It was a warm sunny day, at the beginning of the school year. Ozpin was with his new history and science teacher, Winston. The new class was in the courtyard, as both Headmaster and Teacher wanted to share a very important story. Ozpin and Winston both turned away from the new statue in front of them, and sighed. The headmaster took a deep breath as he faced his students, his eyes meeting every other pair in the room. He spoke with a certain tone in his voice, one the new students couldn't quite place, all they new is... it was enthralling. Looking about, other teachers had opened their classroom windows, and the class could be seen, listening even in the distance. "Thirty years ago... the Omnics declared war. Tired of being mankind's puppets, they started killing humans and faunus alike. This story, however, starts on an Island called Patch, 42 years ago. This is the story of Team RWBY, and how they ended the Omnic Crisis, and helped bring Overwatch together"


Ruby Rose, a little 5 year old ball of energy, was sitting on her bed. She was coloring a picture of her dad, her mom, and Yang. She looked over at Yang's bed, which was still a mess from when her older sister had gotten up to get breakfast. Yang suddenly burst into her room, making the little girl jump in fright. "Ruby! The new neighbors are here!" she said happily, picking up her little sister and carrying her to the living room. Ruby's silver orbs stared with wonder as she watched the new family moving into their new constructed home just a little ways from their own. It looked like a bit funny to Ruby, due to the fact that it was very very different from their own home. Her dad, Taiyang, picked up both girls and placed them on his shoulders so they could see better.

"You see that, girls? Those are our new neighbors!" Their dad said as he waved at the new family. A mother, a father, and two brothers, who looked not much older than Yang and Ruby. "They are from Japan. They are the Shimada family. Those boys there? Their names are Genji and Hanzo. Hanzo is the older one. They seem very nice, but they are very tired from their travels. I'll introduce you girls another time though, okay? Who wants lunch?" Ruby cheered happily as her dad put them both down, and headed toward the kitchen. Ruby toddled after him, but Yang was staring intently at the younger boy. There was something odd about him, something different. She wasn't sure what it was though. "Genji..." She muttered to herself before jerking back to earth and walking off to the kitchen.

A few days later, Ruby and Yang were having breakfast with Taiyang. Ruby was yammering about her teddy bear, Mister Cookie, through a mouthful of Pumpkin Pete's. Her dad laughed and listened intently, while Yang stared into oblivion, thinking about the stories she had been reading to Ruby lately. She jumped when the doorbell rang, Taiyang standing up and going to answer the door. Ruby huffed "Daaaaad I was telling you a storyyyyyyy!" A moment later, their dad returned with the two boys. "Girls, they wanted to introduce themselves, since they hadn't gotten the chance yet." He explained. Genji smiled wide, bowing formally to the girls. "Greetings! I am Genji! It is a pleasure to meet you!" He shook each girls hand in turn. Ruby smiled happily "I'm Ruby! Nice to meet you!" Yang nodded, smiling as well. "I'm Yang!" They both turned to Hanzo, who stuck his hand out stiffly. "Hanzo." he said curtly. The girls raised an eyebrow, and Genji piped up: "You'll have to excuse him. He's a grump." He chuckled a bit, and Hanzo punched his younger brother in the arm. "You are a fool Genji! Stop being childish!" Genji rolled his eyes. "Brother, I am 9. you are 12. We are both still children. Grump." he added, flicking his brother's nose. He smiled at the two girls, and pushed his brother towards the door, waving at Taiyang. "Thank you for letting us in, Mister Xiao Long! We'll see you guys again soon!" He pushed a very angry looking Hanzo out the door, closing it behind him. Yang looked back and forth between her dad and her sister, both of whom erupted in a fit of laughter. Yang raised an eyebrow.

"Am I the only one who thought they were weird?"