I'm addicted to Supercorp, KarLena, whatever you want to call it. I ship Kara and Lena together so much!

Also, started watching Smallville so this is probably going to connect to that version of the Super Lore more than the movies and comics.


Wind blows, slight and warm against her flesh. The salty scent of the ocean permeates her senses. She watches as water press against the sand gently as though it's apologizing for the intrusion.

Sky and water meet in the middle, their shades separated by only a few tints, contrasting the sand well.

It all seems so endless, the water, the sky, and the sand. It's quiet, save for the sounds of the waves pushing through. Her feet take her toward the edge of beach. She stops before her boots reach the water, turning so she may walk along the shore.

There's nothing but emptiness for her this summer.

Not that previous summers before were all too exciting. It was of course, repetitive and dull. Nights were filled with galas located in different museums. Days spent rejecting invitations to shop at the most decorated boutiques. And there were obligatory trips to distant countries, only to repeat the cycle once more. But at least she was located within civilization.

Now though, she finds herself surrounded by this vast space and no way of knowing how to fill it. Much like the void within her, she supposes.

A voice breaks through her musings. She looks toward the source of the sound, knowing it didn't come from the beach house. They wouldn't dare yell so uncouthly. She sees figures on the other end of the beach and decides to see what the commotion is about.

She finds a blonde headed figure, whose back is turned toward her, surrounded by three brunette boys who are, judging by their height, around the same age.

"Please leave me alone." the blonde, a girl she supposes by sound of her voice, implores. "I have no quarrel with you." judging from her accent it's clear she's not from around here and the way the boys snicker let's her know that's probably the reason why they have her surrounded.

They begin to circle the blonde girl like vultures circling a carcass they're about to scavenge.

These small town people really don't take kindly to strangers. She knows this because they all looked at her with such distrust when she first rolled through town just a few days ago.

"What are you going do if we don't?" one of the boys speaks out, the ringleader of these miscreants perhaps.

"I do not want to hurt you." her hands shake as she balls them to a fist.

"I suggest you do as she asks." Lena finds herself saying and while she normally doesn't like to play the hero, she makes an exception for this obvious case of hick like behavior.

"Or else what?" the ringleader of the imbecilic trio smirks her way.

"Or else I'll have you all arrested." they look at her with a dumb expression on their faces. "This is private property." this part of the beach belongs to her family. "My property." technically Lionel's property but since he isn't there to assert his authority, the closest family member should be able to.

"Your property?" he questions disbelievingly.

"Yes." she releases and exasperated sigh because really, the massive beach house, which can be seen even a mile down the road, should really have been a clue. "And you're trespassing."

"You don't own this place." the owners never come through and she supposes it's common knowledge in town.

"Perhaps we should call the Sheriff so we can find out." she dares.

It seems odd to own a piece of natural beauty. She's used to being inside gargantuan skyscrapers, all metal and drywall, hard, angular, and cold. But regardless, Lionel holds the deed that declares ownership of the beach.

"My dad's the sheriff." the boy raises his chin in defiance.

"Well I'm sure the mayor would love to know that the Sheriff's son has invaded the space of the biggest contributor to his campaign." she crosses her arms and holds her stance.

The boys all look at each other before their brows crinkle in annoyance. They look at the girl then back at each other as they weigh their options. Though they aren't the only ones. Lena stands tall, readying herself in case this turns out to be a brawl. She's never intended to defend anyone before, but something about the girl just sounds so helpless and small. It stirs something within her, an instinct she never knew she possessed.

"This isn't over." the ringleader remarks as he begins to back away, his cronies following suit.

"Thank you." she'd been so busy eying the boy down that she failed to see the girl had turned to face her. She gazes upon the blonde girl and finds herself thanking whatever deity she can for her good karma. The girl, probably a year or two younger than herself, is pretty cute and doesn't seem to be much younger. Blonde hair in natural loose curls, framing her oval face, skin tanner than her own with pretty pink lips. "Good bye." she scurries rushing to get away.

"Wait," Lena calls out to the blonde and the girl slows her movements, slowly turning to face her savior. "You don't have to go." her voice is gentle, a timbre she also never knew she possesses.

"But you said I am trespassing and I will be arrested?" the blonde questions, clearly confused.

"They were trespassing." Lena asserts.

"But I also entered your property without your permission."

