Disclaimer: This is a fan based fiction.
Author Notes: Super excited to start this one! This will be a sexy IzayaxOCxShizuo love triangle. Rating is M for recurring general and sexual content (Which you'll notice right away *ahem*) If you're not into that sort of thing, I'm afraid this may not be the fic for you.
That aside, let's get right to it.
Three weeks. It had been three whole weeks since Tamina Takeda had moved out of her modest apartment and back into her mother and stepfather's home in the heart of Shibuya. She kept her childhood bedroom. It had remained mostly undisturbed. She imagined for most the feeling of old sheets and the smell of home cooking were refreshing and nostalgic. For Tamina though, they inspired anything but comfort. In fact, they made her sick.
Her twentieth birthday had just recently passed. She had moved out as soon as she'd turned 18, rooming with a school friend close to the shopping district. It was a great two years. Tamina took classes at a University for English literature and Art history and worked a part time job in a manga cafe. It had taken some time, but she had finally started to come out of her shell and forget about her difficult home life. And just when it seemed things had finally come together for her, it all came crashing right back down.
'I'm moving.' Her roommate had told her. She'd been accepted into a prestigious University in the states and it was an opportunity she just couldn't pass up. Tamina understood, but was still left in a hard spot. She couldn't afford their apartment by herself and didn't know of anyone who could move in right away. She tried for the weeks leading up to her friends departure, but no luck. With no other options, she had to go back home..
Tamina twisted a lock of her long rose gold hair absent-mindedly between her fingers while she waited in line at the market patiently. With her other hand she scrolled through her phone, tuning out the chatter and register beeping around her. The housing ads hadn't changed since she checked earlier. She let out a disappointed sigh and decided to check again later for new leads, closing that browser window. To continue passing the time, she went to another site and scanned a message board she visited often. The group called themselves 'The Dollars'. She'd received her invite months ago. She wasn't from the district that the group called home. In fact, she'd never even been to Ikebukuro except in passing. She assumed the invite was a prank, but even so, she started checking the boards frequently. It was something that did pass the time, if nothing else. There were even a few users she chatted with regularly now. She saw that "MONTA" and "Kahlua Milk" had been on earlier in the day. She found herself smiling as she read their posts.
"Hello! Good evening!" The cashier greeted her, pulling her from her thoughts. Tamina gave a polite smile in return and placed her vegetables on the counter.
Tamina slung her tote bag over her shoulder as she walked back to her mother's apartment from the market. She breathed a bored sigh, preparing for an uneventful walk. She'd done it plenty of times. Her heart fluttered when she felt her phone begin to vibrate. She rifled through her bag until she found it and checked the screen. A smile lit up her face when she read the name "Nakura" and quickly answered.
"Hey." She answered, the smile obvious in her voice.
"Hey you." The man's voice came from the other side.
Her smile broadened when she heard him. "I thought you'd be busy with work."
"I can always make time for you." He replied sweetly. "I love hearing your voice."
She laughed softly to herself blushing. He was always like this. Ever since they'd started having phone conversations. Sometimes Tamina wasn't sure how someone could be so cheesy. But that was something she loved about him. How sweet he was.
They'd met in a chat room about a year ago. It started out innocent enough. Talking about TV shows and the weather. Then daily texts and chit chat. But over time it became something more. At least to Tamina it did. Casual messages turned into conversations that lasted all night. She wasn't sure why or when, but she started confiding in him more than anyone before. She told him all her secrets and transgressions. She'd never felt so connected with someone. She knew most people might think it weird. How could she have such strong feelings for someone she'd never even met in person? She couldn't explain it, but she didn't care. If she didn't tell anyone, did it really matter? This seemed to be a reoccurring theme in her life.
"I'm happy you did." She admitted.
"Rough day?" He asked.
Her smile slowly faded as her day to day life seeped into the euphoric feelings he gave her. She gave a sigh. "I didn't have any luck with affordable housing or roommates again today."
"Is it that bad at your moms?"
"He was being weird again..."
" I'm sorry..." He said in a sympathetic tone. "You can talk to me. Don't be afraid."
Nakura always did that. Made her feel like she could tell him anything. He was never judgmental or rude. It was part of the reason she talked to him nearly everyday now. He was the only one she really trusted. "He just..." She started hesitantly. "Says inappropriate things and... always puts his hands on my shoulders or legs. Last night he asked if he could come into my room while my mom was out teaching an evening class. It was late. I just pretended I was sleeping..."
"Why don't you tell your mom?"
" I've dropped hints, but she always acts oblivious... Sometimes I feel like she just doesn't want to see it. He does bring home the money. He just started at a new firm."
