Jumping off the school bus I waved to my friends as it passed me I smiled walking into my family's cafe Toretto's. I grin seeing my older sister Mia behind the counter "Hey Mi!" I shout jumping on to the counter and throwing my bag behind me.

"Rosalie how was school?" Mia asked wrapping her arms around me, Mia and Dom were my older siblings but they basically raised me since my parent died when I was still a baby. "Good I can't believe I'm graduating soon" I tell her with a big grin.

"And you'll be 18" Mia says with a smile I nod and look around "Where is everyone?" I ask looking for the gang "Dom's out back, Letty's out front and the guys are around" I smile seeing Letty walk through the door she was like my surrogate mom "Letty!" I call making her look at me with a grin "Hey!" she laughed pulling me to her "How was school baby?" she asked brushing my hair away from my face.

"Good, Jason keeps asking me out" I told her with a grimace "Dude won't leave me alone" Letty laughs and hip bumps me "Boy wants some of that Toretto goodness" I laugh and shake my head when she winks at me "Do your homework" I nod and watch as she walks back outside to her car.

Pulling my homework and pencil from my bag I sat at the counter and smiled when Mia placed a sandwich and coke next to me "Turkey sub with no icky mayo" she tells me with a teasing grin "Shut up" I say with my mouthful "Gorgeous" she laughs as I drink my coke.

I turn when I hear the door open and my eyes widen seeing a hot blonde guy walk in "Psst Mia" she looks up and smiles when I nod at the guy making his way over to the counter, He smiles at us when he gets near obviously looking to charm my sister. "That's Brian" she whispers to me.

"Tuna on white, no crust, right?" Mia asks "I don't know. How is it?" The man asks with a small smirk making Mia sigh "Every day, for the last three weeks, you've come here, asking how the tuna is. Now, it was crappy yesterday. It was crappy the day before and guess what? It hasn't changed" I snickered biting the top of my pen.

"I'll have the tuna" Brian says smiling at Mia "No crust?" she asks sarcastically with a smile "No crust" he agrees, Mia makes his sandwich and I watch as Brian stares at Dom in the back room.

Mia places the plate in front of Brian who almost shoves the whole thing in his mouth, Mia turns the book he had with him sighing when she saw it was a car magazine. All our heads shot up when we heard cars revving.

I smiled knowing exactly who was here I looked behind me to see the gang pulling up in their cars looking back down at my homework I sighed "Homework?" Brian asks looking at me I nodded "I'm graduating soon who the hell gives homework out a week before graduation" I vent making him and my sister laugh.

"Times are tough kiddo" Brian mutters eating his sandwich "Tell me about it" I groan sarcastically still biting my pen lid. "Sup guys" Mia says and I look up seeing the gang walking to us each muttering their own hello before rubbing my head as they walk past.

Vince sits next to Brian and knocks the ashtray into him and they have a dude stare down making me roll my eyes "Trying to concentrate here" I mutter still working on my homework Dom said if I graduate top of my class he'd buy me a car.

"Vince" Mia called but Vince was too busy staring Brian down "Vince" Mia called again louder , Vince turned to Mia "What?" he grunted as Mia looked at him "Can I get you anything?" She asks nicely.

Vince nods and looks at Mia "You look good" Brian's head quickly turns in Vince's direction and I can literally feel the testosterone in the air. Brian stands and puts some money on the counter "Thanks a lot, Mia. See you tomorrow. Good luck with your homework Kid" Brian says nodding at me.

"It's Rosalie" I call as he walks away leaving Vince looking pisses "Yo!" Vince shouts standing and walking out after Brian I turn in my chair ready for the fist to start flying "Try Fatburger from now on. Get yourself a double cheese with fries for $2.95, faggot" Vince shouts as Brain walks away.

"I like the tuna here" Brian taunts looking cool "Bullshit asshole. No one likes the tune here" Vince shouts at Brian, I watch as Vince follows Brian still shouting I couldn't hear what he's shouting "Men" I groan rolling my eyes as Letty winks at me.

I turn back in time to see Vince push Brian against his car who in turn punches Vince in the face knocking him to the ground. Vince and Brian start tackling and punching each other as we all stand to get a better look.

Mia walks back into the shop "Jesus Christ, Dom! Would you get out there? I'm sick of this shit" Mia shouts to Dom who doesn't move an inch "I'm not kidding Dom. Get out there!" Mia screams at our brother who finally stands up and looks outside coolly.

"What did you put in that sandwich?" Dom asks Mia with a smirk as she glares "That's funny" She tells him crossing her arms "Dom!" Letty calls and nods her head to the fight "All right" Dom says coming from the back room kissing my head on the way.

I follow everyone outside as Mia stays behind the counter, Dom grabs Brian and throws him off Vince. Brian puts his hands up in surrender "Hey, man. He was in my face" he tells Dom whose looking at him dangerously.

"I'm in your face" Dom tells Brian before Vince jumps past him onto Brian but he's caught by Dom "Relax! Don't push it! You embarrass me!" Dom shouts at Vince whose struggling to get past Leon.

"Get over there!" Leon shouts pushing Vince back away from Dom and Brian "Jesse, give me the wallet" Dom calls seeing Jesse pick up the lone wallet lying on the floor, looking over Dom's shoulder I see Brian's ID

"Brian Earl Spilner. Sounds like a serial killer name. Is that what you are?" Dom asks pointing Brian's wallet at him "No, man" Brian tells him breathing heavily from his fight with Vince "Don't come around here again" Dom says as Brian takes his wallet back.

Dom grabs the back of my neck gently and leads me away from Brian and back to where Letty was stood "Hey, man. This is bullshit" Brian calls as Letty grabs my arm when Dom turns back quickly like a viper.

"You work for Harry, right?" Dom asks pointing in the direction of Harry's shop The Racer's Edge "Yeah. I just started" Brian says looking confused "You were just fired" Dom tells him walking back towards us herding us back into the shop.

Brian growls as he drives thinking about the meathead who punched him at Toretto's hitting the sidewalk when he parked Brian jumped out of the company truck and walked into the shop where he could see a red faced Harry on the phone.

"Hey, Dominic. I appreciate what you did, in a big way. Dominic, I owe you" Harry said over the phone before putting it down and walking by him "Brian, you're messing with my business.
When Dominic drives, he's golden. Kids pour in. They want everything he has. Every performance part. They pay cash!" Harry vents looking around.

Brian walks over to the sink and throws some water on his head to cool himself off "What did Dominic say?" He asks Harry whose stood behind him "You don't want to know" Harry tells him with a short laugh with no humor.

"What did Dominic say?" Brian asks taking off his now wet shirt and looking for another "He wants you out of here" Harry says confessed and Brian looks at him in disbelief "He wants me out of here?" Harry nods seriously "Yes".

"And what did you say to Dom?" Brian asks Harry with his hands on his hips "What do you think I said I told him, Good help is hard to find" Harry says throwing his hand up in annoyance "Relax" Brian says walking back out on to the shop floor.

"I need NOS. I need NOS" Brian mutters looking over at the NOS tanks "No" Harry calls looking at Brian shaking his head as they reach the tanks "My car topped out at 140 miles per hour, this morning" Brian argues looking up at the blue tanks in front of him.

"Amateurs don't use nitrous oxide. I've seen how you drive. You've a heavy foot you'll blow yourself to pieces" Harry warns Brian but Brian just shakes his head still looking at the NOS tanks.

"I need one of these. One of the big ones actually, let's make it two and, Harry, I need it by tonight" Brian says patting Harry on the shoulder and walks away with a smirk.