So… I got this request from AinsleyWright

Hi, i just read The SOB broke my hand and wondered if you take request? I had this idea based off of the fic when you said Mama Bozer. I think that would be a fun fan fiction to read when Mac gets hurt and Bozer goes all mama bear on him.

I had a plan to make a chapter like that, but of course I'll write a separate fic since someone asked…

I asked her about if she had any preferences, but all she really asked was that Mac would have difficulty moving around… And that he should be in pain, not a massive amount of pain, but in pain…


"You need help with the door?" Bozer asked about ready to lift Mac out of the car.

"No, Bo…" Mac said as he opened the door himself. Then he grabbed a hold of the brace holding his leg still and maneuvered his leg out the door. His shoulders were tense as he started to push himself to a standing position.

"Steady there…" Bozer's hands were just a few inches away from Mac's chest. Ready to catch him if he was about to fall over. "Sure you don't want me to drive over to the Phoenix Foundation and get a wheelchair for you?"

"Yes, I'm sure…" Mac sighed as he adjusted his crutches. When he figured he was as comfortable as he would get, he stared down at Bozer. "But I need you to move so I can walk to the house…"

"How are your leg feeling?"

"Don't feel much at all…" Mac rolled his eyes, he recognized what Bozer was doing. He had kicked into Mama Bozer gear, and Mac would suffer the consequences. "Good ol' doctor shot me up with a good doze of something… "

It was a bit of a lie, his knee throbbed like crazy. But he wasn't about to let Bozer in on that information. Not before it was necessary.

"You should be taking it easy, Mac…"

"It's only 34 yards from here and to our couch… I can't take it much easier…"

"You want me to make you waffles?"

"Bozer…" Mac forced himself to stay calm, Bozer was just trying to take care of him… "Can you give me some room so that I can get to the house?"

Bozer stepped back and watched Mac struggle towards the front door. But he was by Mac's side in an instant when Mac hissed out in pain. One hand on Mac's back, the other one pressing up against his chest…

"Dude, are you alright?"

"Yeah… yeah…" Mac answered with a grimace on his face. "Just bumped into the root… Forgot it was there…"

"I can carry you the rest of the way…" Bozer offered.

"Think it's safer for me to just walk, thanks…" Mac cleared his throat and continued to struggle towards the entrance door.


As soon as Mac passed the doorsill, Bozer rushed past him and arranged the pillows on the couch.

"Come here, sit down…"

"I was on my way…" Mac breathed heavy as he balanced towards the furniture. "It was my plan all along…"

Bozer nodded. Then he pushed the table away from the couch, making room for MacGyver to get down on the couch.

Mac finally reached the couch, but froze as Bozer placed a hand on his back.

"What are you doing?"

"Thought you might need a little help to sit down…"

Mac looked at Bozer, debating how far past his personal space Bozer had pushed.

"Well, I don't…" he finally said, "But you can hold my crutches…"

Bozer nodded and held his hands out to take the crutches once Mac gave them to him.

"Sure you don't need…"

"Bozer, I'm good!" Mac basically growled as he started to lower himself onto the couch. "I've been on crutches before… Worse injuries than this too!"

Bozer cast a glance at Mac's stiff leg, the black brace locked straight. His lips quivered as his eyes flicked back and forth.


"Bozer, I'm fine…" Well, he would be… Eventually…

"But Mac…"

"I've had worse, doctor said I probably didn't need surgery…"

"He didn't see what happened!" Bozer almost screamed back. The image of how Mac's leg had folded sideways danced vividly in his mind.

"My leg only wobbled a bit… Probably stretched something… Nothing I can't handle…"

"Your leg was as straight as Neil Patrick Harris and John Barrowman combined…"

Mac rolled his eyes as he lifted the brace and his leg up on the couch. "Well, it wasn't dislocated… So all is good…"

"I'm pretty sure it was dislocated…" Bozer frowned, "Just popped back in before you could look at it…"



"It's been too long since I told you that you worry too much, hasn't it?"


"YOU WORRY TOO MUCH!" Mac announced, speaking every word slow and loud. Begging Bozer to understand that it made him a bit uncomfortable.

"But the sound it made!"

"I didn't hear anything…"

"It sounded like 300 people cracking their knuckles at once!" Bozer gestured wildly, "There is no way everything is as it should be inside that knee of yours!"

"Bozer, Jack can tell you that what happened back there was nothing compared to at least twelve of the missions we've had together… Relax, it's just a couple of weeks and I'll be up and running again…"

"Jack didn't see what I saw!" Bozer said, putting his hands to his sides.

Mac no longer could resist the urge to push Bozer. He leaned forward and shoved Bozer backwards. The only thing he accomplished was to make his own leg light up with pain, and he couldn't help the gasp escaping from his lips either. And of course Bozer noticed.

"Mac, you alright buddy?" his hand was resting on Mac's shoulder. Mac was doubled over, his hands folded around his swollen knee… His eyes were watering, and his air was caught in his chest.


It took a good minute before Mac moved. When he did, his cheeks were wet from silent tears, and pain was drawn across his young features.

"How can I help?"

Mac shook his head and dried his face on his shirtsleeve.

"Ice?" Bozer's head snapped towards the freezer. "You should probably put some ice on that…"

Before Mac had the chance to say or do anything, Bozer was fishing out a bag of frozen vegetables out of the freezer. The bag was marked with a big sharpie 'X', which in their household meant 'NOT-for-eating'. He beat the bag against the counter a few times, crushing the solid lumps of ice which had formed after a couple of times being re-frozen.

"Over or under?" he asked when he reached Mac on the couch.

Mac grimaced, and started lifting his leg by the brace. "Under…"

Bozer grabbed a hold of Mac's heel, as he placed the frozen bag under Mac's knee. Then he helped Mac lower the leg down on top of the cold peas.

"Thanks…" Mac whispered, his hands hovering near his knee.

"Think we have a few more dead pea-bags in the freezer…" Bozer prompted, "You want one on top too?"

"It's not necessary…"

"I'm getting you a second bag…" Bozer declared as he headed for the freezer again…

He crushed it up, and molded it over Mac's knee. The blond drew a sharp breath as the cold bag was placed over his swollen knee.

"Sorry, man…" Bozer whispered, nudging Mac's shoulder.

"I'm fine…" Mac bit out through gritted teeth, "But thanks…"

"You want anything to eat?"

Mac shrugged, "Not all that hungry…"

"Okay… I get that, you're in pain." Bozer drummed his fingers on the back of the couch, "You rest for a while, just tell me if you want me to put on a movie…"

Mac shook his head.

"Okay… But hey… No more parkour for you for a while… Okay?"

Mac smirked, "I can't walk… I think parkour is a little outside my reach at the moment…"

"Anything you need?"

Mac shrugged, sitting still with an injured leg was going to be a bore… But moving around felt like knives digging into his knee, even with the brace immobilizing his leg.

"A book?"

Bozer nodded. "Which book?"

"Any… Just pick one off the bookshelf…"

"Fiction or something tech-y?"

Mac shrugged, "Surprise me…"


Five minutes later Bozer returned, balancing five books.

"Here, choose…"

"Thanks man…"

Okay… So I'm thinking about making this a 2-3 chapter story (if not more).

Hope you enjoyed the story so far…

And thanks for the challenge!