"You have to be more important to her than that."
"I'm just afraid of what could happen if I said something. Everything would change..I don't have anywhere else to go."
"Well I think you should. Enough is enough. And if nothing else, you always have me."
She smiled softly at that. He always knew what to say. "I just keep telling myself it's only temporary. Until I can find a roommate like before. Anyway, enough about me. How are you?" She asked.
"To be honest, I haven't felt too great either."
Tamina stopped at a street signal, waiting for the light to change. "Is it your sister?" She asked solemnly.
"Yeah..." Nakura replied with a sigh. "She hasn't been doing well. The hospital has been cutting her visiting hours. They want her to get more rest."
"I'm so sorry..."
"On top of that, I feel like my parent's marriage may be ending. The stress of it all is just too much for them." Tamina didn't know what to say. He was always there for her.
To know he struggled just as she did tied him closely to her heart. She wanted to comfort him as much as he did her. " I wish I could do something for you."
"Can I ask you something?" He asked in a softer tone.
"Sure, anything." She answered him eagerly.
"Do you ever just want to...disappear?"
Tamina was taken off guard by the question but felt a sadness in her heart when she admitted to him. "I do… Sometimes…"
" I know it's shitty to say, but I think about it a lot."
Tamina found her pace slowing, focused more on the conversation than her destination. "Would you ever do it?" She asked.
"Would you?" He replied right away.
She thought about it. "Every time I've ever thought about it I just got scared."
"Would you be scared if it was with me?" He asked.
However inappropriate, she found herself blushing. She truly believed anything would be easier with him. Even ending it all. She suddenly realized the thought was more morbid than romantic so she tried to change the subject. She couldn't believe what a dark tone the conversation had taken. "I'm sorry." She apologized. "I think I may just be making things worse."
"No!" He replied quickly. "Knowing you feel the same just makes it so much easier."
When she closed in on her house, she found herself dragging her feet. She hated saying goodbye to him. She'd talk to him in text or email later, no doubt, but she did loved hearing his smooth voice. "I'm home now. I have to help my mom prepare dinner..." She told him.
He let out a disappointed groan. "You're always ditching me." He complained in an obnoxious tone.
She laughed. "You know I'd much rather talk to you. I'll text you later, okay?"
"Okay. Talk to you later."
She tapped the 'end' button on her phone and leaned against the door momentarily. She waited for the blush to leave her cheeks and the jumpy feeling to leave her heart. He seemed to understand her in every way. She'd confided so much in him and he in her. Surely their bond was more than a distant, internet founded friendship. They truly seemed to share the same mind and spirit. To the point that she wondered 'if they suffered together, surely they could overcome together, right?'
Tamina stood at the counter next to her mother. The chopping of carrots on the cutting board was the only thing breaking the silence between them. It was awkward and quiet, but that had become the norm. There was so much that Tamina found she wanted to say when alone with her mother, but every word always halted when given the opportunity. In fact, they seemed to radiate from her, filling the space with a hostile tension.
In the quiet, Tamina was thinking about what Nakura had told her. The words had always danced on her tongue, but there had always been a rift between her and her mother since her father had passed away. And it only grew after her mother remarried. 'But that shouldn't matter.' Is what she imagined Nakura would tell her. She envied girls that had a strong bond with their mothers. The ones that could tell their mother anything. She couldn't even discuss the simplest things, like school or dinner, let alone things of dire importance like this.
But it had been three weeks and she just couldn't take it anymore. She desperately wanted her mother to know. Her husband was the reason. The reason they could never be close. The reason she'd moved out as soon as she could. The reason she couldn't bare to be there a minute longer. Maybe if she knew, things could finally change.
'Nakura would support me.' She thought to herself. 'He'd be there no matter what.' Tamina summed up her courage. "Mom..." Her voice came weaker than she meant it to.
"Yes dear?" Her mother asked in a flat tone.
"I have to tell you something."
" What is it?" Her mother remained unchanged. She didn't even look up from the vegetables she prepared.
"It's about Toshiro..." Tamina started. Her mother's actions were halted. Her knife stopped mid-slice. Tamina felt the tension sky rocket, so she tried to go on quickly. "It started when I was younger. He always made me feel uncomfortable... As soon as I turned eighteen things started to become even more inappropriate. That's why I moved out so suddenly..." She confessed. Her mother still didn't say anything. She felt like she had to go on. " But since I've come home things have just gotten wors-"
"Enough" Her mother said coldly.
