Sakura walked along the path that led to the garden with a basket filled with lunch in her arm. Lately, walking has become rather difficult for her to the baby bump that started protruding from her belly. She didn't complain though, that feeling of a baby growing inside gave her the happiest feeling she never anticipated. She can still remember the day she and Sasuke found out.
They were having breakfast outside as the sun peeked over the trees, casting it' morning glow all over the forest. This was her favorite part of the morning where the two of them could watch the sunrise everyday.
This feeling of freedom and love was something she never expected to have with Sasuke. Everyday he would teach her something about the forest and show her how to care for it. They found out that Sakura had an affinity with herbs and other medicinal plants. Sakura's love for learning sparked a love for medical knowledge which then led to hours of read his Mother's books to learn how to heal someone.
Sakura leaned into Sasuke who put his arm around her in response. Each day was an adventure for them, neither of them ever tire or got bored. Sasuke has a knack for finding new ways to pleasure Sakura, and each of them left them exhausted. Well, mosty Sakura.
Sakura sighed as the morning light touched them. They were in their robes again as routine would have it after a night of passionate love making. Though lately, Sakura's been feeling different, she got sick for a couple days, which halted their nightly activities for the sake of her health.
"You feeling okay?" Sasuke asked, his hand coming to her forehead to feel her temperature.
Sakura smiled, taking his hand off her forehead and lacing their fingers together, "I'm alright Sasuke, it was just a flu." she assured him, not wanting him to worry about her.
Sasuke, however, wasn't buying it. Staring at his beloved, he caught telltale signs of fatigue and drowsiness from her, along with an increase in appetite for strange foods. Plus, there's the stomach sickness that seems to love intruding on their morning routine. Yet, despite all that, Sakura has become more beautiful to him than ever before. Her skin has a new glow and her breasts...oh how they've grown.
"Sasuke?" Sakura called his name when his staring became too much.
Sasuke looked down at her breasts, noting how big they've gotten lately after nights of love making. When Sakura saw where his eyes were directed, she blushed and pulled her robe tighter around herself, "Sasuke, you're such a perv." Sakura said, blushing and glaring at Sasuke who smirked at her in response.
Sasuke's smirk vanished quickly when Sakura suddenly winced in pain and cradled her breasts, "Sakura, what's wrong?" he asked, his hands holding her shoulder as Sakura breathed out slowly, her pain ebbing away slightly.
"I'm fine, my boobs have gotten rather sore lately." Sakura said, smiling at Sasuke, though her face still held hints of pain.
Sasuke eyes widened when he remembered something while reading his Mother's medical books, "Sakura, when was the last time you bled?" he asked, his mind going through the list of symptoms Sakura has that could only mean the one thing he's been hoping for for a long time.
Sakura's eyes widened, "Um, I was supposed to start again two weeks ago." she answered before Sasuke laid her down on the couch, "Sasuke?" she asked in surprise for the sudden movement.
Sasuke opened up her robe, revealing her naked body, but Sakura kept the top part of the robe covering her breasts, leaving her lower half exposed, "What's gotten into you?" Sakura questioned him, not sure what to make of this sudden behavior.
Sasuke didn't answer, he placed his hand on Sakura's abdomen and concentrated on that area. After a few moments, Sasuke opened his eyes, a smile slowly gracing his features, "Sakura, you're pregnant."
Sakura's eyes widened in shock, "What?" she exclaimed, sitting up to level with Sasuke who kept smiling, "There's a baby growing inside you. We're going to have a family." he said, rubbing her belly, more specifically, where their child is.
Sakura's eyes filled with tears at the overwhelming joy that welled up within her as she placed her hand over Sasuke's, "We're having a baby." she said, laughing as tears of happiness fell down her cheek.
Sasuke wrapped his arms around her to bring her closer, his lips kissing her tears away before kissing her on the forehead then on the lips. Sakura kissed him back, with all the joy she has as she hugged him.
"By the way, do you need me to massage your boobs to make them feel better?" Sasuke said with a perverted smirk as Sakura blushed and playfully smacked his arm.
Sakura blushed at the memory, her smile beaming as she thought of her pregnancy and how much time has passed since they found out.
When she passed through the garden entrance, she passed by the flowers as she made her way to the cherry blossom tree entrance. Ever since that day, she's been coming down to the hibernation chamber to check up on her lover's family to tell them about her day and how she and Sasuke have been doing. Lately, these visits were spent talking about her upcoming delivery and the fears she has with motherhood. Sasuke would come down with her to spend time with his family before they went home together.