"Now you have it."

"I apologize for my behavior." the blonde pauses. "I am," her brow crinkles, rather adorably Lena notes, as she racks her mind for the proper term. "New here." she doesn't like lying but knows it's necessary so she sticks as close to the truth as possible. "And I do not quite understand how things work." the edge in her tone is slight but Lena's ears have been trained to recognizes these controlled frustrations.

"Where are you from?" Lena supposes it can grant her knowledge regarding customs so she'll be able to relate with the stranger easier.

"Far away." the edge is still there but the dark haired girl is undeterred.

"Cryptic but cute." her tone is still gentle, warm and inviting. "I'm Lena." she holds her hand out to the blonde stranger who looks at in confusion. "In this side of the world we shake hands with people in order to assure them we mean them no harm." the explanation is being processed no doubt. "It's called a handshake." she withdraws her appendage, tilting her head.

"Oh." the girl pouts in apparent frustration.

"But you'd probably be more of a hugger." it's meant to be teasing but it's an earnest observation nonetheless.

"Hugger?" she questions, the word foreign on her tongue.

Lena normally hates crossing boundaries, violations of her personal space, but the girl just seems so lost and in need of some comfort. Before she can think rationally, she crosses the distance between them and her arms envelope around the shorter blonde.

The girl stills, only for a few seconds, before wrapping her arms around the kind stranger and melting into the embrace.

"We also hug where I am from." the blonde smiles against Lena's cheek, happy to encounter a custom she's familiar with. They break apart and she gazes upon Lena's face, noting her square jaw, creamy skin which contrasts her black hair perfectly, pausing when she reaches her eyes. The color is mesmerizing and yet another new thing she's encountered on Earth. "The color of the leafs yet lighter." the girl notes. "Your eyes," she whispers softly as though she's afraid to ruin this moment. "They are beautiful."

"So are yours." Blue yet unlike the sky or the ocean.

"But blue is such a common color where I come from." most of her family have share this color and this is the first time she's encountered someone with eyes the shade of the blades of grass. "If you do not mind my asking," she stares deep as though the answers to all the mysteries in the universe lay inside Lena's eyes. "What is the color called?" with everything that has been going on, she hadn't thought to ask the Danvers.


"Green." she repeats. "I think I have found another new thing I like today." it was the reason why she ventured out without her chaperone. She wants to explore the planet on her own. "Thank you."

"My pleasure."

"I apologize." she steps back, noticing their proximity, cursing herself for forgetting her manners. "I did not mean to touch you for so long." even on Krypton one mustn't touch another so freely without their permission. "I was just so entranced."

"It's alright." she really doesn't mind. "Touching is okay between friends." She finds herself saying.


"Yes." she smiles at the girl, freely. It's unexpected, perhaps even unprecedented, for her to make a friend while she's in exiled but as Kara beams with that hopeful smile, she finds she does not care. "Though it would be nice to know what my friend's name is." something about the blonde, her demeanor, her smile, and her eyes, perhaps a combination of it all just makes Lena feel at ease.

"My apologies!" she exclaims, cheeks reddening in embarrassment for forgetting proper social etiquette. "I am Kara."

"Well it is very nice to meet you Kara."

They share a smile, Kara's shy while hers is amused for the most part. Lena can't help but be taken by this apparent stranger.

"It is wonderful to meet you as well, Lena."

"Would you like to join me for a walk, Kara?" she receives an enthusiastic nod from the shorter girl. They walk side by side, matching each others pace, while they steal glances of each other. "How old are you?" Lena asks, wanting to know more about the enigmatic girl who just happened upon her beach.

"I am twelve of your years." Kara looks troubled for a second, eyes wide as she realizes she's said something in appropriate.

"It's fine." Lena brushes her statement off, regarding her way of speaking as a product of learning English as a second language. "I won't make fun of you Kara." she promises, looking straight into Kara's eyes as she does.

Kara grins then, accepting her declaration.

"Thank you." she isn't used to such kindness, one that's given explicitly and not out of obligation. "You are too kind." it causes warmth to spread throughout Kara's chest.

"Those are words I'd never thought I'd hear to describe me." Lena chuckles.

"Which words would you use to describe yourself then?" Kara questions as curiosity pours off her tone because she wants to know the girl who saved her from the bullies, her new and only friend on Earth.