Tamina fell silent. She understood it was a lot to take in. Perhaps she shouldn't have blurted it all out at once.
"Does anyone else know?" Her mother asked.
"No." Tamina half lied. Only Nakura knew of her struggles, and he lived in another district.
"Good. Don't talk about this again." Her mother told her.
Tamina felt a sinking feeling. "What do you mean?"
"You can't just go around making accusations like that, Tamina." Her mother began to scold her. "If someone at Toshiro's firm heard something like that his career could be over!"
Tamina couldn't believe what she was hearing. She'd just made the confession she'd wanted to make since she was a young, vulnerable girl. She'd done it a hundred times in her head. But here the moment was, and her mother's greatest concern was this man's job and reputation. "I-" She started, but stumbled over her words.
"I know!" Her mother interrupted again. "I know you've struggled since your father passed and I know you've never liked Toshiro, but you never gave him a chance! And he's done more for us than you know! We could have ended up on the streets without him! Now whatever you think happened between you and him, I assure you it's simply in your imagination or a misunderstanding."
Did her mother really think she'd misunderstand such a thing. Should she explain his advances? Every inappropriate comment? The touching? 'No', she thought. 'She wouldn't understand.' She had made it clear that she simply couldn't understand. All Tamina found herself saying was "I'm sorry." as she continued chopping.
Tamina shut the door to her room and quickly locked herself in. She was having some serious trouble coming to terms with the outcome of their conversation. Had her mother really just brushed off everything? Was she so desperate to uphold her husband's honor and reputation that she didn't trust her own daughter? Tamina tried to understand. She struggled in the effort. Why didn't she believe her? And if she did? That prospect was even worse. Was her mother really willing to forgo that?
Her head was racing. The room was spinning. She didn't know what else to do. Her stepfather would be home soon. Dinner would be ready and her mother would call her down to join them. She'd be forced to sit across from this man while he bragged about his day. Her mother would go on about hers. And she'd have to find some way to remain civil. She'd have to remain silent while internally she was screaming. While internally she was dying. How could she accept that?
Unsure of what else to do, she pulled her phone from her pocket. She called the only number she could think of. She brought the phone to her ear as it dialed out.
"Hey." Nakura answered after a few rings.
"I can't stay here." Tamina told him in a choked voice, fighting tears.
"What happened?" He asked in concern.
"I just can't take it anymore. You're the only one I trust Nakura… Please help me..." She confessed to him.
"Can you get outside?" He asked suddenly.
"What?" She questioned.
"Can you get outside unnoticed?" He asked.
She blinked through tears and looked around. "I think I could...Why?"
"I'll send a car for you." He told her.
She was silent, contemplating. "Just...leave?" She asked in a pitiful voice.
"Yes, Mina. Just leave. You're an adult, you can do that." He assured her.
"I have no where to-" She started.
"Come to my place." He interrupted her.
She was considering. Every lesson in her childhood screamed that she shouldn't. Run away from home? Well she could. She was a twenty year old woman. But to meet a man she'd met online? 'What the hell..' she thought. What else did she have to lose at this point?
"Text me the address." Was all he said before he hung up. It wasn't like him to be that short with her, but she didn't linger on that.
Tamina weighed the options yet again. Stay here and continue this farce indefinitely, or take a chance and run away with the man she thought could really love her. All of her.
Before she could have second thoughts, she tapped away at the screen, texting him the address of a park nearby. She grabbed her pink duffle bag she used to use for her gym clothes and quickly rummaged through her drawers, grabbing shirts, skirts and anything else she might need. Her heart was racing. She couldn't believe she was actually doing this. She shoved her laptop and phone charger inside and zipped the bag up, tossing it over her shoulder.
As quietly as she could, she opened her door and made her way down the hallway. Descending the stairs was nerve wracking. Every noise they made seemed to be amplified a hundredfold. She could see her mother's shadow cast from the kitchen, ideally stirring the contents of the pot on the stove. When she reached the bottom of the stairs she bolted for the door as quickly and quietly as possible. She pulled on her shoes and slipped out the door, immediately ducking around the corner of the house. She leaned against the building taking in a hard breath. 'Well,' she thought to herself. 'I guess this is really happening…'
Tamina recognized the car that arrived at the park she'd designated. It was a local taxi business. One she'd seen often in the city. That gave her some comfort as she got inside. At least it wasn't an unmarked van with tinted windows or something. The driver didn't ask the destination. Just began driving as soon as she was ready.
They only drove about 20 minutes. The cab stopped outside of an impressive apartment building. "This is it?" Tamina asked. She wasn't sure exactly where she was, but she knew she was in Shinjuku.