Reaching the chamber, she saw Sasuke sitting in front of the three cocoons at the center, where his Father, Mother and brother were resting. He looked up when Sakura came by his side before she slowly sat down beside him with the basket close to them.
"Hi." Sakura greeted as she leaned in for a kiss as Sasuke wrapped an arm around her. He gave her a loving kiss, his other hand touching her pregnant belly, never getting tired of feel their baby moving around in there.
"Good day?" Sakura asked when they released the kiss. Sasuke rubbed her shoulder, "It is now." he responded, making Sakura giggle before she gave him a chaste kiss again before turning her attention to the cocoons before them.
"How are they today?" Sakura asked, leaning against Sasuke who grabbed a bento box from the basket.
"I felt some more pulsations today, but so far, nothing else." Sasuke said as he opened the lid and took out the chopsticks to pick up a roll before lifting it to Sakura's mouth. Sakura ate the roll as Sasuke took a bite from the next one, reveling in the tasty food Sakura prepared.
Sakura swallowed her food, "At least it's something." she said with her hand resting on her bump. "Yeah, something." Sasuke said as he picked up another roll.
Suddenly, the ground beneath them started to shake, making Sasuke drop his food before he bolted to his feet, helping Sakura up and holding her close as they both watched everything around them tremble.
"What's happening?" Sakura exclaimed, terrified as the ground and the cocoons began to glow a greenish-blue color. She clung to Sasuke as they stepped away from the three cocoons that started pulsating and glowing, showing the silhouette of the person in side as the light continues blinking.
Sasuke's eyes widened when he felt their chakra signatures pulsate, his keen eyes catching small movement of their fingers. The tremors subsided, but the glowing flickering lights did not. Sakura stared at the glowing pods in bewilderment before turning back to Sasuke, "Sasuke?"
Sasuke kept a firm protective hold on her as he stared at the three cocoons with wide eyes as the bodies inside began to shift around. "Sasuke...are they...waking up?" Sakura asked, her heart racing as she watched with Sasuke, hoping against all odds for them to wake up for Sasuke's sake.
Sasuke was silent as one of them laid their hand on the surface inside the cocoon before their fingers dug into the material until they broke through. Sakura broke away from Sasuke to help the person out of his cocoon. Once she was in close proximity, her hand grasped the slime covered fingers before she pulled. Sasuke appeared beside her as the other hand, which he took as well, broke through. A moment later, the person gasped as their head poked out, long black hair sticking to their faces a they were completely pulled out of the cocoon.
Sasuke's eyes widened, "Mom." he said as he and Sakura lowered the woman to a kneeling position as she took deep breaths to regulate her breathing.
Sakura's eyes bulged out of her head at the striking resemblance between Mikoto and Sasuke, there was no doubt in her mind that this is Sasuke's Mother. The raven black hair, the onyx colored eyes, everything. It was like looking at a female version of Sasuke.
Mikoto raised her head once her breathing was evened out, she turned to her left to see familiar eyes staring at her. Blinking a few times to clear her vision, she gasped, "Sasuke?" she exclaimed in surprise, her baby boy grew up before her very eyes.
Sasuke smiled, eyes shining with tears, "Hi Mom." he said, unable to believe his eyes as his Mother raised a hand to face, her fingers brushing against his cheek. Tears shone in her eyes before she hugged him with all her might, "My baby boy. I am so sorry for taking so long." she cried, feeling awful for leaving her son and missing his years.
Sasuke looked uncomfortable when he noticed something, "Um, Mom. Not that I don't like being hugged by you, but..." he said, averting his eyes to the side, blushing as he held her at arms length from himself, "...please put on some clothes."
Mikoto looked down at herself and realized her bare naked self covered in mucus from the cocoon. "Oh!" Mikoto blushed as she tried covering herself as best as she could with her hands.
"Will this help?" Mikoto looked behind her to see a beautiful young woman with pink hair and green eyes holding out a blanket for her.
Mikoto took it from her and quickly covered herself, "Thank you." Mikoto smiled at the young woman who returned her smile, "No worries, I carry the blanket with me for these chilly days. By the way, I'm Sakura." she introduced herself as Mikoto took in her appearance, her eyes widened upon seeing Sakura's pregnant belly.
"Are you Sasuke's mate?" Mikoto asked, watching Sakura blush and fidget a little under her Mother-in-law's gaze.