"Disobedient, stubborn, callous, materialistic." she names a few things she's been called over the years.

"I would describe you differently."

"Oh?" they are practically strangers yet Kara is more than willing to assess the girl. "And what words would you use?" she asks, curious to know the impression she left on this bright babbling bubbly blonde.

"Beautiful, accommodating," Kara's brows furrow as she concentrates. "Heroic." the creases on her face fade as she stands, satisfied with her word choice.

She wants to warn Kara, to tell her not to be used to such treatment from her, but she finds herself unable because Kara's grin is so wide and infectious. Lena finds herself wondering where this apparently pure hearted innocent inquisitive creature could have been manufactured.

"Your English is pretty good." Lena compliments the foreigner who blushes, unaccustomed to hearing praises no doubt.

"I know the words, their meaning." it's the pronunciations she has to work on. "How to read and write." the learning matrix on the ship had helped but not being able to speak has hardened her tongue. "But speaking is difficult."

"Don't worry about it." Lena nudges her arm softly. "I have an accent too you know?" bright blue eyes peer at her. "I'm not from the States either." she confesses. "I'm from Ireland originally, moved here only a couple of years ago." Lena lets her accent through and judging from the look on Kara's face, she's captivated by the new discovery.

"Fascinating." Kara exhales.

"You'll be able to hide yours too one day." she comments knowingly, accent still on. "You just have to practice and if not, well I don't mind hearing you speak either way." Lena hopes it'll comfort her new friend.

"You even sound beautiful." she murmurs in utter awe. "Why would you rid yourself of it?"

"My family thought it'd be better if I sounded like them." Lionel had hired her the best dialect coaches in hopes of making her sound more American. "To present a united front." Lionel would say much to her annoyance.

"I happen to like hearing you speak in your local cadence."

"Hmm." few people pique her interest but sweet and intelligent Kara is an exception. The girl is clearly intelligent and witty without sounding pompous. "I'll keep that in mind." she remarks, slipping her American accent back in place much to Kara's disappointment. Lionel would berate her for this but she could not care less. "I have been told the Irish accent is kind of sexy."

"Sexy?" it's not common vernacular so Lena isn't surprised Kara hasn't come upon it.

"Appealing." surprisingly, she doesn't mind being Kara's thesaurus.

"Oh." her cheeks redden, much to Lena's amusement. "I suppose it is very appealing." Kara concurs shyly.

"Glad you think so."

Kara pauses, eyes turned toward the setting sun. Lena takes the hint and stands beside the shorter blonde, watching as day makes way for night.

"I am afraid I must take my leave." Kara faces the taller girl, pouting slightly. She wishes to stay but she knows the Danvers would only worry. "Thank you again for today Lena." she steps closer to her new friend. "Not just for saving me from those boys but for the explanations and for talking to me like a regular person." because Lena had taken the time to speak to her as an equal and not a subject to be taught. "Forgive me if I overstep," she fidgets. "But I do hope to see you again."

"You're free to come here whenever you please." she makes a mental note to advise the staff to let the honey blonde girl pass through with unfettered access through the grounds.

She also reminds herself to ask the staff to not inform Lionel of the existence of her new friend.

"May I come see you tomorrow, around the same time?"

"Of course." she answers sincerely before wrapping her arms around Kara, enveloping her in a hug once more, squeezing her tight before releasing her hold on the shy blonde. "I'll see you tomorrow Kara."

She watches as the blonde scampers off, practically skipping as she makes her way through the beach. Lena laughs when Kara looks back and enthusiastically waves her goodbye. Suddenly her summer doesn't seem like it's going to be such a drag after all.


To be honest, I only got through 5 episodes of Season 1. But when I heard Katie Mcgrath was going to be on the second season I started watching just from season two onward. So if things aren't show accurate, I'm admitting to just having made this stuff up or looked it up on wiki.

Absolutely loved Katie in Merlin and have vowed to watch whatever she's in.

Also does anyone else think Alex might date someone else, maybe Lena? Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Maggie, I just think Alex and Lena is a more complicated love story. Aside from the baby gay factor, there's also Cadmus, and Lena's shadiness.

Besides, I figure Lena deserves to date at least one Danvers. Kara and her are never going to happen on the show sadly….

Really hope they at least bump Katie to a season regular though!