"This is the address, yeah." The cab driver replied.
Tamina nodded and began to go through her bag for her wallet. "How much do I owe you?" She asked.
"There's no charge." He let her know. "It's already been paid."
Nakura had not only sent a cab for her at a moment's notice, but he'd taken care of the bill. Tamina wondered how much more amazing this man could get. As if on cue, she noticed a light inside her bag. She pulled her phone out and opened the text. It contained a floor and room number from Nakura. She felt the heat in her face but she tried to compose herself. This was really happening. They were finally meeting. To say she was overwhelmed was an understatement, but she mustered the courage to get out of the cab. "Thank you." She told the cab driver as she climbed out with her bag.
She climbed the stairs and walked in when the glass doors opened automatically. She scanned the board next to the elevator for the number Nakura had texted. When she found it, she pressed the button. She was mildly startled when the elevator buzzed, but she shook it off and stepped inside.
When she stood outside the room, she found herself hesitating. What if he wasn't everything she imagined? What if he was a total creep? Or an old man? Or just a pervert? She didn't think she could take any more heartbreak today. In truth, everything was hanging on Nakura being the person she needed him to be. She extended her hand to knock, but the door swung open before she could. The man on the other side had black hair and dark eyes. He was much taller than her and wore the most inviting smile. It was a face she'd desperately hoped for. "Good evening." He greeted her in the smooth voice she'd come to know.
She couldn't contain herself. Overwhelmed with emotion, she immediately closed the space between them. Their bodies collided and she threw her hands around him. He stiffened for a moment, but soon softened and wrapped his arms around her in return, giving her the comforting hug she desperately needed. With her head against his chest she couldn't see the wicked smile that consumed his face.
After their initial meeting, he invited her inside and asked if she wanted a drink.
"Alcohol" was all Tamina replied as she removed her shoes and began to explore his impressive apartment. Nakura laughed and excused himself to get her a drink presumably.
'Is this guy for real?' was all Tamina could think as she entered the living space of his 'humble' abode. His library was like nothing she'd ever seen in person. Could he really have read all of these books? His computer setup was quite impressive too. He'd never mentioned being well off before so all of this was quite surprising. Here she was expecting a modest, one room apartment. Instead, she found a spacious, beautiful home with amazing decor. She put her bag down on his large leather couch and padded to the window to get a look at the view. It nearly took her breath away.
"You're prettier than your picture." She heard him say from behind. She turned to find him holding two generously filled wine glasses. He offered one which she gladly accepted. "If I remember correctly, your favorite wine was… Pinot Noir?"
Tamina couldn't fight the smile on her face. "You're a saint." She told him.
With that a smile overtook his face once again. But damn, was his face beautiful to her… "If only you knew…" He replied.
They came to sit on his couch, nursing their wine while they talked. She explained the events that had occurred at home and how they'd ultimately brought her here. Nakura let her vent, at some point consuming enough wine to boldly snake his arm over her shoulder on the back of the couch. Tamina noticed but didn't shy away. She welcomed the touch. All of her fears about him had melted away. Surely the wine lubricated the situation, but she didn't care. Any reservations she'd had earlier were gone.
"So why did you call me?" Nakura finally asked.
Tamina finished her second generous glass of wine and placed the glass on the coffee table in front of her. "Because if I didn't I probably would have jumped off a building or something."
"Do you really mean that?"
She nodded slowly. "I was thinking crazy. I was so hurt. I felt like I was just this tiny push away from doing something desperate." When she looked at him she thought for a split second she saw his face shift from a smirk to a more understanding look. She had no idea why he would be smirking at something like that, so she dismissed the thought. 'I need to slow down.' She thought, seeing just how much wine they'd both consumed when she noticed the nearly empty bottle on the table.
"I have a confession." He said suddenly, having her attention at once. Tamina waited anxiously for him to speak. "My name isn't Nakura." He admitted.
"Oh." Tamina said in relief. "That's okay. What is it then?"
"I'm Izaya Orihara."
"My name is Tamina Takeda." She followed his more proper introduction.
"Tamina Takeda." He repeated with a grin. "Doesn't that just roll off the tongue."
She shrugged, smiling herself. By now the liquor ran rampant through her system. Her eyes shifted to the man on the couch next to her. He was much closer than she'd realized. He didn't seem to notice her watching while he finished his drink. She wasn't sure what he planned to say or do next, but the warmth spreading through her body reminded her of what she was beginning to want.