Mikoto laughed, "Congratulations. Oh, you look so beautiful." she exclaimed, happy her son found someone and got busy if the baby bump was any indication, "And I'm a Grandmother." she said, tearfully happy as she laid her hand on Sakura's belly.
Sakura laughed along with Mikoto until Sasuke cleared his throat, drawing their attention back to him, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but everyone will be waking up soon, and I don't want Sakura to be surrounded by naked unmated men." he said, indicating to the stirring bodies waking up in their cocoons.
"Right, no one wants that. Let's run away my new daughter for I must shower." Mikoto said with a smile as she linked arms with Sakura who laughed with the woman who led her out of the chamber to do as intended and get regular clothes.
Back at Sasuke's and Sakura's abode, Sakura made tea as her Mother-in-law got dressed after a nice shower. A sigh brought Sakura's attention to the hallway opening as she set out the tea cups. "It feels so much better now that my aches and sores are gone after sleeping in those uncomfortable cocoons for so long." Mikoto said, sighing in relief the shower brought her as she stepped into the living area to join Sakura.
Sakura poured the tea for Mikoto who sat down across from her, "How far along are you?" Mikoto asked as she held the tea Sakura offered her.
"About five months." Sakura answered, rubbing her belly, "To be honest, I'm still scared." she admitted, looking down at her cup of tea.
Mikoto gave her an understanding look, "I've been there. First time is always the scariest. But the minute you hold that child in your arms, all that fear goes away." Mikoto said reassuredly as she took a sip from her cup. "I speak from experience, so you're not alone." Sakura smiled at Mikoto's comfort, this kind of bonding experience for them is just so refreshing and felt wonderful talking to another woman.
"How is Sasuke? Has he been treating you right?" Mikoto asked in concern, having had personal experience in that kind of situation with Fugaku.
"We had a rocky start, but he worked hard toward earning my forgiveness and love. So we're okay now." Sakura said, smiling as she rubbed her belly, the result of that forgiveness.
Mikoto nodded, "Good. What Uchihas lack in controlling their impulsiveness when consummating with their mates, they make up for it by treating us like Goddesses...the sexual kind." Mikoto winked, causing Sakura to blush as she tried to hide it by drinking her tea.
Mikoto laughed under her breath at Sakura's bashfulness before looking at her directly, "I heard you and Sasuke while I was asleep." she said, giving Sakura her ever pleasant smile, "You don't know how happy that made me being able to hear my son's voice as well as yours. Whenever you talked about your pregnancy, I knew I had to wake up soon to see the birth of my first Grandchild. So thank you for not giving up, your voice and presence gave us hope to finally wake up after so many years." Mikoto said, thankful for Sakura for visiting their families and giving their clan a second shot at life.
Sakura looked down, blushing at Mikoto's praise, "It was nothing really. To be honest, I wanted everyone to wake up so that Sasuke won't feel lonely anymore." Sakura said, having wished for Sasuke's family to rejoin the waking world to be with Sasuke again.
"He didn't look lonely when you were with him." Mikoto stated, "The fact that you stayed with him gave him the strength to keep going in our absence." Mikoto smiled as she reached for Sakura's hand, her thumb stroking her knuckles, "Sasuke's very lucky to have you."
Sakura nodded, loving the Motherly contact of Mikoto's hand, "Just as I'm lucky to have him."
"Good. If he ever becomes too much for you, let me know and I'll punish him." Mikoto said, making Sakura laugh at the protectiveness within her voice. "I'll keep that in mind Mikoto."
"Oh, none of that, call me Mother, we're family after all." Mikoto said, always wanting a daughter to call her 'Mom'.
"Okay, um, Mother. Sorry, I need to get used to that." Sakura said, scratching her head sheepishly.
"Don't worry, we've got time." Mikoto said as footsteps approached the door before said door opened to reveal Sasuke and two other men who looked like him.
Mikoto waved at them, "Hello Sasuke, Itachi, Fugaku." she said, happy to see them freshly showered from the other house as all three walked in with Itachi shutting the door behind them.
The oldest looking man walked over to where Mikoto sat as the latter stood up before he kissed her on the lips in greeting. "You weren't there." Fugaku said, slightly peeved to have woken up without his woman beside him.
Mikoto wrapped her arms around his shoulders, "My apologies, I didn't want to waste time getting to know our new daughter." she said, looking to Sakura who blushed at the attention before nodding her head, "I'm glad to finally meet you, sir." she said rather stiffly, the man seemed to hold a permanent intimidating expression.
