What if Naruto had left Konoha one night after a chance meeting with Haku and Zabuza? What if they raised him, and along the way he met different people and became stronger before being forced back into the village? This is a story with a strong and clever Naruto, some team 7 dynamics, and no traitor Itachi and a slightly creepy obsessed Madara. Along with some seven swordsmen of the mist dynamics. As for Kurama, he is Naruto's closest friend and he and Naruto have become friends due to an ordeal that i'll explain later, as well his early relations with Yagura and Bee. Now as for pairings there will be some slow build Kakanaru and some slight sasunaru/ sasusaku

Side Note: I don't own Naruto, though I wish I did…..

For Naruto, there was no such thing as a peaceful night. Not only because he was a hyperactive

goofball, but because night was when he got to go to work to have some fun. Nightfall for him was exhilarating. Haku and Zabuza let him do as he pleased as long as he wore his mask and did his job quickly.

They let him have the night, like he let them have the daytime. Though the daytime was just so boring, he wasn't allowed be too talkative or too quiet, and he had to cover up his face in order for people not to know who he was. That didn't bother him too much though, he knew it was to keep himself safe. Haku had told him once that it was good that naruto had kept his face hidden. At first he didn't ask why, but when he finally did Haku had only smiled. Though when had asked Zabuza the man had only sneered at him, before looking over at Haku and saying if he couldn't figure it it wasn't his fault.

It didn't matter to him though, just being with those two was enough. They had rescued him, they had saved him from his own personal hell and loneliness. He would forever be grateful to them. He would never forget what they had done for him. The look in their eyes as they understood, he was a monster just like them. And just like them he had learned to hone it, and make that "title" become reality.

That village that had once outcasted him; called him names and treated him like trash. If only they could see him now, boy would they be frightened. Both he and Kurama had agreed that they wouldn't let themselves be used in such a way, and wouldn't let themselves be abused. They would take insults, as they were nothing more than childish words, but when it came to kicks and slaps there would be no holding back. They would feel the wrath of the nine-tails jinchuriki.

Though none of that mattered anymore, he was never going back to that village, back to that personal hell for him. At least where he was now was as close as happiness for him. He had people who cared for him. He had a job and home albeit a dangerous one with the swordsmen of the mist. That didn't stop him though, those people had accepted him, and made him feel welcome. He had family, with Kurama and Yagura and Isobu, and Bee and Gyuki! As well as with Haku and Zabuza, much to the older man's disdain.

With them he had almost felt whole, as if nothing else mattered most of the time. It almost made him forget his nightmares, and that...man. The one person who made him feel utter hatred. That man Madara Uchiha, that person was the only one who made him feel so weak and so angry. He was the only person that he and Kurama could agree that they both hated with all of their will. He would never forget that man whom he had met on that snowy night.

He was the one person that made Kurama nervous, because of the power of those eyes. He was also the one person that he had promised Kurama that he would help to get revenge on. For because that man had used him, he had gotten Kurama and the other's locked away.

He would never forget that fear that he and Kurama had felt. Would never forget that look the man had on his face as he put his arm through his chest. It was the first time his world was colored crimson, and while he had spilled blood before himself it was never like this. And it terrified him, so bad that when he looked at the man in shock he completely blanked out. It was the first time he'd ever lost control with Kurama since after their teaming up. They didn't even end of remembering what had happened. Only that when they woke up he was healing, and there was so much blood and destruction around them. It left an awful feeling in his stomach.

He would never remember how he lost control that night, and practically destroyed everything insight. He would never forget the look on Haku's face as he woke up from his trance, that frightened look. It was the first he'd ever seen on the beautiful man's face as well Zabuza's. They never told him what had happened, and had never spoke of said incident at all.

They had only fled as fast as possible into the woods and far from where he had let loose. He ended up sleeping a full two days after meeting with that man. And while though he and Kurama couldn't remember much, but they both new the reason why. And they would never speak of it to anyone. It had changed them both, and though it was obvious to those close to them no one had said anything.

He had found out later from Yagura that that man was from a group called the Akatsuki, one that he had recognized as the group Kisame Hoshigaki had fled too. They only knew that they were hunting tailed beasts for their own use and that there were possibly 9 members at the moment. And that each of these members specialized in something. This confused him though, if that person had wanted Kurama why he hadn't taken them when had had the chance. That man had the strength and those accursed eyes. The more he thought about it the more he understood. He was the warning, the catalyst and the start.

After they all had discussed it through, they had decided to split the swordsmen up and to start looking for the Akatsuki in groups 2-3. Yagura had deemed everyone to go after whatever members the encountered and to do whatever they pleased with them. But if they encountered Kisame, that they were to try to capture him immediately or at least to try to separate him and the Samehada. Hearing this alone was just such a bother, but he had understood why. Kisame had information, and he also had Samehada. A sword that was very dangerous to tailed beasts, because of its insatiable thirst for large amounts of chakra.

At the time of hearing this he was prepared, he was one of the seven swordsmen, and even though he wasn't born to the mist it made no difference to the rest of them. He had earned his sword just as the others had, and while though Zabuza his teacher wasn't popular with the group he was. He was the youngest, and had passed the mist test at 10 years old, and within record timing too. That alone had impressed the other swordsmen. They had accepted him and inreturn given Zabuza a chance again. Though none of this would make up for the loss he suffered later on.

It was funny, when you thought about it. He was a swordsmen had been one since he had started training with Zabuza five years ago. And since then he had gotten his twin swords Kiba. He was 14 now, it wasn't supposed to be an easy mission. But he never thought it would have gotten as bad as it had.

He should have known that when he had gotten assigned with Haku and Zabuza to Konoha that everything would go downhill. He could have never dreamed that the Anbu would know who he was and would come for him, even though they were far from Konoha's border. He had never dreamed of this happening, and the moment it did he knew something was up. They had been set up, or worse. They had been betrayed.

So my lovely readers what do you think should happen? Should he lose Zabuza and Haku both? Just one of them and have the other with him through rest of the story? Let me know! Also comments and feed back are appreciated!