Izaya swallowed the last of his wine and toasted the empty glass. He withdrew his arm to lean forward and place his glass on the table in front of them. When he reclined back he gave a big stretch, then snaked his arm around her shoulder again. He stiffened momentarily when she responded, leaning into him. Her face came close to his and she softly asked. "Can I kiss you?"
He was just nearly unnerved. Nearly... But an amused look consumed his face. "Why not?" Was all he said in response.
But that was all the invitation she needed to lean forward and close the distance between their lips. He followed her lead, allowing her to dictate the speed and intensity of the kiss. She started slow but once the initially nerves faded she became bolder. She looped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, insisting he kiss her more deeply. He complied, but still remained somewhat stiff. She wondered if he was uninterested or just trying to be a gentleman. She hoped for the later, as she decided to push even further to find out. She pressed more, sliding a leg across his lap. She noticed his brow grow tight. He was definitely contemplating when she came to straddle across his lap. Her skirt was high on her thighs and she could tell with certainty now that he was interested. He broke from the kiss, looking down at her legs spread across his lap. He let out a low noise, something of a defeated groan. "Alright, alright." He blurted, as if finally settling some sort of internal argument.
Tamina was about to question him when he suddenly slid his hands behind her legs. She stifled a gasp when he quickly and effortlessly stood up off the couch. He guided her legs to lock around his waist and he began to leave the space, easily navigating around the furniture. "What are you doing?" She asked, laughter in her voice.
"I'm not sure myself." He admitted, beginning to ascend the stairs to the next level. "But I guess taking you to bed is the simplest way to put it."
Tamina's face was hot and red. She rested her head against his shoulder watching the rooms and hall pass in reverse. When they got to his room he kicked the door shut behind him. He brought them to his bed and collapsed on top of her. That's when everything became even more heated. He kissed her now. He kissed her hard. Now she was the one struggling to keep up with his insistent pace. Whatever he had been contemplating before seemed to have finally gone out the window. Not that Tamina had any protests. Her breaths escaped her as he kissed and sucked on the side of her neck. She was so turned on, she didn't care about the marks he was surely leaving. She didn't know if this was right. She wasn't sure if it was the heat of the moment or the alcohol, but regardless, she had no intentions of stopping. When he broke away from her to remove his shirt, she did the same. In a split second he was on top of her again, his mouth on her collar bone. He reached behind her to unclasp her bra and pull it off. He rested all of his weight on her hips and she hugged him with her legs. She gasped as she felt his groin pressed against the thin fabric between her thighs. She couldn't take it anymore. She reached down and started unbuttoning and zipping his pants.
She heard him breathe a laugh. "Are you sure about that?" He asked.
Tamina just nodded vigorously, leaning up to try and catch his lips again.
He kissed her briefly, but pulled back and pressed closed to her ear. " Damn, you want it that bad?" He asked as he started roughly sucking on the side of her neck again.
Tamina whined this time. "mmHM..!"
His voice came in a growl now next to her ear. "Say please." He demanded.
"Please..." She begged him.
He groaned and laughed pulling back to jerk his pants down the rest of the way. She sucked in a surprised breath when he grabbed her panties and pulled them to one side without bothering to take off her skirt. He wasted no more time, pressing into her. She gasped when his hips slammed into hers. He wasn't shy, groaning loudly as he moved his hips into hers time and time again. This was by far the most erotic moment of her life. It wasn't long before her modest whines grew to moans. The volume of which were beginning to escape her. And he was loving it. In fact, he was encouraging it, mercilessly rocking his hips into hers while he left his little marks all over her neck. His pace was so fast and hard. She never imagined their sex would be so rough, but she didn't have any complaints at the moment.
It was like this for a while, Izaya didn't let up at all. Tamina's nails dug into his shoulders and back but that just seemed to entice him more. Finally he grabbed her legs tight and pressed deep into her hips, groaning hard against her. She gasped, caught off guard by his orgasm. She thought he'd at least give her a warning. She felt herself become unbearable tight in response and she cried out at the mercy of her body and it's primal pleasure. Her legs were shaky but he still held aggressively tight to her. Finally he exhaled deeply, releasing her from his grip and beginning to pull away. She protested when he did though, wrapping her arms around his neck. Her breaths were starting to come more easily as she recovered from their intense session.
"Fine." is all he said as he came to settle partially on top of her. She molded her body into his, sleep calling her. Izaya was thoroughly amuse by her exhaustion. To think, he'd gone easy on her. When sleep took her right away he shook his head. "Silly humans."
Author Notes: That's it for now. If you know Izaya, you're probably aware this is -not- going to end very well. What a douche…
See you next time!
Reviews + Favorites much appreciated!