. What little bravery he had in his body was now completely shattered by the fury of the Daughter of the Sun. His staff was crackling with crimson flames but he was not able to formulate the words or even concentrate in his spell... He was scared... He was terrified... He was...


A coward...

He got up and without looking back, he ran away...

Leona watched him leave with the celestial fire burning away the grass under he feet. She could feel her fury eating away the little self-control she still had... She was right all along... She just couldn't trust that man or anybody that thought like him... All of them were enemies... All of them wanted to shackle Louise and use her for the selfish desires and goals...

She breathed and managed to quench her anger...

But something else exploded within...

She fell to the ground and gasped for air. The pain was so hopelessly unbearable, she could feel how a pair of claws were slowly stabbing and ripping apart her heart. Her lungs seemed to stop working and she could feel her blood boiling her veins away... Her eyes began burning and she felt her brain liquifying inside her head... Just when she had finally managed to control the pain, that snake came to mess everything up...

She dragged her body over the ground but each time she moved, she could feel her muscles tearing her nerves under her skin. She clenched her chest but there was no way to lessen the pain...

"L... Louise..." She called helplessly "Louise... Louise... Where are you...?" Each word felt like swallowing needles, she could taste the blood under her tongue "Please... Louise... Di... Please..." Her vision blackened and her body finally gave up on her "Please..." Through the shadows, she managed to see a golden figure with peculiar pink glint on it, rushing towards her "Please..."

And she knew no more...

The flames of the candles danced in the darkness, creating mesmerizing patterns on the walls of the infirmary. Louise was accustomed to such sight since she would usually end up visiting it since her spells would most likely cause her some sort of wound. The water magician that acted as a nurse knew very well almost every little scar in her petite body. And more than once, the old woman had scolded her for being reckless... But right now, the magician was staying on the sidelines, watching as the little Valliere tried her best to remain composed as she carefully watched over the unconscious body of the Sun Goddess.

The young girl had come with tears in her eyes, carrying the body of the Radiant Dawn and begging for help... But there was little the nurse or the doctor could do to help the familiar. Physically, there were no signs of wounds but it seemed like the Radiant Dawn was suffering from some sort of maddening pain. Even unconscious, Leona would toss and turn, gritting her teeth and sometimes screaming like a mad woman. The magicians had administered a few potion but that didn't help at all... Her condition was beyond their capabilities and the only thing they could do was to watch and hope for the best...

The Valliere remained by the side of her familiar. Burning her brain away as she tried to find a solution but she simply didn't know what to do... She only knew what Leona had told her... Louise only knew this happened due to the Eclipse. She could feel her powers slowly draining away and she could guess it would be worse for Leona... It was all the Moons fault... If only they didn't exist...

"No... No... No..." Leona whispered helplessly "No... It's not... Her fault... No... Please... Please... It's not... Please... Protect her..." She managed to say before she returned to grunting and gasping for air.

Louise sighed and massaged her eyes. Every time she wanted to hate the moons, Leona would just dismiss her thoughts... Louise wanted to believe in the Radiant Dawn... She really wanted to believe it wasn't the moons' fault... But she was desperate. Reconquista was on its way to destroy Tristain and the crown probably needed Leona the most...

And now, she was on her own...

"What should we do, Pinkie?" Delfinger cackled from his sheath "With Sunlady down, we are the only ones that can defend Tristain."

"I know... I know but..."

"You are scared, huh?"

"I... I am..." Louise admitted "I know I've been boasting about how much I crave for war... But I always thought Leona would be there to watch over me... But now... But now she is..." She was interrupted when the door of the infirmary opened loudly.

"Louise!" Kirche said, dashing and almost tackling the Valliere "Oh, Louise...! I am so sorry for this...! I wish I could help you..." In other circumstances, Louise would have pushed Kirche away... But she was feeling incredibly weak and tired so she allowed the redhead to hug and comfort her "We came as soon as we heard about the incident... I am really sorry, Louise..."

"It's okay..." Louise muttered under Kirche's embrace "Thank you for coming, Zerbest... And thanks to you too, Tabitha..." Louise added when she noticed the girl by the door.

"Can we help?" Tabitha asked.

"No... Sadly, there is nothing we can do for now..." Louise said, gently breaking the hug and focusing on Leona again "She told me this would eventually happen... But I guess I simply didn't understand how serious this was. I am also surprised I haven't suffered from the same... Quite lucky, huh..." Louise laughed bitterly.

"It is not fun at all..." Kirche said, hugging Louise again "There must be a way... I am sure we-" Suddenly, someone knocked at the door loudly "Now what?"

"Louise!" Guinche yelled, entering the infirmary "I came as fast as I could...!" He then noticed Leona's body and frowned "Louise... I'm sorry but... There is someone you that wants to talk to you..." He moved away and Queen Henrietta entered the room.