Fugaku nodded, "Likewise." his eyes caught the sight of Sakura pregnancy before turning to Sasuke who stood beside his older brother, "Always knew you had it in you." he said with a hint of pride as Sasuke's cheeks blushed slightly at his Father's comment.
"Seriously?" Sasuke grumbled out, suddenly wishing the old man was still sleeping.
Itachi's hand fell on his shoulder, "Don't take it to hard, little brother. You found your mate before I did, so that's something." Itachi said as he slid his eyes to Sakura and added, "Plus, you have excellent taste. Good job."
Sakura blushed at his words before Sasuke came over to her and sat down beside her, kissing her in full view of his family as Mikoto 'awed' at them. Sakura's blush deepened at what he unashamedly did just now, but Sasuke paid no mind as he pecked her on the forehead.
"Now, I believe we have a lot of catching up to do." Sasuke said as his family took their seats at the table. The rest of that day was spent talking about the past and how they will improve and divide their work in managing the forest.
Four Months Later
Sakura stared at the little wonder in her arms that was just given to her. Those hours of labor were worth it as the tiny newborn yawned cutely. The previous fears she had about being a Mother vanished just as Mikoto said it would as feelings of pure happiness was literally in her hands.
Sasuke laid in bed with Sakura, his arms around both her and their child, "Beautiful." he said, completely immersed in their presence as they stared at their baby girl.
"Truly beyond anything we could've imagined." Sakura said, her eyes not leaving their bundle of joy, "What shall we name her?"
Sasuke hummed, "Sarada. It is both strong and beautiful." he said, believing it fit their daughter perfectly.
Sakura smiled, "Sarada." she repeated, loving the way it rolled off her tongue, "It's perfect." she said as little Sarada scrunched up her face before opening her eyes to greet her parents. Sakura couldn't stop the smile that came on her face as she recognized little onyx eyes staring back at her and Sasuke.
"Hello Sarada." Sakura cooed at the baby who responded by reaching her pudgy little fingers out in front of her curiously. Sasuke held his finger out to Sarada who gripped tightly in her tiny hands before giving them a smile and giggle. The new parents couldn't help laughing in response to her adorable actions.
The sound of the door opening and three familiar footsteps enter their home caught their attention. "It's them." Sakura confirmed before returning attention to Sarada, "There are so many people ready to meet you Sarada." she said to her as her in laws walked through the door, each of them taking in the beautiful sight of the couple and their infant snuggled together on the bed.
Mikoto's hand flew to her mouth to contain her squealing as she approach the three, "My Grandbaby." she said, trying to control any excited outburst that could startle the baby.
"Her name is Sarada." Sasuke said, introducing his daughter to his Mother.
"Sarada." Mikoto repeated, her heart melting when her Grandbaby turned her eyes to her. With barely contained excitement, she turned to her son and daughter-in-law, "May I hold her?"
Sakura gave no objections as she passed Sarada to Sasuke who brought her to Mikoto whose face held nothing but wonder and adoration as she held her Granddaughter in her arms for the first time.
"Hello Sarada, you've got your Papa's eyes and your Mama's smile. Oh, we're going to have so much fun." Mikoto fawned over Sarada as she told the little baby many things they will do together as Itachi and Fugaku came to her side to join in with this bonding experience.
Sakura leaned into Sasuke as they watched their family bond with Sarada, their hearts fluttering at the sound of Sarada's laughter.
"Thank you." Sakura whispered to Sasuke, feeling blissful with her family.
"For what?" Sasuke asked, turning to Sakura who looked up at him with tired yet happy eyes, "For bringing me home." she answered, not seeing the day they met as a cursed moment in her life since being with Sasuke brought her tremendous happiness.
Sasuke smiled as he kissed her forehead, "Thank you for being home." he said before giving her a chaste kiss. Sakura watched her family, basking in the overflowing love they bear for each other, happy to be spending eternity in the forest of magic and family.
I am proud to say that this is the end of the Forest series, and I am happy for all the views this story got. I may write another SasuSaku fic featuring one of them as vampires, but I'm afraid it's a long way away with my ADD constantly getting in the way.
Anyway, thank you to all who have followed this story and for dropping a review every now and then. As a final request from writer to reader, tell me what your favorite chapter(s) were throughout this story.
Thank you reading my story, I hope to come back with another SasuSaku Lemony fic for you soon.