At this, all the magicians but Louise knelt. The Valliere kept looking at Leona and softly caressing her forehead... Henrietta gulped down once she saw Leona lying on the bed, she froze in place for a second and was tempted to go away but somebody gave her a soft push. She turned around and saw Azir looking directly into her eyes, Henrietta nodded and slowly approached Louise. She hesitated for another second but this time, she sat by her childhood friend...

"L... Louise...?" Henrietta called, the Valliere didn't react "Louise... I know you are going through a lot right now... And I wish I could do more... But I can't... And that mortifies me the most, I simply cannot do anything to help you... I can't even stay by your side... Right now, there are forces that want to destroy the world as we know it... I'm on my way to face them with the little forces I have... I came here, hoping Miss Leona would help us even the odds... But I suppose... I suppose she can't... Louise... I am really sorry... I wish I could help you carry the burden but there is a war I must fight... And in the event I don't come back... I want you to know I love you and I am grateful to both you and Miss Leona for giving me the strength to fight..." She added, taking the Locket from her pocket "It's funny, you know... I knew something was wrong because it was no longer shining... I knew it and I still wanted to come... I wanted to believe there was still hope... I guess there isn't... Goodbye, Louise..." Henrietta said quietly, kissing Louise on her cheek.

But suddenly, the hand of the Valliere closed on the Locket...

"No... No, this is not how it ends..." Louise said as she gritted her teeth "You will not do this on your own..."

"But... But..."

"Maybe Leona can't fight... But I am still here. Maybe I am not as strong as her... Maybe I am not a Rakkor or a Solari... But I am a Daughter of the Sun!" She said, gripping on the Locket "Maybe my powers cannot compare with hers... Maybe I am weaker than our enemies... But despite that... I am Louise Francoise Le Blanc de la Valliere and I will fight by your side, my Queen!" Louise could her strength burning inside her body, she felt a sharp pain piercing her hearth but she didn't stop. In comparison with what Leona had suffered, this was but a bruise. She kept channeling her powers on the Locket "And above everything else... I will become... No, I am the Radiant Dawn and I will protect you, Henrietta!"

Her hand exploded with a wave of golden energy, blowing away the flames and plunging the room in darkness... But suddenly, there was another light, brighter than the candles. A golden light shining with the power of the Sun in the hands of the Queen of Tristain. The Iron Locket of the Solari had once again its brilliance... The blessing of the Chose of the Sun was restored... But Henrietta was looking at something else...

Her dear, small, and fragile Louise, the child that had accompanied her in her childhood... The prideful and noble girl of the Valliere was gone... And instead, something else was kneeling in front of the Queen. A warrior like the ones she had heard in the fairy tales and legends. A creature with the aura of the Manticore and the mettle of a Heroine. With molten orbs of golden and a glint of pink energy, and her body surrounded by the sunlight...

The girl was gone... And the Goddess was born.

"I will follow you till the end, my Queen..." The Goddess spoke with her majestic voice.

"Well... I certainly wasn't expecting this..." The Emperor of the Sands said, standing by Henrietta's side "Who would have thought the arrogant brat would become the Manticore we were looking for, huh...? You did well, child" Azir said with a grin.

"I don't need you to patronize me, you perverted pidgeon!" The Goddess retorted "I am fighting for Henrietta... Not for you!"

"Ha! You are still the same snotty and arrogant brat!" Azir snorted "But... Are you sure you are ready to do this? We are outnumbered, outpowered and even outskilled... Are you sure you want to fight this war, Child of the Sun?" Azir asked solemnly.

"Of course I want...! They now stand a chance!" The Goddess answered with a cocky grin.

The Queen blinked, realizing that despite her change, Louise was still Louise in the end. The petite Valliere may have become something else but her core was the same, her dear friend that would do anything to support her... And now, with the charm and the blessing in her hands, she felt she could accomplish anything as long as the Valliere was by her side.

"Louise Francoise Le Blanc de la Valliere..." The Queen said with seriousness. Louise then kneeled and waited "There are enemies at our doors, wanting to corrupt and consume our people... I ask of you, would you fight by my side and protect the kingdom of Tristain?"

"Until the bitter end, My Queen!" Louise exclaimed, looking at Henrietta directly into her eyes.

"Very well. Then, let us depart at once. Our forces are waiting near the border of Tarbes." Henrietta a said with a smile, she looked at Azir and the king nodded in agreement.

They were ready...

"But Louise... What about Leona?" Kirche asked worriedly.

The Valliere looked at her champion. She still looked in pain... But there was nothing Louise could do about it. She couldn't control the Eclipse and she was sure something was bound to happen during the battle... But there was something Louise knew very will: Leona had been fighting for her sake ever since she became Louise's familiar...

It was time to return the favor...

"I will come back..." Louise muttered, kissing Leona on her forehead...

And followed after the Queen and the King to meet with her destiny...